First Army Inn(TV)[2018]
First Army Inn(TV)[2018]

《First Army Inn》Ep27:The 27th episode

The company's boss, Zhang Yong, is a veteran. He specially arranged for the company's employees to have dinner at the Guitoujun Inn, and also publicly trained his subordinate Zhang Yong. Jiang Dalei once recognized the company boss of this trainer is his old comrade-in-arms, the Yellow River. The trained Zhang Yong was Zhang Yong, the deputy head of the army. Both the Yellow River and Zhang Yong denied it. When the Yellow River met, he sent a big gift to Jiang Dalei, that is, the lunch box of more than 100 employees of their company gave the head of the army! Zhang Yong’s official appearance was to hand over the contract for the one hundred lunches to Jiang Dalei. Jiang Dalei saw how the person should be his deputy head, and the arrangement of the dishes was fine and nutritious. People can make the staff's meal arrangement so fine. However, the contradiction soon came into being. Zhang Yong said that the gang head privately changed the green pepper fried meat into red pepper fried meat, which violated the contract and should be compensated according to the contract. In the dispute, Zhang Yong criticized those veterans who must have the spirit of being soldiers. The requirements were strict, the standards were high, the movements were fast, and the tasks were not distorted! Jiang Dalei identified Zhang Yong as deputy head Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong felt that his career was not doing well, and he did not see his old comrades. However, Jiang Dalei solemnly salutes his old head. At this time, Zhang Yong Street, the phone of the Yellow River, he was implicated in the matter of changing the recipe, was dismissed by the Yellow River. Jiang Dalei talked with the Yellow River, but the Yellow River was a selfless look.

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