Our innocence(TV)[2016]
Our innocence(TV)[2016]

《Our innocence》Ep38:Episode 38

Ku Gua sells the clothing store, began to prepare for the hip-hop training class and Zha Li, but financial difficulties. Tu Yang appeared when both had no choice but to suggest a place for both, cheap and quiet, the site of the factory club where her mother, You Ling, danced. You Ling's contracted singing and dancing troupe entered into a state of shortage of funds. You Ling learned about the situation and, as always, tried his best to provide funding because it made her think that it was a continuation of her dream of that year. Song and dance troupes have been losing money, the situation now is to inject some new elements, but also engage in some large-scale activities that can attract people. The head of the proposal, want to engage in a square dance activities. You Ling thinks this is going to happen, but it costs five million dollars. You Ling can not get it anymore. You give two million first and the rest back. You Ling learned from Tu Yang that Ku Gua sold the shop for a hip-hop training course, and that he was going to Tu Yang to tell the two places where they worked. Tu Yang gives you an address with the help of You Ling. After You Ling heard it, it was a ulterior motive to notice that Tu Yang deliberately selected the site of the club. When You Ling arrives, he wants to rush in to direct Ku Gua, but Tu Yang blocks You Ling, letting You Ling take a look at their rehearsal. You Ling glanced at him as though he saw his own shadow on Ku Gua, and the dance from Zha Li was pretty good. So You Ling's gas disappeared, calmly with Tu Yang walked in to sit down and slowly appreciate. You Ling thought that Ku Gua and Zha Li's dance could be combined with the song and dance troupe, so maybe unexpected results that Ku Gua and Zha Li would join them in the large-scale event of the square dance of the song and dance troupe . Chang ShengLi, on the one hand, did not hesitate to give You Ling the other hand wanted to clean up his mess before embezzling public funds. He planned to lobby You Ling for the transformation and sale of the group, but You Ling refused. So Chang ShengLi sell both, so she went to You Ling as a lobbyist, and explore You Ling's tone. Both come back to report that you Ling insisted to do the group, so Chang ShengLi only in the form of split shareholding in the sale of their own shares, split with You Ling, let the group collapse, so that the strong You Ling goes back to a new area with himself. Chang ShengL got a bad name from Zhang Zong to take over his shareholding, and borrowed funds from Zhang Zong, taking advantage of the financial difficulties of his own, to find You Ling first to withdraw his funds and to make the Group's liquidity empty. You Ling thought that he was able to support the restaurant, which was also provided by Chang ShengLi, is now considered to repay each other's feelings, they agreed. Unexpectedly, Zhang Zong was arrested for commercial crimes. You Ling received no money from Zhang Zong and a portion of the money was given to Chang Shengli. The group is facing a crisis of liquidation. You Ling was so tired and embraced by the fact that she wanted to wind it up, but what she kept in mind was actually the livelihood of those old employees who spent many years in restaurants and the future of song and dance troupes.

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