Starry April(TV)[2017]
Starry April(TV)[2017]

《Starry April》Ep41:Episode 41

The stars finally decided to go back to the playground where the April had been abandoned in April, where they admitted to April all mistakes. Downpour, the stars knelt in front of April, repent to April. See star sincere request forgive me, April also shed tears. Emotional, April suddenly remembered that he invited the fat brother to candidly, she was crazy so fat brother do not send the video go, fat brother said it is now the webcast, simply can not be withdrawn. As the star looks at April, her heart is dead, and she congratulates desperately finally in April. Stars decided to end their own lives, before going to death, she prepared a brooch to give her Cui FengPing, Cui FengPing was indifferently thrown aside, did not notice the stars of the anomaly. Starry kneeling before the tomb of Min QiuXia a cry, and then use their own way to say goodbye to Fu Xia. On an abandoned road, the star shoved the throttle hard. At the very moment of life, the phone of Min QiuXia, the mother of aunt, evoked a bit of nostalgia for the world. She subconsciously picked up the phone and Xiao Han's voice came. Stars let loose the throttle, venting like crying. Star back to their most important stage, Fu Xia has been waiting for where to marry her. Star said he lost his ability to love, can not agree with Fu Xia. Stars just want to stay away from everything, she remembered Min QiuXia cake still in the office. When Fu Xia went to help her take the cake, April arrived. After the death of both sisters, each opened their knots, and finally hugged them together. Jian Yi thought it was a star that had been destroyed in April and was driving a car in a frenzied way to kill him in April. The star shoved her sister and was severely hit and flew into the air.

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