Insanely track(TV)[2015]
Insanely track(TV)[2015]

《Insanely track》Ep12:Episode 12

Liao ShengHui found a small box in the pond. They ashore open the box, which is a key, and an apple-hour photos. Looking at the key, Liao ShengHui immediately remembered the small metal box Qiao HanSheng left him. Ceng JiaYang has a good impression on the piano, my mind will emerge from time to time handsome face. Akai found the strange gesture of Qiao HanSheng's death was a "sea", so he suspected Ceng QingHai. The news of the disappearance of Ceng RuoLan came at this time. Ceng JiaYang, Akai found in the cafe Ceng RuoLan left the mark - necklace beads. Zhong WanJianEr also analyzed Qiao HanSheng weird death gesture is a "sea" word. Chaoyang Palace more suspicion. Qin tone feel like Liao ShengHui, North Korea proposed to withdraw from the undercover mission. Ascension Palace ordered her to develop further relationship with Liao ShengHui. Man Qi led Liao ShengHui and Ceng RuoLan to a wooden house, handed over a piece of theater tickets 14 years ago to Akai, and sent him to Ceng QingHai. Aceh knows that this is the means by which Qiao HanSheng beset Ceng QingHai and sowed it in relations with the Chaoyang Palace. Liao ShouYe received the message, led the police arrived at the hut, but saw Liao ShengHui Copy RuoLan underwear. Liao ShouYe Lost face, abusive son rude door! Liao ShengHui joked that the two people voted together. Liao ShouYe was true, my heart plan, if this concubine really intended harmless to their own career ah. Rainy night, Ceng JiaYang came to an abandoned house, Qiao HanSheng has been waiting for a long time inside - he did not die.

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