Diamond Lover(TV)[2015]
Diamond Lover(TV)[2015]

《Diamond Lover》Ep51:Episode 51

Ye Qi regained her memory. She told the secretary that she had become a good friend with Mi Duo. She had done a lot of things in the past but had Xiao Liang getting farther and farther away from her. She now has nothing to do with her and stays with her everyday , She did not want to expose Mi Duo at the moment. The secretary told Ye Qi that on the day she was injured Lei YiMing had also been to Ye Qi's home, and the missing USB flash drive might have been taken away by Lei YiMing. The doctor told Xiao Liang Ye Qi's second injury has accelerated the decomposition of the brain blood clots, her body has been restored to health, memory will soon recover. Xiao Liang suggested that Qi Qi be psychologically treated. He already had his own happiness. Ye Qi should also pursue his new life. Ye Qi do not want to leave Xiaoliang, she also understands Xiao Liang once knew he has recovered the memory will completely let go. The doctor arranged a new treatment for Ye Qi, a doctor's hypnosis with Ye Qi being accompanied by Xiao Liang and Mi Duo, and Ye Qi's eyes closed with the pain recalled. Ye Qi shouted, Xiao Liang stood up nervously, and the doctor had to wake her up. Ye Qi opened her eyes tightly and hugged Xiao Liang asking Xiao Liang not to leave her again. Mi Duo can not stand the sight of this alone left. Ye Qi told the secretary that not only would she not get rid of Mi Duo, but also come close to Mi Duo to learn from Mi Duo, only if she had become the same as Mi Duo, Xiao Liang would regain her attention. Ye Qi's physical recovery memory has not recovered, Lin ZiLiang doubt Ye Qi is playing what trick. Lin ZiLiang went to the hospital to test Ye Qi, the two spoken differently. Ye Qi said Lin ZiLiang was shameless and did not deserve to be Xiao's son. Lin ZiLiang said Ye Qi pitiful is like a beggar, always entangled with a man who does not love her, he advised Ye Qi to find Xiao Liang to take some money to leave early. Zhu XiangNan lost his job to leave Shanghai, he Liu SiYuan about the two men came out the last one, Lin ZiLiang and Liu SiYuan accidentally saw a message from Zhu XiangNan, he cursed Zhu XiangNan lost his job and do not know how to repent , Liu SiYuan This is Lin ZiLiang let Zhu XiangNan lost her job, she felt Lin ZiLiang very much to go to apologize with Zhu XiangNan, Lin ZiLiang temper, let Liu SiYuan go do not come back to look for him. Mi Duo got angry and Ye Qi persuaded Xiao Liang to explain to Mi Duo. She told Xiao Liang that she was actually very simple. She just needed an explanation. She wanted Xiao Liang and Mi Duo to be happy. Ye Qi was finally glad to have Xiao Liang opened. Ye Qi asked Xiao Liang why she likes Mi Duo so much. Xiao Liang said Mi Duo is innocent and simple, and occasionally she makes funny things. She feels she is different from others. Ye Qi is sad to hear. Xiao Liang came to Mi Duo explained that Mi Duo said she was able to understand the feelings of Xiao Liang, Xiao Liang can take the initiative to explain to myself, I am very happy.

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