My Beautiful Life(TV)[2010]
My Beautiful Life(TV)[2010]

《My Beautiful Life》Episodes

《My Beautiful Life》Ep17:Episode 17

Ling also came to early childhood home, go out to buy food early only Wu QiaoBao at home. Ling also told her that she was breaking up with Qiu XiaoTian because Wang XiaoZao quit her job at home. Jin Bo came to Ling introduced the magazine, the editor let him go to the streets to send promotional materials, but met to go to work early morning, early thought Jin Bo really is to experience life, help Jin Bo leaflets, let Jin Bo is awkward. Qiu XiaoTian would like to ask a temporary nanny, Cao Dong introduction YanEr to Qiu XiaoTian home as a nanny, taking advantage of Qiu XiaoTian not at home, both Qiu home as their own to enjoy the same, but also go hand in hand to take something go. Wu Mei returns to Li Mei to make dumplings for Li Mei, both of whom are contemplating the relationship between Wang XiaoZao and Jin Bo, believing that Wang XiaoZao and Jin Bo are not on the educational level. Wu Mei told Li Mei Ling and Qiu XiaoTian between the unhappy, Li Mei think the matter can not control two daughters, decided to let their sisters to handle their own. Wu Ma went home to see Wang XiaoZao to help Jin Bo wash socks and ask her what it is and Jin Bo, desperation can only be said to be friends early next. Yan children take Wanning school, Wanning asked Yan children to take her to see early in the morning, Yan Er told early in the morning her brother Wang Dabao couples to the city. Wu Ma saw the early morning brother and the sister-in-law who was about to go out. They felt they were poor, some looked down upon, and they strengthened their determination to stop Xiaobo and Jin Bo early.

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