Taizu secret history(TV)[2005]
Taizu secret history(TV)[2005]

《Taizu secret history》Ep30:Episode 30

Nu ErHaChi lied Li RuBai to Shui Shui Nun, took Na QiYa to Li Ru Bai, Nu ErHa Chih promised Na QiYa to Li RuBai on the condition that Li RuBai would not later inquire about the dispute between Jurchen ministries, and Nu ErHaChi Heaven swears, never give Li RuBai add a little bit of trouble. Li RuBai promised to go with Na QiYa. Nu ErHaChi established after 1616 AD. The establishment of the Eight Banners system. Dong Ge miss Meng Gu, and Hing Nia disguise came to build state. A BaHai wants to talk to Dong Ge and stopped by Xingia. Nu ErHaChi is hugging Taiji, Huang Taiji smiles at the disguised Dong Ge and runs to her. Nu ErHaChi noticed Dong Ge, quickly chased out, but she disappeared. Nu ErHaChi asks whether Xing Dong Ge is still alive? Nu ErHaChi wants to find Dong Ge through the city. Hing Nirvana perfunctory he said: If Dong Ge is alive will come to see you, will never hide from you. Nu ErHaChi does not want to believe, Xing Niya certainly told Nu ErHaChi Dong Ge is dead. At this moment, Dong Ge is listening to their conversation while standing at a mixed distance. Nu ErHaChi has tens of thousands of male soldiers, he used heavily to buy the DPRK Zhongzongchen, the court also said hello, so his forces in the Liaodong continue to expand. When Nu ErHaChi prepares to wipe out Ula and Yeh, it is the day of declaring war on the court. Li RuBai told Li ChengLiang Nu ErHaChi has been king. Li RuBai to tell the truth about the truth. Li ChengLiang objected, Nu ErHaChi self-reliance, and their support Tiger has a direct relationship. The emperor will know the truth will be angry after they will go out and chopped cut, only slowly find the right time to tell the truth the emperor. In 1618, Nu ErHaChi told the world that he had declared "seven great hates" to the Ming Dynasty and formally declared war on the court. Jin TaiJi angrily shreds the "Seven Hates." Xing Niya worried. Dong Ge looked "seven hate", she had long understood that there will be such a day, Nu ErHaChi do not play Yeh, she is only a small reason, the real reason is that Nu ErHaChi initially felt that the timing is not yet ripe. Dong Ge decided to go see Nu ErHaChi, can not keep Yeh at least to keep her brother's life.

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