Taizu secret history(TV)[2005]
Taizu secret history(TV)[2005]

《Taizu secret history》Ep23:Episode 23

A BaHai is dedicated to Bu ZhanTai and is ready to repay Bu ZhanTai at any time. Bu ZhanTai learned that Nu ErHaChi is actively preparing for the war and is in no mood for the day. A BaHai forced to dress up according to the butler's arrangement, Bu ZhanTai was shocked by her beauty, decided to stay with her. Nu ErHaChi suddenly disappeared, Tong Jia Shi sent people to find, Nu ErHaChi make-up into a businessman into the Wula tribe, to find Bu ZhanTai, see Nu ErHaChi, Bu ZhanTai not surprised, but very calm. Bu ZhanTai said he remembered Dong Ge in honor of Dong Ge and reinstated the new house that day to remember Dong Ge. Nu ErHaChi pull out a knife, Bu ZhanTai calmly face, that I can not live with Dong Ge together, died to be with her, I am content. A BaHai broke into Bu ZhanTai, Nu ErHaChi finally let go Bu ZhanTai. Back to Jianzhou Nu ErHaChi very angry, with five brothers, was Tong Jia's stop. Five brothers asked Nu ErHaChi Do not we as a woman important? They want to leave Jianzhou Tong Jiashi persuaded, they also consider themselves temporarily confused. Na QiYa already has a son, Tong Jia Shi hope the child is as smart as Na QiYa, Na QiYa hope he is as simple as living. Tong Jia Shi let Na QiYa to persuade Nu ErHaChi, let him free from pain, Na QiYa deeply embarrassed. Nu ErHaChi is looking at the map and drawing the Wula tribes on a stroke. Tong Jia Shi came to Nu ErHaChi send soup, she silently kneeling on the ground, does not disturb Nu ErHaChi. Nou discovered, turned to ask Tong Jia Shi what is this. Tong Jia Shi calmly said: Dong Ge thing you punish me. Do not blame the five brothers, without my consent, they have no right to let Dong Ge walk. Do not hate five brothers, if we do not let Dong Ge go we have to die. Nu ErHaChi laughed: you are afraid of death, let Dong Ge die. Tong Jia Shi very annoyed to Nu ErHaChi said: Is it a Dong Ge than your sworn brothers and knot hair wife are important? Nu ErHaChi retorted: You got a lot, what can Dong Ge get? If you do not read the love of Tong Jia Zhuang, you also live today! Nu ErHaChi picked up a cup thrown to the ground, broken cup of tea broken Tong Jia's face, Nu ErHaChi I feel sorry for her, quickly wipe her blood, the two embracing, Nu ErHaChi lost hero tears ... ...

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