hu o yuan J IA(TV)[2001]
hu o yuan J IA(TV)[2001]

《hu o yuan J IA》Ep15:Episode 15

Rong QinWang force a wife to marry a divorce, Yuan A righteous awe, fought Tuo Shan. Rong QinWang furious, ordered to seal the drug stack, killing a couple yuan, Gege stop. Yuanjia from the countryside back to Tianjin, Japan set fire to medicine stack. Yuanjia helpless, decided to go to Shanghai to promote martial arts. Princess returned to the palace, soon hit the main intention to leave the palace. One day, Rong QinWang in order to raise money with Zishi doing business, would like to sell three national treasures, Ge will count on the plan, on behalf of the antique business opportunities to slip out of the palace. Yuan Jia first arrived in Shanghai, witnessing the outrage and hegemony of foreigners and arousing a stronger patriotism ......

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