Cold water(TV)[2005]
Cold water(TV)[2005]

《Cold water》Ep9:Episode 9

Gao Fengliang proposed to personally kill Qi ShaoShang meritorious deeds, with his own sword and saw the mountain knife method and Qi ShaoShang's "counter-water" sword duel, Gu XiChao fight against Qi ShaoShang, agreed to two live and die. In the duel, Qi ShaoShang asked a questionable side on the battlefield. Concerning questions about Li Ling, Gao Fengliang confirmed to Qi ShaoShang that the person giving the sword was indeed Li Ling, but Li Ling was treasonous to prove to himself that Li Ling was in the capital. Then Gao Fengliang suddenly "missed", life and death Qi ShaoShang "against the cold" sword. Gu XiChao originally had a high wind and strong knife to help, the situation prevailed, the high wind and death, the situation immediately changed, Gu XiChao immediately with a pair of Qi ShaoShang and Lei Juan two masters, with his own strength can not stop Qi ShaoShang escape. Gu XiChao regret in order to monopolize the credit, the gold scales will go far to save the evening fine. Gu XiChao this found on the high wind and the lakes when. Qi ShaoShang and Lei Juan also understand the high-spirited painstakingly soliloquy: Qi Feng ShaoShang sell out of style, but also deliberately died under the sword of Qi ShaoShang, the original is high-wind In order to not only be able to keep their families, so that follow years of guilty plea guilty, but also to help friends, Must not use the bitterness of meat, in hopes of fool Gu XiChao and the court. In a duel with Qi ShaoShang, Gao Fengliang told Qi ShaoShang that the key to saving lives is to go to the capital to find Li Ling. Qi ShaoShang suffered anguish after Lei Juan, but also a friend exhausted high-spirited death, because the enemy did not stretch, Qi ShaoShang cut his head to the death of the high winds of apology. Gu XiChao Signals for Gold Scales, At the same time bloody battle Qi ShaoShang, Lei Juan, desperately blocking Qi. Is deadlocked, Gu XiChao Gu XiChao has long been traced Gui Xian Yuan Zi mobsters, Gui Xihao, Juan Juan see both warring sides suddenly burst into Qi Qi ShaoShang and Gu XiChao, caught by surprise, the fairies took the opportunity to loosen Qi ShaoShang. It is precisely because rivers and lakes Chivalry often rescues Qi ShaoShang, Qi ShaoShang escape escapement again and again, Gu XiChao decided to deter the hearts of rivers and lakes, after ordered all those who help Qi ShaoShang who punish their relatives. Gu XiChao fire Shenwei Escort, kill Escort Dart head, destroy the splendid generations of arena Escort Escort. According to various indications, Gu XiChao determined that the fairies who had broken the clouds were robbing away Qi ShaoShang and went straight to crushing the cloud to ruin Connaught City and chasing after Qi ShaoShang. Gu XiChao secretly escort Gao Feng Liang family members accompanied by the move, intends to high-spirited family members to coerce Qi ShaoShang, if the rescue, Qi ShaoShang is self-criticism; if not, they lost chivalry, loss of rivers and lakes people's hearts. On the road, Gu XiChao met the broken fairy clouds are released, alone return night, worried about down for many days, the truth revealed. In order to sleep tired and sunny late, Gu XiChao even life-threatening, and quietly nightfall, night moved.

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