Love is gone(TV)[2007]
Love is gone(TV)[2007]

《Love is gone》Ep3:Episode 3

Fang Meng can not believe her most pro-wife will make such a scandal. She asked Dong XiaoHan with a surgical question. Dong XiaoHan feeling the sky is falling. Fang Meng gave the order to her brother. Fang Kai was shocked to try to calm himself down, but his heart was suffering - he did not want to believe that Dong XiaoHan betrayed himself in front of Dong XiaoHan did not mention it. When Dong XiaoHan lies to say that the surgery book is Qiao Yu, he seems relieved. In the office, bitter coffee tumbled in the coffee maker. Fang Kai painfully swallowed a large therapeutic drug and recorded a video diary of the camera. Xingan Group CEO candidate announced soon. Fang Kai disdains Qiao DaoHeng has just appointed him to hold the post of general manager of another branch of the group and set his sights on the position of president. Qiao DaoHeng politely asked him to dispel this idea. Frustrated Chen Feng met a street singer Ai Ai singing in the subway.

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