Mays flowers(TV)[2007]
Mays flowers(TV)[2007]

《Mays flowers》Ep14:Episode 14

At this time, the president Kim's wife burst into the door to "rape", attracting crowds, after some ripping noisy, Kim's wife suddenly ran in the bank under the watchful eyes, cast a river. Xie Yu had to leave Yangliu town. With her daughter came to a remote village surrogate. The white instructor of that year had already worked in the ministry department. On this day, a soldier went into the office to report that someone outside Zhou BeiJi was looking for him and the white-planting tree was shocked. White instructor and Zhou BeiJi meet, the two are tightly together. Zhou BeiJi said to White Planting Tree: He was saved by a side called A Xiang. Zhou BeiJi stayed there for four years. A Xiang sees Zhou BeiJi so grave and righteous, knowing he can not keep Zhou BeiJi, he personally sent Zhou BeiJi back across the border. Yang XiaoDong, a young writer, came to the mountain village to collect the wind and discovered Xie Yu. She was very interested in her mysterious life experience.

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