North East Asia's rivers and lakes children(TV)[2012]
North East Asia's rivers and lakes children(TV)[2012]

《North East Asia's rivers and lakes children》Episodes

《North East Asia's rivers and lakes children》Ep5:The fifth episode

Fang Zhen Yu's surgery was very successful. After the doctor came out, he said that he hadn’t spent a dangerous period. Whether he could survive would depend on his willpower. Ji Mu Shao Zuo Ren tortured Xiao JinGang. He wanted to use him as a bait to lure Mei Gu and also cut off Xiao JinGang's fingers. Ji Mu learned that Kang TianHuiZi had passed the memorial in Matsumoto's ceremonial hall. He did not know Matsumoto's coming, and Ji Mu was ready to ask about General Utsuhara. Kang Tian was dissatisfied with the arrogance of Kwantung Army. Matsumoto knew that he would rely on the Kwantung Army to turn Linhe into his own world. He affirmed that the military operatives were in Linhe, only remembering a very clear aspect, but who couldn't think of whom? . Lu YueHe blew a harmonica in front of Fang ZhenYu's bed. Fang ZhenYu thought of Mei Gu and Wu CuiHua in a coma. He suddenly awoke and made Lu ZiLong and Lu YueHe happy. Lu ZiLong hurried to see a doctor. Mei Gu came to a house and entered the house. She suddenly heard the gunfire outside and then hid. The Japanese and the Anti-Guerrilla guerrillas were fighting. Several Japanese soldiers were hiding in the house and were killed by Mei Gu. She killed eight devils in a row. Mei Gu was disguised as a men's wear. She claimed to be Wu Yu. She was very happy after seeing the resistance. Matsumoto connected with Baolin's phone to inquire Fang ZhenYu's news. The hospital could not find him. Matsumoto thought Fang ZhenYu was alive. The wake-up of Fang ZhenYu made doctors feel miracles. Lu ZiLong and Lu YueHe later decided to follow him and they were ready to fight against the Japanese for revenge. Wang DaQuan knew that he was already insecure. Lu ZiLong was ready to find Fang ZhenYu a safe place. Matsumoto could not find Fang ZhenYu Feeling Wang DaQuan was suspicious. He immediately sent someone to chase. Wang DaQuan once treated him with a trauma. Lu ZiLong was ready to inform Luo TianHua to help in the hospital. He was listed in the arrest order. Luo TianHua asked Lu ZiLong to enter the house. He knew that they were all in Linhe. Wang DaQuan knew that the Japanese rushed to transfer Fang Zhenyu after coming to the clinic. Matsumoto ordered the doctor to surround the clinic. Wang DaQuan sent Fang ZhenYu to the morgue. The Japanese entered the clinic and searched it. Kangtian found warheads in the operating room. Then he rushed into the morgue and opened fire on the deceased. Wang DaQuan said that he did not know Fang ZhenYu. Fortunately, Lu YueHe immediately transferred Fang Zhen Yu and Matsui left a manpower monitoring clinic. Lu ZiLong had no choice but to return to the Wang DaQuan clinic. Luo TianHua acted as a driver to say hello to the candied fruit. Wang DaQuan knew that Matsumoto would definitely return a carbine. They discussed preparing to transfer Fang ZhenYu. Matsumoto prepared to lock the mayor’s target with the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Tian Bing Cheng. When he returned, he learned that Wang DaQuan was the hometown of Fang ZhenYu. Matsumoto felt like he was rushing back. After Matsumoto arrived, Luo TianHua and others had left Fang ZhenYu to leave, which made Kang Tian extremely angry. Ji Mu Shao Zuo learned that Matsumoto didn't succeed and asked him to ask. Matsumoto decided that the driver was the person drinking at the Fang family. He wanted to direct Ji Mu's troops to be rejected by him. Ji Mu wanted to know Matsumoto's top secret plan and Matsumoto took people to see it. Kang TianHuiZi, he wants to see her and Xiao JinGang. Matsumoto took Kang TianHuiZi to see Xiao JinGang, and Xiao JinGang was awake and treated Kang TianHuiZi as Mei Gu.

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