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Kenneth Woo TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Kenneth Woo Works 4 ,And Feature 2 ,Comedy 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Romance 1 。

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Kenneth Woo Filmography(5)


家和万事惊 (Movie)[2019]


由 Francis Ng 饰演的一家之主为了将财富保值,不惜挪用所有积蓄和 Fu Qin 的棺材本,买下周边嘈吵且高楼龄的一层楼,和 Anita Yuen 饰演的妻子及儿女、老父一家五口住在一起供楼捱穷,承受了不少生活困难和压力,幸好他们通过家中唯一的一扇窗,能够望向远处的美妙海景,使他们在繁杂的生活中得到一丝慰藉。没想到有一天,海景被高楼上的广告牌遮挡,失去海景的一家人有如到了世界末日,为了寻回那片难得的安宁, Francis Ng 决定承担起一家之主的责任,和广告牌的主人斗智斗勇,展开了一个乌龙搞笑的复仇故事。

A witness out of the blue (Movie)[2019]

Feature: 心狠手辣的犯罪团伙头目 Wang XinYuan 与同伙在一场珠宝店抢劫案中造成多人伤亡。两个月后,他的同党被人割喉谋杀,惨死屋内。以分赃不均陷入内斗为由,警察将 Wang XinYuan 列为头号嫌疑人。随着小警官 Lin FaLiang 深入调查,发现案件真相并不简单。

蚀日风暴 (TV)[2018]


网剧《蚀日风暴》剧情介绍:由 Julian Cheung 饰演的 Ling Feng 与 Sunny 饰演的 Fan Yi 这对奋战于缉毒一线的好兄弟,因卷入黑势力与惊天阴谋,各自走向不同的命运。在庞大到可以“蚀日”的邪恶势力操控下,正义警察 Ling Feng ( Julian Cheung 饰)一再遭受莫名冤屈陷入逃亡,几经追查之后,却发现最终线索竟指向昔日好友 Fan Yi ( Sunny 饰)。


Mad World (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Huang ShiDong suffering from bipolar disorder, the daily is the battlefield, repeated in the mood of suffering. Daddy Huang DaHai left home for a long time Ma Ma, the home is the fence, a little bit of collision and friction both mother and son playful. One day, Adong incandescent Ma Ma rinse, but accidentally ended her life, was sentenced to stay Castle Peak Hospital. Under the guilt of the sea decided to go after the treatment of discharged son A-dong returned to his living alone with the living room, two guilty big man squeezed in the breathing room are too crowded. Addon rejoin the community, but was friends around discrimination, leaving him to try to calm down, while Assing also tried to find ways to get back almost engaged Tan SiHui Jenny, did not expect to find Jenny, it has Another taste. My heart is sinking home, heavy shoulders are flail, the simplest relationship, the most complex entanglement, revealing under the eaves of the father and son to sit on the light and shadow, into a modern family portrait of a family, a crying smile, hate love.

SheRemembers, HeForgets (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Peng ShengHua and Yu FengZhi married for ten years, life is plain and watery. Fung Chi on the Internet by chance found the old classmate: Su BoWen's blog, uploaded his self-singing song, arouse phoenix Chi sleeping spirit of memory for a long time. 90's, singing competitions in secondary schools, Shenghua and Bowen chorus, Fung Chi was attracted to two. Sheng Huasheng sexually lively, dreams become interior designers, often make the classroom like a game park. Bowen is very practical, good at making mechanical devices, the dream to become a pilots, won the "egg flight" race won. Yu FengZhi, Peng ShengHua and Su BoWen of the high school days indulge in the dream days of the "Threesome". Fengzhi hopes to take the Bowen driving the aircraft in the future, living in the design of Shenghua large house. Back to reality, Fung Chi found her husband often send love messages to a woman named Li Na. Feng Chi asked heart to ask, why did you choose to give up Bowen Shenghua it, the answer was in the school open days. Fengzhi decided to start "looking for Su BoWen" action. Her return to his alma mater, and then met the old teachers, school workers, old classmates, lively scenes of scenes vividly; contrast with the moment, that full of dreams, I do not know the height of their own, went there. Finally, Feng Zhi finally received Su BoWen's echoes on his blog, but the result was unexpected.

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