
The classic drama “Da Zhai Men” Zhengzhou began to perform

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This past weekend, the national drama theater "Big house door" opened at the henan art center. It's not the first time 'Big house door' has been adapted into a play, but this timeWu make (actor)The role of bai jingqi as master of seven, or let the audience see a bright, his solid martial arts skills for the role of master seven injected a bit of heroic spirit and hard spirit, so that the character is more colorful. Bai jingqi from 18 to 80 years of age from the growth and change deduces perfectly, raises hand and throws foot between show the personality charm that shows a touching heartstring. His powerful performance, solid lines and smart and efficient movements have all upended the audience's perception of his martial arts star. Before the performance, we had the opportunity to interview Wu Yue, the teacher who starred in the movie, to learn the story behind and in front of the Big house door, as well as the turning point of Wu Yue's 40-year-old life.

Q: what kind of coincidence made you decide to play the role of bai jingqi?

A: I've always been a Big house door fan, and I've watched it a lot. So when the theater decided to put me in the role, I was very excited. I happen to be in my 40s this year, and bai was in his 40s at the peak of his life, so his understanding of this character may be more profound. Based on the above, I added my own understanding and style in the performance, plus my martial arts skills, so you may find that bai jingqi is a more powerful character when you watch my version of the play "Big house door".

Q: how can you accurately identify the characters of bai jingqi from the age of 18 to 86?

A: although I'm forty years old, I was a teenager (laughs), but his bones and because appeared in the Monkey King, underneath there is sun wukong is lively and naughty, so in the age of 18 Bai Jingqi, plus the Overwhelming JingQi this role when young is very humorous, so a lot of ridicule added scenes (hope the audience can enjoy). And because I played zhou puyuan in Leiyu, I can easily pick up the old man's state.

In fact, it is very difficult to accurately represent a person's life within 3 hours. It takes a long time to memorize the lines alone. The three-hour performance is only five minutes away from the stage, and the time and content of the play are very tight. Even the make-up change is a hasty replacement at the stage in the background. Although I have played more than 40 plays so far, I still feel very challenging and full of passion in each performance. Moreover, the performance on the stage will be slightly different each time, sometimes it is oneself, sometimes it is the opponent, such changes also make the character more three-dimensional.

Q: tell me about your understanding of the character jingqi.

Answer: bai jingqi is a person with a sense of responsibility and compassion. Although he is an ordinary person, he ACTS decisively and does not violate his own life principles. The biggest rule of my life is to be a person with love, justice and responsibility. With a kind heart of my own, I strive to be a real actor in the heart of the audience. I think there's one thing in common.

Q: what are your plans for the future?

A: I then directed and acted in a TV series, an online drama and a movie. In fact, I was asked a long time ago when the self-directed self-acting works came out, and I was also mentioned that I lived under the same family nameWu Jing (actor)Teacher, said that people on their own to guide a national box office first - in - the - fire action movie. In fact, I admire the courage of Wu (Jing actor), who can export such a high standard ofWolf Warriors"Is really the biggest motivation for our kind of martial arts actors. However, I may have a personality problem at heart. I still think my first work should be more prudent and less risky, so I will try comedy martial arts first.

In the course of the interview,Wu make (actor)also mentioned one thing. He said that he didn't have a real respect for the profession until he was 35 years old. It is with this respect and seriousness that Wu Yue's acting performance has been precipitated today. It is reported that the zhengzhou station of the drama "Big house door" has already sold out of tickets, and there has been an extremely high demand for tickets. After the performance, the audience's thunderous applause is the biggest affirmation of Wu Yue's performance.

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