
Tsui hark' di renjies four kings' hits' top 8 hits to reveal this summer's 'most eye-catching' blockbuster

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byTsui HarkDirected,Chen, Kuo - fuThe supervision,Mark Chao,Feng Shaofeng,Lin Gengxin,Ethan Juan,Ma SichunStarring and havingCarina Lau,The film "wu zetian"Di RenJies four Kings"Will hit theaters on Friday, July 27. Recently, the movie open cities across the country viewing activities, July 24 sunset to zhengzhou Oscar big China Shanghai international studios large-format hall, harvest burst on word of mouth, an early look at the audience of the film were given high praise: "see the scalp hair upside down" "shocked" "China can also have such as Hollywood blockbuster", "Tsui Hark is Tsui Hark, ginger or old spicy"... As an upgraded Tsui hark-style blockbuster, the film will create the most powerful visual effect with the most advanced special effects technology, which will bring the "most eye-catching" viewing experience this summer. The return of "China's first detective" and the sequel to "the most powerful detective dee" will make you feel good about a Chinese blockbuster that is a Hollywood blockbuster. The film has eight highlights, let's have a look!

Point 1: the "most eye-catching" super movie of the summer of 2018 presents a visual feast to the standard Hollywood blockbuster

As the latest masterpiece of di renjie's series of brands, the "China's first detective" has returned and comprehensively upgraded its previous work. The "strongest dee renjie" will bring the most "eye-catching" visual enjoyment to the audience during the summer vacation. In order to make the audience feel the most shocked viewing experience,SidatianwangWith the most advanced special effects technology, a brand new space is created. The amazing texture of the picture is amazing. Some fans commented that "the reason why the special effects of Chinese movies are not good is that I haven't seen Tsui Hark". As a pioneer in the progress of China's film industry,Tsui Harkcontinues to pursue technological innovation in film technology. As an upgraded version ofTsui Harkfilm and a Chinese super movie with a Hollywood blockbuster,Sidatianwangwill be the best choice for summer movie watching.

Point 2: Tsui Hark's "imaginative" exhibition, "Chinese wonders", redefines dee's treacherous world

Tsui Hark has always been an "imaginative" director. In his series of films, a large number of strange and fantastic ideas have created a new and unique world of di renjie's treacherous world A series of "imaginative" Settings have earned fans praise. In today's Di RenJies four Kings, the updated visuals will redefine dillinger's treacherous world, take in the wonders of the world and show "Chinese wonders." The combination of visual effects and the story perfectly complements each other, which will shock the audience and truly show more fantastic ideas, which is amazing. Tsui Hark, director of Tsui Hark, said: "there is always a symbol in the movie, and this symbol will be visually strong." "Sidatianwang" will bring a strong visual impact, on July 27 in the cinema to the audience!


Point 3: "China's first detective" continues to write the most powerful Chinese series of brand legend the strongest forging action spectacle

As for the continuation of "dillinger's world", directorTsui Harksaid that "dillinger is a representative of the Chinese detective who has entered the world's great hall", and said that "the reason for the continuation of the dillinger series is the charm of actors and characters. It's important to make the audience more familiar with the character and more like him. "Di RenJies four Kings" is coming back as the third film in the series after a hiatus of five years. Not only is the film fully updated, but it is worth mentioning that the action drama is also the "strongest" of the three movies. Whether it is the real gold war between yuchi of the temple of heaven, or the climax of the Dali temple war, the audience will see the most intense and exciting fighting scenes this summer. After the return of "China's first detective", he became "the strongest detective di renjie" and continued to write the brand legend, which brought the audience a great experience of watching movies.

Point 4: behind the scenes, the king of heaven escortsTsui Harkand Chen kuo-fu to jointly create a new dimension of "di renjie world"

This time,Tsui Harkand Chen kuo-fu have joined hands again. They have a strange style of flying horses and over 5 billion yuan of box office gold. They jointly push "di renjie world" to a new dimension. Tsui Hark's unique fantasy world has long been respected by many fans, while Chen kuo-fu's unique vision and insight has become the myth of "invincible prison system". Years of experience and tacit understanding between the two have provided a strong guarantee for the film, and this cooperation is to do everything possible to renew the classic in the hearts of fans. In addition, the Chinese film screenwriter power list first famous screenwriterChia - lu ChangOperate the script, lay a solid foundation for the film quality. And behind it is the kingWang Zhonglei,Nansun ShiFor the movie escort, more film quality to do a strong guarantee.

Watch point 5: super lineup screen collision new sparks surprise show tang elegant demeanor

As for the actors, the film gold medal was won by kasi, Mark Chao, Feng Shaofeng, Lin Gengxin, Ethan Juan,Ma Sichunqi, andCarina Lau,as wu zetian. Mark Chao,Feng ShaofengandLin Gengxinfully show the different charm of the members of Dali temple investigation team, which is impressive and amazing.Carina Lau,plays wu zetian again. As the empress of the three films, she will perform "wu zetian you have never seen before" to let the audience see her "more different aspects". Powerful actorEthan Juanplays the mysterious character yuanxia, and Ma Sichun, the golden horse movie queen, joins in the role of the "punk girl in ancient costume" water moon, all of which inject fresh energy into the film. Acting as a group, the audience for the strength of interpretation of the tang "di renjie world" elegant demeanor.

Point 6: Mark Chao,Feng ShaofengandLin Gengxincontinue to write about the case of "the love of the year".

After five years, the original group gathered again. Di renjie, yu chi jinjin and sha tuozhong will continue to write about the "love of the year" of the three groups in the tang dynasty. In Sidatianwang, the relationship between the three will be even more turbulent: di renjie is in danger and under siege, while people around him show signs of "defection" and become untrustworthy. Yuchi's real gold is suspected to be blackened. Mark Chao, who plays dee renjie, said that "this time the relationship between the characters is extremely complicated and there are many contradictions". Feng Shaofeng, who plays yuchi jin, said directly that there would be a "tang dynasty infidelities" between the two.Lin Gengxinalso said that the cuddly sato will face the investigation in a mature way this time, "in a more extreme state of character".

Point 7: wu zetian's "nihilization" has pushed the emperor di renjie's subjects closer and closer

Earlier in the film, wu zetian "touched her face" di renjie's part was revealed in the trailer, causing heated discussion. Wu zetian was ambitious and determined to seize the throne. However, di renjie's use of the emperor's powerful weapon of imperial power, which can whip the royal family, has become the biggest threat to wu zetian. The conflict between them is likely to be triggered in Sidatianwang. But the behavior of the king's subjects is ambiguous, wu zetian and di renjie's relationship is not hidden? The relationship between di renjie and wu zetian has become more delicate and more curious. Speaking of the royal subjects,Tsui Harksaid: "what we have always been looking forward to is that if wu zetian's old enemy is di renjie, is di renjie attractive to her? Or disgust? Appreciate it? Is it a fear? Maybe all of these."

Point 8: detective encountered no solution to the puzzle "the strongest di renjie" difficult to break the life and death

The return of "the strongest Denzel" will have no solution,Tsui Harksaid. "I want to give him a sense of fear that no one else has." Murders are frequent. Who is behind them? What kind of danger is dillinger in at stake? The temple of Dali is in an unprecedented crisis. What will Tsui Hark's words about "people who are stronger than everyone else" look like? Can dillinger survive the crisis? All questions need to be answered in the cinema.

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