
Fan haolun, the opening director of my hero, and his co-creator appeared in chongqing wansheng

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Linkeddb News November 30& have spent Recently, the first domestic women's boxing inspirational film "my hero" opened, screenwriter, director Fan Haolun With a star King Ke , Teddy Lin , Yaming Huo Appeared in chongqing wansheng economic zone.

The film

The movie "my hero" is China's first female boxing theme inspirational, competitive theme film, such as the ground combat bar, cruel youth, disco dance, father-daughter love and other popular, nostalgic elements, eye-catching effect is full. The film focuses on the main character Shim Mina , is a women's boxing PeiLianYuan, one day suddenly was diagnosed with uremia, ocean's father because body fat need to lose fat quickly to save Shim Mina, lohan outbreak 4 hours a day, two months after his perseverance, faith, successfully reduced fat more than 60 kg, then gave a healthy kidney transplants to daughter Shim Mina, Shim Mina operation is a success, but become short vegetative, lohan, Shim Mina to take part in the biennial women's boxing, finally won the championship, awaken the vegetative lohan.

The film

Actress King Ke. JPG

Fan Haolun's second new genre into the business world, my hero, continues to focus on women. Like his first crime genre film, where are you "; Not only won numerous film festival awards, including the 73th Venice international film festival (the official screening), the fourth vancouver Chinese film festival (best picture, best director, best actress, best cinematography), sino-canadian international film festival (best actress nomination), 25 golden rooster hundred flowers film festival (award for the best film), the ninth film festival (the official screening), 13 of the guangzhou university student film festival (best director, best actress award), the 7th Beijing international film festival (attention future unit, "), South America's la paz international film festival (best Chinese film), which should be the Chinese genre film won the most awards at home and abroad.

The film

The film my hero was praised by netizens as "the Chinese version of wrestling! "Dad," Fan Haolun also clarified for the first time in an interview, the inspirational process of this kind of theme is very similar, but the shooting picture and rhythm are completely different, in the film, the father through the process of losing weight to transplant a healthy kidney to his daughter, such a hero is also the most moving and worthy of praise.

The film

Film in addition to the types of element is unique, in many aspects is quite brilliant, in addition, the film will fight fate of the characters, vicious and reflection, the blood boiling again after sober reflection to the person, have reflected the director Fan Haolun quite ambitious side, from the content point of view, this is a film director of Fan Haolun characteristics, targeted father-daughter, women's boxing competition like little films at home, believe that the innovative Fan Haolun director this time will present a distinctive competitive and inspiring film, is worth looking forward to.

The film

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