
“Dearest you” by Zhiwei

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It's produced by huatse pictures.Ding Zi lightDirected,Esther Supreeleela,ZhiweiAnd others starred in the "half-sugar" youth dramaDearest you"Officially began. Zhiwei, who plays gao Lin, plays the Supreeleela's daughter Chen chenchen in a torturous relationship with Esther Supreeleela.

& have spent "Dearest you" begins/NBSP;Zhiweiwon the title of "king of routine"

"Dearest you" tells the story of "growing up" in the life of five couples on campus.Zhiweiplays gao Lin, a handsome senior in the drama. Gao Lin is a ruffian, handsome and stylish school god, who is infatuated by many girls.Zhiweiplays a part as a handsome young man, full of vitality and the theme of youth campus highly consistent.

In the play,Zhiweiincarnates the "long science department of fangxin routine" and the "full level" of "flirting routine". When his girlfriend Chen chenchen was angry, gao Lin first tried to cajole her into admitting her mistake, and then she easily got rid of her girlfriend in two.

Zhiwei subverts sunshine boy's image & NBSP; "Immature love" by contrast

TheZhiweishould allow long legs warm male image, "mass at the right hypochondrium" waist, andEsther Supreeleelafit deduce "premature love",Zhiweisaid Gao Lin is a special role, for themselves and do their homework ahead of time, from the line to the expression, from action to form, strive to perfect every detail. As a newcomer, Zhiwei's potential is obvious to all, and his strength is being honed.

Since his debut,Zhiweihas created many impressive characters in several TV dramas.Ultimate Class 4","The assassin biographies"By gong sunling,Blue 50 meters"Zhang ruochen, etc. In his interpretation, each character has a distinct personality, vivid and natural. This time, Zhiwei's contrast performance with that of gao Lin, the man in the flower, made the audience very much look forward to his performance in the play.

Click here:"Dearest you"

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