
Conversation · Fables 2047' in the second quarter brings together the seven countries' science and technology teams to create a visual feast.

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The second quarter of "Dialogue Fables 2047" brings together seven national science and technology teams to create a visual feast

Produced by Buick, Zhang Yimou 's second-quarter concept of “Dialogue Fables 2047” has attracted much attention since the official announcement. As the premiering time approaches, the team is in a tight rehearsal. It is reported that the second season's main lineup consists of 18 teams and individuals from 7 countries and a total of 7 unit programs.

In the list of announced team creators, the programmer, Person also ask Flessas, from the People's Ask Robot in the United States, joined again. He was hailed by the Wired magazine as "a machine-learner," and his robotic arm was installed. In the Nas A Mars rovers, he also programmed dance robotic dances for Lady Gaga , Bon Jovi and other concerts. In the second quarter of the Dialogue Fable 2047, he will use the robotic arm to play different kinds of music for the audience; from Germany The Air-stage flying ball performance team participated in the air shows of the 2017 Astana Expo in Kazakhstan, the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, and the 2012 London Summer Olympics. In this performance they will use radio to control the flying balls. The performances of the KFT with the Attraction Performances KFT from Hungary are the 2013 “British Talent Show” championships. This time they will perform a new “shadow dance” with the famous Chinese dancer Li Yu. Technology team most prominent when the number of the G-7 for the first time to join the Chinese team DOBOT the Xinjiang Science and Technology Science and Technology, they had double hit the country in 2015 Midweek won Ke-Li Miao strong Reasonably "liked", the product developed by this team also won Germany's iF Award and Red Dot Award this year. It is worth mentioning that this is also the director Zhang Yimou's use in the work after "Beijing Eight Minutes" and "Ice Screen". China Science and Technology Team.

In addition, there are also technology teams from the UK including Do Mobile identification number ic Faraway, ezratuba from Turkey, and TETRO from France. Perhaps for the general public, the names of these science and technology teams are still unfamiliar, but in fact, long before joining Zhang Yimou's performance team, they have already achieved great success in the industry. This time, the participation of the 7-country science and technology team has made the performance "scientific and technological sense" once more upgraded.

In the second quarter of “Dialogue Fables 2047”, these internationally leading scientific and technological means will be integrated with various Chinese traditional folk folk cultures: Taiwan’s elite drums and octave sounds; Po-bud song book; Fujian wooden barrel number. According to reports, the second season of "Dialogue Fable 2047" directed by Zhang Yimou will be staged at the National Grand Theatre on June 12/13/14 and will be toured by the end of July. This time, the concept of performance returns to a strong point, so that the public can call for expectations.

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