
Zheng yun's new hairstyle' stop thief 'stuns the cast of the duck.

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A comedy film, "stop! Thief," which was released ahead of this year's Spring Festival, has revealed a set of racy photos in which its director and star, zheng yun, wowed the audience with a new hairstyle.

The most eye-catching in the picture is zheng yun's new hairstyle, which looks like a dish of silk rolls dyed orange. The exaggerated appearance makes netizens enjoy themselves in laughing. Some netizens commented that "chong wet it is in the fashion trendy go out the front ah", "where is the hairdresser, dare to play Zheng Yun as such is bravery fat out of the sky", but careful net friend also has a different voice: "the film's stylist imagination is so big, zheng guide new hairstyle was the top of the head a live duck", "zheng teacher of the film is full of drama essence, even duck will rob play!" More netizens said zheng yun's films are always far beyond the imagination of the audience, and too many surprises and surprises are unexpected.

It is understood that the film "stand still! Thief" is the first movie with more than 10 years of experience in micro film creation. It can also be said that zheng yun studio adheres to a funny style and positive energy micro film creation of more than 2,000 films every day and then enters the big screen. In terms of content selection, it still sticks to the same earthy and funny style. According to relevant media reports, the script has been polished for seven years, and the film's rhythm has been controlled to three laughing points per minute, with over 270 explosive points in the whole film. Zheng's fans have been riding a wave of anticipation on the Internet since the early days of the film's preparation and shooting. starring Leung Siu - lung , You Yong , Lawrence Ng , Rain Lee Choi - wah , Qingzhuo Fang , Shuangbao Wang , Shuming Lu , Bingyuan Li And so on the strength of movie stars to join in the film shooting sidelights and stills are being pulled out, the film's Internet search index and hot topics constantly higher, a group of fire.

According to the stills on the set of "stop thief," zheng yun's expression is comical and the duck is calm. Understand the film and television creation knows that involves in children, animals, such as difficult to cooperate with the director of the will of the subject on shooting are often very high, difficult in early adjustment and a need to do a lot of work, scheduling and the photographer's view of the scene director, composition and grab timing are demanding. The film can be seen from the exposure of tidbits to want comedy, burned Zheng Yun director also be, let the duck on his head pose "go big", as netizen said: "this great daring duck, to upstage what all not afraid, it seems zheng guide if capability is special, even the duck can be refined into play". & have spent

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