

Zhou Wen Wei Tang Play)

Ma Ke 前女友。向 Ma Ke 发出求救信号,表面楚楚可怜,背后却似乎进行洗钱、暗箱操作,时而疯狂,时而柔弱,为了利益不顾一切。最后找到了正义的出路,回归了良心的选择,走的更加深远。

Wei Tang

Tang Wei (simplified Chinese: 汤唯; traditional Chinese: 湯唯; pinyin: Tāng Wéi, born 7 October 1979) is a Chinese actress. She rose to prominence for her appearance in Lust, Caution (2007).

Ma Ke Jiayin Lei Play)

Zhou Wen 前男友。一位在澳洲工作的华人,只是一个平凡的普通人,却因为前任 Zhou Wen 的出现生活发生了天翻地覆的变化:被陌生人跟踪、被亡命之徒追杀、被上司变相威胁。为了查出真相, Ma Ke 和 Zhou Wen 携手开启了横跨澳、亚、非三大洲的生死逃亡。

Jiayin Lei

雷佳音,1983年8月29日出生于辽宁省鞍山市,中国内地影视男演员,毕业于上海戏剧学院表演系。2004年,出演个人首部电视剧《江湖俏佳人》,从而正式进入演艺圈。2006年,他以第一名的成绩考进上海话剧中心 。2007年,在话剧《武林外传》中饰演莫守信 。2009年,出演个人首部电影《高考1977》 ;同年,相继出演了爱情喜剧《和空姐一起的日子》 、职场励志喜剧《杜拉拉升职记》。2011年,获得第15届佐临话剧艺术奖最具潜质新人奖 。2012年,凭借动作喜剧电影《黄金大劫案》获得第11届中国长春电影节最佳男主角奖 、第7届华语青年影像论坛最佳新锐男演员奖等多个奖项 。2013年,获得国剧盛典演技飞跃男演员奖 。2014年,主演都市情感剧《我的媳妇是女王》 。2016年,其主演的都市轻喜剧《我爱男保姆》上星播出 。2017年,其主演的都市情感剧《我的前半生》播出 ;同年,凭借古装武侠电影《绣春刀Ⅱ:修罗战场》入围第54届台湾电影金马奖最佳男配角奖 。2018年,主演的都市情感剧《老男孩》播出 ;5月18日,主演的爱情奇幻电影《超时空同居》上映 。2019年8月,获第三届网影盛典年度剧集最佳男演员 ,2019年9月12日,主演的电影《吹哨人》上映 。2019年8月20日,福布斯中国发布2019名人榜,雷佳音位列第62。 2019年11月6日,凭借古装悬疑剧《长安十二时辰》获得第三届银川互联网电影节网络剧单元最佳男演员奖 2020年8月27日,雷佳音名列《2020福布斯中国名人榜》第61位。

Judy Xi Qi Play)

Xi Qi

Qi Xi, born in Guizhou Province on September 16, 1984, graduated from the dance department of the PLA Art Academy, director of Central Academy of Drama, and actress in mainland China. In 2001, Qi Xi participated in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala as a dancer. In 2008, starred in drama "Rhino in love." In 2011, playing Creek Brook in the drama "The Bride." With the wonderful performance in the film "Floating City Mystery", he won the 49th Taiwan Golden Horse Film Awards, the 7th Asian Film Awards, the 13th Chinese Film and Television Media Awards, and the 2010 Young Film Handbook Five Best Newcomers Award. In 2012, starring in workplace comedy love movie "fish eat big fish." In 2014, starred in dating poem light comedy "dating expert." April 24, 2015, starring young love movie "Everything Growth" released. The same year starring spy drama "father's identity." In 2016, the film "Hey, Kids" directed by Yang Yazhou and the movie "No Other Love" directed by Zhao Wei. In 2017, with Zhang Dongyu and Zhang Yishan, he starred in the drama "Spring is Better Than You", starring Zhang Xiaobei's science fiction movie "Topstar", and partner Geng Le starring in the movie "Taoyuan".

Peter Wu Ce Wang Play)

Ce Wang

Ce Wang was born on October 11, 1974 in Chongqing, China, mainland China actors and models. In 1988 he entered the Sichuan Sports School to practice fencing and later entered the Sichuan fencing team. In 1993, he won the fifth place in the 7th National Games. Retired in 1996 to start a modeling career. In 1999, he won the championship of the first elite male model contest in Sichuan Province and the top ten male model of the first elite male model contest in China. In 1999 starring in the first televised movie "Mountain City Rose." In 2000, he went to perform at the NELSON Art Academy in Washington DC. In 2008, Ang Lee Rui, the first villain to successfully interpret "The Ugly invincible" was known to the public. In 2009, the CCTV espionage TV series “Eternal Wave” played a successful transformation of the criminal investigation captain Emperor Huan of Han, and won the 4th Huadeng Awards for best actor nomination in the Legend theme category in 2010. In 2013, “The Year of the Jubilee” interpreted the “80s hard to force young people” Qiu Jian who encountered real life reflections such as naked marriage and workplace frustration. In the same year, CCTV ratings champion "Let'sGetMarried" played the perfect male, and the returnee elite Li Kui was once again concerned.

More 吹哨人 Cast

Actor Name Play Role Introduction
John Batchelor James Harrison No introduction
(None) Chris Branagh No introduction
(None) Lao Liu No introduction
(None) Sha Shou No introduction
(None) Cai BuZhang No introduction
(None) Logan No introduction
(None) Da Shou No introduction
(None) Nyasa No introduction
(None) Neo No introduction
(None) AoZhouNengYuanBuZhang No introduction
(None) Gong Gao No introduction
(None) Zong Zhong No introduction
(None) Qi Gao No introduction
(None) Wang Lao No introduction
(None) Angela No introduction
(None) Zhuzhu No introduction
(None) Tuanzhang Song No introduction
(None) Yi Fa No introduction

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