
The response of Nicholas Tse, the singer of Shirley Wong singing “The New Song of China in the third quarter” was bright...

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In the third quarter of the “Chinese New Song” female students sang Shirley Wong ’s song Nicholas Tse ’s reply was bright... The third season “Chinese New Song” will meet with the audience on July 13th. This time Nicholas Tse, Harlem Yu , Jay Chou, and Jian Li .


Recently, the new season's "Chinese New Song" official micro-exposure video of a blind selection of previous programs. In this video, Nicholas Tse is sitting inside the car and when she hears a female student singing Shirley Wong's " I Do It, " she asks the female student: "Do you think I haven't heard of Shirley Wong singing?" It means that Nicholas Tse heard that while he usually sang, his friend felt that his voice was more like Shirley Wong.





Nicholas Tse also commented on the female student's singing: "It feels like you are struggling to achieve certain skills and feelings. Don't be hard. The following sentence lighted, Nicholas Tse bluntly said: "This song is not everyone can sing. ” Seeing this, netizens have expressed: Overbearing show love love dog food...


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