
Rong chen, zhu xu dong foster' modern farmer 'myolie wu, tao xinran help' parents reflow

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Linkeddb News October 8 "We are in action" hunan station product launch event to do things? On one side of the stage were two large objects covered with red cloth. What is under these two remarkable pieces of mysterious red cloth? Charity ambassador Rong Chen , Myolie Wu , Tao Xinran , Ruixin Tong , Zhu Xu East is careful to uncover the red cloth, under a red cloth to show the rural support teacher living from the container transformed into a simple house, another is a unique high-end lily product gift box "west longshan." "Xipin longshan," which the ambassadors are proud of, received two million yuan in orders on the spot, a big gift to "make my hometown a place with dreams."

Rong Chen and Zhu Xu worked as "" teachers" "to nurture modern farmers to boost baihe's high-end brand building

The ambassadors decided to mobilize the village cooperatives and the villagers to jointly promote the high-end brand "xipin longshan". They found that local cooperatives lacked leading enterprises and "loud" county public brands, and that the lilies grown by villagers had no bargaining power and were completely controlled by the market and dealers. The public interest ambassador thought of breaking the current industry dilemma with the head product, but the villagers raised their doubts.

Charity ambassadors Rong Chen, Myolie Wu, Tao Xinran, Ruixin Tong, Zhu Xu dong work as

"What is the benefit to poor households after the establishment of the county brand?" "How should poor families live during the rotation? "These problems are not overwhelming our ambassadors for the public good, Rong Chen and Zhu Xu," he said. According to Zhu Xu's answer, after product standardization and branding, the market price will tend to be stable. Rong Chen, on the other hand, is urging the quality and income of the rotating lilies to double. The ambassadors succeeded in persuading poor local families to switch from traditional farming methods Ke Cheng Learning the rotation mode to improve the output value and value of baihe land, and also laid a solid foundation for the establishment of high-end brands.

Public interest ambassador to boost lily's high-end brand building. JPG

Myolie Wu enlists left-behind children 'micro aspirations' to help' parents return 'with industrial poverty alleviation

During a visit to the local lily industry, Myolie Wu saw the phenomenon of raising left-behind children through generations, as well as primary schools dominated by left-behind children. In fact, the issue of left-behind children is indeed a problem that needs to be solved in contemporary rural China. Myolie Wu loves these kids who are trying to grow up on their own and want to show off their little wishes in a "wish wall" way. Children's wishes are also simple, such as "my wish is that my mother will come back early to buy me a barbie doll", "I want a transformers when I grow up" and "Santa Claus". It can be seen that children lack a happy childhood in the company of their parents.

Myolie Wu enlists' micro aspirations' for left-behind children to help 'parents return' with industrial poverty alleviation

However, left-behind children not only face the lack of parental affection, but also the problem of family education and school education not in place. There are only two substitute teachers in a local primary school with a proportion of 80% left-behind children. The teacher claimed that "the knowledge he has learned is not enough to satisfy the children's desire for knowledge and hopes to have young teachers to come". Therefore, Zhu Xu contacted the founder of "little love plus society" Gu Jia Bin yun comes with the kitchen, toilet and bedroom of the simple room "glory box", by solving the accommodation problem to attract more teachers. In addition, the charity ambassadors helped build a high-end brand of "xipin longshan" to provide migrant workers with the opportunity to return to their hometowns for employment. They also supported people from migrant workers to return to their hometowns for farming, so that parents could spend more time with their children and deeply participate in their children's education.

Rong Chen, Myolie Wu, Tao Xinran, Ruixin Tong, and Zhu Xu in shipai township have lifted out of poverty the powerful industries. Among them, "cultivating modern farmers" and "returning native talents" reflect the remarkable achievements of "we are doing" in industrial poverty alleviation and public welfare assistance to farmers. Development can lift people out of poverty and truly "make my hometown a place with dreams". On Saturday night at 22:00 PM, co-produced by dragon TV, e-ju leong and sina weibo, the eighth episode of the second season of duoduo's "we are in action" was broadcast as scheduled. However, the journey of public welfare and poverty alleviation did not end, "we are in action" has been on the road of poverty alleviation!

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