
The movie "Moths crossing the river" reveals the surprise egg Xiaoshenyang and the performance of the eyebrow is a play

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" Moths crossing the river " reveals surprise egg Xiaoshenyang's performance of eyebrows

The action-comedy film “Moths crossing the river” produced by Xingying Films is being hit in the country. Ten days after the screening, 160 million box office results have been achieved, achieving a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth. The film was directed and starred by Xiaoshenyang for the first time. Binlong Pan , Vivian Sung , Hot Dog, Shijie Jin , Liu Hua (actor) , Yang Xiao , Ming Hu , Cao Rui , Li-Chun Lee and many other people sent bursts of laughter. After the movie was released, the wonderful story of hilarious laughter made many audiences unrelenting! Some viewers stated that this time Xiaoshenyang not only achieved the ultimate in comedy creation, but even acting was at the level of the heroine. The film side has once again exposed the film "Eyebrows are Opera" surprise egg, as a movie welfare feedback audience, Xiaoshenyang and the old opera bone Shijie Jin with the field performance techniques did not leave the wind.

Xiaoshenyang hangs with Shijie Jin. Long shots don't blink.

The film “Moths crossing the river” is the most joyful and best-looking Northeastern comedy movie in June. With its unique and mesmerizing means of confrontation between the North and the South, it presents the Northeast Comedy to the national audience as the first film directed by Xiaoshenyang. It is also proved by actual actions that the Northeastern comedy is best laughed. “Moths crossing the river” tells the story of the northeastern guy who braves the South, challenges the evil forces of the group, and is a hilarious inspirational story for the grandfather to recapture the legacy.

Today, the film exposes the “Eyebrows are Opera” version of the surprise egg, and the scenes from the first perspective of Xiaoshenyang are used to reproduce the scenes of the explosion. Shijie Jin’s role as the boss of Da Shu’s last moment was unveiled, and Shen Fu, played by Xiaoshenyang, was in the ups and downs of the reversal of the plot. Superb acting allowed the audience who had not watched the movie theater to be able to feast their eyes. This time, Xiaoshenyang walked out of the safe area of ​​his performance and tried new challenges, bringing many unexpected surprises to the audience. It can be seen that Xiaoshenyang kept a long lens in the interpretation of the play. His eyebrows fluctuate, the slight trembling of facial expressions, and his sly look reflected his own shock, but on the other hand, he was ready to deal with it. The plan is ready to counterattack. Netizens said one after another: “ Xiaoshenyang’s acting was blown, and even the eyebrows are all acting.”

The ten-day high rate of attendance of "Moths crossing the river" continued to counterattack

In the second week of release, “Moths crossing the river” broke through the 160 million mark, and attendance and word-of-mouth continued to counterattack. The competition with the Hollywood blockbuster “ Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ” officially entered the second half. Surprisingly, with as many as five new films released, the attendance rate of "Moths crossing the river" is still at the top of the list. No wonder there are viewers who say that they have no need to publicize anymore. The movie itself is already hot.

Xiaoshenyang said: “This time it was a crack in survival. The audience is happy is my ideal! Happy production, happy production.” Feedback from the audience out of the theater can also be seen whether it is a southern audience or a northern audience. The movie was not enough. Many people clamored for the appalling applause when watching the scene of the most burning scene on the bridge. The original intention of the "Moths crossing the river" comedy film is to make everyone laugh, and everyone's laughter is the most direct proof and the best feedback. It is enough for a comedy to bring surprise and joy to everyone.

The film "Moths crossing the river" is being hit in the country. The best laugh and the most sensational Northeastern comedy. You don't laugh and you have the final say.

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