
Moths crossing the river' national road show laughs out loud in Shandong Xiaoshenyang Vivian Sung excavator technology

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" Moths crossing the river " national road show laughs out loud Xiaoshenyang Vivian Sung excavator technology in Shandong

A few days ago, Xiaoshenyang and Vivian Sung joined hands with Jinan universities to publicize the upcoming gangster action comedy “Moths crossing the river” on June 15th. The two starring brought the joyful comedy atmosphere of the film into Shandong Institute of Physical Education and Shandong Lanxiang Advanced Technical School. The collision between Shandong culture and Northeast flavor triggered a series of lively laughs. The students enthusiastically called Xiaoshenyang for the first time as the director. Moved: "Chinese movie has viewers like you, we are still afraid of Hollywood movies." In the film Xiaoshenyang has fallen into the gang, and thanks to Vivian Sung's help, the tacit understanding outside the two main creations is reflected in the lively “Toxic Challenge” where they not only experienced excavator technology, Car repairs, but also their own team incarnation, " Tony Hawks " teacher for the scene boys "dressing", like the image of the creation of a sense of "can not bear to look straight."

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The gangster action comedy movie "Moths crossing the river" is Xiaoshenyang's first directorial work, telling the stories of two young people from the northeastern rural areas who came to Taipei to meet the comedy stories of Taiwanese gangsters. At the roadshow in Shandong, Xiaoshenyang sang songs with local students and sang a few “The First Snow in 2002” under the warm invitation of the students. In order to qualify the "Hero" title and qualify for the protection of the goddess Vivian Sung, it was also attended on the spot by a sports men's wrist wrench competition. Xiaoshenyang talked about his original intentions of comedies and said: “The pressure on modern people is so great that the greatest honor in their life is to bring joy to everyone.” In the movie, they also experienced many of the first Vivian Sung bluntly: “No. One time I cooperated with comedians from the Mainland. I played the sexy female killer for the first time. The first time I was dragging the car, and for the first time, I would like to hang Wei Ya. I remember the first time I was shot and still scared. Later, I became more and more addicted. The first time he played in the Northeast Comedy, the filming process was very enjoyable, and he also learned a few words from Northeast with the director Xiaoshenyang. He really brainwashed.”

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In the “Toxic Challenge Competition” session, Xiaoshenyang and Vivian Sung came to Shandong Lanxiang Advanced Technical School, which is known throughout the country. Both of them are eager to try and want to challenge their own excavator technology is not strong, Xiaoshenyang said that the excavator The mood is like a movie. It's a journey of dreams. Since childhood, it was the iron powder of the transformers. The excavator's moment was like the People's asking to be excited. Vivian Sung won the first of its kind for the first time. It was the first time it had "close contact" with an excavator. On-site Vivian Sung also expressed a strong interest in the auto repair course because "the appearance of the Transformer heroine opening the hood is too amazing." Faced with cosmetologists, Xiaoshenyang and Vivian Sung also turned into “Tony Hawks” teacher, “dressing” the boys at the scene. There is always a Make-up artist to help shape them. It's not easy for them to get dressed up. In order to start, you can only rely on creativity to win the live bursts of laughter. It is not easy for you to feel the Make-up artist.

The film "Moths crossing the river" is about to officially meet with the national audience on June 15th. The nationwide "Millworm Challenge" has now issued a convening order. The roadshow is fully open. The filmmakers will head south to reach the goal. Twenty cities interacted with the audience in close quarters.

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