
Tokgo world' membership ends Hu Bingqing's live chat with friends

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Directed by Shu-Pui Hou and Chi Wai Laam , Wei Zhang served as a screenwriter, Hu Bingqing , Danfeng Zhang, and other costumes for the royal palace, which met the night of last night and fell slowly in the expectations and reluctance of netizens. Curtain. Hu Bingqing also started a live broadcast on the evening of the evening of the final night. He was accompanied by fans and netizens as the starring member of the show, Tokgo Galo, to share his feelings and comprehend all the way.

The outcome of " Tokgo world " is exactly what the end result of each starring, which has always affected the hearts of netizens. Tsang Haro, starring Hu Bingqing, has been playing from the young to the late generation. It is Hu Bingqing's longest-spanning role. It is both a challenge and an experience. Tokgo Galo complied with the trend to escort Yang Jian to God, and with Yang Jian, he defended the oath of “a lifetime, a lifetime, and a double”, but he had no choice but to change his rights. Yang Jian was fortunate enough to have an iniquitous lady who had been found by Garro and gave him a white plaque. However, Yang Jianzoo used the name of “嫉妒” to make him sad. Yang Jian, who knew the truth, went to Targol to admit his mistake to Galo, and Galo's heart was soft again. He was rated by the netizen as the best heroine in the history. Hu Bingqing also agreed with a smile in the live broadcast. Galo vowed to not eat food for life when he was praying for Yang Jian. Galo, who has been holding on to this oath, also refused to take medicine because of illness. Sudden illness, death, and sudden lunches roused netizens.

Hu Bingqing pursued the show with the netizens on the live broadcast. He also expressed his thoughts on Galo, his comprehension of the character, and his comprehension of this work. He hoped that Xiao Jialuo could “put all this down and throw away all the rights and wrongs.” Right and wrong, live the life that you want, and pursue the freedom and peace you want." “Tokgo world” ended the finale and Hu Bingqing’s road of acting continued. She also expressed that she would interpret each role and be a good actor.

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