
Bingbing Fan's self-exploding shampoo tips for long-term shampooing is to protect the hair

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Bingbing Fan shared her dressing experience earlier and she had a long black hair. The original secret of her hair care was not to use the most expensive hair oil or diligent care, but to “tolerate it.” She disclosed: “Even if the head is full of hair spray, it can also be sprayed with some essence. Then I can only wash my hair the next day. I have tried not to wash my hair for 10 days.” She asked if she could worry about tastes. She said that even her boyfriend Li Chen is accustomed to Her "oily" taste.

As for shampoo and hair care, ice has its own "logical" explanation: "The scalp is also the skin. Everyday washing, its oil is washed off, the resistance will deteriorate. I belong to the scalp and don't love the kind of oil, sometimes a Only wash once a week."

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As for whether Ice Bing also uses “no-wash” for skin care, she said she loves to apply masks, but she is not rumored to use one thousand masks a year. Most of them apply once a day, and she will not use her hair to apply masks.

After watching Bingbing Fan's haircare tips disclosed on Weibo, we are not as good as one day and suddenly realize it. The original Bingbing Fan's hair-cleaning recipe was based on 1 dry-coating conditioner → 2 shampoos → 3 shampooing → 4 conditioners and massages. This sequence was completed.

It is important to note that - after the hair is washed, the hair cannot be blown dry immediately! If you do not listen to the advice, dry your hair and let it dry.

Fan Ye also mentioned the coconut oil hair care method when he was teaching hair care tips. It was said that the effect of using coconut oil to treat hair was also good. Don't worry! The enthusiastic netizens who tried to use coconut oil hair care specifically took the process and photographed it. A few pictures show coconut oil hair care procedures in detail for all of Amy's comrades.


Fan Ye pushes coconut oil hair care

Get 5 steps at home easily!


Apply a proper amount of coconut oil to your fingers and apply it to the roots and scalp.


Use the entire finger and palm to draw coconut oil onto the hair until the back of the neck, and gently massage ~


Apply coconut oil to all hair ends, gently rub it, take care of each hair tip ~


Apply coconut oil to the middle part, hair that is not smeared, and massage it back and forth.


You can set up your hair and wear a shower cap or an evaporation cap. You can pick up or sleep for 5 nights when you are young. You can find your hair smooth and shiny in the morning.

Bingbing Fan The secret to keeping a dark, shiny hair is this. Are you shocked?


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