
Movies' HandPhone 2' kicked off by Cui Yongyuan and Feng Xiaogang

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The movie "HandPhone 2" started shooting Cui Yongyuan 怼 怼 Feng Xiaogang

Remember the movie HandPhone ? I didn't expect the time to be so fast. After fifteen years have passed, the HandPhone 2 sequel, HandPhone 2, is about to be filmed, and the original classmate Ma Jin is acting. In this regard, everyone is very much looking forward to this movie?

Feng Xiaogang recently announced the opening of "HandPhone 2". He also wrote on Weibo: "The progress of science and technology is changing with each passing day, and the weakness of human nature remains unchanged." Not only that, he also announced the photo comparison and HandPhone 2 before and after 15 years ago. Poster.



On the morning of May 11th, Xiao Cui blew up at Weibo and Wei Xiaogang was a “slag”. He also wrote Liu Zhenyun , the screenwriter of “Handphone 2.” What happened? Why does Choi want to do this?


Later Xiao Bian saw Cui Weibo and finally found the reason. It turned out to be this:




Of course, in one of the programs, Xiao Cui also revealed the impact of the 2003 HandPhone.



Although the parties vehemently denied that the film was a shadow of Cui Yongyuan, the film at that time really left a deep influence on Cui Yongyuan. Rumors at the time also made Cui Yongyuan's depression deeper. Today, Choi is like a FAMA bitten by a snake and afraid to see a well.

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