
The Iron Boy's Child's Day' Yu-Ning Tsao's Fancy Showfriend's Greetings to Beijing's Dialect's Beijing Style

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“Iron Boys' Day” Yu-Ning Tsao Fancy Show Friends Beijing Beijing Dialect Beijing

Yesterday, U-Media's Yu-Ning Tsao, Jin Jin , Hunt Liu , and Wang Youjun showed their brotherhood in Weibo. Yu-Ning Tsao called his three partners as “Tiejiner” and the Beijing dialect was full of netizens who stunned them. “You have reached a ten-level achievement in the Beijing dialect of You Ning Brothers!” followed by Jin Jin and Hunt. Liu and Wang Youjun forwarded Weibo's interaction with Yu-Ning Tsao and aptly called him " People also ask ." The origin of the “Middays of Iron Buddies” was because of the homophony of “417 dead with one another”. It was the childhood of the world's iron buddies and expressed brotherly loyalty and affection, and it meant hard-core brothers.

At present, Yu-Ning Tsao is intensively training for his new role in Beijing. In addition to a few martial arts classes, Guizhou Hengfeng Zhicheng FC , the training of the lines is also indispensable. When you see this Beijing- style Beijing dialect, you will know that Xiao Cao’s classmates are absolutely private. Under the effort. In addition, the online drama " Interpersonal relations " starring Yu-Ning Tsao will also meet with the audience in June.

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