
Female characters in film and television drama overshadowed women Ady An Jiarong Lv Wu Qian (actress) RachelMomo

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Women's face value over women in a film and television drama Ady An Jiarong Lv Wu Qian (actress) RachelMomo

The production of television dramas has become more and more sophisticated, and the actors have become more and more professional. In the past, the value of the heroes and heroes supported the entire drama, and now the two men and two women are also high-value faces. Sometimes women even look better than females, for example. Ady An, Jiarong Lv, Wu Qian (actress), Rachel Momo and other actor performed the victory over the female character in the role of women's second person. Today, it is necessary to take a look at the role played by women in the movies and TV dramas.

Ady An wins her sister

Ady An played a solitary act in the “ Tokgo world ” and was the sister of Galois, the heroine of the actress Tokgo. Although she did not make any arrangements during the shooting, Ady An attracted the attention of the audience with her refined facial features and calm acting skills. In terms of focus, Ady An's facial values ​​are more atmospheric and more viewer-friendly than female ones.

Value is too high, Jiarong Lv grabs the mirror of the heroine

Yin Mingzhu ” in “ Fairview edge gorgeous adventure ” is played by Jiarong Lv, a popular actress from the Mainland. She uses the novelty style and attractive beauty to interpret this exotic woman, but when she When the heroine was in the same frame, the audience expressed their concern that Jiarong Lv was attracted to them. Their eyes were completely inseparable from her. Maybe this is personal charisma. Jiarong Lv's body has a unique elegance, and therefore it has a face value. Victory over the heroine.

Wu Qian (actress) is more cute than the female

Wu Qian (actress) plays FighterOfTheDestiny and is the cheerful, lively, kind-hearted young girl of Baiidicheng, the only girl of Baiyicheng . She wins the audience's affection with her warm, lovely smile and innocent personality. Considered to be a girl worthy of being loved more than a female host, Wu Qian (actress), whose character is also very similar to Bai Changheng, is a bright and generous girl.

Dangerous and charming villain, RachelMomo has higher facial value than female

Lee Chang-ru played by Rachel Momo in the TV series “ Fairview is not central ” is an infatuated villain. Although Li Changru has been completely blackened in the drama, Rachel Momo used his heart’s acting skills and super high face value to remind the audience of this. The woman who died for love, Li Changru, who interpreted her as mad, RachelMomo was praised by many viewers. At the same time, netizens also left a message saying that Li Changru had already “turned black”. It shows that this woman’s influence has been overshadowed. Female host.

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