
Hap Li Tong exposed love, Ins released photo with his girlfriend

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Yesterday, Hap Li Tong posted a “photograph” on social software Instagram. The girls who framed him seem to be his girlfriend. Hap Li Tong wrote in the essay: "It's been almost a year now. It's a matter of division and division. It's hoped that in the days to come, we'll always go down and miss you."

Let Hap Li Tong speak of such affectionate words. It seems that non-Hap Li Tong’s girlfriend is in the same box. Hap Li Tong's girlfriend was wearing a Lakers logo shirt. The photo was taken in the United States. According to the Instagram information display, the girlfriend's name is Ding Ziyun, who is from Taiwan, China, and is currently studying at the University of Texas at El Paso.

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