
Zhang Zifeng “reasoning notes” seconds change Man User: Neo Hou also man

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Adapted from Good Morning Summer Light Fiction and directed by Lin Qingzhen , campus reasoning network drama " Reasoning Notes " starring Zhang Zifeng and Neo Hou is on the air. Among them, Xia Zaeng, acting as Zhang Zifeng, was stimulated to fall asleep while his second personality, Thomas Edison, continued to be online with Mika (singer), a card played by Neo Hou. The netizen exclaimed, "Man than Neo Hou!"

Zhang Zifeng seconds to change the man

Zhang Zifeng "reasoning notes"

Zhang Zifeng super man

Homicide outbreak in more than one consecutive summer morning scared fall into sleep

In last week's story, Xia Good Morning and Mika (singer) cards have been ensnared in four murder cases, summer good morning almost suicide. Experienced by agents, women's team members Dai soft, Su Heng, Lin Shuyao, who died in succession, summer good morning finally overwhelmed, personality into sleep, but to Thomas Edison's personality continue to explore the truth of the incident.

Zhang Zifeng also has her own understanding of Xia Zaoan's sleepiness: "She is actually a very strong girl who will be buried in her heart if she has any heart, and will show her fans and friends her happiness and happiness. But once she encounters something beyond her ability to bear, she also chooses to hide in her own little world, and the existence of Thomas Edison gives her an excuse to evade. "After Zhang Zifeng's understanding and deduction, And fragile complex Wan Wan at the moment.

Zhang Zifeng seconds change Thomas Edison User: Neo Hou also man

In the play, Zhang Zifeng "second change" Thomas Edison's eyes are very play, by netizens unanimously appreciated. And Thomas Edison, a former member of the ICIA, can both fight the enemy and bomb, reason and eighteen martial arts. Under the interpretation of Zhang Zifeng, playing handsome also unequivocally, netizens exclaimed "Zhang Zifeng Meng and handsome!" "Mika (singer) card man!"

In response, Zhang Zifeng said that playing Xia Summer with a double personality is also a challenge to her. The first challenge drama she also won the Neo Hou help. "Neo Hou and Mika (singer) cards are totally different. They love sports very much. They are very interested in playing games and shooting games. In filming, he often teaches me how to play dramas and how to shoot guns. "Good morning play and Mika (singer) card cp full sense of the show Zhang Zifeng and Neo Hou's relationship is also very good, people are very envious.

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