
Irene Wan Thailand Contributed by Love Contribution Prize Education Son from childhood helpful

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Recently, Irene Wan (Irene), the goddess of beauty, invited the charity queen Zhao Zengxue to attend the "Second Cultural Exchange, Economic and Trade Cooperation Award Ceremony" held in Thailand. The honored guests are all the successful entertainers and business people who have contributed to charity, society and cause. Irene Wan, both loving and career-loving, has won the Outstanding Contribution Award together with Rosamund Kwan to win the award for the entertainment industry.

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Irene Wan expressed her great gratitude to the General Assembly for the honor presented to her and more for her invitation. Irene Wan, both loving and career-winning, is deserved and has been involved in countless charitable activities and projects, ranging from starting school in the Mainland to participating in charitable bidding and donations from time to time, visiting activities and helping a lot of needy People, and career, she left a lot of beautiful memories and classic role of feedback audience.

Irene Wan's love also passed on to her son Xavier, who used to donate toys and painters, drawing brushes, stationery and other charities to children, and to accompany children to draw and play games. Irene Wan said she was small Children sometimes do not understand caring about others, donating toys to children and reluctantly, but again and again, he began to find someone who would be happier and gradually began to understand how to share and help others.

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