
Tease your gossip heart: Xun Zhou and her husband are wonderful, or points? Big S is pregnant with three tires, or happy fat?

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No "** Star Detective" entertainment, it seems only to guess the truth. Xun Zhou has always dared to love and hate the true temperament, and Archie Kao married, directly throwing her husband Archie Kao data link, plus "Please Duo Duo Care" a few words to the public a confession.

Today, Xun Zhou, Archie Kao couple divorced rumors and loud rampant, Xun Zhou side quickly responded: "never leave, please Duo Duo concerned about the public welfare. Thank you!" Is really rumor mouth, rumor runs the broken leg, so clear Response or stop the public heart of the gossip: two good, how came to be such as the men's nightclubs sister, the separation of the elders ageless rumors of it? Maybe it's the publicity period of the drama " Ruyi's Royal Love Temple " starring Xun Zhou.

Xun Zhou has a hard time, ranging from Peng Dou , Pu Shu , Dazi , Li Yapeng to the present Archie Kao. From youth to fading age , Xun Zhou from the brainstorming Du Xin Yu and Juvenile Princess Taiping to the present Yi is smooth, the feelings are the more frustration and courage, the pursuit of true love has never stopped, and now and Archie Kao has been in the siege for a few years, may have really stumbling regardless of whether the two separate or emotional problems, onlookers here Only blessing the son of happy life.

Like Xun Zhou, the big S is also rich in premarital love, the difference is the big S flash Xiaofei Wang after temporarily stranded his career, concentrate on conditioning the body, and even adhere to the habit of eating vegetarian for many years have given up, only have a child, make themselves The family is more fulfilled. Big S, Xiaofei Wang The two married in 2012, have a son and a daughter six years after marriage, make up a "good." Smart, such as big S, marriage is not just love it, of course, the basis of marriage is love, but in today's mainstream social sense of the child's marriage will be more perfect, Big S did not hide his pursuit of perfect.

Big S recently hot search because the media photographed him and her husband shopping photos, the two sweet to burst in the photo do not say the highlight is big S body, face rounded, slightly convex stomach, and Xiaofei Wang Before carrying a large pink bag, see photos say that this is the rhythm of three infants?

After the photos came out, big S sunburn in the same day on the Weibo denied the three tires.

However, the denial of the third child by Grand S seems to have failed to resist the gossip of the general public. After she denied the sunburn, another captured pictures of the gynecology armed with the couple. What is the truth?

In the face of the Yu-Yu Yu's third-trimester news, Da S gave a complete denial and explanation at the opening ceremony of its own hotel Taipei Branch on June 13, saying frankly: Thank you very much for your love, but I did not have the idea of ​​becoming pregnant. And said that he has more than 40 years old, when the birth of two treasures is already nine death, regeneration on the body is not good. Not to mention having two children now is already very grateful and will take good care of both children and families.

For his seemingly "three births:" body also explained that after the birth of the second child did not take a good rest, they took the child directly, the second child itself is difficult to recover. She is no longer pursuing girl figure, I hope good health. Also said that with their own children and spare time also exercise, now have abdominal muscles. Thank you for your attention. Xiaofei Wang is also next to the sweet, "she is very thin, is the camera angle, health is the most important, slowly restored like."

Since the couple both appeared to deny the third child rumors, it seems that the big S really happy fat. In fact, whether the Xun Zhou couple or the big S Xiaofei Wang, live as a star family under the eyelids, the daily details of life will always be exaggerated, self-discipline or true happiness is the best response to gossip. I wish them all good!

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