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Chen Yu strontium TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chen Yu strontium Works 4 ,And Comedy 2 ,Suspense 1 ,推理1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,成长1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Music 1 。

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Chen Yu strontium Filmography(4)


唐人街探案 (TV)[2020]


光怪陆离的泰国,接连发生多起奇异的案件,“唐人街第一神探” Tang Ren 的徒弟 Lin Mo ,野田昊的弟弟 Ye TianHaoEr ,纷纷陷入探案的谜团之中。死者妻子IVY、酒吧歌手 A Wen 、五大灵童战队成员 Lu JingJing 、初出茅庐的女警 Sa Sha 也悉数登场,错综复杂的线索背后,藏于黑暗的真相正慢慢浮出水面 。


闪光少女 (TV)[2019]


《闪光少女》剧照陈惊是音乐学院附中民乐扬琴专业一位古灵精怪的姑娘,因为喜欢钢琴她决定去给同校的师兄王文当钢琴翻谱员,却因对西洋乐知识的匮乏和民乐背景遭到王文的冷落,还引起校园两大专业间的摩擦。为了证明自己的能力,也为了证明民乐可以登上更有实力的舞台,陈惊联手502宿舍的女孩们组成民乐团,演奏出自己的心声。陈惊的表姐陈和煦是音乐学院附中的老师,在两大专业学生产生隔阂的时候,她帮助学生化解了偏见与误会,并默默地给予陈惊鼓励和帮助。在学校之外,陈和煦阴错阳差结识了演员冯安宇,陈和煦对待自我的真实态度,让冯安宇有勇气重新审视自己的生活,并在陈惊组建乐队的过程中多次伸出援手。学生们在陈和煦等诸多老师的帮助下逐渐成长,西洋乐、民乐的学生打破成见和平相处,陈惊最终证明了民乐的魅力,登上了更大的音乐舞台,收获了美好的青春 。


yunnan bug valley (Movie)[2018]


Film valley of yunnan insect plot introduced: Hu, BaYi and others because before exploration, appearing on the eyeball, this seal with a curse, endangers the people life, rumors 雮 dust bead can you loose the curse, and it was buried in the ancient dian kingdom offering in the tomb of the king, Hu, BaYi and others can only deep place of malaria, to explore the interpretation of the grave. Hu, BaYi, Wang PangZi, Shirley Yang and others through the longshan ancient dian kingdom under the sewers in secret, only to suffer one thousand 痋 organ, tens of thousands of slaves made "痋" like bombs to wing on the ceiling. Inside the jungle, but also constantly plagued by the test, but only to break through barriers 雮 dust bead, can break the curse. Finally, after a series of dangerous, the people finally came to the entrance of the king's tomb, but a bigger challenge also followed.


Our Shining Days (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Chen Jing is a weird, dare to love the girl, rivers and lakes who call nerves. As a wonderful figure in the middle school of music, Chen Jing has a bad affinity with only You Gui, a girlfriend who is willing to be a horse behind her. Confident Chen Jing falls in love with the school grass teacher brother, but it was ridiculed and ridiculed grass-roots school, but also caused a big melee between the two campuses of the campus. In order to prove himself to the teacher brother, Chen Jing together with the 502 dormitory mysterious characters composed of 2.5 times the orchestra, challenge the authority, get rid of stereotypes, staged lively funny funny youth.

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