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Jiang Tao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jiang Tao Works 9 ,And Year 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Military 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Romance 1 ,War 1 ,Feature 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,抗战1 ,近代革命传奇1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 。

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Jiang Tao Filmography(9)


九州缥缈录 (TV)[2019]


《九州缥缈录》这是一部少年英雄成长史,以虚拟的“九州”世界为背景,讲述 Lv GuiChen Ji Ye Yu Ran 等不谙世事的少年历经磨砺与坎坷,执着奋斗,携手互助,成长成熟,并发展出几段撼天动地的友情和爱情故事。北陆青阳部世子 Lv GuiChen 作为质子来到东陆结识了一直不受父亲喜爱的庶子 Ji Ye ,以及跟着爷爷避难而来的羽族公主 Yu Ran 。三个小伙伴在太子学院中因身份原因饱受针对和挑战,在相互帮助和拯救的过程了建立起深厚的友谊,而 Yu Ran 的开朗活泼洒脱个性也得到两个男孩的暗中倾慕,青涩的爱情正在萌芽。离国霸主赢无翳携天子以令诸侯, Lv GuiChen 、 Ji Ye 、 Yu Ran 追随一代名将 Xi Yan 等人发出正义之师,决战殇阳关,不料殇阳关之战的背后另有大阴谋。危难之际,少年们奋死而战,成长为一代领袖 。


Brave Heart 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Braveheart 2" tells the story of In 1937, the Angkor Tong JiaRu left their hometown in Shanghai Nie Zhongcheng high school to teach Chinese, adopted a widowed woman disabled, wanted to go south again he was forced to stay. Witnessing that the invaders ruined their countrymen, he tried to hold his life for as long as possible. Student Ouyang for the country, urgently needed aide, Tong JiaRu bite the bullet to help. Ouyang sacrifice, Tong JiaRu exposure by the Japanese spy on East Village, he cleverly completed the task at the same time out of suspicion. Ouyang boss Yang Xiao was arrested, Tong JiaRu rescued him. His wife Gardenia just gave birth to his son hope, but because of protection Yang Xiao was killed. Four of the murderers involved in the killing of gardenia in six months were killed by Tong JiaRu and were not exposed. East Village suffer from no evidence, trying to force Tong torture cruel torture. Communists organized teachers and students to parade and rescued Tong JiaRu. Three years later, Tong JiaRu took himself as a bait to help the KMT and the KMT members of the two parties join forces in addition to the Japanese spy base. Japanese surrender, East Village unwilling to fail to kidnap hopes, forcing Tong JiaRu duel with them. Comrades uniforms East Village, to rescue hope. East Village cursed Tong as a coward, Tong JiaRu told him: "The Chinese have a brave heart in treating the aggressors."

Mother’s Life (TV)[2017]


The drama "Mother’s Life" is introduced in the following partYing, NiangWith her five children. Ying gu was a young woman in a large family. She had three daughters in a row in the first eight years, and the third daughter was accused as a disaster star, so she was rejected by her husband's family. To protect her daughter, her husband was forced to take her apart. He was framed and died. At this time, ying gu had a posthumous child in her abdomen. Her in-laws do not recognize her unborn child, ying gu, with three children living in exile. She was forced to marry a heavy smoker. A heavy smoker, who had sold her third daughter for two months 'smoke. Ying gu became angry and set fire to the prison and gave birth to her son in prison. After prison, life was hard. Her husband's younger brother carried them out to help her, but she knew that it was a good thing to carry them through the sea. She took her three children to find her lost third daughter. Political unrest in the republic of China, warlords, the road, yinggu and several other children lost. From then on, the purpose of ying gu's life is to find a few children, this search is 15 years. Although she lived through separation and was not recognized by her children, ying gu finally moved everyone with her selfless mother's love and reunited with her children. .

金陵往事 (TV)[2017]


1930年,十三岁的 Lin YuHui 因为是庶出而失去母亲,跟着养母从上海到了南京。为了生计,每日陪着养父沿着秦淮河畔寻觅生计,五年后的偶遇父亲的故友 Chen MoRen ,被带进新的家庭,与 Chen PeiWen 兄妹及仆人 Gao Bo 之孙—— Gao JinBang 相识,以一个普通女孩的身份继续着忍辱负重的生活。因为父亲 Lin ChuCang 与 Chen MoRen 有过指剧照腹为婚之约,她只好将与 Gao JinBang 的爱情深埋于心,在日寇的铁蹄踏遍南京之时,用孱弱的肩膀挑起了救助难民、保护至死不做汉奸的 Chen MoRen 的大任。令她未曾想到的是,一直不愿接纳的未婚夫积极走向革命,曾经深爱的人却一步步成为民族的敌人。她在强敌遍布四周的南京,巧设计谋除去民族的敌人;又以民族大义鼓励向自己表达真爱的未婚夫走上更广阔的革命之路。 Lin YuHui ,一个秦淮河畔的普通女孩,以平凡的歌声唱响了战争年代的南京爱情故事 。


Ferocious (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Ferocious" aka "playing the devil together," tells the story of the early 1940s, Henan suffered a drought, starved to death many people, people live miserable life. However, there are also miracles in the disaster, which is located in Majiapu, Yangcheng, where two million mu of wheat fields have enjoyed a bumper harvest. Ma XiuQin, a landlady, generously generous and generous, is known as "Ma San Ye". She used the abundant water source from the underground river opened up in the Pre-Qing period and enjoyed a good harvest under careful sowing. , Japan's attention on the three aspects, but also attracted the victims, the Brigade and the New Fourth Army Independence Corps came, and the Japanese island linemen gathered tens of thousands of people to raid, a fierce fight for food Expand. Just at this time, locusts rushed, Ma San Ye attack in a multi-faceted situation. In the end, a locust disaster not only saved a large number of victims but also saved Ma XiuQin, confirming her confidence in the CCP. When the Japanese attacked again in an attempt to snatch food, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly joined hands in resisting Japan and securing food and won the final victory.

Heroic sacrifice (TV)[2014]

Feature: About "Heroes Festival" Since 1932, Zhao XinJiu, a patriotic person who has abandoned his conquests, has always wanted to serve the country in a fiery way. However, he is disappointed with the corrupt army and returns to the field with filial duty. Unexpectedly, it was suppressed by the local evil forces and started to resist in desperation. After they eradicated local evil forces, the people fled to Shanghai. Zhao XinJiu runs a newspaper with his old classmates and tries to be a newspaper editor with conscience. Unexpectedly, his old classmates were assassinated for attacking Shanghai profiteers. Zhao XinJiu is so outraged at the cruel reality that he vowed to go all out for justice and declare war on the evil forces. After the Battle of Songhu in 1937, Japanese troops occupied Shanghai. Patriotic people such as Zhao XinJiu, under the inspiration of the Communist Party of China, have betrayed the hatred of their enemies and have protected some patriots. At the same time, wit, resolutely eradicate the traitor dog, and ultimately gave his own life ideal. & Nbsp ;.

Hanyang made (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Hanyang made" tells about 1890, Hubei Governor Zhang ZhiDong in Hanyang opened arsenal in Wuhan, began to develop China's own weapons. Liu E, the father of Liu HanYang, the amateur of the gunner Chen Jiangnan, Liu E and Jiang Lei, Jing ShangKe and Xia ZhiQian are also called the four disciples. Just as they made major achievements in the development of their weapons, Master Chen Jiangnan became the victim of a plot and was killed at the scene of the development. Four disciples determined to find out the truth for revenge, and vowed to develop China's own standard rifle - Hanyang made. The gunman was even more impressive. The four brothers were unable to resist the waves of historical tide. They devoted themselves to the Revolution of 1911. Jiang Lei gave his life and Liu E also died in a weapon test. Jing ShangKe faded into the mountains in fate. And Japanese wife focused on business, but I do not know myself secretly used by Japanese spies & nbsp ;.

Red Lady (TV)[2012]


The TV series “Red Lady” introduces the story: It tells about the soldiers of the Red Army Wang Xiaohong who raised drugs for the wounded in the base area, posing as a bride and sedan chair. She originally planned to go to Yuping Meijia Pharmacy to find her as a dispenser of the dispensers, but she was A group of bandits grabbed Black Dragon Mountain. This was originally the bureau of Mei XianZu who collaborated with the Black Dragon Mountain bandits in order to recapture Mu Dan who was the commander of the warlord Ma Rong . I did not expect to miss the wrong person. Ma Rong led the troops in a sneak attack. The leader of the band chief smashed Ma Rong's black spear. Wang XiaoHong took bullets from the black hibiscus without any medical equipment. In order to repay Wang Xiaohong's life-saving grace, Black Muddy helped Wang XiaoHong to come to Yuping. Wang XiaoHong opened a western medicine clinic at Meijiapharm. Her medical technique was brilliant. The people in Yuping County praised her as the "sony girl". In Yuping, Wang XiaoHong and Mei XianZu became friends. In a thrilling journey again and again, the two grew up in love and held a wedding ceremony. Three years later, Mei XianZu and Wang XiaoHong left their children in the Mei family and joined the Red Army together.


Loyal guardian (TV)[2003]


The Loyal Guardian reported a report on the accusation of Hu Song, deputy mayor of Binhai City, citing Yujuan Wu that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection attached great importance to. When the investigation team led by Ming Jian, deputy secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, went to Binhai to investigate the matter, Vice Mayor Hu Song committed suicide. The investigation of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection made Duan DeHui a little confused. He played the Lu Hu card. Lu MengDa, the city party secretary who distressed his son, learned of the truth and not only did not allow his son to fall back on the cliff, but instead tried his best to interfere with the investigating team's handling of the case to protect his son and his “staff.” Under Ming Jian's investigation, Lu Hu and the powerful factory gradually surfaced and Lu MengDa fled. Just when there was a major breakthrough in the case, Lu Hu committed suicide under Duan DeHui's persecution. Not only all the clues were broken, but evidence against Ming Jian was also found in Lu Hu's relics. It turned out that Duan DeHui, under the guise of Lu Hu, was guilty of filthy Ming Jian's exodus to Xiao Jingyi, the city's economic commissioner who inspected the powerful factory, before he went to Binhai to "renovate" local officials. The loyal guard stills Ming Jian was suspended. Not being afraid of shadows, Ming Jian's "problems" were clarified. But at this time, Ming Jian's case was shaken. The deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Deputy Governor Chen KeQing's instructions for stability and development, as well as the feelings of Xiao JingYi, caused Ming Jian to be paralyzed. A task of commanding floods and rescues fell on Ming Jian's shoulders. In the key flood-fighting area, the people in a county in Binhai City vowed to evacuate due to local leaders' refusal of flood-control materials. In order to promptly divide the floods, Ming Jian resolutely organized the local leaders who were guilty of relying on the provincial Party committee secretary as the backing, and the local people clamored for it. Hong Feng passed, and on the rugged mountain road where Ming Jian went back, the local people held torches and arranged for a long “fire dragon” to send him off. Ming Jian was moved. He renewed his determination to resolutely eliminate the locust within the party and reclaim the hearts of the people. Ming Jian's new round of investigation caused Duan DeHui to panic very much. He instructed talented and talented Ou Yang Yu Rong, a woman who regards Ming Jian as an enemy of the killer, to seduce Chen KeQing, who is already the deputy secretary and governor of the provincial party committee. . Chen KeQing's being dragged down caused Ming Jian's investigation to be in trouble. At the same time, there was a crisis in the relationship between Ming Jian and Xiao JingYi. Duan DeHui has resorted to various methods to force Ming Jian to stop the investigation, including kidnapping and intimidation. Under the threat of intimidation, some of the investigators around Ming Jian were corroded. There were also some glorious sacrifices. Various difficulties prevented the investigation. However, strong support from the Central Discipline Inspection Commission made Ming Jian unwaveringly investigate the case. Justice finally triumphed over evil. After Duan DeHui and the party's locust were cleared, the coastal city recovered calm. The investment of new funds from Hong Kong's Chua Group has also stabilized the economic development of Binhai City. Ming Jian and Xiao JingYi also married. The reborn city of Binhai revives its vitality.

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