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Hang Qi TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hang Qi Works 21 ,And Romance 6 ,Feature 6 ,Urban drama 4 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Suspense 2 ,Ancient mythology 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Love 1 ,Myth play 1 ,Spy war 1 ,碟战1 ,古代宫廷1 ,谋略1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,War 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Comedy 1 。

Works Index

Hang Qi Filmography(21)


阳光之下 (TV)[2020]




趁我们还年轻 (TV)[2019]


《趁我们还年轻》讲述了单纯善良的正义少女 Lin ZiYu 幸运的加入了菲林公关公司,却又很不幸的和她的天才上司隐富族 Fan ShuChen 结下了梁子,工作中交恶频频,日子过的战战兢兢。谁料从 Lin ZiYu 加入公司那一天起,菲林公关屡屡发生商业泄密事件, Fan ShuChen 怀疑的焦点集中在了 Lin ZiYu 身上,可是在与 Lin ZiYu 的一来二往中,两人却互相欣赏爱慕。 Fan ShuChen 的另外三个死党朋友,也相续和 Lin ZiYu 产生了交集,对 Lin ZiYu 的身份各有推测,更让 Fan ShuChen 一头雾水。随着公关危机的日渐显露, Fan ShuChen 的对手 Luo ZongLiang 浮出水面,原来他才是背后阴谋的制造者。而且 Luo ZongLiang 与 Lin ZiYu 的关系并不简单,难道 Lin ZiYu 真的是 Luo ZongLiang 派驻到曼林公关公司的高级商业间谍。 Fan ShuChen 和 Lin ZiYu 都陷入了爱恨纠葛之间,但真相大白之后,在两人的共同努力下,不仅巧妙的惩罚了 Luo ZongLiang ,两人的爱情也终于开花结果。

封神演义 (TV)[2019]


殷商末年, Zhou Wang 无道,荒淫度日,听信奸佞费仲谗言,欲将冀州侯苏护之女 Su DaJi 占为己有,遂派大军压境,讨伐冀州以夺取妲己,不想妲己已被 Hu Yao 所附,丧失心智,助纣为虐。在妲己的煽动下, Zhou Wang 杀文害武,斩妻杀子,聚敛民财,苦害生灵,与此同时,西伯侯姬昌勤于政事,善施仁德,西岐国力日渐强大。元始天尊见朝歌城已被妖孽所控,断定殷商气数已尽,决定派遣 Jiang ZiYa 下山辅佐姬昌伐纣。 Jiang ZiYa 垂钓磻溪,得文王相聘,后又听闻 Yang Jian 生来带有蕴藏神力之天眼, Jiang ZiYa 深知此人一念成佛,一念成魔,故收 Yang Jian 为徒,启发他的善良和正义,并引导 Yang Jian 加入伐商大军。在文王驾崩后,其子 Ji Fa 继位,成为周武王。武王拜 Jiang ZiYa 为相父, Jiang ZiYa 正式辅助武王,起兵讨伐商纣。面对 Zhou Wang 、妲己、 Shen GongBao 组成的邪恶力量, Jiang ZiYa 、 Yang Jian 与雷震子、哪吒等五行上将团结一致,联手与妖邪势力作战。最终,西岐战胜朝歌,商纣江山倾覆,武王登基, Jiang ZiYa 自此位列仙班。


密查 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《密查》剧情介绍:讲述了一九三八年,在抗日战争、国共合作背景下,蒋介石听信谗言授命西安特务组织,密裁第十八集团军高级参议、中共党员 Xuan XiaFu ,此举引发中共强烈抗议。迫于舆论压力,国民党被迫在西安成立破反专署,调查 Xuan XiaFu 失踪案。中共地下党员、原中统特工 Wu ZhongMing ,成为国共双方共同认可的破反专员。 Wu ZhongMing 彻查 Xuan XiaFu 案两个月间,不仅是刀锋上的对决,也是人性的较量。在地下党组织引领下,正义同道前仆后继追寻下, Wu ZhongMing 终于查明真相,拿到了密裁 Xuan XiaFu 手谕。迫于证据确凿,蒋介石不得不向中共认账,自吞苦果!


I stand on the bridge to see the scenery (TV)[2017]

Feature: "I stand on the bridge to see the scenery" tells Xiao ShuiGuang due to loss of boyfriend Yu JingLan became agitated because of a teaching accident with the student brother drama company boss Zhang ZhengLan acquaintance. Zhang ZhengLan discovered that water was the girl who had given her game idea and began to pursue her. In the pursuit of the process, the water due to the past closed heart, Zhang ZhengLan open Xiao ShuiGuang heart, promised Xiao ShuiGuang "you keep your secret, I guard you." Xiao ShuiGuang in his impulse, try to put down the inner bondage. When their feelings were getting warmer, returned Jiang YuRu became the stumbling block to their relationship. At the same time, Luo Zhi also revealed his heart to Xiao ShuiGuang and Xiao ShuiGuang chose to evade him. Eventually, Jiang YuRu learned that Zhang ZhengLan had chosen to quit sincerely and that Luo Zhi chose to let go because he was involved in the death of Yu JingLan. When the fate of Zhang ZhengLan and Xiao ShuiGuang came to an end, the car accident came to light and Zhang ZhengLan's game company was in a crisis. With everyone's efforts, everything was settled, Xiao ShuiGuang finally opened the door to bravely accept Zhang ZhengLan's love & nbsp ;. "I stand on the bridge to see the scenery" is a TV series produced by Mango Television and Deep Blue Film and produced under the same title by Gu Si Jue, directed by Yuan Xia Man. Jiang Chao, Ruixian He, Hanchen Pang, Zhao Xudong, Song Yi Xing, Hang Qi, Huang Ming starring. "I stand on the bridge to see the scenery," landing on January 23, 2018 Hunan Satellite TV youth, broadcast every Wednesday and Wednesday.

Never mind (TV)[2017]

Feature: Jin, Yan, Liang, Prynne four countries endless battle, the most powerful country, Jin Guozhen North Chu BeiJie (Wallace Chung ornaments) heroic and fierce war, extraordinary martial arts strategy, so that the other three courage. Jin Yan war occasion, Yan Guojingan Wang Fu was captured, overnight palace ruin. Maid Bai PingTing (Yang Ying ornaments) and the little prince He Xia (Sun Yizhou ornaments) at the time of separation. Chu BeiJie encounters Bai PingTing, recognizing that she is looking for many years to help him, and they are in love. However, since the camps of different camps are destined to have two ups and downs in their lives, love is strong and obstacles are disrupted. Both the suspicion of the King of Jin Dynasty and the various provocations of He Xia, World of troubled times. Before all these difficulties, Chu BeiJie did not change her initial mind and paid affectionate and silently guardianship in love. On the battlefield, the novelty soldier and Bai PingTing jointly defeated He Xia, successfully preventing a life-blood war and jointly protecting the peace of the world.

God come back (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Apocalypse" tells the story of business Zhou Wang era, the gods vacancies, the world goblin miscellaneous office, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." Since then, Zhou Wang has set up a gun torture system to kill the ministers and lead the Shang dynasty to a collapse quickly. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian But when the heart is stubborn, eventually accomplishes the mission unexpectedly by dedication to Da Ji love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, equitable distribution of the God of Heaven, and the world belongs to human control & nbsp ;. "Gods Come Back" is a costume fairy tale drama jointly produced by Mango Television, China Media Group (Beijing) Co., Ltd., CCTV, Sanshang Media and China TV Drama Production Center, and is produced by Luo Jin, Likun Wang, Bo Zhang, Deng Lun, Collin Chou, Dujuan He, Yitian Hai, Hewei Yu, Jing Hu starring.

God of War Zhao Zilong (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhao Zilong live in troubled times, childhood deep sense of grievances, set ambition, to accomplish some great cause. He upholds a righteous, punish the evil, but also by chance under the skill of a set of sophisticated gun law, swept the battlefield, indiscriminate, which allowed him to win many admiration and praise, but also attracted a lot of his hate for him . Xia HouQingYi was the daughter of Xia HouJie, a fellow in the East County, and Zhao Yun got acquainted with his uncle Yuan Chang. The two admired each other, but attracted the narrow-minded Yuan Ying eldest son Yuan Huai and shirt brother Xia HouEn jealousy and persecution. Zhao Zilong in his unlucky situation actively sought after accidentally learned from the mouth of his mother Zhao and Xia Houjia in the previous generation of life and death enmity. In the experience of family hatred and love of children and children, Zhao Zilong finally got through his grudges and found Liu Bei, his protagonist. Since then, he has been carrying a long-range rifle and hastily onto the battlefield to write a heroic tribute to epic singer & nbsp ;.

Hello Joann (TV)[2016]

Feature: Qiao An girl has a princess-like life, the accident away from hometown, everyone Hello, everyone Qiao An thought her life will decline, did not expect Qiao An and bright appearance in Shanghai - she wanted to reclaim his father lost ads Imperial Orris. Lu YuanYang, president of ORIS Shanghai, was an assistant to his father-in-law in the same year and frequently made mistakes about the history of Qiao An. An old and spicy elite who worked hard for many years and a promising newcomer started a cat and mouse game in the workplace. Qiao An did not give up, eventually won the approval of Lu YuanYang, they also produced a different kind of situation, but friction continues. Ni Hao, the only friend of Qiao An, suffered a loss of love and joblessness, heating up with Qiao An and met Jiang QiFei, a widow who experienced a series of common growth while Ni Hao lagged Jiang QiFei. At this point, Qiao An rich second generation of ex-boyfriend looked back, Lu YuanYang and first love again workplace reunion. Orris faces the acquisition, and finally, Qiao An and Lu YuanYang join hands to keep the company. Qiao An exposed his life and disappeared again. Lu YuanYang led Orris back on track, waiting for Qiao An to return.

TheGods (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shang Wang era, heaven and earth god vacancies, the world Simon monster, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." TV drama "God" role picture King since then set the gun torture torture, kill ministers, making the rapid ruled Shang Dynasty collapse. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian However, when the heart is stubborn, she finally accomplished her mission accidentally with the attachment of her own love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, fair distribution of the god of heaven, and the world belongs to human control.

Give up me, hold me tight (TV)[2016]

Feature: An accidental drowning, a long time of hypoxia in the well-known fashion designer Li WeiWei (Joe Chan ornaments) lost some memory, her memory stays at 23 years of age. Memory of the same as the designer's boyfriend became a competitor, and the male girlfriend Huo Xiao has become her fiancé. Li WeiWei did not believe she would break up with her ex-boyfriend Chen YiDu (Kai Wang), and she tried to investigate the cause and effect. Fiance Huo Xiao (Qiao Renliang) In order to protect Vicki and recover his fiancee, do everything possible to prevent Vicki investigation, keep her around. Li WeiWei went back to the past and found himself and those around him gradually forgetting their initial dreams. The reason that Vivi and Chen YiDu broke up is also because they neglected the relationship between love and communication and vanguded and misunderstood. As Chen YiDu mistook the relationship between Wei and Huo Xiao, She broke up. 30-year-old Li WeiWei decided to change the status quo, she gradually solved past misunderstandings, and her opponents, not only to recover the love, but also regain the beginning and the dream & nbsp ;.

Housewife Detective (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photo Early Republic of Shanghai. Housewife Gou JiXiang suffered an unfortunate death when her husband passed away and was mistreated. To find out the cause of death of her husband innocent, auspicious to become female detectives. Mao RuYi is auspicious partner, kind-hearted, but arrogant. Detected in the case, they both make many contradictions. With the deepening of cooperation, they came to a tacit agreement, under the pressure of the leader Fu LanKe, to crack many suspicions, not only to punish the wicked, but also to help many of the bottom poor people. Auspicious by the loss of self-housewives transformed into a new self-confidence and independence of women, Confucianism by the unarmed son of brother brother into a responsible brave detective. While both cherish their love, they also understand the meaning of life: they are determined to help more ordinary people in need of help. In the handling of the case, auspiciousness and Confucianism saw the true colors of the imperialist colonists and exposed the panic of Fu LanKe and his profiteers. They left the patrol room and opened the auspicious detective agency dedicated to serving the people, writing justice with youth and blood. & Nbsp ;.

Life and death comeback (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Life and death comeback" is produced by Yunnan Radio and Television war drama, directed by Chen Jian, Jin Lin, Qijiang Wu, Ruizi Wang starring. The play tells the story of the young student Luo QiMing from being jailed to an incarcerated German-Chinese mining expert Shen Shaoyuan during the War of Resistance Against Japan. He was instructed to sneak into the new mining area set up by the Japanese army in China and take the important intelligence to embark on a revolutionary road. The play premiered on Hainan Integrated Channel on August 17, 2015.

RoyalRomantic (TV)[2015]

Feature: The play tells the story of a beautiful love story by Shun Zhi (Yunxiang Gao) and Han Song singer Dong XiaoWan (Ho Meng-yao). The spicy juvenile Shun Zhi defied the Qing court ban and took Han Xiao Dong XiaoWan into the palace and sealed it as "Emperor Emperors", arousing the uproar of the former court and harem. Dong XiaoWan with intelligent and intelligent nature gradually gradually transform her mother Xiao ZhuangHuangTaiHou, cleverly solved the crisis again and again.

Hello, Qiao An (TV)[2015]

Feature: Qiao An girl has a princess-like life, the accident away from hometown, everyone Hello, everyone Qiao An thought her life will decline, did not expect Qiao An and bright appearance in Shanghai - she wanted to reclaim his father lost ads Imperial Orris. Lu YuanYang, president of ORIS Shanghai, was an assistant to his father-in-law in the same year and frequently made mistakes about the history of Qiao An. An old and spicy elite who worked hard for many years and a promising newcomer started a cat and mouse game in the workplace. Qiao An did not give up, eventually won the approval of Lu YuanYang, they also produced a different kind of situation, but friction continues. Ni Hao, the only friend of Qiao An, suffered a loss of love and joblessness, heating up with Qiao An and met Jiang QiFei, a widow who experienced a series of common growth while Ni Hao lagged Jiang QiFei. At this point, Qiao An rich second generation of ex-boyfriend looked back, Lu YuanYang and first love again workplace reunion. Orris faces the acquisition, and finally, Qiao An and Lu YuanYang join hands to keep the company. Qiao An exposed his life and disappeared again. Lu YuanYang led Orris back on track, waiting for Qiao An to return & nbsp ;.

Love is also included (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Love is also free shipping" tells the story of an orphan Lin XiaoHe became the wife of Zhan Feng, president of Merrill Lynch, but witnessed Zhan Feng derailment and family breakdown shortly after his marriage. Has been pregnant Lin XiaoHe desperation chose self-reliance, rely on the meager income of the cake shop to support Mo Mo. Lin XiaoHe lost his job to take care of sick Mo Mo who was hospitalized and was forced to go to the online shop and reunited with Chen Xi, a courier who had been her help, to get family-like warmth and high-definition stills Mo Mo soon Like Chen Xi. With the encouragement of Chen Xi and Mo Mo's support, Lin XiaoHe finally became the next generation of dessert goddess after several ups and downs. Her online shop was enthusiastically sought after. Lin XiaoHe stepped out of the haze of the past and became an inspirational example for everyone to worship. Zhan Feng encountered Mo Mo, shocked, and finally learned that everything was derived from the Qian NingHui conspiracy, he asked Lin XiaoHe's forgiveness. However, Lin XiaoHe is no longer the pursuit of fantasy girl in the past, she chose Chen Xi painstaking work together and love. Love is also free shipping is a love inspirational drama produced by China Media Network Limited in 2015 by Zhang Bo Yu. Joo Won, Jiajia Deng, Qiao Zhenyu, Monica Mu, Hang Qi, Ice Gao, Hui Shiu-hung, etc. Starring.

Chance of winning (TV)[2015]

Feature: "The odds" tells the story of Nazi Germany's war on Soviet Union in 1941, neighboring Manchukuo in the Far East of the Soviet Union. The "North School" headed by Narita may at any time violate the Soviet Union. The face of abdomen photos back enemy danger, the Soviet Union Far East Intelligence Agency decided to implement the code-named "on protracted war" secret plan. Communist Party member secret Tang Fei was ordered to implement the plan to incarnate Colonel Warjim into the enemy's interior. In the Security Bureau met the national hate hate and sneaked into anti-Japanese democracy activist Cai Meng. At the Security Bureau, Tang Fei, with his brave and alertness, gained Narita's trust and became a key member of the Security Bureau. But inside the Far East Intelligence Agency, Tang Fei eventually fell into the trap of Fu Yuan design and exposed himself. However, Tang Fei still witnessed the impossible protracted protracted war project.

Play the fate of nursery rhymes (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Late Qing Dynasty, western China. Curse of nursery rhymes, mysterious killer, nightmare inside and outside attack, so that a late Qing Western revolutionary lords to seize the arsenal into a suspense serial murder. The revolutionary organization, Goose, destroyed the Qing government with the help of an expert sent by the "Peak" of the revolutionary alliance in the Mainland.

RomanticFireHero (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Geng Jian and Niu Shuang are fire platoons squadrons in a city in Chongqing. They received a fire alarm, did not expect the Zhong DuiZhang task assigned to Geng Jian was actually met with five girls dating. Geng Jian surprised at Zhong DuiZhang while hesitating and fooling Niu Shuang replaced him out of the police, fleeing the captain's arrangements. I realized that this time the police turned out to be two girls found that there are mice at home, they want to use a lit towel to drive rats and call 110, Geng Jian scold two girls waste public resources. As a result, Wen XiaoQian screamed and shouted to Geng Jian while seeing Huang DouDou's hand in his arms. Everyone was shocked and both met so wonderfully. Under the shame of the two divisions, Wen XiaoQian went to the Secret Service Squadron as a psychological counselor, and under the aegis of Zhi DuiZhang and the political commissar, Geng Jian had to face Wen XiaoQian in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, Yang Miao, Niu Shuang's girlfriend, Also supported and persuaded her to fall in love with Geng Jian. And Geng Jian often talked about in one sentence is "fire fighters are life-changing." However, Wen XiaoQian, a psychoanalyst who is acutely aware of Geng Jian's courage, actually poses serious psychological problems. Wen XiaoQian loves Geng Jian as he "puzzled" Geng Jian. In a major fire rescue, Wen XiaoQian saw Geng Jian assault, trapped in the fire, dying. And at this most crucial moment, Geng Jian finally revealed their voices. Although Geng Jian finally glorified and wounded, his love with Wen XiaoQian finally bloomed beautiful flowers in the flame.

LaoShaoKa (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The film's growing experience of describing A ErSiLeng, a young soldier, reflects the fact that the friendship between the peoples of the two countries has not been interrupted in spite of the viciousness of the Sino-Soviet two years. Being loyal to the motherland and defending the motherland are the bounden duty of the soldiers. However, the soldiers are all human beings. Human nature tells us that in the face of common threats, it is neither good nor bad.

Legend of the sea (TV)[2005]

Feature: On the East China Sea in the 1930s, Liang GuiFeng, a marital woman who killed the legendary drama of the sea and was rich in poverty, was active in the East China Sea. Liang GuiFeng assassinated Gu SiYe, a tribe woman on the beach, but was found guilelessly by Gu SiYe, who vowed to ramp up the island of Liang GuiFeng. Liang GuiFeng is diametrically opposed to Gu SiYe's dry daughter Suo Fei and Gu's darling A Lin, knowing that two people are running away with Gu SiYe and that Gu SiYe is sending people around. Daughter Yu Lian fears her mother will be in trouble, advocating the release of Suo Fei and A Lin, and Hai Long, Liang GuiFeng's son, resolutely opposes Liang GuiFeng and her daughter Yu Lian to launch an open fight ...

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