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Li Yusheng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Li Yusheng Works 10 ,And Feature 6 ,Family drama 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Romance 2 ,Love 2 ,Ethical play 2 ,Crime 2 ,公路1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Comedy 1 。

Works Index

Li Yusheng Filmography(10)


一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。


人间规则 (TV)[2018]


沉寂许久的“公关女神” Kong XiaoYin 复出了,在《高,实在是高》这一全网最热辩论节目上,她还未尝败绩,以女王姿态睥睨众生。如今她卷土重来,所有人都感觉到了一场“腥风血雨”的到来。节目责编 Yang MingYu 受命全程跟踪报道 Kong XiaoYin ,却在一串误打误撞下加入了她的工作室。一个是坚持中二善良的萌新小白,一个是人人闻风丧胆的“毒舌女王”,两人开始了一段相爱相杀的奇妙经历。 Wang Hong 、作家、明星、创业者……通过一个又一个卷入网络舆论漩涡的公众人物揭开了光怪陆离的网络时代浮世绘。面对虚虚实实,众人各显神通,为的就是追寻出事件背后的真相。


Fathers identity (TV)[2016]

Feature: Stills In 1948, there was a case of assassination of the U.S. forces in Qingcheng. Special Commissioner Yu BeiPing was sent to Qingcheng to investigate the case. He was well aware of the deep-seated purpose of the commission's own investigation of the case in order to identify himself. Deep in crisis, Yu BeiPing saw his lost biological daughter in Qingcheng for years. My daughter is mysterious and is investigating myself. Yu BeiPing and current wife's daughter Xu DanNi in Qingcheng University, left-thinking, scornful of his father's spy identity, is in love with a family professor, Yu BeiPing very distressed. Yu BeiPing on the one hand to complete the organization's highest task, on the one hand and carefully protect their two daughters. In the end, the eldest daughter sacrificed to protect him, the little daughter until separated from his father, came to understand: his father is a true communist. But since then the two never stop horizon.

Ye YaZi 2 (TV)[2014]

Feature: Ye YaZi 2 tells Ye YaZi and Yang Shun to leave the city together, return to the countryside and rebuild the duck farm. Ye YaZi 2, when everything seems to go smoothly, Introduced the sensitive topic of "recognizing the mother not recognized". In the meantime, it has also become a fuse that strikes Yang family, Zhou family and Fang family and disputes these several relationships and sparks various contradictions and frictions. Faced with the ensuing challenges of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, pregnancy and childbirth, and ex-girlfriend's illness, Ye YaZi encouraged and infected everyone with his dedication, non-abandonment and optimism. It has interpreted a positive and inspirational story that enables the audience to feel the true love and true love between people while they laugh.

ZhengFu (Movie)[2013]

Feature: After investigating a group of black gang members who crossed Hengzhou, investigators learned that Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaWen's younger brother, who was the gang of gangs of black forces in the north of Qiaobei District, was recently seriously wounded. A police force investigating Liu HuaWen, a group of underworld forces, said Liu HuaWen remained silent and did not say why she was injured. At this time, Liu HuaQiang had been absconded for hurting others two years ago and Feng Biao was also on Wu Tian After being killed and fleeing the city, Xu GuoQing will be the focus, start chasing. At this moment, in the suburban song and dance hall in front of Song YunLai commonly known as the Song Tiger was shot in the same way. Song YunLai is a famous local underworld figure, one of the only remaining members of the dark forces who started his own career in the seventies of the city. He just released his sentence to concentrate on playing in the dance halls and never stopped talking about things in rivers and lakes. Wu Tian and Song YunLai heard each other, but without any contact. And the two have the meaning of retirement in the past two years, many of them are a few years ago. According to the investigation, Wu Tian and Song YunLai fought with Liu HuaQiang and Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaQiang's younger brother, had been wounded and had sneaked back to the city. Xu GuoQing is keenly aware that Liu HuaQiang is gradually implementing his plan of revenge while he continues to investigate and control the other side. As Xu GuoQing expected, Liu HuaQiang and his mistress Li Mei, two young killers rented in a district, peeped the police action and continued the long-awaited revenge plan. The pursuit of police and anti-chase between the police, revenge and prevent revenge from the contest.

Ye YaZi (TV)[2011]

Feature: Ye YaZi tells Ye YaZi and Yang Shun Twenty years ago, Zhou LiQin abandoned her new-born daughter to go abroad for divorce. Twenty years later, she came to the mainland to find her daughter. Years have not seen his daughter has become a rustic, full of foul language country crazy girl, nickname Ye YaZi. Zhou LiQin did not expect her daughter to have her own life principle. She asked Zhou LiQin to give her a complete home to marry her own biological parents, Ye YaZi's request Seemingly reasonable, but let all unacceptable, Ye YaZi whipped up the two families, but he is even hardest hit in the war. In the end, Yema decided not to recognize Zhou LiQin, or to live alone, so that other people around to restore a peaceful life. Ye YaZi Loves Zhou LiQin driver Yang Shun, Ye YaZi and Yang Shun want to get married, she wanted to create a new life for her.

Couple password (TV)[2009]

Feature: The "Password for Couples" tells the story of Chen Fang and Qiu Feng co-founded advertising agency, but the benefits are mediocre. Suddenly, a work by Chen Fang, a person known as Ghost, won the Advertising Awards and became a celebrity overnight. Customers flock to the big single business overwhelmed. In order to seize the unprecedented opportunities, Chen Fang led the staff day and night, sleepless nights, sometimes ignored the family, his wife was cold. In the meantime, Chen Fang's mother was terminally ill and came to see a doctor in Beijing. This puts tremendous strain on Ai YouYou, a wife who needs both work and child care. In-laws and Ai YouYou have had many conflicts due to their lifestyle. Coupled with her husband's energetic career, increasingly brilliant, but also a few days not to go home, mediocre Ai YouYou slightly crisis, the two often dispute. But Ai YouYou still restrained the heart of grievances, looking for medical treatment for her mother-in-law to take good care of them. Complaining about her husband while still quietly giving him support in his career. Unfortunately, he was sadly hit by a car accident at a company dealt with by the husband company. Chen Fang saves his wife and sells his shares and real estate. While shouldering the family responsibility and caring for the elderly, she is still running around for the company day and night. From this she understands the trivial hardworking of his wife, the guilt of his wife and the readiness and loyalty behind his nagging wife. Wife stood on the edge of life and death, Chen Fang heart to call, with the careful care of her husband and her in-laws and their families, Ai YouYou died. Ai Mu, a teacher, divorced her husband 30 years ago because of her husband's loyalty and divorce. Ai father away from hometown no news. After Ai Mu retired, she met Yue XianSheng with her morning exercise. Yue XianSheng's optimism and cheerful personality influenced Ai Mu. She deeply regretted her extremeness and stubbornness and regretted her hatred of her ex-husband. Due to Ai Mu Yue XianSheng very touching, they began to marry married, want to spend forever. And Ai YouYou's father returned to Beijing after retirement because of missing her daughter. Silently supporting a parachute stand outside the area where her daughter resides, she does not make a living, but she only see her daughter every day. He is interested in approaching the 7-year-old grandson Xiao Guang, who have become the turn of years at a loss, causing Ai YouYou to worry about this and persuading children to stay away from "strangers." Ai's father was suddenly seen by Xiao Guang during a sudden stroke. He and his passers-by sent him to the hospital. Chen Fang accidentally found a photo of Ai YouYou's childhood in Ai's cabin when the police searched for the families of the patients. However, Ai YouYou could not accept her sudden father because her mother's misunderstanding of her father deeply implanted her young mind and she made my father unfaithful. Under the guidance of Ai Mu, Chen Fang and Yue Xian Sheng, she understood that her parents' grievances were caused by their lack of trust. She eventually accepted the father of the "stranger" who often appeared in front of her. Ai Mu married soon, ex-husband life is dying. Yue XianSheng volunteered to help cure and take care of his father, eventually becoming a friend of his family.

Make money plan (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Directed by: Yi Xiaozhong Screenwriter: Chen Yong To star. Li Yusheng, Mary, Xu Chengfeng, Liu Lei Variety: the story of the film Type: plot Produced by: Ying Ying International Film Investment Co., Ltd. Length: 87 minutes Production period: 2007 Synopsis Zhu Wei and Lin Hsiao two little people were designed, overwhelmingly left the job, became unemployed, two kind-hearted people forced by life step by step they want to take the risk. Although life is hard and hard, but a drop of water can see the sun, from the life of young people reflects the tenacity of life attitude ......

Cooks official (TV)[2004]

Feature: During the Guangxu period, Ma DongYang, a magistrate of Xianghe County, was intercepted and intercepted by a group of mysterious masked men on his way back to the capital. Just the pro-political Guangxu furious news, want to send people to investigate the case of Xianghe County, Xi TaiHou want their own kitchen chef Niu BuGeng took over the magistrate, Guangxu opposition, to send folk chef Shi ZhuXiang. So each of two factions to send a cook to take office, sub-single-day stand trial case. Shi ZhuXiang, an official of the cook, was originally from Jinshi. Since she refused to bribe officials, she never gave him a job and only made a living in the capital and made a name for himself as a cook. After he led the consul, he came to Xianghe County together with the personal eunuch Xiao KouZi around the emperor. Unexpectedly, when the new official took office, he was insulted by the evil forces in the area. Because Niu BuGeng was a royal chef for Xi TaiHou in the palace, won the Galeries Lafayette appreciation, so he is even more emboldened officials, no evil, "paid case" under the guise of money and money. Shi ZhuXiang again and again destroyed his good deeds, so he everywhere against Shi ZhuXiang against Shi ZhuXiang chef cooking arts, several times to fight with the art, but it is often defeated. Shi ZhuXiang's wife originally wanted to tell her father good news about her husband. When she returned home, she learned that her father had gone and left a life-threatening book - unless "the stone was rice and the cook was the official," she recognized Shi ZhuXiang as son-in-law . The original Shi ZhuXiang is relying on their superb cooking skills to the beautiful and clever Mu Xiao-Hui lie to their own hands, the result caused the hatred of Muslims outside. Xiao Hui has a big weakness - greedy mouth to eat, because of this, only with his father despised Shi ZhuXiang come together. Because of his father's death, Xiao Hui is very sad, it is to Shi ZhuXiang good official, to comfort his father's spirit in the sky. Whenever Shi ZhuXiang is not well qualified as an official, Xiao Hui urges him to "rest" him. Ronglu's daughter, Rongxiu, came to Xianghe County together with Suzanne, daughter of the Russian minister, and cast Shi ZhuXiang as a teacher to study cooking. Do not want Suzanne because of gluttony gradually Shi ZhuXiang trust, and secretly like him. Xiao Hui met her, knowing that Suzanne just as he was Shi ZhuXiang seduced the same, immediately warned Suzanne and persuaded Suzanne, but also act as a matchmaker, to himself is still a threat to Rongxiu grid Married Shi ZhuXiang's uncle brother stone rock. Shi ZhuXiang defied the evil forces of the Niu BuGeng gang and managed a county through culinary arts. The result was crooked and one case of another, large and small, was cracked one after another, finally revealing the truth of the case of killing in Mazhi County - originally Rong Lu Emperor Guangxu in order to break the son of children, buy through the hospital to judge the next hospital, and Ma Court sentenced Rong Lu's conspiracy to the emperor in the "pulse case." Shi ZhuXiang found this "pulse" and finally made the truth come true. He did not want "pulse" to be used by Kang Youwei's reformers in order to promote the breakup of Guangxu and Xi TaiHou and to assassinate the empress dowager, In order to suppress the mutiny in the name of Guangxu under house arrest again blindfolded hearing. When Zhumadian County was killed in the case, Shi ZhuXiang found out that "the murderer" was Fu TianChou, Mu Xiaoli's later brother who later went on to inspect the county government.In fact, Fu TianChou heart has been in love with Mu Xiao Hui, until he died for Mu Xiao Hui and Shi ZhuXiang, only revealed the deep feelings in the heart of the little Hui ...... Shi ZhuXiang careful examination found that the original horse The magistrate was never killed by Fu TianChou, but Tian Chou faked an assassinated false site in order to protect his benefactor, Mazhi County. The last two were killed by a killer sent by Rong Lu, and the "pulse" of the emperor, whom everyone was looking for, fell into Shi ZhuXiang's hands. Shi ZhuXiang, after concluding that Ma DongYang was murdered, was framed by Rong Lu and Niu BuGeng and was arrested for being anti-Ching Ming's name on a dish. He has been with his eunuch Xiao KouZi to step forward and charge the charges Embrace his body, was pushed to the market mouth decapitation. Shi ZhuXiang, who has always helped Shi ZhuXiang's aristocrat Ge Rong, was determined to marry Kang Youwei's disciple, Shi Huangxian's cousin Shi Huangxian, for being dissatisfied with his father's ruling tyranny. After the failure of the reform method, Huangyan was exiled Ninggutan, Rongxiu insisted to follow, feeling the sky moving. Shi ZhuXiang Do not want to go home, Niu BuGeng refused to accept Shi ZhuXiang, forcing him to fight with himself - cooking puffer fish and eating puffer fish, winning or losing gambling. Shi ZhuXiang and Niu BuGeng ate their own burgundy puffer fish at the same time. As a result, Niu BuGeng smashed his own foot and Shi ZhuXiang went to his hometown Xianghe with his wife Xiao Hui.

conquer (TV)[2003]

Feature: After investigating a group of black gang members who crossed Heng Hsiang, police learned that conquering the stills took the head of the gang of black forces in the vicinity of North Qilu. Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaWen's younger brother, was recently seriously wounded, For another triad, Feng Biao, Liu HuaWen remained silent while investigating Liu HuaWen. At this time, Liu HuaQiang had been absconded for hurting others two years ago. Feng Biao was also After Wu Tian was killed and fled the city, Xu GuoQing made Liu HuaQiang a priority and started hunt down. At this moment, in the suburban song and dance hall in front of Song YunLai commonly known as the Song Tiger was shot in the same way. Song YunLai is a famous local underworld figure, one of the only remaining members of the dark forces who started his own career in the seventies of the city. He just released his sentence to concentrate on playing in the dance halls and never stopped talking about things in rivers and lakes. Wu Tian and Song YunLai heard each other, but without any contact. And the two have the meaning of retirement in the past two years, many of them are a few years ago. According to the investigation, Wu Tian and Song YunLai fought with Liu HuaQiang and Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaQiang's younger brother, had been wounded and had sneaked back to the city. Xu GuoQing is keenly aware that Liu HuaQiang is gradually implementing his plan of revenge while he continues to investigate and control the other side. As Xu GuoQing expected, Liu HuaQiang and his mistress Li Mei, two young killers rented in a district, peeped the police action and continued the long-awaited revenge plan. The pursuit of police and anti-chase between the police, revenge and prevent revenge from the contest.

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