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Dong Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Dong Wang Works 14 ,And Romance 6 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Urban drama 3 ,Idol drama 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Feature 1 ,Fashion 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,话题1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Homosexual 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Crime 1 ,三国1 。

Works Index

Dong Wang Filmography(14)


将夜2 (TV)[2020]


《将夜2》电视剧是由企鹅影视、猫片、金色传媒、阅文影业出品,杨阳执导, Wang Hedi 、 S.Ireine 、 Yang ChaoYue 、 Crystal Yuan 等主演的古装玄幻剧。

这个世界有个传言,永夜降至,人间浩劫。只有找到传说中的应兆之人,才能化解危机。边城小军卒 Ning Que 凭借坚韧意志,一路过关斩将走上了修行之路,成功为自己冤死的家人平反昭雪,更成为了唐国的守护者。然而在野心家的撺掇下,世人发现与 Ning Que 青梅竹马的 Sang Sang 就是传说中的应兆之人,欲置她于死地。 Ning Que 不愿看到善良的 Sang Sang 受伤害,陪伴着她突破重重阻碍,两人浪迹天涯,相依为命。此时野心家意图一举毁灭唐国,集结各国联军讨伐。 Ning Que 临危受命,放下个人的仇怨,带领唐国军民奋起反抗,成为国家的守护者。 Ning Que 和伙伴们集千万人的力量和誓死守卫家园的决心,重新启动了唐国惊神大阵,战胜了强大的敌人,还世间和平与安宁。 Ning Que 则继续踏上了寻回爱人 Sang Sang 之路。


归还世界给你 (TV)[2019]


《归还世界给你》讲述了 Shen YiEn 和男友 Xie QiLei 携手创业,大学刚毕业就事业起步、走上正轨。但商场诡谲、人心险恶,对手为争夺利益,导致了 Xie QiLei “意外身亡”。痛失爱人的沈亦恩并没有一蹶不振,她一方面独自扛起事业重任,将公司打造成知名时尚品牌;一方面追寻 Xie QiLei 的下落。 Xie QiLei 并没有死,他被人所救,因伤势严重不得不改头换面,在异国他乡恢复休养,死里逃生的他重新回国,成为时尚总裁“ Lu Zhun ”,决心查出当年他出事的真相。 Lu Zhun 和沈亦恩在亦敌亦友亦相识的危险气氛中再次相爱,沈亦恩有青梅竹马的追求者 Qin Ye ,她的闺蜜 Cen Wei 则爱上了英俊帅气的 Lu Zhun ,四个年轻人的友情和爱情微妙失衡。面对复杂的感情问题和事业的坎坷,沈亦恩和 Lu Zhun 终于在困难中找回了彼此的初心,携手并肩,真爱不灭 。

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


都挺好 (TV)[2018]


《都挺好》讲述了表面上无限风光的苏家,随着 Su Mu 的突然离世,瞬间分崩离析。意想不到的隐患层层显露,对毫无主见却又自私、小气的苏父的安置和后续生活问题,打破了远在国外的大哥与本城的二哥、小妹三家的平静生活。父亲 Su DaQiang 终于摆脱了妻子的铁腕,对几个孩子变本加厉,不断提出过分要求。在美国工作的老大 Su MingZhe 回到国内,一心要挑起家庭重担,却力不能及不堪重负,致使妻子孩子与其不断疏远。一直啃老的老二 Su MingCheng 毫无悔改之心,贪慕虚荣一心发财,从而导致事业和家庭的双重惨败。最不受父母待见,十八岁起就和家里断绝经济往来的老小 Su MingYu ,曾发誓与这个家庭划清界限,却因亲情牵绊,再次搅进了苏家的泥潭之中,在苏家的一次次危机中出手相助。最终,苏家人明白到,虽然有血脉相连,但是一家人彼此间的沟通也不能忽视,终于实现了亲情的回归 。


The Advisors Alliance (TV)[2017]

Feature: From Si MaYi (Wu Xiubo) armor saber spirits, to Zhu GeLiang (Luoyong Wang) hand-held crane crampon repulse Fang 都, all heralding a field match ready to come. The relationship between Meng Da, Kucheng City Project, Gao Pingling and Si MaYi with the second generation of Wei Rui (Rui Huan Liu) is about to come to the drama & nbsp ;. Si MaYi's identity will become "Tuoluxiangchen" and further into Cao Rui, the political rights hub of the era of Cao Fang (William Chan), and Zhu GeLiang, the biggest opponent in his life.

Grand Army Division Si MaYis Alliance (TV)[2017]

Feature: The young Si MaYi (Wu Xiubo) was a timid scholar who looked back at Cao Cao (Hewei Yu) and later settled with Cao Cao edge. He was Cao Cao forcibly recruited as an officer, a foot into Cao Cao undercurrent riot of contempt. He used his strategy to help Cao Pi (Li Chen (actor)) to pass Cao Cao's test again and again, and to send Cao Pi to his son. He tried his best to help Cao Pi become a founding principal of the founding father, create a new political order, support the family of people, and suppress the imperial clan and made great contributions to the stability and prosperity of Wei. He and Zhuge Liang (Wang Luoyong ornaments) in the six out of Qishan contest and the game know each other, Wu Zhang original autumn wind a Liang Fu Yin, he completely defeated the most powerful opponents of life, but in the misty chess game burst into tears. In his twilight years, Wei's main minister Chen Yong, he silently accumulated strength, humiliation and bearing the weight of the final blow to a success, to calm down Wei's civil strife. His life has the great achievements of the national security and the people, but also brutally Mingming scheming plot, he worked two miraculous, resourcefulness crown the world, laid the foundation for the end of troubled times & nbsp ;.

Chu Chuan Biography (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the westerly years chaos chaos, a large number of civilians in the war reduced to the official stills work according to slaves, life as rushes. The slave girl Liying Zhao was sent to a hunting ground for aristocratic entertainment and was fortunate to have been rescued by Yan Xun Yanchuan. She was then taken into custody in the ruling U-door. Witnessed one after another brother and sister tragic death, vowed to take my sister out of prison. Chouchu, being open-minded by Yu Wenyue, was forced to undergo severe training and at the same time, formed a profound friendship with Yan Xun. In the battle of West Wei Dynasty, Yan Xun's family was exterminated and in despair, Chu Qiu lives with him and helps him escape the dilemma. However, after returning to Xiliang, Yan Xun ambitious expansion at the cost of Manchu people's lives at the expense of domination. Chu Qiao desperately parted ways with Yan Xun, Yan Xun designed to trap Yu WenYue on the frozen lake, Chu Qiao and Yu WenYue fall into the frozen lake - dead or alive & nbsp ;.

Addicted & Heroin (TV)[2016]

Feature: Bai LuoYin childhood with confused father Bai HanQi and grandparents living together, 16 years old this year, the relatives of mother Jiang Yuan remarried, married to senior military officer Gu WeiTing. Gu Hai, son of Gu WeiTing, has been resentful to her father for her mother's death. Two brothers with a resistance due to chance coincidence in the same class, with the passage of time, slowly produced a different feeling, BaiYuYin's classmates You Qi and hair YangMeng also played in this relationship Not a small role.

Custom happiness (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tian XiaoNi is the first fashion designer, she follows the principle of "perfect self + perfect gentleman = perfect life". Therefore, she vowed to fight himself as a "goddess of 100" in the mind of a man, while the other half must pass her "perfect gentleman 18". She put the perfect custom fashion and the attitude of the perfect copy, replicated in the perfect love she imagined. Zhan Wang's study experience, as well as senior driver, car modification division identity, let him always with luxury cars, celebrities, high-end clubs linked together. That Tian XiaoNi mistake Zhan Wang mistaken for his "perfect gentleman", take the initiative to start the pursuit. When Tian XiaoNi found Zhan Wang a "counterfeit", she decided to break up and continue to search for "Mr. Perfect," even though she found herself in love with him. However, when the goal is achieved, Tian XiaoNi found that everything that seems perfect actually runs counter to their original intention, and she finally understands the essence of a perfect life & nbsp ;.

Diamond Lover (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Duo fell in love with the diamond company president Xiao Liang, the conditions of the poor Mi Duo discouraged, did not dare to confess. However, a car accident completely changed her fate. Mi Duo, a car accident cosmetic, became slim and beautiful. She applied to work as a diamond designer and became a designer assistant. After a double blow of romance and joblessness, Mi Duo realizes that beauty is not a passport for love. She is no longer plagued by beauty and ugliness. She wants to become a qualified jewelry designer. Mi Duo experienced various setbacks in the workplace, she repeated defeats, never give up. Mi Duo optimistic positive attracted Xiao Liang, she finally harvested the dream and love. In the meantime, friend Lei YiMing has always been guarding Mi Duo as a friend and can not help but love Mi Duo's dreams, Mi Duo faces the choice between friend and lover. In the end, Mi Duo walked away from Belgium to complete the designer's dream & nbsp ;.

Beautiful Lady Wonderful Life (TV)[2015]

Feature: A single mother, Lan Jiahui, left Hong Kong and marry her with a child, marrying Qingdao with Li WenXuan, a high school teacher who also divorced her and her son, who was going to restart her life. Faced with her unexpected "complicated situation" Moment could not shelve. The identity of Hong Kong-in-law made her mother repeatedly attacked, the crowd of people have not let themselves know short-sighted, single mother's bitterness only their own clear, entrepreneurial passion repeatedly crushed, painstaking research and development of cosmetics eventually being acquired. At the same time Jia Hui's hard-won mother-in-law's understanding, Jia Hui saved her mother's role in the war with her ex-husband. "Blue Marlin Restaurant" as the second spring of Jia Hui's career, almost at a critical moment to be changed hands, and good with her mother defeated rivals. As a contemporary woman with "unique identity", Jia Hui must learn to be self-reliant in the special environment where she lives and eventually make her mother-in-law know her true self and hard work to create the peak of her own career.

Married daughter to law (TV)[2015]

Feature: The single mother, Lan JiaHui, left Hong Kong to marry her with her children and married her to Li WenXuan, a high school teacher who also had divorced children. Lan JiaHui, who intended to restart her life, faced her unexpected "complicated situation" Can not stand. The identity of Hong Kong-in-law made her mother repeatedly attacked, the crowd of people have not let themselves know short-sighted, single mother's bitterness only their own clear, entrepreneurial passion repeatedly crushed, painstaking research and development of cosmetics eventually being acquired. At the same time Jia Hui's hard-won mother-in-law's understanding, Jia Hui saved her mother's role in the war with her ex-husband. "Blue Marlin Restaurant" as the second spring of Jia Hui's career, almost at a critical moment to be changed hands, and good with her mother defeated rivals. As a contemporary woman with "unique identity", Jia Hui must learn to be self-reliant in the special environment where she lives and eventually make her mother realize her true self and hard work, and also create the peak of her career.

Love is back (TV)[2014]

Feature: The strongwoman Ming Liang and her colleague Gao Jian are the same people on the job. However, both of them contradict the marriage and want to talk about no love affair. Therefore, the two clashed to become a secret couple. Mutually attractive to each other, they are afraid of the relationship one step closer, resulting in friction. Petite girl Bao NianNian was attracted by veterinary Fang SiQi, the initiative to pursue but accidentally pregnant, both parents forced marriage. On the day of the issue of the card, she misinterpreted her abortion, without a reason for her marriage, and her relationship with Siqi was more vulnerable. However, Siqi had come up with a "new marriage relationship" to retain her thoughts. Although Cheng Lei, Yu XiaoNuo 's boyfriend, is poor at singing and dancing, she is unwilling to marry him. However, Cheng Lei unexpectedly became famous when Little Connold actively sought for her. Little Connaught found himself and Cheng Lei farther and farther. Three couples, experiencing numerous conflicts and divisions and divisions, finally understood the true meaning of marriage. "Brilliant" and "miss" decided to accept the challenge of marriage, while Little Connaught decided to make himself a woman eligible for marriage.

Jagged youth (TV)[2004]

Feature: Ancients say: confession. Ancient QiMing ancient players experience this deep ... ... Jagged youth stills Sun generation has a peerless masterpiece, "Spring and Autumn tiger symbol", has been afraid to publicize, that is the case, the Sun family was still tragedy, to the Sun QiMing This generation of father, it is even more secretive, but who can escape the "Cultural Revolution"? During the Cultural Revolution, Zhang Ziqing, the rebel leader, forced Sun QiMing to surrender his tiger symbol. After Zhang Ziyuan took the tiger symbol, Sun QiMing's father died in anger and grievances that night, announcing the words "Wall Conviction" to Sun QiMing before his death. The matter has spread like wildfire, with several rebel factions fighting against each other and killing and wounded. One night, Zhang Ziqing clutching his bloody belly came to Sun QiMing alone, leaving a tiger symbol to Sun QiMing who was already alone. Zhang Ziqing claimed another tiger character was taken away by others and died later. The other tiger disappeared from where it was ... In the twentieth century, the missing tiger was discovered abroad and heavily bought by a patriotic overseas Chinese. Zhang Xi, a young and promising female owner of the Hanhai auction house in the city, learned of this and contacted the overseas Chinese in order to persuade them to go back to the auction and return the lost overseas cultural relics to the country, Support, negotiations more than a year, overseas Chinese finally agreed, and designated this matter by the Hanhai auction operation, auction in Dinghai City, Zhang Xi temporarily become a hero. The single tiger auction is about to shock domestic and foreign ancient gamers, for a time, the price of a pair of tiger symbols in the international are astronomical figures ... Jagged youth stills at the same time, the story about the tiger characters spread like wildfire ...... Hu Fu auction on the eve of domestic and foreign colored like after another, Falcon and Song SiYuan is one of two people. Falcon employed by the International Cultural Relics and Smuggling Group, his goal is the auction that tiger symbol. Song SiYuan was a childhood companion of Sun QiMing, later went abroad, is also an expert on cultural relics, his goal is this time in the hands of the Sun QiMing that little-known tiger ... a conspiracy is so human desire and emotional Intertwined in the diffuse ... ... Story Outline: Dinghai City Public Security Bureau has three chief Li JinBei pride police officers, they are criminal investigation detachment female police officer Ou Yang Wen, Interpol detachment captain Lu Cheng and deputy captain Ma Chao, they claim Is the city's iron triangle ... Spring April is sunny, and on this pleasant afternoon, someone found a dead man in the jungle, Lu Cheng reported. In another part of the urban area, in order to crack down on a hostage-taking case, Ouyang Wen decided to go to the first scene alone. Before leaving, she told Ma Chao to tell Lu Cheng something that made Ma Chao worried about Ouyang Wen ... well , Captured by criminals, Ouyang Wen safe and sound, so, Ouyang Wen's words became Ma Chao in the midnight wine bar ridicule Ouyang Wen and Lu Cheng topic. On the flight from New York to China, Zhang Xi, the female owner of Dinghai Hanhai Auction House, finally got back to sleep for more than a year. She went back more than a year to get back the auction of Dinghai Martial Arts, a national treasures lost abroad. You're done.His deputy, Tang Zhong, stared at his boss in his sleep, accidentally holding his hand and froze. Tang Zhong was looking at a seemingly old English book with some architectural profiles. Loss of overseas national treasures back shot, causing the city's attention, for a time Zhang Xi fame. During the dinner Zhang Xi's return, the city leaders demanded that Li JinBei of the Municipal Public Security Bureau should defend and punish those with serious dereliction of duty. Zhang Xi said with a smile that she was completely relieved because she knew that there was an "Iron Triangle" under Li JinBei, especially Lu Cheng, who had saved her life two years ago. At this time, Lu Cheng met with Sun XiaoYue, who mistakenly believed that she had to jump off while patrolling. Ma Chao practiced boxing at the boxing gym and vowed to beat Lu Cheng in boxing. Ouyang Wen was ordered to set up a special security team to take charge of the defense during the auction. Ouyang Wen named Lu Cheng and Ma Chao joined Li Cheng. Li JinBei did not agree with Lu Cheng and he sent Lu Cheng on behalf of the Municipal Council to attend the May Day TV station held Sanda competition, Lee's wife is the director of television stations, named after the city Council, Li JinBei not dare not. Ma Chao was dissatisfied. He demanded that the city council be enrolled in the competition. All the people started to stir up their belligerence. The horse and the land were decisive battlefields in the municipal council, and whoever lost to the Cultural Relic Security Team ended up as Lu Cheng. The auction is arranged in the city museum, which is a European-style building during the Republic of China. The first floor will be used for exhibitions and the second floor will be for auction floors. Zhang Gong, who is in charge of security at the museum, told Ou Yangwen that they have just introduced a very advanced security system from the United States and will surely be foolproof. Occasionally, Ma Chao also met with Sun XiaoYue who works for an Internet company, both of whom have their own feelings. Ma Chao immediately catches up, making Sun XiaoYue for a time really give up her admire but do not love Zhang Lei. Zhang Lei Sun XiaoYue boss, a design antivirus software wizards, is a favorite of Sun XiaoYue, but can not discuss the joy of Sun XiaoYue. Sun Lily's close friend Cai Lili for this often Zhang Lei anxious, and Sun XiaoYue jokingly, she would not accept Zhang Lei, she would grab it. The final she really turned into a hundred years with Zhang Lei Cheng, this is something. Sun XiaoYue's father is a famous antiquarian in this city. On this day, his overseas childhood friend Song SiYuan came back to visit Sun QiMing with his son Song XiaoPeng. They talked about the tiger auction together and talked about the tiger The story, which let Song XiaoPeng and Sun QiMing's adoptive son Chen Ping, the two young people obsessed. Ouyang Wen told police officers who participated in security work that a pair of theft experts Falcons, who are closely related to the world's leading antiquities and smuggling syndicates, have come to this Municipality for sightseeing and have dismissed such security work. Ma Chao is coming. Police began monitoring the couple 24 hours. Just then, Ouyang Wen was made a success due to hostage incidents, was raised as deputy captain of the Corps, Lu Cheng and Ma Chao took over security. Ouyang Wen walked in front, the three party, Ma Chao intentionally did not go, the space left to Lee Lu two, Lu and Ou Yang Wen to talk about Lu's sister studying abroad. Zhang Xi and Lu Cheng meet at the restaurant. Zhang Xi around the pursuit of those who like the cloud, but since being Lu Cheng rescue, Lu Cheng dedication, this is Zhang Xi this woman is easy to make mistakes.Zhang Xi sent Lu Cheng a photo of Lu Min, a sister of Lu Cheng and her sister Lu Cheng, and said her sister wants him to pick a place for Lu Cheng's home. Apparently Zhang Xi wants Lu Cheng's own home photo. Zhang Xi gave Lu Cheng a lighter imitating the "Qianlong stuffed enamel snuff bottle," saying that her sister had sent her to Lu Cheng and asked Lu Cheng to take it with him at any time. Auction work on schedule. Ma Chao cloth control exhibition hall, Lu Cheng to the airport pick up the tiger symbol. Three days before the auction show, and the "Spring and Autumn tiger symbol" to accompany the filming of many things, the viewer is like a cloud. On the first day of the show, Sun XiaoYue and Song SunPeng went to the showroom with Sun QiMing and Song SiYuan respectively to observe the tiger symbols. Sun XiaoYue met Ma Chao wearing casual clothes and Song XiaoPeng became hostile to Ma Chao. The show the next day, the Falcons and Couples finally came to the show site, too busy the police a high degree of tension, the results did not cause any problems. Lu Cheng will be playing Sanda final on TV this evening, while Ma Chao will be guarding at night and will not be able to watch it. Just this night, the tiger statues in the showroom were stolen, male falcons were killed by Ma Chao, and female falcons and tigers disappeared. The police immediately closed the airport and road and water traffic, but there is no trace of female falcons. On the way to the scene of the accident, Lu Cheng, who was informed of the incident, immediately called Li JinBei to notify all those involved in the auction of cultural relics that they should not leave the city from now on to see the Lu Cheng race sitting at this moment Zhang Xi of Lu Cheng was in dire need of anger, and she told Lu Cheng that her company's reputation was over. In the face of theft, Ma Chao reproaches. Lu Cheng was commissioned to set up a task force, Ma Chao asked to join, vowed to retrieve the lost tiger symbol and seize the female falcon, eventually Li JinBei promised Ma Chao's request. Female falcons and tiger lines did not clues, the police began to participate in the auction from the start of the staff to investigate, including Zhang Xi Company and Museum of all staff. Soon the police found the museum Zhang Zhang not long ago a huge sum of money on the account, and this person has done a good job abroad travel procedures, due to cultural relics, temporary residence in the city. But when Ma Chao arrived at Zhang's residence, Zhang was killed. In Zhang's place of residence, the police found that there was still a woman's passport in his hand. The police quickly confirmed the woman and rushed to a nightclub where the woman was severely injured by a cold gun in front of the police. The woman was taken to the hospital rescue. Song SiYuan and Sun QiMing talked about the matter after the stolen tiger was stolen. Sun QiMing seems to have taken a long shot and is feeling endless. At this time, Zhang Xi met Lu Cheng and sadly told Lu Cheng that her sister's situation abroad was not good enough. She handed over the CD to Lu and later returned home to look very painful when Zhang Xi called. . The police fully rescued Zhang's mistress, but she was killed again in hospital just as the woman was about to emerge from danger. Zhang workers mistress, female falcon is still missing, the police investigation seems to have entered a dead end. To this end, the above sent Ouyang Wen back to the City Bureau, reorganization of the task force, to Li JinBei full cooperation, a deadline to solve the case.After Ouyang Wen did not let Lu Cheng and other city police officers into the center of the task force, which made Lu Cheng and Ma Chao dissatisfied, they decided to secretly investigate the whereabouts of the tiger to restore Ma Chao's dereliction of duty, Bureau police ability, maybe can help Ouyang Wen. Ouyang Wen took over, the most confusing Ouyang Wen is the falcon suddenly disappeared, and Interpol did not find its traces. Ouyang Wen came to the museum investigation, this ancient building like a mystery, Ouyang Wen still can not find the answer. Then Ou Yangwen started two things: First, a secret investigation of the police internal, initially found no problems, Li JinBei some opinions, but Ouyang Wen determined to continue to investigate. The second is to check the auction who Ouyang Wen learned from the old city Qiqi Sun ancient players, Ouyang Wen found Ma Chao now girlfriend Sun XiaoYue is Sun QiMing's daughter, Ouyang Wen please Sun Hong band She went to visit Sun and wanted to hear the story of the tiger. Sun XiaoYue brings Ouyang Wen to his teahouse frequented by his father and finds Sun QiMing, who is in a tea opera with Song SiYuan. After the introduction, Song SiYuan departs. Ouyang Wen knows the story of ancient tiger from Sun QiMing. Sun QiMing then said I do not know. However, Ouyang Wen and Sun XiaoYue chat to understand that the reason why Sun XiaoYue did not inherit the father, because my father refused to allow the Cultural Revolution, Aria's grandmother and grandmother is because of a home what antiquarians died, but That time there is no Aria. Aoyue Wen made Ouyang Wen doubts, he came to the hospital, visited his father's old comrade in arms, the former Cultural Secretary Hu Fei. 90 elderly elders told Ou Yangwen in the bed that "Cultural Revolution" had heard of a pair of tigers in the Sun family, but no one believed it. Sun Jia also denied that during the "Cultural Revolution" he was criticized by the rebel groups in the cultural sector. Zhang Ziqing was a student of Peking University's Department of History. In the bullpen, he also heard about the rebel faction's argument that Zhang Zicheng took a pair of treasures from the Sun family, but no one had ever seen it. Later, Zhang Zaiqing died and later the great grandson of the Cultural Revolution The family said that Zhang Zicheng took two Tianmu bowls in the Song Dynasty, so everyone no longer believed in the legend of the tiger in the Sun family. Ouyang Wen decided to monitor the Sun family and Ma Chao got his life very contradictory. As a result, Ma Chao's interception was discovered by Sun XiaoYue and the two quarreled. The police only had to listen back Late one night, a masked man broke into Sun House and seemed to be looking for something. The result was discovered by Sun QiMing. The masked man knocked down Sun QiMing. Later, Sun QiMing told Chen Ping not to speak to outsiders, but also to Aria Fall down to. As discourse, Sun QiMing asked Aria and Ma Chao to persuade Aoyama and Ma Chao that Sun QiMing said it might be safer to be with the police, which made Aria very weird that her father was not very well before Agree with her that she is in love with a policeman. No trial, steal and did not find, coupled with the police's attention to the Sun, Song SiYuan finally revealed, decided to start strong. Aria was soon kidnapped, followed by Sun QiMing received a call, let him use the hand of the tiger symbol to change Sun XiaoYue. Sun QiMing mixed feelings, decided to use fake tiger symbol to deceive her daughter.Zhang Lei and Cai Lili filed a report to Lu Cheng on the disappearance of Sun XiaoYue. The police secretly protected Sun QiMing, who went to exchange goods with him, and Sun did not save it. Back home, Sun QiMing finally told the police about the history of the Cultural Revolution, and showed the police the tiger symbol, and requested the police confidential. The police agreed, but asked Sun QiMing, Sun QiMing had to listen. Sun QiMing once again went to deliver the kidnappers, the police mistakenly arrested the ticket dealer, the kidnappers escaped. Later, according to the clues, Aria was rescued, Ma Chao was injured in the hospital, and they both get together and get Sun QiMing's favorite. Song SiYuan was very annoyed because of the unsuccessful kidnapping of Aria, so she gave birth again. Sun QiMing began to feel uneasy with the tiger symbol in his hand, and Chen Ping gave him the idea of ​​a burglar, letting others think the treasure in his hand was stolen. Sun QiMing thought it was the best policy. Two people began to look for opportunities. As the result of the internal investigation, some people questioned Ma Chao, a series of police defeats always seemed to have the shadow of Ma Chao. Ouyang Wen decided to conduct a census of Ma Chao. At this moment, the Corps directed the council to suspend Ma Chao Corps under inspection, Ou Yang Wen just use this to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Ma Chao. Ma Chao's reluctance to let Aria unhappy, Lu Cheng told Aria Ma Chao perform a special task, and explore the hidden place of the tiger symbol, Aria do not know. At the Corps, Ma Chao was so infuriated by various investigations. After the review was over, Ouyang Wen went back to Ma Chao on behalf of the Municipal Council. On the way, Ouyang Wen resigned after Ma Chao returned. Ma Chao surprised ... Lu Cheng is preparing to perform the task back to celebrate Ma Chao, did not expect Ma Chao to Li JinBei resigned, and Li JinBei actually approve, Lu Cheng puzzled, Li on land to explain that the above should be dismissed Ma Chao, but still gave Ma Chao a step to resign himself. The horse's resignation surprised police officers, especially Lu Cheng, but he did not find the answer from Ma Chao and the bench leaders. After resigning Ma Chao changed a person, malaise, complain, Lu Cheng comfort. Sun XiaoYue was pleased with the resignation of the horse, and he felt that Ma Chao resigned for their love. Therefore, Sun XiaoYue suggested that idle working Ma Chao should go to work with Sun QiMing. Play a stolen drama, also agreed, appointment the next day and Ma Chao interview. Before the arrival of Ma Chao, Sun QiMing and Chen Ping started to play pirates. When Sun QiMing asked Chen Ping to tie himself to a chair, Chen Ping suddenly took out his pistol and allowed Sun QiMing to amaze Sun QiMing In the past, Chen Ping, who did not know the Hufu reservoir, did not know what to do. At this moment, Ma Chao came and Chen Ping ran away ... Sun QiMing was taken to the hospital. On the ambulance, Sun QiMing and Ma Chao whispered a few words And death. Aria extremely sad. Ma Chao accepted the police investigation on Sun QiMing's death. Lu Cheng came to Sun QiMing chase, Ma Chao told Lu Cheng he must find out who behind the murderer. Lu Cheng urged Ma Chao to say that this was a police issue and asked Ma Chao to spend time with Aria. Sun XiaoYue want to resign, Zhang Lei do not agree, with the help of Lu Cheng Aria only to be successful. Someone in the police started to suspect that the death of Sun QiMing was related to Ma Chao.Ouyang Wen and Li JinBei decided to count the people who make Ma Chao a treasure trove to discover who the tiger symbol is. Ouyang Wen met in a meeting to announce that Ma Chao was likely to be a tyrant who decided to monitor Ma Chao. Lu Cheng dissatisfied, but no way. Lu Cheng to find Aria, explore the tiger symbol lost in the end, Aria said that the place where the original tiger did not really. Lu Cheng reminded Aria about the behavior of Ma Chao. Aria was puzzled. Lu explained that some people suspected that Ma Chao had stolen a tiger, but Lu Cheng did not believe it. This made Aria very puzzled. Ma Chao started to visit some heritage shops and asked about the prices and prices of tigers, which caught the attention of Aria. Aria began to follow Ma Chao and found Ma Chao spent the night in Ou Yang Wen. Aria was so sad that she did not test Ma Chao. Amy soon found out that Ma Chao was talking to someone about the delivery. Aria thought Ma Chao was trying to sell the gadgets. Aoyama's intervention stirred up Ma Chao's connector. The two broke up, Aria to commit suicide, was Lu Cheng rescued. She told Lu Cheng that it was Ma Chao who stole the tiger symbol. However, he did not let Lu Cheng tell the police that she did not want to get back the tiger symbol anymore. Lu Cheng promised Aria's request. However, Lu Cheng told Li JinBei about the incident and Li JinBei said it was impossible for Lu Cheng to focus on looking for female falcons. Lu Cheng started secretly following Ma Chao and Ou Yangwen. Lu Cheng only went to Ma Chao's house to find a tiger symbol and met Ma Chao. Lu Cheng advised Ma Chao that they both turned their backs. Aria ready to go abroad, please help her Cheng Lu Cheng, Lu advised perseverance to understand the whereabouts of the tiger symbol, then Aria did not want to hear the word tiger again, Ma Chao would like him to take it, in fact, Ma Chao if Really lack of money, he can sell to the store, but he should not take the tiger symbol. Ou Yang Wen began to reorganize ideas. She once again came to this building built in 1931 before the museum puzzle. On the eroded architectural inscription, a name caught the attention of Ouyang Wen, Architectural Designer: LB Eudac. Ouyang Wen immediately went to the museum director Chen Jingliang's office to ask about the architect Hudek. Chen Guan Zhang told Ou Yangwen that Hudek was a very famous Hungarian architect of the early twentieth century. Many famous buildings on the Bund in Shanghai are designed by him , Such as International Hotel, Bank of Four Savings Association, Citigroup, etc. This museum is invited by a president of Citibank, invited by the president here for the design of a vacation villa, which is also Hudek The only private home designed, and because of this, people do not usually mention it when it comes to the designer. About these, he still knew while visiting Shanghai Bund. Ouyang Wen went to the School of Architecture and entered the words "L.E. Hundak" in the college library's computer, resulting in nothing.Ouyang Wen hopeless, she suddenly called Chen Jingliang on the road, asked how to write the English name of Yunda Ke, Chen Jingliang said Ouyang Wen once again returned to the college library, enter the computer a few words L · E. Waldaka , Immediately an English title bounced out, Ou Yang Wen borrowed this book, this is an old apparently out of the English books when the Republic of China, opened the book, Ou Yang Wen was surprised to find the book actually has a museum In the picture, an illegal passage leads to the museum ... The police came to the next passage and found the female falcon dead in illegal tunnels, and the tiger disappeared. Site exploration shows that another person killed the female falcon, took the tiger symbol. Lu Cheng picked up a pill at the scene. After testing, this is a U.S.-made asthma medicine, which is currently not imported in China. The result frowned on Lu Cheng, who had seen Tang Zhong eat this medicine at Zhang Xi. Lu Cheng came to Zhang Xi's home and asked Zhang Xi: What is Tang Zhong? Ma Chao and Ou Yang Wen are secret agents in the Aquarium and Ou Yang wants Ma Chao to supervise Lu Cheng. Ma Chao was shocked. Ouyang Wen said she had checked the list of borrowed books. Only two people had borrowed it. One was Lu Min's mentor, who died a year ago and the other was Lu Min, while Lu Min is the only disciple of her mentor, after which the college did not recruit graduate students in architectural history. Ou Yang Wen found that since the incident, it seems that there is always an invisible hand affecting the development of the situation. She started to suspect Ma Chao but she has not forgotten Lu Cheng. Let's look back at some questions now. Lu Cheng Since she came back to solve the case again, her behavior was abnormal. Another person who has been neglected is Song SiYuan, a man who met Sun QiMing. This time Dinghai was auctioning a tiger, but he did not go now, as if waiting for something. The extroversion showed that Song was an almost bankrupt businessman ... Lu Cheng was almost surprised by almost killing drug traffickers during the arrest of drug traffickers. Ma Chao found that Lu Cheng actually went to the drug treatment center to get to know doctors about the possibility of drug detoxification. Ma Chao was quickly detained by police on the grounds of stealing artifacts and then escaping with the help of Ouyang Wen. But Lu Cheng is very skeptical. However, Li JinBei and Ou Yang Wen mouth can not find flaws. After Ma Chao escaped, she came quietly to Sun Zhai in the middle of the night, when he found out that Lu Cheng came to Sun Sun to find Sun XiaoYue. Lu Cheng wants to explore Ma Chao from Sun XiaoYue mouth again. Police decided to issue a wanted arrest warrant to Ma Chao throughout the country. Ma Chao fled to Queensland under the arrangement of Ou Yang Wen, and the dancing on Kunming on board made Ma Chao remembered scenes of him and Lu Cheng and Ouyang Wen and Aria. Da Wei, a fugitive committed to kidnaping Sun XiaoYue, was found in Ma Chao, Queensland. Da Wei was surprised when Ma Chao could find him in Queensland. When Song SiYuan learned that Ma Chao Pirates had escaped and figured out the tiger symbols in his hand, he did not quite believe it and decided to stay alive. Ma Chao can only wait. Extroverted shows that Lu Cheng's sister has disappeared for a year, may be related to triads, before her sister living in the United States luxury. And Song SiYuan is very likely to be associated with this triad society. It is possible that the stolen tiger will be in his hands. The police are closely monitoring Song's actions. Song SiYuan decided to examine the existence of tigers in Ma Chao's hands.Send his son Song XiaoPeng Ma Ma meet in Kunming, after some inspection, and Xiaopeng agreed back to Dinghai delivery. On her way home, Da Wei was caught by the police and Ma Chao ran away in private and dived into Dinghai. At Zhang Xi's home, Lu Cheng told Zhang Xi about Da Wei's capture and two showdown. Lu found herself deeply intimidated by his sister, and Zhang Xi told it all. The behind-the-scenes was Song SiYuan. The police arranged for the city to hunt Ma Chao. Song SiYuan decided to suspend the meeting with Ma Chao. In order to make each other as soon as possible out of contact with Ma Chao, Ouyang Wen Ma Ma had an idea. Ma Chao began pretending to be a tiger at Curio, leaving Song SiYuan to contact Ma Chao again. Song XiaoPeng met the horse on a boat, talked about the price, and agreed on the delivery time. In accordance with her father's desire, Aria combined her mother's ashes with her father's ashes, and when she opened her mother's urn, she found a tiger. Ma Chao went to deliver with Song XiaoPeng, and the police arranged the arrangement. At that moment, Aria told Lu Cheng about the discovery of a tiger. When Xiao Xiao Peng and Ma Chao delivery, Xiaopeng received his father's phone call, run away. Lu Cheng took the tiger from the hands of Aria, took a fake Ouyang Wen handed over. Ma Chao returns as a hero. However, Aria felt very wronged, ignoring Ma Chao. But in the end it is good. The police decided to monitor Lu Cheng and increase the monitoring of Song SiYuan. Lu Cheng decided to give his name to find the whereabouts of his sister. Lu Cheng and Song SiYuan were delivered. Police failed to fully control the incident. Song SiYuan was accidentally killed by Lu Cheng. Ma Chao came and watched Lu Cheng run ... Police started to arrest Lu Cheng. Ouyang Wen at this time found that they have always overlooked one of the most important people, Zhang Xi. At the case analysis meeting, the police found that all this might be a huge plot designed by Zhang Xi. At this time, Zhang Xi and Tang Zhong suddenly disappeared. Later, the police got intelligence that Lu Cheng was driving away and the police were trying her best to hunt down the car and crashing into the sea. Police judge Lu Cheng is dead. However, Lu Cheng did not die, put on a makeup passport, and fled to Zhang Xi. Police have ascertained that Lu Sima may be under house arrest in a triad society abroad, and that Lu's practice is related to the situation of his sister. Judgment by the horse may not die. So he re-mentioned Da Wei and found a passport-holder and found out that Lu Cheng was working on a passport. When Lu Cheng laid his passport, he laid the police force. However, when Lu Chau was teasing and teasing, Ma Chao was very angry. Zhang Xi told Lu Cheng that if the tiger in his hand was handed over to Ding Xi in Dinghai, the foreign party could arrange for land to go to another country and then send his sister. Lu Cheng did not believe it was proposed to go out with a tiger symbol and see her sister strike a tiger symbol. Zhang Xi agreed that she also wanted to go abroad with Lu and she told Lu Cheng her plan in mind. ... Lu Cheng was leaving. She wanted to find Ma Chao and Ouyang Wen chatting before going online The name of Aria to find the regret in mind, Aria suddenly guess this person may be Lu Cheng, put forward to meet the request, and the appointment of the site on the Internet. Lu Cheng really make a appointment, Aria advised Lu Cheng back, but Lu refused, when the police arrived, Luguixiaoyue escape, Ouyang Wen sacrificed to save a pregnant woman.The death of Ouyang Wen deeply displeased Ma Chao ... The police got the news that Lu Min was killed abroad and Ma Chao told Lu Cheng through the internet. The death of sister and Ouyang Wen made Lu Cheng grieve. At the moment they were about to embark on the boat, Lu Cheng took a pistol and aimed at Zhang Xi, asking her to surrender another tiger character. Zhang Xi was so shocked that she had to give the tiger tears to Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng was trying to get the two Suddenly, Tang Zhong's gun pointed to Lu's head, and it sneered and said that Zhang Xi gave him only a fake, really in his own hands, and he shook his hand in a wood box. Zhang Xi discovered that she had been fooled. Tang Zhong was a man whom he arranged for the smuggling group. Like her against Song SiYuan and Falcon, when Zhang Zhong got two tigers, it was Zhang Xi's death day. Lu Cheng had to give the tiger symbol to Tang Zhong. When Tang Zhong was satisfied, Lu Cheng took out another gun on him and laughed, and he told Tang Zhong he did not know when his sister was dead. Intend to leave, he came today is to find another tiger symbol, of course he will not bring true tiger symbol on the body ... ... The two fight, the goal is the only true character, when Tang Zhong shot, Zhang Xi file live Bullets fell in the arms of Lu, Lu killed Tang Zhong. Zhang Luhuai said she really regretted that she really wanted to go with Lu Cheng and Lu Min with money away, but now everything is too late, she began to harm the meaning of Lu Min, the smuggling group knows to do, She did not dare to tell Lu Cheng ... Zhang Xi was dead. Lu called the police and handed over the artifacts to Ma Chao and Aria. At the place of appointment, Ma and Aria approached and the police set around. Lu handed over the relics to Ma and Aria and turned around and pulled out his guns. At that moment, the full range of snatchers fired and fell to the ground. Ma Chao and Aria picked up and lined Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng said, Boxing set to send Ma Chao. Ma Chao takes down the handgun in the land and finds that there are no bullets in it ...

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