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Ming Huang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ming Huang Works 30 ,And Romance 13 ,Costume Drama 8 ,Feature 5 ,Family drama 4 ,Martial Arts 4 ,Modern opera 3 ,Business War 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Myth play 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,古装女性宫廷情感1 ,Youth inspirational 1 ,Year 1 ,时装1 ,Suspense drama 1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,legend 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Action 1 ,Adventure 1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Ming Huang Filmography(31)


长安诺 (TV)[2020]


剧照图册雍临领主孙女 He LanMingYu 自幼聪颖,少年与盛州九皇子 Xiao ChengXu 意外结识,二人性情相投,情愫渐生。 Xiao ChengXu “战死”的消息误传,茗玉为救承煦胞弟萧承轩,被迫嫁与承煦三哥盛州王 Xiao ChengRui ,身陷后宫。 Xiao ChengXu 屡立战功助 Xiao ChengRui 称帝,建立大晟国,却因功高盖主遭到其猜忌,加之得知当年母妃身死、父王传位的真相,承煦决意篡权复仇。还未得手, Xiao ChengRui 却旧疾复发溘然薨逝,并下诏令茗玉之子萧启元继位,以牵制 Xiao ChengXu ,稳固朝堂。 Xiao ChengXu 被迫扶持萧启元,却仍一心求娶 He LanMingYu 。与此同时,启元渐渐长大,不满 Xiao ChengXu 的控制,更在旁人挑拨下得知母亲与 Xiao ChengXu 私情,对其二人心生怨恨。 He LanMingYu 以大晟上下安定为重,竭力在启元和 Xiao ChengXu 之间寻求平衡。岂料承煦最终战死,而启元也生就一世情痴,随宠妃董若萱病逝而去。茗玉为了大晟的将来,再一次坚强陪伴在登基的小皇帝身边。《长安诺》海报

琉璃 (TV)[2020]


五大仙门的簪花大会即将在少阳派举行,掌门 Chu Lei 的大女儿 Ling Long 机灵能干。二女儿璇玑懵懂懒散、荒废修行,两人被委以接待各派参赛弟子的重任。期间,璇玑与前来参加大会的离泽宫首徒 Yu SiFeng 一见如故,结下友谊,而因两人误入少阳秘境使得璇玑被 Chu Lei 罚去明霞洞思过。 Ling Long 在簪花大会上与别派弟子 Wu Tong 起了冲突,狠厉的 Wu Tong 实施报复,误伤璇玑,被正派驱逐。重伤醒来的璇玑却因此意识到自己“废柴”行为的不良后果,发誓好好修行,不再连累他人。司凤则因之前被璇玑摘下面具而回离泽宫接受了残酷的惩罚。四年后,璇玑功法精进,获得了下山历练的机会。鹿台镇为民除害中,璇玑偶遇司凤,并在司凤的点拨下学会配合与信任的要义。 Wu Tong 背叛正派,联手魔族天墟堂意图称霸三界,整个天下岌岌可危。此时已经领略人间真情的璇玑,不再是懵懂少女,她坚守正义,联手司凤向恶势力宣战,并成功扭转局势。最终恶人伏诛,三界恢复平静,璇玑和司凤也在历尽种种误会与艰辛后收获了珍贵的爱情 。琉璃海报


未经安排的青春 (TV)[2019]




Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

Swinging (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Swaying" also known as "shaking the Queen" tells the continent mainland to Promise imperial command too deep, Tian evil, Xuanji, and Zong Xue sacred sea Fuyu across the sea. The ancient dome has pregnant a god lotus in the body. Spray childhood Yuen Yuan Xuan Yuan Jian sent under the door, due to qualifications dull teacher division door contempt. At the age of 16 had "broken nine Xiao" magic, martial arts sophisticated. In order to collect the secrets of the Five Continents, wait for the wind to break the sea to the sky, escort embark on the road to adventure in Wuzhou, and the Promise Imperial City Prince Zhang SunWuJi know each other, Interpol, De Wang Palace change, together with the days of evil king Zhan BeiYe to regain the monarchy, revealing the escort Xuanji Wangnv's life. Accompanied by everyone escorted to the sky, flesh and blood to contend with the ancient evil things non-God, after the arduous test, the ultimate breakthrough in the sky Cangxian, beheaded all evil cult, guarding the continents Aetna. Waggish and Promise love has finally become good. "Wiggling" is based on the world Guiyuan novel "help the Queen" adapted from the lemon Meng film industry, lemon Meng Yue heart and Tencent video co-produced costumes of women's inspirational TV series by Yang Wenjun, Xie Ze and Li Cai jointly directed, Yang Xiaopei served as general manager Producers, Mini Yang, Ethan Juan, Vengo Gao, Yijun Liu, Zhang Yaqin and Yi Lai starred together .

I stand on the bridge to see the scenery (TV)[2017]

Feature: "I stand on the bridge to see the scenery" tells Xiao ShuiGuang due to loss of boyfriend Yu JingLan became agitated because of a teaching accident with the student brother drama company boss Zhang ZhengLan acquaintance. Zhang ZhengLan discovered that water was the girl who had given her game idea and began to pursue her. In the pursuit of the process, the water due to the past closed heart, Zhang ZhengLan open Xiao ShuiGuang heart, promised Xiao ShuiGuang "you keep your secret, I guard you." Xiao ShuiGuang in his impulse, try to put down the inner bondage. When their feelings were getting warmer, returned Jiang YuRu became the stumbling block to their relationship. At the same time, Luo Zhi also revealed his heart to Xiao ShuiGuang and Xiao ShuiGuang chose to evade him. Eventually, Jiang YuRu learned that Zhang ZhengLan had chosen to quit sincerely and that Luo Zhi chose to let go because he was involved in the death of Yu JingLan. When the fate of Zhang ZhengLan and Xiao ShuiGuang came to an end, the car accident came to light and Zhang ZhengLan's game company was in a crisis. With everyone's efforts, everything was settled, Xiao ShuiGuang finally opened the door to bravely accept Zhang ZhengLan's love & nbsp ;. "I stand on the bridge to see the scenery" is a TV series produced by Mango Television and Deep Blue Film and produced under the same title by Gu Si Jue, directed by Yuan Xia Man. Jiang Chao, Ruixian He, Hanchen Pang, Zhao Xudong, Song Yi Xing, Hang Qi, Huang Ming starring. "I stand on the bridge to see the scenery," landing on January 23, 2018 Hunan Satellite TV youth, broadcast every Wednesday and Wednesday.

That piece of the sky that sea (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shen Luo (Bea Hayden), an ordinary girl with a dream, is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and back to a quiet island life. Unexpectedly, a man named Wu JuLan (Feng Shaofeng) was rescued by chance, which turned out to be a completely different body from the human evolutionary direction. With extraordinary ability and wisdom, he helped Shen Luo get through the storm once and for all, overcome the crisis and deeply attracted Shen Luo. The two stumbling along, learn from each other to trust each other, and finally had a deep love. Because Shen Luo body has a human soul beads, causing An Zuo's shy, Ling-beads save the adoptive father. An Zuo abducted Shen Luo, Wu JuLan arrived in time, rescued Shen Luo. Shen Luo, who knew the truth of Ling Zhu, wanted Wu JuLan to live, so she wanted to give Ling Zhu back to Wu Ran Lan with a kiss of true love, but Wu JuLan refused. Then jumped into the sea, Shen Luo followed. Ling Zhu issued a slight blue light, Wu JuLan tears into pearls, Shen Luo holding pearls, and Wu JuLan disappear in the boundless sea.

Hunting Gold Storm (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Hunting the Golden Storm" tells the sea glorious group beauty returnees financial Dr. Ji Qiao and Landeside Group young talent heir to the successor Blue policy is a study abroad lover, due to crush the quarter of Wang BingKun from which the two broke up. Ten years later, the two never forget each other reunion, but emotional wounds difficult to heal. Wang BingKun, who has grown overseas with both natural resources and family resources, has repeatedly inadvertently declared a childish boy to launch a shopping malls war in an attempt to defeat them in the mall because of repeated disappointments. In order to save the company and stabilize the local financial market, the two men worked together with their respective teams to work together and move together to tide over the storm. The two's love is also pick up in total trouble. Eventually they defeated Wang BingKun, lovers get married.

None (TV)[2017]


电视剧《婚姻遇险记》又名《婚姻历险记》剧情介绍:讲述了武功和姜黎是一对在上海读书的80后研究生,毕业后不顾父母反对,决心结婚留在上海,但生活中层出不穷的难关令他们应接不暇。历经磨难,武功和姜黎终于走进了婚姻的殿堂,没想到更大的麻烦还在等着他们。武功为给父亲看病,动用了好不容易才凑齐的婚房首付款,这引起了姜黎母亲的极大不满。一波未平一波又起,与武功曾有一段短暂婚姻的前妻岳小青突然现身,还带着一个连武功都不知晓其存在的5岁儿子。这使武功和姜黎本就有些脆弱的的婚姻再次面临挑战,小家庭的矛盾俨然上升到了整个家族的矛盾,姜黎的母亲更是执意要她离婚。历尽波折,武功与姜黎终于认识和感悟到了生活的真谛,他们决定在未来的岁月里不离不弃携手共进,美好的未来依然在等待着他们 。


ForLove (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Cao Wen (Huang Ming ornaments) and the hostess Liang Shuang (Li Feier ornaments) have the sweet to envy love, but, with Liang Shuang's sister (Li Jinming ornaments) and handsome and gold gold overbearing president (Leon Jay Williams ornaments) appearance, after seven years of love long-distance running after all, still have to face the reality of the difficulties. Under tremendous pressure, the feelings of the two became precarious. Between the choices of "love or bread," a tug-of-war between hearts and minds was staged.

Marriage Adventures (TV)[2016]

Feature: The Chinese drama of Marriage Adventures plot:Wu Gong and Jiang Li, a post-1980 graduate student who studies in Shanghai, are determined to marry and stay in Shanghai regardless of their parents' opposition after graduation, but endless troubles in their life make them overwhelmed. After suffering, Wu Gong and Jiang Li finally entered the hall of marriage, did not expect more trouble still waiting for them. Wu Gong gave his father a doctor and spent the first payment of a wedding room, which was hard to come by. This caused great dissatisfaction with Jiang Li's mother. A wave of ups and downs broke out. Yue XiaoQing, a ex-wife with a brief marriage to Wu Gong, appeared suddenly and took a 5-year-old son whom Wu Gong did not know existed. This made Wu Gong and Jiang Li some fragile marriages once again facing challenges. The contradictions of the small families rose to the contradictions of the entire family. Jiang Li's mother even insisted on her divorce. Throughout the twists and turns, Wu Gong and Jiang Li finally realized and felt the true meaning of life. They decided that they would never abandon their hand in the coming years, and the beautiful future is still waiting for them.

Flying knife See also Flying knife (TV)[2016]

Feature: After Li XunHuan, "Little Li Dao Dao" and the money to help the main Shang GuanJinHong pinnacle, Shang GuanJinHong died, Li XunHuan disappeared. However, Li Huai, a great grandson of Li XunHuan, is an illegitimate child of Shang GuanXian, daughter of Li ManQing and Shang GuanJinHong. Shang GuanXian was killed suddenly because of legendary Shang GuanXian possession of money to help the treasure, so Li Huai identity exposure. Critical juncture, Li Huai won the mysterious woman Xue CaiYue repeatedly rescued. Li ManQing would like to recognize Li Huai, Li Huai not from, but with his brother Li Zheng congenial. Li Huai and Xue CaiYue, Li Zheng, friends Long Yi and childhood sweetheart Fang KeKe, together to look for the murderer. Several people have established profound friendship with each other. Li Huai and Xue CaiYue, both suffering and having an affair with each other, intend to both retreat. However, they unexpectedly find the month of acquisition and their commonplace father-in-law's hatred. Li Zheng also fights with Li Huai for Fang KeKe, while Li ManQing, his father, defends his family's honor by giving Li Huai a duel on behalf of Li's family. Fall apart, a pair of lovers face the tragedy of love and kill. Until all the truth opened, the two resolve misunderstandings, eventually married.

TalesofMystery (Movie)[2015]

Feature: "People in the vicinity of" a university swimming team's thinking, suddenly died on the eve of the competition in the swimming pool. Teachers and students talk about each other, all think his teammates and competitors Yingying is the biggest beneficiary. The first seven that night, Sisi's close friend Xiao Yun received Sisi sent a voice reminding her to remember the agreement four years ago. As a result, Xiao Yun shrill and Yingying, Xiao Xiao came to the ghastly swimming pool. "Swinging" Tang Wei graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts (Yulai Lu ornaments), bored on the occasion of the beautiful female sculptor Yao Yi living nearby. He peeked at the camera far, obsessed with each other. Until one day, Yao Yi, who has always been frigid, invited him over. Tang Wei seems to have got his wish, but found the terrible fact. Zi Liang, handsome and handsome editor of "Rafting Bottle," spends editing clips of horror films every year. His work pressure is so great that he is exhausted and exhausted. One day, Zi Liang got six wishing paper from an old lady (Law Lan) and handed it off to friends. Seeing the wishes of friends one after another to achieve, Zi Liang also want to take this and beautiful female assistant Pei Wen dating. However, one after another friends died in accidents.

Tomb Notes (TV)[2015]

Feature: Wu Xie (Li Yifeng), a sibling of the "Lao Jiumen" family, was killed by pawned tombs as a parent of archeology during a national cultural relic protection campaign. Wu sent him to Germany to protect Wu Xie's safety Therefore, Wu Xie had an innate interest in "archeology". During a treasure hunt, he occasionally got a Warring States silk book containing the secrets of ancient tombs. In order to unlock the secrets of silk book before the unidentified forces were discovered, According to the Silk Guide Wu Xie followed Uncle Wu SanSheng (Ken Chang), Pan Zi (Wei Wei) and mysterious little brother Zhang QiLing (Yang Yang (actor)) to Lu Shang Wang Tomb to explore the secret of the seven-star Lu Royal Palace. In the tombs, Wu Xie met Wang PangZi (Tianzuo Liu) who came to Quest and saved an unidentified A Ning (Tiffany Tang). After a series of thrilling and incredible events, people also found more Unsolved mysteries. Wu Xie et al. Embarked on a journey of new mysteries while fighting unidentified forces.

Housewife Detective (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photo Early Republic of Shanghai. Housewife Gou JiXiang suffered an unfortunate death when her husband passed away and was mistreated. To find out the cause of death of her husband innocent, auspicious to become female detectives. Mao RuYi is auspicious partner, kind-hearted, but arrogant. Detected in the case, they both make many contradictions. With the deepening of cooperation, they came to a tacit agreement, under the pressure of the leader Fu LanKe, to crack many suspicions, not only to punish the wicked, but also to help many of the bottom poor people. Auspicious by the loss of self-housewives transformed into a new self-confidence and independence of women, Confucianism by the unarmed son of brother brother into a responsible brave detective. While both cherish their love, they also understand the meaning of life: they are determined to help more ordinary people in need of help. In the handling of the case, auspiciousness and Confucianism saw the true colors of the imperialist colonists and exposed the panic of Fu LanKe and his profiteers. They left the patrol room and opened the auspicious detective agency dedicated to serving the people, writing justice with youth and blood. & Nbsp ;.

Lost princesss knot (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Disappointed Princess of the knot" tells the story of the town during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. However, the younger brother of Fungtao is a small playmate of the kite, but also fond of the kite. However, the Fongtao has the same feelings with the general female of the Duke, Under the leadership of the parents, the moon was willing to marry the feng shui, originally feng shui did not care about her, but in her selfless, no complaints, no regret to pay, the feng shui for its move, deeply in love with the month Zheng, an accident, the kite insurance for the phoenix sacrifice, more deep phoenix 璘 protect the idea of ​​the kite, but the kite has a misunderstanding of the phoenix,, although the silk rain devoted to marrying phoenix 趁, Due to the failure of the authorities to lose the true love of phoenix, phoenix chong show sincerity, bent on resolving the lunar January zheng knot, and finally in his perseverance faithful, regain the couple deep affection & nbsp ;.

PerfectCouple (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Jin Yu Liang Yuan" Official Stills During the Ming Dynasty, Yu QiLin alone with the letter of the mother came to the capital, met Jin Fu son Jin YuanBao. The two were noisy and did not intend to know that the mother was the only insider who had been framed by her adoptive mother. Miss Jiang XiaoXuan was rescued by Gu ChangFeng for her marriage to Jin YuanBao due to her Taiwanese marriage. In order to confirm the identity of Jin YuanBao, Yu QiLin married to the Jin family, and Jin YuanBao became a pair of happy lovers. In the end, Jin YuanBao was confirmed as the identity of Yu QiLin, and Jin FuRen's evil deeds were exposed. Jin YuanBao temporarily unacceptable, leaving the Golden Palace. Jin crisis, Yu QiLin Jin YuanBao never betray, the ultimate truth of the truth, Jin FuRen also suddenly repentance, the family started a new life.

LegendofFragrance (TV)[2014]

Feature: Late Qing, peach town. Xiang XueYin, who is unwilling to marry Ning HaoTian, ​​leaves a masterful fragrance and runs away with An QiuSheng, the father's apprentice of "Live Color". Unfortunately, she falls into the hands of Ning HaoTian again. Xiang XueYin to save the autumn sound poisoned death. Autumn sound mistakenly believed that the great man Wenxian betrayed himself, so abducted his son world ren, renamed 安逸尘; was dismissed by the song Xianxu in the mountains Qiao Sheng lost daughter Xiao RuoHuan, renamed Ann Le Yen. Twelve years later, several cases of girl girlfriend disappearance occurred in Mo Wangling. After she went to Mo Wangling to solve the crime, she practically followed the arrangement of the autumn sound to "take revenge" and took the opportunity to crush Wen and Ning families. Hideyoshi Japanese students to help find Keiko, Unexpectedly, Keiko father Taro not only won the spectrum, but also provoke all parties struggle, in one fell swoop annexed Mo Wang Ling. Eventually, all the people put aside their personal grudges and unite their forces to fight Japanese incense. Taro did not complete the task, Caesarean himself, so that Keiko took his body back to Japan. The crowd smelled the wonderful fragrance, in front of the beautiful and peaceful all kinds of illusions. Mo Wang Ridge has returned to peace.

Condor Heroes (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Legend of the Condor Heroes paired Yang Guo's son Yang Guo, who had been in his childhood and was taken over by Guo Jing and sent to Quanzhen for training. Rebellious Yang Guo could not stand the torture, escaped from Quanzhen teaching into the tomb faction, was retained by Xiao LongNv, with martial arts. After Li MoChou scored the tomb of life and death, the two from the mentoring of friendship developed into an unforgettable love. As Mongolian cavalry is about to go south and Guo Jing et al. Are unmatchable, at a crucial moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are inadvertently involved in the fight to defeat Jin LunGuoShi. However, there were many good things and many bad things. As Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nv gathered again and again, after experiencing the perilous conditions such as the Wulin General Assembly, the Xiangyang soldier, the unforgettable valley and so on, they left their lives for more than 16 years. Yang Guo, who possessed the posters of the Condor Heroes for 16 years, finally found Xiao LongNv in the fiery valley and returned to the world. At that moment, Mongolia was mobbing Mengli and attacking Xiangyang. Yang Guo defeated Jin LunFaWang and killed the Mongolian Emperor Meng Ge with a flystone to set the first victory for the victory of Xiangyang Battle. The war ended. Guo Guo et al. People, with God carving, leisurely far away nbsp ;.

Step by step startled (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Step by step," tells the story of Zhang Xiao is a white-collar workers, like most of the longing for good love, stable work. By coincidence, she came to a well-known large-scale Internet Group "Zhenti" work. At the beginning of her career, she, like all other newcomers, was crowded everywhere. She was fortunate enough to be cared for by her boss, Yin Zheng, and she and Yin Zheng had a hard time. At this moment, Kang SiHan, another gentle and considerate man broke into the world of Zhang Xiao. Yin Zheng and Kang SiHan were originally candidates for the future heir of the Sentinel Group. Zhang Xiao was inexplicably involved in the family business war triggered by them. After some misfortune, Zhang Xiao finally realized where her true love is, courageously and steadfastly joining him in the happiness of the future & nbsp ;.

WenShen (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In the early years of the Republic of China, Xiang Hong, Shen Xiang, and Jane Jane, such as smoke, a monarch, Guiping, six young girls were stabbed on the symbol of Poseidon's tattoos, so that they bear a heavy curse from an early age. The incense leads the sisters to flee. Ten years later, at the distant Fish House, the little girl grew up as a beautiful girl. The tattoo behind her was always the unspeakable pain in her heart. Chen Xiang and the eldest son of Pei Yu Bao Bao Cai ZhiMing eldest son of love, they do not believe in tenacious tenacious resistance, but their love eventually became a victim of feudal society. Jane Jane betrayed the sisters alone fleeing, occasionally encounter incense uncle Long ShouWang, the idea of ​​a false impression incense to become Long Family Nuns, when she again met with incense, in order not to expose his identity, she unscrupulous persecution incense. Jun married Junjun, but Ah Jun is deeply love incense. Smoke and Cai Zhiyi from confrontation to really love each other, eventually paid the price of life. The emergence of Zheng Hong brought new hope to the sisters. She eventually led everyone from ignorance to awakening, from oppression to resistance and eventually onto the road to revolution.

Neighbors are crazy (TV)[2012]

Feature: Liu family and Lee family coexistence of a large compound "war" constantly. The root causes of the crazy grudges between Liu and Lee's two neighbors are their fathers, Liu XiuFeng and Li DaLong, both of whom quarreled for a long time for nearly three decades. Two other people were also involved in the dispute. Liu Ji Xiang, daughter of Liu XiuFeng, and Li Cheng, son of Li DaLong, study in a foreign land and become a couple, but they have to resort to "underground affection" after returning home. There was a steady stream of confusion between Liu and Li, their parents' objections, Liu JiXiang's sister Liu Mei-li's "love for all", secretary Lu Na's temptation to Li Cheng, boss Wei DaHai's harassment to Liu JiXiang, Test, eventually become positive. Liu Li's grudges between the two completely resolved, since harmonious coexistence, home and everything Xing.

tattoo (TV)[2012]


The drama "Tattoos" tells the story of Hongdao, Ai Chen, A Zhen, Ru Yan, You Jun, Gui Ping, Zheng Hong The six flower girls were stabbed with tattoos that symbolize the goddesses of the sea goddess, causing them to carry a heavy curse when they were young. Shen Xiang led the sisters to escape. Ten years later, in the remote Pisces of Fortress, when the little girl grew up as a beautiful girl, the tattoo behind him was always the inexplicable pain in their hearts. The first son of Chen Xiang and the Besik Fortress patriarch Cai ZhiMing sincerely love each other. They don't believe in tenacious fighting, but theirs Love eventually became a victim of the feudal society. A Zhenbei's renegade sisters fled on their own, and met Chen Xiang's uncle Long ShouWang . The adoptive daughter, when she meets with the incense again, in order not to expose her identity, she resorts to persecution of incense. There are monarchs who are married to Arjun, but Arjun is deeply in love with the incense. Ruyan and Cai ZhiYi faced each other from confrontation to true love and ultimately paid the price of life. The emergence of Zheng Hong brought new hope to the sisters. She eventually led everyone from ignorance to awakening, from oppression to resistance, and finally to the revolutionary road.


TheSummit (Movie)[2010]

Feature: All climbers face a cruel alpine rule: Once the elevation of more than 8 km, the face of the crashed his team-mate or relatives can only "save their lives", the resulting human collision and ethical contradictions of thought-provoking. In the mountaineering activities of the Tibet climbers that conquered 14 peaks of 8,000 meters or more in the world, Alpine photographer Jen Young was trapped in an ice crack on Mount Everest. His wife Deji and Captain Bansang, captain of the fraternal life and death brothers, resigned their rescue. However, they fell into remorse and tangled after descending the mountain, and they could not face the benevolent son's post. Gang was a new generation of climbers. He was tracing the death of his father. When he learned that his father's body was being reproduced on Mount Everest, he decided to take Everest, but his mother Didi tried his best to stop him climbing. Kong hot girlfriend Zhuoga sold sweet teahouse, and post heat involved in a commercial mountaineering, in Mount Everest, they also encountered the mountain rules, the same dilemma also placed in front of them ... ...

Golden Earrings (TV)[2008]

Feature: Lu BaoLiang (Huang Ming ornaments) childhood was happy, proud of his father for the country is a land captain Kam Ning City Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade, he still tender loving mother and a very beautiful and very loved his Sister Jane (Likun Wang ornaments). At the age of 10, Baoliang emulated his father's best friend, Liu Cun Liang (Gaowei Qu) and Li Chen, and bowed their heads. My father's brotherhood power has always been good with the Lu family. The righties of the righties have been fighting and beating into the bureaucracy for three times. All of his father came forward to get him out. At the age of 11, at the age of 20, his father took a car accident on the road where he took the right shot and became a cripple. He was transferred to the local public security school from the criminal investigation brigade and police unit, and the title of deputy headmaster was hung. Originally, the silent father became more silent, and his expectation of his son Baoliang was even higher and more urgent. He hoped that he would inherit his father's will to be an outstanding police officer. Baoli accidentally discovered that her sister was secretly in love with Quan Hu (Wenkang Yuan), the son of the family. My father resigned from the post of public security school and went to the uncle's company after her father had talked with the public security bureau colleague less than uncle. After her sister and Quan Hu's affair were known to her father, she was strongly opposed by her father. The couple finally chose to flee, before leaving his mother will be a white gold earrings to Pauliang, let him take it to my sister. On the 52nd birthday of his power, his sister and Quan Hu returned to their hometown with their newly born son. That is, on that day, because of suspected illegal fund-raising and triad crimes, power and his subordinates were caught by the Public Security Bureau. Power was sentenced to death, disappeared after Quan Hu and Bao Zhen were acquitted. Father made a great contribution because of the power of the case, his family moved to the provincial capital. However, because of her mother's mother leaving the increasingly haggard, a few years later, it ended in depression. When she died, the mother handed over another platinum earring to Baoliang and told him to find her sister. Since then, find my sister has become an open Paulina heart. His father was married again, and from there, an extra stepmother, Yang aunt, and Du Du (Wang Shasha), a sister he did not like. Then, his sworn brothers Liu CunLiang and Li Chen came to the provincial capital, Po Leung also recognized the girl Liu CunLiang girlfriend Fifi (Li Qian (actress) ornaments), have a significant impact on his life. Paul finally got his wish to the public security school in the provincial capital, where he met a lifelong learning sister Xia Xuan (Li Zhang). Li Chen, who works at the "Fireworks Capital" nightclub, heard the word "Quan Hu" from the mouth of a horse owner. Baoliang sees this as the only clue to finding her sister. He repeatedly find the horse boss, the other refused to disclose any information to him, and even sent his hands to beat him. Just as Paul was frustrated, horse boss mistress "gold earrings" stills found him, promised to help him find her sister, but the condition is to accompany her to "play." In order to find her sister, Baoli was forced to accompany her to some ecstasy party. At the last ecstasy party, the police who broke into the scene arrested them. Paul was expelled from school. After the baby once tasted ecstasy, the fall suicide, asked a friend before his death to a business card to Baoliang.With this business card, Paul found an old courtyard that Mr. Ma had previously rented with Quan Hu, but unexpectedly saw the three shots right there. Baoliang three shots go home to see his father, did not expect to lead to a tragedy. Intention of retaliation right shot shot dead three Auntie Yang and Du Du, Baosteel fled, rushed to the report. Under his father's grief, Paul will be driven out of the house. Baosteel reluctantly voted in the two brothers, and lived with Fifi who has always loved him. Baoli got a job at a cleaning company and got to know Zhang Nan (Yuanke Wang), a beautiful and elegant white-collar girl. Love arose between the two, but opposition from Zhang Nan's parents because of their social status and age disparity led to a fierce dispute between Baoliang and Fifi. Just as his relationship with Zhang Nan changed a bit, Fifi's mother needed a large sum of money to get sick. To prevent Fifi from acting as a Taiwan lady, Zhang Nan borrowed ten thousand bucks. Although Zhang Nan lent him money, but also began to doubt the purity of the love of Po Liang, the feelings of the two fell into a deadlock phase. Pauliang lost the original job, in order to make a living, worked in the car wash factory hard and tired of work, a serious illness, almost a life. With Fifi's meticulous care, Baoliang recovered day by day and got a job as a receptionist at the hotel. And Zhang Nan little reunion, the two love again hot. In the blessing of happiness, Baolong was bitterly "gold earrings" stills found Fifi in order to cure his mother being someone else package, in order to help Fifi, Pauliang went to the subway station begging, and last resort, had to Zhang Zhang tube borrow 50,000, Zhang Nan also suspects that Baoliang was with her for money. Just as Paul Baolian swears herself sincerely, Zhang Nan saw the intimate photos of Baoli and Xiao'ai in the little beloved's room. With great indignation, Zhang Nan quietly left. Liu Cun Liang and Li Chen bought fifteen lottery tickets, and Baoliang helped them to make a first prize, but did not expect Li Chen to flee alone. A few days later, Baoliang returned to his hometown for identification. Both brothers had already asked for court order for the lotteries. Both sides requested that Baolong appearing to testify for himself. Once again, Baoliang felt the fragility of human nature. After all kinds of hardships and pains, Baoli finally found his elder sister in Fushui, but his efforts to promote sisterhood and father failed. He himself was also expelled from the unit for a long time due to absenteeism. In order to cooperate with the public security organs to find out the case of three shots, Baoliang again came to Fu River. In an unexpected battle, Baoliang personally shot and killed three shots. Pauliang, who became a hero, was not only accepted by the original unit, but also made his father's understanding. Quan Hu was sentenced to life imprisonment for her right to three shots and her infirm sister was sentenced to five years in prison. Paulie adopted his sister's son, Rayleigh, in order to take care of Rayleigh exhausted, and even live sculpture in the night market square. One night, he unexpectedly met Zhang Nan who had another lover. Looking at his sculptures, Nan Zhang said to his partner "is a real person", he floated away, leaving behind a broken heart and two lines of clear tears.Sister was outpatient care because of serious illness, Pauliang not only to sister treatment, but also to take care of Rayleigh, too busy, but also Fifi's affair and her lover Laochuang bucket. In the emergency, his father entrusted to Pauliang sent fifty thousand dollars in life-saving. But my sister finally died of illness, left the world. Aspiring her elder sister's ashes to be made in two parts, part of which is put together with her mother and part of which is brought back to her hometown to scatter in the riverbank where the setting sun will fall. Twenty-one-year-old Baolian still kept a drop of tears that had not been erased, but his face showed all settled smile. He took Lei Lei's hand and walked down the hill. Under the hillside was a small courtyard where he lived in childhood , The yard is vaguely rising a ray of smoke.

forgive (TV)[2008]

Feature: Dancer Li Rong will soon welcome her first performance, with her boyfriend Qu Zhe, also in love and ready to get married. As her career and life unfolded, the strikes followed - as soon as the show was about to open, the two met to find out they were old ways, and Xu Qing, the mother of Li Rong, State, firmly opposed to their marriage. Li Rong and Qu Zhe desperately fight, so the real history has been gradually opened ... In the seventies of last century, Xu Qing, Qu Lin, Huang NaNa and Meng XiangDong are educated youth educated youth, Qu Lin and Xu Qing falls in love. However, Huang NaNa grew up with Qu Lin as an early age, so she could not accept the fact that Qu Lin fell in love with Xu Qing. Xu Qing also desperately avoids Qu Lin, but when the warm love of youth finally broke through all the worries, Xu Qing and Qu Lin deeply fell in love. In a snow storm sealed in the mountains, they thought they would die and therefore steal the forbidden fruit . After being rescued, the two began to get married. Huang NaNa did not want to lose Qu Lin forever, taking advantage of the fact that everyone went back to New Year, seducing Qu Lin after being drunk, but was confounded by the brigade secretary who was locked up. For the sake of Huang NaNa's reputation, Qu Lin finally took the unwarranted accusation, plus Meng XiangDong, who had been crushing Huang NaNa, secretly hurting him. Qu Lin is jailed for political and work style problems. On the way to Qu Lin for transfer to prison, the chariot turned over. Xu Qing met the deceased who were carrying a car accident and revealed a hand wearing a Qu Lin watch under the white cloth sheet. Xu Qing thought it was Qu Lin and she was distraught. At this time, Xu Qing found himself pregnant and escaped home In her mother was mad at her. Abortion can not, seeking death can not, in the suicide met a good man Li Shizhu saved. With the help of Li ShuanZhu gave birth to her daughter, this is Li Rong. After Qu Lin was released from prison, Huang NaNa, who was ready to marry Meng XiangDong, was tortured guilty and insisted on marrying Qu Lin and giving birth to Qu Zhe. In other words, Li Rong and Qu Zhe are half-brothers. Li Rong not only suffered from anorexia but also fell out of stage during a performance. Although she was rescued, she never lost her favorite dance life ...... Qu Lin Also tortured by the pain of the year, he was amazed by the many years of hardships in Xu Qing and the excuse of Xu Qing. Feelings never fade away in their hearts, so they are also faced with real-life and emotional choices ... Li Rong loves his adoptive father, Li Shizhu, hating Qu Lin, and Huang NaNa has been uncoordinated with Qu Lin's marriage, although Qu Lin and Xu Qing tried her best to control it, but an uproar was still going on in both families. Li Shizhu chose to run away from home, bitterly trying to fulfill their feelings. Meng XiangDong, who returned from abroad at that time, was mixed and confused, so he took a fancy to Qu Lin and Huang NaNa's family business and wanted to re-establish the front line with Huang NaNa. Huang NaNa was in extreme despair, originally, when she and Qu Lin married, bent on a small day, and Qu Lin to pursue the ideal of life, the two difficult to communicate, coupled with Meng XiangDong's temptation, once After drinking a relationship. Also will be pregnant, she has been terrified over the years, I do not know who is the son of Qu Zhe in the end!With the help of his neighbor Zhao Qiao Shen, Li Rong gradually stepped out of the shadows and married him. But she felt pain to find the feeling of love. Qu Zhe also found herself still deeply in love with Li Rong, very depressed. It was at this time that Qu Zhe was keenly aware of the secrets of her mother. As a doctor, he confidentially conducted a paternity test and learned that she was not the son of Qu Lin ... Qu Zhe is in a complicated mood and wants to regain her own feelings On the one hand I felt sorry for my favorite father. Huang NaNa finally chose to commit suicide. Qu Zhe reluctantly swore that she would keep this secret forever after the mother's rescue ... Meng XiangDong See Qu Lin Huang NaNa failed to start to deliberately want to collapse Qu Qu's Qu song medicine. He sold a large amount of new medicine for childhood asthma to Qu Qu, Qu in which Qu Zhe discovered the side effects of the drug. Qu Lin runs the risk of bankruptcy and resolutely destroys it. And asked Meng XiangDong also all destroyed, do not flow to the market. Meng XiangDong financially distracted, strongly disagreed, and planted in Qu Zhe, want to completely hit Qu Lin. Qu Zhe is going to jail, Huang NaNa for the son, finally put aside all face, regardless of looking for Meng XiangDong said Qu Zhe is his son, Meng XiangDong was shocked ... Tiger poisoning, finally let go of Qu Zhe. However, in the heart of Qu Zhe, who was more painful, unable to marry her own true love, and unable to accept the despicable father, he chose to go to Tibet for assistance. Qu Lin finally learned that Qu Zhe was not his son, and he was finally strong. He finally left the company and Huang NaNa was ashamed of himself and took the initiative to propose a divorce. Li Shuanzhu still insisted on divorcing Xu Qing, so, Qu Lin and Xu Qing, this pair of tortured lovers, they can come together? For everything that caused their fate, did they choose to forgive, or choose to forget? Li Rong and Zhao QiaoShen's wedding will be held soon, Qu Zhe also attend the wedding, his mind is how a kind of thoughts? ... Perhaps life's process is always helpless and time-consuming, but the best way we can choose is to forgive ...

Nuren hua (TV)[2007]

Feature: In 1898, the Reform Movement of 1898 failed. An Zhenqin chief engineer Liu ZhenBang was instructed to examine the Wang WenQian mansion who participated in the reform. On the night of the night, Wang WenQian, who got the message, took the three minor daughters to the Butler. In order to recognize each other in the future, Wang will wear a piece of Pei jade split into three, respectively, sewn in the three daughters underwear. Housekeeper led them from the drain to escape the mansion, encounter officers and men to kill, the three sisters were separated. Wang family was cut out of doors that night, the house was a fire burned. Wang's one of the three sisters, big sister Wang Ziqian, later renamed Lin name snow lotus. Called a widow, looks so bright. Sister Wang Zi Ying, renamed Qiao Ju, childhood with Pan's wife married into Wu, Wu handsome handsome handsome soft spot. Second sister Wang Zi Yin, renamed Huang MeiEr, Huang Qing opera troupe Deng QingFeng collected. Fifteen years later, in 1914, three years in the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai steal the fruits of victory as the president and the democratic regime that has just been established is precarious. As an important center of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Anqing has become a battleground for both Yuan Shikai and the Revolutionary Party. A big storm is coming. At this time Huang MeiEr has grown up and became the anqing breeze class actress. This year's National Day, Anqing city, a Miss Vettoria activity so that this can be safely and quietly calm life girl caught in a whirlpool of destiny. "Woman flowers" stills Wu Liu Anqing two families. Wu is Anqing's business leader. Master Wu YuSheng study in Japan, worship Song Jiao Ren as a teacher, became the most proud disciple Song. After returning to Anqing justice. Liu ZhenBang was a former Qing Zong Bing, son Liu JianXiong relied on Liu forces in Anqing, bully dominate the market, nonsense. Huang MeiEr took a fancy to Huang MeiEr, who was deliberately allowed to make Huang MeiEr, but rejected by Huang MeiEr. He was furious and accused of assaulting a widow, Lin Xuelian (big sister Wang Ziqian), and Huang MeiEr's lover, a tailor, Xie Yangliu, and using former Qing dynasty chief Hu MingJiu, Anqing police chief, to hold the two in prison and torture them to death . Wu Yu-sheng, who has always admired Huang MeiEr, has reached out to a helping hand, and there is strong evidence that innocent widow Lin and her tailor are innocent. To defend against deception, Liu JianXiong malicious in the fire was set to burn two people. Although the small widow Lin Xuelian and the small tailor survived, but the small tailor lost memory, Lin Xuelian again to prevent Liu JianXiong murder, anonymity to avoid other places. I do not know the story of Huang MeiEr distraught. In order to marry Huang MeiEr, Liu JianXiong, who refused to let go, and forced Huang MeiEr to marry Huang MeiEr, was forced onto the path to prepare himself for the enemy. Wu YuSheng gradually appreciated her loving woman while appreciating Huang MeiEr's help. Regardless of his family's objections, he planned to divorce his wife, who had never been in the same room, and marry Huang MeiEr. That Huang MeiEr married Wu YuSheng. Liu JianXiong hate teeth. Think Wu YuSheng and Liu everywhere, provoked a larger storm Anqing city. Chrysanthemum Huang MeiEr married Wu YuSheng, when the aunt wife completely did not expect, because of love into hate, by the Liu family became the accomplice framed sister. At the occasion of the fighting in Anqing city, Song Jiaoren was assassinated.Wu YuSheng was arrested for imprisonment because of an investigation of the dark thorn in Song dynasty. Liu family retaliation took the opportunity to set him to death. Huang MeiEr ran around rescue husband, precisely at this time she learned of her own life experience. Wu YuSheng, persevering in the struggle persistently in jail, finally found the murderer who killed Mr. Song Jiaoren and exposed the assassination attempt by Yuan Shikai. After the victory of the revolution, Wu YuSheng took great pains and printed it off. Huang MeiEr followed the wandering horizon, an uppercase essay and a place for singing. Finally, Huangmei Opera flourished.

Flying knife See also Flying knife (TV)[2003]

Feature: Li Huai is an orphan. His smile on his face never seems to disappear. No one ever knew that he was from a generation of stills and his grandfather was the famous Li XunHuan. With a treasure map hidden in her mother's kit, Li Huai spent seven years alone and practiced as a flying sword in the world to find the treasure of the rich and the enemy. For the sake of love and immortality in the mind, Li Huai returns to the mountain fortress when she was young and looks for sweetheart Fang KeKe. Unfortunately, all she brings to Li Huai is a boundless nightmare. Li Huai was suspected to have been linked to the theft of gold in the palace and for a moment became a thief who was to be punished and soon afterwards. However, it is unpredictable that the death of Li Huai by the imperial family, "Xue CaiYue," actually fell in love with Li Huai. They ruled out all difficulties and had a warm home. Until one day Li Huai woke up to find that he was flirting with his flesh and blood, leaving only a note that says and Li Huai love has done. The original Luna to Li bad father Li ManQing challenge, she wanted to destroy the "Flying Swordsman" myth of rivers and lakes, the deceased father Xue QingBi revenge. However, blood flowing through Li Blood belongs to the blood of "Li Li Dao Dao", and he must not tarnish his family honor. Li Huai and Luna finally stood opposite each other. On the verge of life and death, in the crying of babies, Li Huai and Luna coincide with each other in that distant and beautiful place where there was once a Family.

Condor heroes (TV)[2001]


The royal couple matched Yang kang's son Yang Guo From childhood to the lake, by the deceased Guo Jing After receiving and sent to the quanzhen teaching training. Rebellious Yang Guo can't bear the torture, escape from the whole truth into the tomb faction, by Xiao LongNv Take in and teach kung fu. after Li MoChou Entering the tomb and facing life and death, two people from the friendship developed into a deep love. Because the Mongolian steed is about to go south, Guo Jing and others are hard to match. At the critical moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are unwittingly involved in the dispute and defeated Jin LunGuoShi . However, the good things are always going on. Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv have met and separated for many times. After the wulin conference, xiangyang's fierce battle and dangerous situation, he was separated for 16 years. After 16 years, the infatuated Yang Guo finally found the doomed Xiao LongNv at the bottom of the desperate situation, the two returned to the world. At this time, Mongolia is mobilizing troops, xiangyang, Yang Guo defeated the king of the golden wheel, and killed the Mongol emperor with flying rocks Meng Ge Yang Guo Xiao LongNv said goodbye to Guo Jing and so on. With the divine carvings, it is a long way to go & NBSP; .


Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


It is a martial-arts drama produced by Taiwan television, directed by Raymond Lee, lai shuiqing, and starring Richie Jen and Jacklyn Wu.

该剧根据金庸的同名武侠小说改编,主要讲述了南宋末年, Yang Kang 之子 Yang Guo 和其师父 Xiao LongNv 经历了一番江湖恩怨,终成眷属的凄美爱情故事。

The show premiered on August 25, 1998 at 8 p.m.

Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


The condor heroes is an ancient martial arts drama produced by Singapore new media production private limited. It is directed by ma yuhui and zhang longmin, and starred by Christopher Lee (flight actor) and Fann Wong. Based on jin yong's novel of the same name, the play mainly tells the story of Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv experienced a sad and beautiful love and vendetta in the late southern song dynasty. It was broadcast on channel 8 of new media on 2 June 1998.

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