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Xu Kai TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xu Kai Works 9 ,And Costume Drama 6 ,Romance 4 ,Funny 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Action 1 ,Modern 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Feature 1 ,Palace 1 ,Ancient mythology 1 ,Romantic drama 1 。

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Xu Kai Filmography(9)


千古玦尘 (TV)[2020]


Shang Gu 本是 Shang Gu 界四大真神之首,唯一一个拥有混沌本源的神祗。在六万年前因混沌之劫来临选择以身殉世后沉睡,后古界时身份为清池宫的后池上神,虽居上神之位却无上神之实,灵力低微。然而有一个人为了她,即使天地毁灭、三界化为乌有也在所不惜。还有另一个人,为了 Shang Gu 苦苦等待了六万年,还用自己的轮回换来她三界的永生。如果是凡间百姓遇到困难还能去烧香拜佛,可是自己却是神仙。 Shang Gu 失去了混沌之劫前三百年的记忆,忘记了自己曾经那最美的爱恋。但他永远不会忘记这六万年苦苦的等待,她也不会忘记 Bai Jue 在青龙台上那痛苦的表情,也永远不会忘记为了她, Bai Jue 魂飞魄散化为烟尘。她知道这一生一世,她对得起所有的人,天上诸神、万物生灵还有父神擎天,却唯独对不住 Bai Jue ,她欠 Bai Jue 的实在太多。这一次,纵使是再等上千万年,她会继续等待再也不离开。


烈火军校 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《烈火军校》剧情介绍:讲述了善良正义的少女 Xie Xiang 代兄从军,女扮男装进入陆军讲武堂学习,与玩世不恭的富家子 Gu YanZheng 和冷静沉稳的 Shen JunShan 成为同学并渐渐发展为并肩作战的战友。在军校严格残酷的训练机制下, Xie Xiang 不但要努力掩饰自己女扮男装的秘密,还要克服自己作为女性在军校生活中的种种的不便,更重要的,是要战胜自己柔弱的体质,努力完成军校所有的训练,顺利毕业。在此过程中, Xie Xiang 和同窗好友们经历了一系列重大事件,也引发了一系列啼笑皆非的故事。最终, Xie Xiang 通过自己的不懈努力不但取得了出色的成绩,还赢得了教官的尊重,同时,也俘虏了两位优秀男同学的心。之后,日本军队增兵东北,爱慕 Shen JunShan 的 Jin XianRong 化身日本商会会长从海外归来,一系列的阴谋和陷阱随之而来。 Xie Xiang 在同学们的帮助下与日本人做斗争,在血雨腥风中逐渐成长,粉碎了 Jin XianRong 的阴谋,并最终和 Gu YanZheng 走到了一起。

从前有座灵剑山 (TV)[2019]


灵剑派几千年来始终致力于培养人才,为进一步扩充门派力量,补充新鲜血液,召开资质选拔大会,诚邀各路精英前来。因彗星陨落,末法大劫而降临的奇才 Wang Lu ,怀着千年未有的空灵根,带着现代人思维,踏入灵剑派山门,凭借科学知识和超级情商碾压异界,走上成为绝世强者的反套路之路的故事。


Story of Yanxi Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Story of Yanxi Palace" episodes:Described in the six years of Qianlong, the young girl Wei Yingluo entered into the palace and seeked the truth of her sister'death. After investigation, she confirmed that her sister’s death was related to the wangye of Hongzhou, and he was determined to seek justice. Queen Fucha succumbed to the ritual, worried that she would go astray and try to give her warmth and help. Under the careful guidance of the Queen, Wei Wei gradually grew into a strong and strong palace girl, and put down resentment and serious life. The unfortunate death of the Queen caused the misunderstanding of Qianlong. The two men were mutually hostile and eventually understood and supported each other. With the courage, the astute and flexible mind, and the broad-minded mind, the ambitions of the courts have been resolved, and they have finally become the shackles of the prosperity of the Qianlong. It was not until before her death that she told the Emperor Fuchao that she had accompanied her to Honglong. She hoped that she would accompany her to Hongyi and help him to be a Mingjun, and that Qianlong knew that Fucha had a good heart. In the 60 years of Emperor Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong declared that the son of Wei Wei, the prince of Yongzheng, was the crown prince. At the same time, he was the queen of the prince, and he finally fulfilled his promise to the Queen of Fucha with his own life.

招摇 (TV)[2018]


《招摇》讲述了名震江湖的万戮门门主 Lu ZhaoYao 在夺取老魔王留下的万钧剑时,误认为被门徒墨青暗算,使她深入险境。五年后 Lu ZhaoYao 机缘巧合可以与仙门女子 Qin ZhiYan 建立联系,于是重回万戮门,意图再登门主之位。而墨青已经恢复魔王之子 Li ChenLan 的身份,并成为新一任门主。 Lu ZhaoYao 哄 Li ChenLan 为自己冒险取六合天一剑,同时联合武林新势力 Jiang Wu ,计划里应外合。没想到 Lu ZhaoYao 被 Jiang Wu 掳走,取剑回来的 Li ChenLan 又大战 Jiang Wu 救回 Lu ZhaoYao 。随着 Qin ZhiYan 的父亲被仙门所害的事实逐渐显现, Lu ZhaoYao 发现她真正的对手金仙要解除她当年给他的封印。于是 Lu ZhaoYao 和 Li ChenLan 联手再次阻止了金仙。在大战金仙的过程中, Lu ZhaoYao 终于明白了 Li ChenLan 对她的深情,两人历尽波折终于见面,并最终得以长相厮守。


Huang Feng prison (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Phoenix prison phoenix" tells the story of AD 464, Liu ZiYe ascended the throne, brutal brutal violence, with her sister Shan Chu Liu Chu Yu, no relevant sex pictures, innumerable. Rivers and lakes first gang secret building, to overthrow the tyranny of Liu ZiYe. Chu Yu came to the princess house, began to cultivate confidants, and met Rong Rong Zhi face, in the face of Rong Zhi, Chu Yu secret love affair. In the end, the help of Tian Xiu helped Liu Xie win the title, Liu ZiYe was killed, Chu Yu also "died" in the rebellion. Rong Zhi shot his hand, Chu Chu came to neighboring countries. Chu Yu in neighboring China knew that Rong Zhi turned out to be a crony of the Empress Dowager in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In order to seize power in the Southern Dynasties, it lurked the burden at the princess house. Chu Yu expressed his love to Rong Zhi, Rong Zhi chose the country, and Chu Yu was sad to leave. In fact, Chu Yu Chu Yong affection deep, in the face of Chu Yu resolutely left, and ultimately choose Chu Yu, posing as the sea view, two neighborhood.

Anna (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the reign of Shang and Dynasties, Emperor B moved to the dynasty song (now Henan Hebi) and hoped that the city thrived like a brilliant song in the morning. Time flies, the throne passed to Di Xin, he was very happy, four crusade, conquered many countries around, expanding the territory of China, Shang Dynasty reached its heyday. Shang Dynasty expedition parties, confused people not livelihood. Fortunately Xi Ji Ji Chang's son Ji test, the son of Di Xin Yin sub-juvenile hero, hoping to use modest means to save the people in the water and fire. Ji test was framed into the slave camp, Yin suburbs life saved. In the fugitive road Ji Kyu met Jiang Ziya, which 吒, Yang 戬 and other people, and escaped Xiqi with their help. In 1048 BC, Ji Ka changed its name to Ji Fa, collaborating with 800 princes in organizing a mass protest against Di Xin, finally annihilating Shang. Do not want in the process, Yin suburbs mistakenly

Phoenix seeking Phoenix (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Feng Qiao Phoenix" tells the story of Lingerie Dong, and welcomes Zhuo Wenjun, daughter of Zhuo WangSun, to the second son of an ill person. Unexpectedly, Dong Erzi did not know the parlor will swallow. Si MaXiangRu Dong LaoTaiYe rescued from home and resurrected on the road, just sent to the door, Dong XiaoXian will be overcast and wrong, the Si MaXiangRu dressed as groom and Wen Jun worship hall. Si MaXiangRu after the truth to know the endless regret, vowed to save Wenjun Dong home. Si MaXiangRu's righteous remarks forced Dong to promise that Si Wen-Jun should be sent back to her family by Lin Si. The Si MaXiangRu drinking accident did not make it. Wenjun had no alternative but to dress up with the maid Yaya Yu Tong alone. Si MaXiangRu chase Linzi and Wenjun dress "Du Gongzi" live in the same guesthouse, together with Cheng YiFei Cheng YiFei involvement of another tycoon rich businessman Zheng Cheng, and Wen Jun master servant two and Si MaXiangRu and There were many stories between several of his servant Sang Pu. "Phoenix phoenix" during this time, Si MaXiangRu and "Du Gongzi" together talk about poetry Fu hearty, sympathetic. By chance coincides with the two ancient music "phoenix phoenix." Five people go out to travel, went to Mengjiazhai, learned that Wang Ji was captured by Tang Meng, all camps rescued. Wenjun raise money for Wang Ji Tang Meng, forced to return to her family Zhuo Fu. Dong XiaoXian In order to please the emperor, lie to Zhuo WangSun painter for daughter Wenjun portrait, the process of portrait, Wenjun in exchange for daughter loaded. Si MaXiangRu and Wenjun mutually confession of love, Wenjun finally resolutely with Si MaXiangRu elope back to Chengdu Sima Prefecture. Dong XiaoXian harmed them to even sell the house, forced to go back to Lin Wenjun opened a wine shop when 垆 sell liquor for their livelihood. When Zhuo WangSun and Dong XiaoXian were forcibly competing for wine establishments, Grand Ouyang brought the intention of Han WuDi to declare Si MaXiangRu to visit Changan. Han WuDi Appreciate Si MaXiangRu literary talent, let it be given in the palace. However, Si MaXiangRu was banished because of petitions and was not allowed to leave Changan. Emperor Chen wanted to borrow Si MaXiangRu Wen re-won the Emperor's favor, but self-defeating to make Emperor Wu furious. Wenjun was dragged away by the Dong family's "Fengqiu Phoenix" stills, Si MaXiangRu got the message to write Emperor Wu Lin's "Shanglin Fu" for the Savior Wenjun, and hurried back to Linli to get the news that Wenjun was dead. Si MaXiangRu to save Mengjiazhai people wrote the queen of Chen's "long door Fu." Si MaXiangRu was recalled to Changan, due to once again clashed with the Emperor Wudi was almost cut in the execution ground, fortunate enough to be saved by Dong FangShuo and Ping YangGongZhu, and lived in the Ping YangGongZhu house, Ping YangGongZhu Si MaXiangRu Siwen Wenjun also touched by the truth . Si MaXiangRu served as a textbook order. Since then, daily poetry wine as a companion, even the stunning Wei ZiFu also failed to impress Si MaXiangRu heart. Although Emperor Wudi loved Wenjun, Wenjun was touched by the truth of Si MaXiangRu. Decided to let Si MaXiangRu and Weiqing expedition, the successor returned personally to Si MaXiangRu get married. Si MaXiangRu, who was married, heard the bridegroom playing the phoenix qing phoenix in the bridal chamber. He braved the courage to unveil the bride's red head.

EndlessLove (TV)[2000]

Feature: Blue Life Professor Love Yin home added a lovely little sister, Junxi three years old and his father go to the nursery room to see sister Enxi, nurses do not pay attention, naughty Junxi exchange Eun Hee the same day Birth of a child near the brand. In this way, the two children were transferred to the wrong package. A flash over ten years in the past, Junxi has grown into a handsome boy, wonderful pen Dan is let him become a man of the school. Eun Hee (Wen Gen-Ying), 14, looks smart and adorable and enjoys family love. Brother Jun Xi favorite sister Enxi have added, brother and sister both very deep feelings. Jinghe, mother, cares for her only daughter, no more. Ample family environment, tender and attentive mother and great brother, all make Enxi in school envy friends. My classmate Han Chae-young, his father died young, and his brother was idle. Only her mother worked hard to run a restaurant and her life was tough. Therefore, the core love is very jealous of Enxi who wears beautiful clothes everyday. Coupled with loss of campaign leader, more bitter enxi. Between breaks, Enxi's petticoat was hanging in the tree branches. Enxi adventure climbing the tree, almost fall, Jun Hee happened to see this scene. After class home, Jun Xi asked about the matter, finally know is core love. Jun Hee angry resentment, went to question core love, Eun Hee do not want to make things big rush to stop, but unexpectedly collided with a truck coming out from the alley, a serious traffic accident. After being sent to the hospital, Eun-hee needs blood transfusion because of excessive blood loss. At this time found Enxi's blood type and Professor Yin's couple's blood type is completely different, Professor Yin couple found Enxi's birth hospital, only to understand the core love and grace Xi was replaced this amazing fact. Enxi's parents find the core love of the home, Professor Yin saw the innocent daughter heart love tragedy, heartache, determined to go back to his daughter. In order to meet Enxi's desire to participate in painting competitions, Jun Xi to find core love, happened to see their parents looking for biological daughter. Jun Hee determined to hold enxi anyway. Mother Jinghe also reluctant to separate with Enxi Hee Young (Moon Geun-young play), has been reluctant to recognize with the core love. However, the poor families have a core of dissatisfaction with love, that the truth, away from home to recognize biological parents. Eun-hee is hard to accept the brutal fact that Mom and Dad are not their own biological parents, but with the encouragement of Jun Hee, she decided to face the reality firmly. Beijing River do not want to lose grace, decided to send away the core love, to maintain the status quo antempt, Professor Yin determined to do so. Eunhee could not bear to her mother Jinghe dilemma, do not want to hurt his brother Junxi for her beaten, leaving home into the original core love of home, lived a completely different life with before. Core love in the new home started a rich life, all the joy. Enxi has to face the poverty of the family, rough mothers, rogue brother, but good Eun-hee decided to stay with his biological mother. In order to forget what happened, Professor Yin went to the United States with a core love. Eight years later, Ellen's life-and-death drama Song Hye-kyo was a telephone operator in the hotel. Encounter with the younger son of the hotel manager, Won Bin, by chance.Playboy has always been the game of life, good and lovely Thai Enxi had a good impression, began a fierce offensive. Song Seung-heon has become famous in the field of painting and has engaged young girlfriends who have been with many years of friendship. However, there is always a shadow of Eun Hee in his heart. In order to open a personal exhibition in South Korea, Jun Xi returned to South Korea. While he was a lecturer at the university, he was ready to open a painting exhibition. Tai-shei and Jun-hee and Jun-hei's fiancee Naomi Na-na Han were very good friends who used to study together in the United States. Before finding a house, Jun Xi temporarily admitted to the hotel in Thailand. Enxi and Jun-hee have passed by several times, but both of them feel a sense of familiarity. Finally Enxi saw missing brother Junxi for a long time. Thai tin and young Americans are extremely puzzled. Core love Enxi appeared worried. Reunited Jun Hee and Eun Hee found the feelings of the two are no longer the feelings of brother and sister, from each other hopeless concern into a strong love. Jun Xi no longer evade the call of their own hearts, decided to break up with the young beauty. Young beauty from Jun Hee to Eun-hui's portrait to see Junxi Hee Hee feelings, ask Enxi to fulfill them. Tai Xi know Enxi's tragic life experience, decided to guard forever Enxi never give up, love unremitting love core. Enxi in order to fulfill his promise to young beauty, accepted the feelings of Thailand and tin. Music can not be Yin JunXi (Song Seung-heon played) branch of Thailand tin decided to reborn, be a down-to-earth good man. Do not have the ulterior motives of young grace Enxi and Thailand tin together to come to Junxi's dining. Unaware of Thailand and Thailand Xi Xi Enxi more care, Enxi feel overwhelmed. Professor Yin couple suddenly returned home, happened to meet with Eun Hee in the hometown, the three mixed feelings. Jinghe love recovered from the daughter of all kinds, but also to like Chunxi love younger sister Enxi as a child, Junxi had agreed. Due to the intervention of parents, Jun Hee determined and Enxi only love each other only brothers and sisters, the grace entrusted to take care of Thailand and Thailand. Enxi moved out of the hotel's dormitory, suffering from nowhere to go. Mother's entourage know Enxi meet with the Beijing River, they drive out Enxi. Enxi find Junxi help, but happened to see the young beautiful Kiss Junhui scene. Enxi and Junxi quietly meet, spend the happy time belonging to both brother and sister. On the 1st, Tai Xi found Enxi and Jun Xi's computer camera photos in Enxi's purse, with a great suspicion. Young Mei Junxi expressed hope that the two get married as soon as possible. Junxi and Enxi together to Mizuki Park Villa to play. Unexpectedly, it rained suddenly and had to stay for a day. Both of them lied to Tai-tin and Young-mei respectively. At this moment, Young Mei is waiting for them to come back together with Tai-tin who came to find Jun-hee. Thai tin finally know things that love each other. Thailand tin determined to get Enxi no matter what, no matter who Eun Hee really love. He did not hesitate to use money to reward Eun-hee's greedy brother and buy his nasty plants and flowers in order to get Enxi's favor. Professor Yin decided to adopt Enxi. And because of the existence of Enxi, much loved by the core, the atmosphere is difficult, exposing the Junxi brother and sister love things. Professor Yin strongly opposes two people in love. Do not want to deceive each other feelings, Jun Xi throw away everything, and eunho ran to ranch, played a sweet two world. Jun-hee to Eun-Hyun propose, Echigo shyly agreed.Unfortunately, the good news is not long, Eun Hee phone call to his mother was overheard his elder brother Zhong Zhe, Zhong Zhe telling the news of Thailand tin. At this point, Jun Hee also want to marry Eun Hee, then with the Thai tin back home. Waiting at home, parents and young mothers, Jun Xi to Enxi to marry the decision is extremely angry. Junxi and Enxi agreed that no matter what happens, we should return to Mizuki Park, the pursuit of mutual happiness. Professor Yin wanted to send Eun-Hee to study in the United States, to compensate for the guilt over the years and to separate a couple. Jun Xi firmly married Enxi, Professor Yin cut off the threat of parent-child relationship. Young could not withstand the attempted suicide, from right hand can not draw. Elder brother begged Eun Hee Junxi, he can not not Junxi. Junxi because young children committed suicide, felt guilty and had to take responsibility. Two people failed to return to Shuimuyuan as agreed. Thailand tin was Enxi rejected, very frustrated, began to give up on themselves. Enxi see in the eyes very sad. Eunuch physically and mentally exhausted finally hospitalized, and her beloved Jun-hee but in order to take care of young Americans can not come, but instead of Tai-shee ran before her run. Jun Xi's solo exhibition was held in the hotel and conference hall of Tai Xi. The just recovered Enxi got this news and panicked. Enxi and Junxi accidentally meet, she lied to himself and Thailand tin well. Junxi confident to Tai Xi confirmed. Thai tin feel that they have been used, indignant, just took Enxi Hee Hee participated in the exhibition, deliberately pretend to look intimacy. Junxi's line of sight can not leave Enxi, young beauty to see in the eyes had moan and sighed. Thailand and Thailand refused Enxi plea, decided no matter how the family must be opposed to Enxi married. Enxi accidentally learned that he had leukemia. Desperate Eunhee Jun Jun to complain about, but happened to see Junxi told young United States together two months later returned to the scene, Enxi sad to leave. Thai tin see Enxi take medicine, know Enxi's condition. Thai-tin decided to be responsible for En Xi, and vowed to cure her illness, revealed to Enxi unselfish love without any conditions. Jun Hee do not know Enxi's illness, although he and young beauty together, but just think Enxi, young beauty helpless, just hope to return to the United States earlier. Continued sickness Enxi feel more difficult, Eun Hee Junxi again to find, I hope he will not go to the United States, spend the last six months with her, Jun-hee deeply puzzled. Jun-hee refused Eun-hee's plea, while he himself was painfully drunk and tortured himself repeatedly. Eun Hee returned home again fainted was taken to the hospital, get the careful care of Thailand and tin. Enxi promised to accept the treatment of Thai tin special advice, deceive mother said he found a job in the Seoul hotel, so to leave home for some time. En Hye-kyo plays for the last time Jun-hee, but she still concealed his illness and said she wanted to go to a new place with Thais to start a new life and live well. Let Junxi do not worry. Jun Xi regretfully broke up with her. Enxi admitted to the hospital, received a special bone marrow examination. Hee hee learned from the phone recording young beauty hands in fact no problem, young beautiful to Junxi frankly, lying to him because of fear of injury on the hands later, Junxi will leave, so he has been without telling him.Jun Hee hopes that young Americans gave him some time to arrange his feelings before going to the United States and went to the ranch. Thai tin heard of bone marrow transplantation can cure, on Enxi's family frankly all things, and asked the family must be Junxi confidential, because this is enxi meaning. Enxi exacerbated the pain reluctantly came to Mizuki Park, but met the first Junxi. Eun-hee until the last have to hide his condition, she quietly said: I love you forever, and Jun Xi was the last goodbye. Enxi returned to the hospital the condition continued to deteriorate, into a coma. Young hesitate to tell the truth after Jun Hee. Junxi rushed to the hospital in a hurry and said he still did not say anything, that is: I love you, Eun Hee. Jun He painfully recalls all the pictures with Enxi. He said to Young America: Let's go back to the United States. Even if Young is not going back, he himself has to go back. Young thinks this is not the real idea of ​​Jun Hee and thinks it is all his fault. The doctor said tonight is the key, so that everyone stable emotions. Family feel very desperate, core love that he and Enxi's fate in exchange for such a thing happened, Eun Hee instead of being sick, for which she is very self-blame. Eun Hsi unconscious, Jun Hei but indifferent. Tai Xi advised Junxi to visit the hospital, Jun He admitted that he was afraid of Eun Hee saw his own, may feel very comfortable, maybe it will be gone, so can not go. But the result he still went. Enxi actually woke up in front of Junxi, two people in order to spend the last time together, decided to revisit the children played together when playing the seaside in order to leave some of the last memories. Young decided to go study alone, Thailand and Thailand in order to complete the two quietly quit. Eun-hee In order to be happy with Jun-hee to spend less time, it is often Yoshihiro Shin (Han Chae-young plays) to endure the pain, which even makes Jun Hee sad. Eun Hee began to vomit blood, the condition deteriorated day by day. She began taking pictures, quietly preparing funerals. Enxi accidentally found Junxi in Junxi room quietly prepared for their own medicine bottles, Junxi promised not to die for her. The last two people came to play the seaside childhood, listening to Junxi told the story of childhood, Eun He quietly finished her life. Junxi commissioned Thailand and Western Thailand Hui Xi He ashes of the ashes spilled into the sea, alone came to a small village and Enxi traveled the country road. Scenes of childhood and Enxi games emerge in front of me. A dump truck knocked down Junxi, the body vacated, Junxi saw heaven Eun Hee smiled at him.

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