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Jones Xu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jones Xu Works 36 ,And Romance 14 ,Urban drama 4 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Comedy 4 ,Love 3 ,Action 3 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Feature 3 ,War 2 ,Spy war 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,Modern opera 2 ,Republic of China 2 ,Fashion 2 ,Idol drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Modern city 1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,近代革命1 ,Youth drama 1 ,内地都市言情剧1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Palace 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,都市职场励志1 ,Revolution 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Jones Xu Filmography(36)


蓬莱间 (TV)[2020]


故事发生在烟雨胡同18号,身份神秘的“灵物”医生 Bai Qi 游历世间,千年来利用神秘植物“桃源乡”的力量治愈“灵物”,使其化解执念回归正常人类生活。阴差阳错之下, Bai Qi 与人类女孩 Lin Xia 相识并意外“同居”,两人生活发生改变的同时,一段尘封千年的神秘往事也随之浮出水面。


归还世界给你 (TV)[2019]


《归还世界给你》讲述了 Shen YiEn 和男友 Xie QiLei 携手创业,大学刚毕业就事业起步、走上正轨。但商场诡谲、人心险恶,对手为争夺利益,导致了 Xie QiLei “意外身亡”。痛失爱人的沈亦恩并没有一蹶不振,她一方面独自扛起事业重任,将公司打造成知名时尚品牌;一方面追寻 Xie QiLei 的下落。 Xie QiLei 并没有死,他被人所救,因伤势严重不得不改头换面,在异国他乡恢复休养,死里逃生的他重新回国,成为时尚总裁“ Lu Zhun ”,决心查出当年他出事的真相。 Lu Zhun 和沈亦恩在亦敌亦友亦相识的危险气氛中再次相爱,沈亦恩有青梅竹马的追求者 Qin Ye ,她的闺蜜 Cen Wei 则爱上了英俊帅气的 Lu Zhun ,四个年轻人的友情和爱情微妙失衡。面对复杂的感情问题和事业的坎坷,沈亦恩和 Lu Zhun 终于在困难中找回了彼此的初心,携手并肩,真爱不灭 。

凤弈 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《凤弈》剧情介绍:东梁年间,百戏团台柱 Ye NingZhi 随团入宫为 Huang TaiHou 的寿宴演出,不料遭长公主陷害,幸得第一谋士 Wei Guang ( Jones Xu 饰 )出手相救, Ye NingZhi 自此难忘魏大人。两年后 Ye NingZhi 意外再次入宫,成为了皇后( Xiwen Cao 饰 )身边的宫女。见识了种种冤假错案不平事,她凭借智慧和勇气,替底层出头,向权贵亮剑,成为后宫中的一股清流,就连最难以捉摸的皇后也被她感动。同样被 Ye NingZhi 吸引的还有高高在上的皇帝, Ye NingZhi 一时变得四面楚歌、举步维艰。与此同时,一直觊觎皇位的长公主卷土重来, Ye NingZhi 卷入了更为诡谲的权力游戏中,她与 Wei Guang 一同深入险境,粉碎奸人的阴谋,排解国难。 Ye NingZhi 从皇后身边的小宫女,成长为在黑暗中绽放光芒的一代贤妃,最后回归民间,收获了最真挚无悔的爱情。


March 30, 2010 (TV)[2018]

Feature: "March 30, 10" tells the story of a beautiful long-distance school girl Yuan Lai Encounters a tycoon who was poor and self-reliant. The two met little after all. Five years later, they became the torch bearers of the Wall Street elite, letting go of the United States , Returned to restore love. Although the process is bumpy, but the two eventually toward happiness.

If life meets you (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Life is ever the same" tells the story of the warlords during the Republic of China when the scramble, the easy-to-apprehended appearance of the northern crocodile looks calm, father and son filial piety, the Mainland is a wave of clouds, hidden surging. Easy home three young master Yi LianKai wilderness ambitious hiring, brother Yi LianShen at every step, insight into the overall situation. Easy Lian Sijie Yi LianKai For advanced schoolgirl Qin Sang Love at first sight, in order to marry Qin Sang, Yi LianKai painstaking, and finally Qin Sang was forced to join the easy home. After marriage, easy home three still do not change the Merry, extravagant fans, arrogant domineering. Qin Sang and Yi LianKai, the top-notch female students holding the names of three young grandma, have their dreams of being in bed with each other. However, Yi LianKai seems to be merciless against Qin Sang, but in reality there is a reason for everything. The seemingly calm, Father and son filial piety, but in fact wavey, hidden surging, secretly three brothers in order to play to win the war to display various tactics, one after another. Identity mysterious stay-Japanese Army Sergeant Pan Chi Kin Yinxianqiancheng Yi LianKai adjutant, and Qin Sang Impression in Pan Chih-hsien is the school upright revolutionary fighters, so people meet each other, the identity of a drastic change, the old love, the new home, home Country worry, flames, fog siege & nbsp ;.

Fog siege (TV)[2017]

Feature: When the warlords in the Republic of China were on the melee, the predators of the northern coffin looked calm on the surface of the home. Filial piety was filial to the father of the northern coffin. However, there were waves and hides in the hinterland. Yi "Life is ever the same" Character poster Three young master Yi LianKai wilderness ambitious hiring, brother Yi LianShen at every step, insight into the overall situation. Easy Lian Sijie Yi LianKai For advanced schoolgirl Qin Sang Love at first sight, in order to marry Qin Sang, Yi LianKai painstaking, and finally Qin Sang was forced to join the easy home. After marriage, easy home three still do not change the Merry, extravagant fans, arrogant domineering. Qin Sang and Yi LianKai, the top-notch female students holding the names of three young grandma, have their dreams of being in bed with each other. However, Yi LianKai seems to be merciless against Qin Sang, but in reality there is a reason for everything. The seemingly calm, Father and son filial piety, but in fact wavey, hidden surging, secretly three brothers in order to play to win the war to display various tactics, one after another. Identity mysterious stay-Japanese Army Sergeant Pan Chi Kin Yinxianqiancheng Yi LianKai adjutant, and Qin Sang Impression in Pan Chih-hsien is the school upright revolutionary fighters, so people meet each other, the identity of a drastic change, the old love, the new home, home Country worry, beacon years, the fog siege.

Tokgo world (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Tokgo world" tells the troubled times of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, successive generations of successive changes, the North Zhou generation Xianxu Du GuXin because of "Tokgo world" prediction and much attention in the world. He has three girls under his knees, all of whom are the best women. One eldest daughter Du GuBoRe bent on becoming the queen of the future, to achieve the prophecy of Tokgo world, for which they abandoned their love, married into the Northern Zhou Dynasty royal family; but to become the world's most valuable woman, she died due to accidental labor. Du GuXin was affected by this incident and was harmed by the political opponents. In order to preserve the whole family, Du GuXin had to commit suicide and Duguzi was defeated. Du GuManTuo, a sub-daughter, was so bullish and unwilling to marry her fiancé Yang Jian. Instead, her fiancée Du GuGaLuo was taken away and Li Bing was married to Tang Guogong, who later gave birth to Li Yuan as the mother of Datang. Du GuGaLuo, the young girl who eventually took over the task of guarding Tokgo in the precarious years, relies on her own intelligence and perseverance and has been tenaciously living in chaos. Her feelings with Yang Jian, but also from the beginning of the political marriage, gradually evolved to later two hearts know each other, both love and affection eventually together to unite the country, became the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty.

Angels happiness (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Angel's Happiness tells the story of Xiao Xiaohan, who runs a small hotel, is the most beautiful woman in a small village in Hainan Island. Low family life and education make her lack of self-confidence. She is still optimistic and hopes to have her own happiness. Depression and proud of Jerome has a development group mother, he was ordered to come to the island to help her mother remodeling work, stay in Xiaohan small hostel. Jie Luo encountered difficulties in the acquisition of land, but fortunately, with the help of Xiao-han, which for men and women who are far away from character in the process of work to understand each other and develop love. However, Jerome's mother opposed the interaction between the two men and she wanted to leave in exchange for a development case to continue. In order to benefit the island, Xiao Han decided to disappear from Jie Luo. Jerome was hit hard to find Xiaohan become his only task. Xiao Han can not let go of this love. Jerome look for success, but in the moment before the reunion happened a car accident, the occasion of life, Xiao Han returned to Jero around him back from the hell. Jerome's mother witnessed the two people's firm love no longer obstructed. Two people break through the storm, eventually married & nbsp ;.

BountyHunters (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Li Shan (actor Lee Min-ho (actor 1987)) and Ah Yo (Wallace Chung) used to be Interpol and later became a private bodyguard after being dismissed for failure. In a seemingly ordinary bombing, the two met on a bout with a bounty trio composed of Tiffany Tang, Swan (Karena Ng) and Bao Bao (Louis Fan) They formed a bounty group to arrest criminals and maintain social peace. After experiencing a series of thrilling tasks, the five successfully thwarted the series of terrorist attacks and seized the black hand behind the scenes.

Four daughter (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jane is a decline in the Republic of China Squire people, four daughters, different personality. Jian TaiTai biggest wish is to marry her daughters, from time to worry. The advent of the rich family Ding ZiHui, Song WenXi Jane family where the town broke out a discussion war, the eldest daughter won the Ding ZiHui heart, although the relationship between the two experienced ups and downs, but eventually won the Hui family recognition. Song WenXi although several times with his second daughter Tian Tian "evil", but he found himself unconsciously fall in love. Cheng BiRao, who saved Wen Xi 's life in that year, deeply loved Wen Xi and tried to stop Wen Xi and Tian Tian from joining together. Tianyu on such as Tianren Shi Tengren dollars, Tianyu marriage court at a crucial moment, Wen Xi appeared to expose the allegiance of Xuan Yu to their pregnancy behavior, such as Tian awakened. Tianyu framed Wen Xi, making his career a hit, in jail, such as Tian use their own intelligence, to find evidence of innocent Wen Xi victims, Wen Xi calm career waves, lovers get married? & Nbsp ;.

My stupid adorable husband (TV)[2016]

Feature: Lei Xiao Tao and Yang Kang, newly graduated from college, fell in love with each other and got married without informing their parents. Their lives have been overwhelmingly changed since their marriage, and parents of both parties do not recognize such sloppy marriage. Lei XiaoTao decided to bravely provoke the burden of life, she went to work at an Internet company, Yang Kang hired a game company. Both husband and wife both have a good job, intends to start their own bright future. Who knows, the emergence of handsome Luo Yi, destroyed their lives, and even subvert their emotional world. Lei XiaoTao divorces Yang Kang. Yang Kang is not willing to lose Lei XiaoTao, hard work. In Luo Yi and Yang Kang's competition, Lei XiaoTao eventually realized that she loved Yang Kang and they remarried. In the process, everyone gradually understands the true meaning of life and love & nbsp ;.

Flying knife See also Flying knife (TV)[2016]

Feature: After Li XunHuan, "Little Li Dao Dao" and the money to help the main Shang GuanJinHong pinnacle, Shang GuanJinHong died, Li XunHuan disappeared. However, Li Huai, a great grandson of Li XunHuan, is an illegitimate child of Shang GuanXian, daughter of Li ManQing and Shang GuanJinHong. Shang GuanXian was killed suddenly because of legendary Shang GuanXian possession of money to help the treasure, so Li Huai identity exposure. Critical juncture, Li Huai won the mysterious woman Xue CaiYue repeatedly rescued. Li ManQing would like to recognize Li Huai, Li Huai not from, but with his brother Li Zheng congenial. Li Huai and Xue CaiYue, Li Zheng, friends Long Yi and childhood sweetheart Fang KeKe, together to look for the murderer. Several people have established profound friendship with each other. Li Huai and Xue CaiYue, both suffering and having an affair with each other, intend to both retreat. However, they unexpectedly find the month of acquisition and their commonplace father-in-law's hatred. Li Zheng also fights with Li Huai for Fang KeKe, while Li ManQing, his father, defends his family's honor by giving Li Huai a duel on behalf of Li's family. Fall apart, a pair of lovers face the tragedy of love and kill. Until all the truth opened, the two resolve misunderstandings, eventually married.

Love the earth (TV)[2016]

Feature: After the Sept.18 Incident, the quiet life of Ma ZhongQiu's family was disrupted by the war. From a grass-roots knifemaker, Ma ZhongQiu became a police officer who justly walked in justice and eventually grew into a communist fighter. In the destiny of Britain, he experienced temperament and life and death test. Everything he did, beginning with the reunion and peace of one's family, was the sacred love of the heart. Later, his love sublimated to defend the dignity of the nation and nation. In the process, Ma ZhongQiu and the female dancer Nan Yan's love has also experienced the baptism of fate, ups and downs. The two young people, who sincerely and unselfishly fell in love, finally came to the battlefield and fought for the glory of the nation.

Cool and pretty woman (TV)[2016]

Feature: The elegant and pretty woman, also known as Four Sisters of Gold, tells the story of Jane Chia, a descendant of the gentry in the Republic of China, with four daughters and different personalities. Jian TaiTai biggest wish is to marry her daughters, from time to worry. The advent of the rich family Ding ZiHui, Song WenXi Jane family where the town broke out a discussion war, the eldest daughter won the Ding ZiHui heart, although the relationship between the two experienced ups and downs, but eventually won the Hui family recognition. Song WenXi although several times with his second daughter Tian Tian "evil", but he found himself unconsciously fall in love. Cheng BiRao, who saved Wen Xi 's life in that year, deeply loved Wen Xi and tried to stop Wen Xi and Tian Tian from joining together. Tianyu on such as Tianren Shi Tengren dollars, Tianyu marriage court at a crucial moment, Wen Xi appeared to expose the allegiance of Xuan Yu to their pregnancy behavior, such as Tian awakened. Tianyu framed Wen Xi, making his career a hit, in jail, such as Tian use their own intelligence, to find evidence of innocent Wen Xi victims, Wen Xi calm career waves, lovers get married? & Nbsp ;.

Tongue harm (TV)[2016]


"Tongue damage" tells an interesting story about the complicated relationship between popular stars and paparazzi and mindless fans.

"Tongue injury" is an idol drama directed by new director zheng xiao, starring Jones Xu and Song Zuer, and joined by many actors such as liu xiaohai, Zhou Yun Ru and Joshua Dov. Launched in Beijing on December 21, 2016, "tongue injury" is adapted from the novel of the same name by zhao dami. It is a work integrating entertainment, modernity and star exploration.


ParisHoliday (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Ding XiaoMin (Amber Kuo ornaments) and her boyfriend Xu Hui (Xu Zhengxi ornaments) are learning art background, the two came all the way to the art capital of Paris, hoping to make some achievements there. Emotionally, kind but somewhat stubborn Ding XiaoMin is desperate for Xu Hui, in order to fulfill her boyfriend's artistic dream, she is willing to give up her own future and rely on working to subsidize her home to ease the economy. However, Ding XiaoMin did not think that he was still Xu Hui ruthless abandoned. By a huge blow, Ding XiaoMin completely lost hope for men and love, give up on themselves, into the days of endless unexamined. One day, Ding XiaoMin accidentally became a roommate of a man named Lin JunJie (Louis Koo), and always thought Lin JunJie liked the same-sex Ding XiaoMin, Good man takes good care of.

Brocade Night (TV)[2015]

Feature: The Night of Bridal Veil tells the story of the early Ming Dynasty when Xia Xun, a civilian, blindly replaced the deceased wealthy scholar Yang Xu to become a pawn of Jinyi Wei and decided to protect himself after witnessing the ruthlessness of his supervisor Zhang ShiSan and others And for the people remove the pests. At the same time, he met the future wife Xie YuFei, the two began to get along like joyful enemies. Soon after, Xia Xun was chased by Guardian Wei on his way home and was rescued by Ximen Long and Ji Gang. As soon as the three were killed, they were worshiped by brothers. The latter three inadvertently saved the Yan Wang couple and the county chief, and Xia Xun's ability caused the concern of Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi, leaders of the two armies. Xia Xun has been trained by Bai YiXia and Luo KeDi to become an excellent Guardian. After Zhu YunWen ascended the throne, she started to cut the feudal clan, and Xia Xun, with her family, suffered more suffering for the common people, and decided to help him to set up the throne. He and Ji Gang in the Yan Wang side of the perfect match for the future of King Yan Deng made a significant contribution to & nbsp ;.

Hope Husband Success (TV)[2015]

Feature: Zhang MengQi her childhood sweetheart Zhang Faini on the eve of the wedding, suddenly put forward a break up, sad shun the face of the rival's brother's confession, I do not know where to go. Pampered daughter Yuanyuan is the mother of money glamorous heart, but her husband Sun Lei bankruptcy, life is facing earth-shaking changes. Yan Ning, the three innocent and lively daughter is the daughter of the adoption of money, Yan Ning found himself and her boyfriend Shen Qianwei further away, but also met "happy lovers". Experienced the ups and downs, Qian's daughters eventually reap happiness, but also understand the "meaningless price" the money handed down from generation to generation, "heirloom" real meaning.

KungFuAngels (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Zhi Cheng (Karena Ng), a wealthy and self-centered man, was transferred to NanDou University for his father's work. In an unfamiliar environment, Zhi Cheng reunites Zhi Jian (Alex Lam), a cousin who has not seen for many years. Although he is superficial and self-reliant on Zhi Jian, his heart can not help but think of him as the only one to rely on. Nanchuang College has strict school rules and Mei Yun (Zhang Chu), who lives in the same dormitory, is a strange girl who can not cope with life. Everything is quite different from the old days of free life. By chance, Zhi Cheng met the grass-roots martial arts team's big brother Wen An (Xu Zhengxi ornaments) and love at first sight. In pursuit of Wen An, the overwhelming Zhi Cheng joined the martial arts team, not only in the face of Wen An's puzzling style but also in the making of Tie Lan (Janelle Sing), the "rival" master, as well as challenging the toughness of the martial arts team. A full of youthful passion and passion, ridiculous jokingly ridiculous violent girl seeking love will be staged lively.

Chase after (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In 1945, Zhong TieHan and Xu XiaoYue, captain of the anti-Japanese guerrilla intelligence work of Guangdong Communist Party, were ordered to go to Hong Kong to rescue Huai Te, a British agent captured by Japanese troops. At that moment, Wu RenFu, KMT's UNIFIL special team and Jin KouZhengSan, the Japanese spy chief, were also tracing the whereabouts of Huai Te because Huai Te held important intelligence about the British arsenal. Zhong TieHan, Wu RenFu, Jin KouZhengSan As a teenager, they studied military affairs together in China. Huai Te used to be their teacher. However, when they were adults, they took different paths and their friends and classmates fell apart in different beliefs. Zhong TieHan and others secretly sneaked into Hong Kong, and Jin KouZhengSan launched a desperate struggle, undercover camp, the Japanese intelligence organization successfully crackdown. Zhong TieHan harvested the love of Xu XiaoYue and successfully obtained important information. After Japan surrendered, Jin KouZhengSan absconded, Zhong TieHan pursued, and eventually Jin KouZhengSan fell into the net.

Happy lover (TV)[2014]

Feature: Chae Yeon was forced to leave the beloved Joyce Group chairman alone HannStar, left her mother, traveled to the United States for further study. Five years later, she returned to China as a company representative. The thing is nonsense, and the mother becomes estranged from himself; sweetheart Han Yu is the husband of Fan Yun; and the good friend Cheng Xin becomes unpredictable. But years and hardships have made her strong and tolerant, joining forces with Tong LiWei, the vice president of Joyce Group Management, to find out about the masterminds that undermine the group's operations. On the other hand, HannStar also began to investigate Hu ShaoHe and Yang GuiHua to see if Fan Yun was involved in the matter. Hu Yin and HannStar reconciliation help HannStar find evidence. After all the tireless efforts, finally come to truth. After a time of scrub, everyone also relieved, forgave each other, each moving toward a happy life.

Wei Z if U (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Wei ZiFu" tells the story of Han Zi Di's second wife, Wei ZiFu (Luodan Wang). Her humble origin, after entering the palace gave birth to eldest son Liu Ju, become Han WuDi Liu Che (Lin Feng ornaments) the second Queen. She is only a mediocre singer, not tender and beautiful, not prominent family, but with wisdom and determination to establish a "harmonious harem", a generation of male Han WuDi spend 38 years with her. She is the first Queen of Independence in Chinese history and the queen of the second in command. Wei ZiFu's experience not only changed his own destiny but also changed the fate of his family. His brother Xu Qing (Tai Shen) and Huo QuBing (Zhang Ya-Xi) Famous military hero. Wei ZiFu won the favor of Han WuDi for his excellent moral character, and also won the respect of ministers and harem people, which made a certain historical contribution to the development of Han Dynasty & nbsp ;.

Love your lover (TV)[2014]

Feature: A courageous childhood incident, so that small Han Yu and Xiaomu Yan become the most important friends of each other's life, but fate tease, the two days of each party. Both Han Yu and Mu Yan, both of whom grew up, often went to the orphanage as volunteers and often met at the charity foundation. The two met again and sparked the spark of love. Mu Yan although poor life, but always good and positive, do not yield to the fate, won Hannu sympathy and love. Cheng Xin, a long-time favorite of Yan, helped Muyan to work in a group. The two gradually cultivate a pure and sincere friendship. And Han Han's childhood sweetheart Fan Yun envy Mu Yan Hannu love also entered the group work, jealous of deceived Fan Yun designed a trap framed Mu Yan, in an attempt to prevent Hannu Mu Yan love. However, Han Yu or holding tightly Yan Yan's hands, two hearts firmly and trust, any twists and turns can not stop their love of eternal heart.

PaintedSkin2 (TV)[2013]

Feature: Young and prosperous princess Li Jing yearned for unrestrained civilian life, travels with men, and cousin Marquis Xiao Yang and other noble children hunt for the love of painting without regret. Xiao Wei incarnation silver fox coincides with the hunt, Li Jing's horse was shocked, the crisis, chivalrous young Wang Ying shot saved. The two sides started a dispute because of misunderstanding. Silver fox appears again, Xiao Yang three people catch up, and all separated. Three Wang Ying into the fox illusion of the illusion of law enforcement, lost the path encountered monsters in the forest, dangerous danger. Li Jing critical moment, Wang Ying claw scar after the neck was inspired spiritual power, repel monster. The original scars are Xiao Wei left, when she angrily caught Wang students, a little obsession, become the posterity of future generations of Wang's immortal. Due to the fate of the meeting, Xiao Wei and Wang Ying actually had similar feelings in the virtual world, inadvertently protecting him. Wang Ying careless save Li Jing out of danger, the three people spent time and death, a relief. Wang Ying and Li Jing Xiao Yang swore as "brothers" without knowing that Li Jing was a woman. Li Jing also gradually WangYin admiration. About Li Jing Wang Ying, Xiao Yang play, show off the golden sword given by the king. Because of the competition, Wang Ying forced Jin Ying to compete with his own, accidentally injuring his forehead. Li Jing wanted to hide this, but his personal bodyguard, A Mo, had disclosed the matter to Huang Di and Huang Di, and ordered Dali Temple to investigate. Ding DaRen fox Tiger Wei, with people broke into the Xiao Yang mansion, Wang Ying will be arrested and questioned, locked into prison. Li Jing as Wang Ying pleading, at the mercy of death. Huang Di finally soft heart, read Wang Ying had saved Li Jing's life, promised him to wear meritorious service to the southern border town of the army, for the country effectiveness. Zheng Ji two princes extraordinary heroic, provoke queen and Da WangZi's suspicion and lead to martyrdom, the quiet princess accidentally saved Zheng Ji, get along so many days so that Ji Ji Ji Ji secret relationship. Xiao Wei defied the law of the demon monsters and rescued the life of the king with his demon Millennium. He was imprisoned in the frigid hell of the extreme north. Xiao Wei is a born mother Qing FuRen, an illegitimate daughter Xiao Wei, was forced to hide her daughter in her alchemy room. As a result, Xiao Wei knocked Dan furnace and burned fur, and she killed her skin and gave it to her daughter. Xiao Wei, let her grew up in the unmanned love. One hundred days before the lunar month of the month of the lunar month, the cold fire of the cold hell drops. To make up for his affection for his daughter, Qing FuRen recruited Cai Que, who had rescued him, and awoke Xiao Wei. She told Xiao Wei that she would fall asleep if she did not seek homology before the blood moon in a hundred days. As long as devour the heart of this person, Xiao Wei will be able to reborn as an adult, escaped the blood and eclipse of the month robbing, and then practice long life. Her demon spirit has been scattered for thousands of years. She has to temporarily take in the blood of the Yang (male blood) and keep her body in order to suppress the ice-cold chill in the lake for hundreds of years. However, once the water vapor hits her, she will still stimulate the ice in her body to become white-haired ice Rong Because can not forget a hundred years ago that love upside down crazy taste, Xiao Wei determined to go to the town that year to find Wang's descendants. Relying on the scars left by Wang that year, Xiao Wei learned that Wang Ying was a descendant of Wang Sheng, recognizing Wang Ying as a descendant of Wang and Xiao Wei pretending to be injured in order to stay with Wang Ying.Wang Ying's meticulous care led Xiao Wei to leave. At the time of the deepening of the two feelings, Wang Wei met Wang Ying's quiet princess, and Xiao Wei was aware of Li Jing's sense of crisis. Li Jing see Wang Ying and Xiao Wei intimate, sadly hurt. Li Jing childhood sweetheart cousin see this situation, holding Wang Ying wine conversation, asked Wang Ying whether LiMing Li, Wang Ying frankly Li Jing only siblings, no it wants to. Cai Que, who was on the way to follow Xiao Wei, met Pang Lang, a young devil, on the way. Cai Que, who had never met anyone before, was impressed by the kind-hearted fool. In order to save practice devastated, self-destructive Da WangZi, Sirius Grandfather divination under the golden emperor know the word, choose the people of the Queen, that is, the princess, just dig her heart to Da WangZi continued on Can make the prince resurrection. After the wolf sent the elders of the eldest brother Si Tu alien forces to suppress the conditions agreed to peace is to marry Princess Jin Huang Jin Empire, and sent a special envoy to test jinhuang jade bottle. Huang Di was furious, but he also had to temporarily agree to send people to South Xinjiang to recall the princess. Li Jing Ning do not want to be close to relatives, Wang Ying also hope Yi Yi happiness, want to help their escaped marriage. However, Li Jing realizes that his responsibility is in jeopardy with his father and finally decided to return to Beijing. When farewell, Xiao Wei accidentally discovered that Li Jing is a homosexual person. The original static princess, not only Xiao Wei homosexual people, but also the world's only people who have the Golden Phoenix, Golden Phoenix is ​​the wonders of the world, not only can cure the poison, but also help the fairy immortal miraculous. Therefore, in addition to Xiao Wei, many ambitious Millennium Elves are secretly staring at the quiet princess's heart. This includes Zheng Ji, a demon-lover who loved the princess.

Love shining (TV)[2013]

Feature: Zhen Zhu grew up with Nai Nai and thought she was orphaned by her parents. The cheerful and optimistic Zhen Zhu, who dreams of becoming a beautician, will not pass the test despite her continuous efforts. On an accidental occasion, Zhen Zhu got to know Wei Zhi, who works in a foreign-funded enterprise. Zhen Zhu secretly contacted Wei and Nai Nai with his family Shen Shen. After twists and turns, the two finally married, but Wei died of a car accident, leaving Zhen Zhu mother and child. Zhen Zhu found a job to send vegetable juices to his son He Qi. Because of the relationship between the sales of vegetable and fruit juice in the hospital, Zhen Zhu met the surgeon Yi Sheng Zhang KeFeng and went to the beauty salon for employment. Beauty salon owner's son. Zhen Zhu entered the salon work, and her feelings can peak, deepening misunderstanding. Deputy beauty salon manager, it is the hospital's eldest daughter Xue-Ping Yang, she has been admiring his father's student Zhang KeFeng, Xue Ping initiative to be credible, was peak refused. In the peak of encouragement, Zhen Zhu finally passed the assessment, become a cosmetologist & nbsp ;.

Painted skin love no regrets (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Painted skin love no regrets" tells the young and prosperous princess Li Jing yearning for unrestrained civilian life, travels with men, and cousin brother Hou Xiao Yang and other noble children hunt for the love of painting without regret. Xiao Wei incarnation silver fox coincides with the hunt, Li Jing's horse was shocked, the crisis, chivalrous young Wang Ying shot saved. The two sides started a dispute because of misunderstanding. Silver fox appears again, Xiao Yang three people catch up, and all separated. Three Wang Ying into the fox illusion of the illusion of law enforcement, lost the path encountered monsters in the forest, dangerous danger. Li Jing critical moment, Wang Ying claw scar after the neck was inspired spiritual power, repel monster. The original scars are Xiao Wei left, when she angrily caught Wang students, a little obsession, become the posterity of future generations of Wang's immortal. Due to the fate of the meeting, Xiao Wei and Wang Ying actually had similar feelings in the virtual world, inadvertently protecting him. Wang Ying careless save Li Jing out of danger, the three people spent time and death, a relief. Wang Ying and Li Jing Xiao Yang swore as "brothers" without knowing that Li Jing was a woman. Li Jing also gradually WangYin admiration. About Li Jing Wang Ying, Xiao Yang play, show off the golden sword given by the king. Because of the competition, Wang Ying forced Jin Ying to compete with his own, accidentally injuring his forehead. Li Jing wanted to hide this, but his personal bodyguard, A Mo, had disclosed the matter to Huang Di and Huang Di, and ordered Dali Temple to investigate. Ding DaRen fox Tiger Wei, with people broke into the Xiao Yang mansion, Wang Ying will be arrested and questioned, locked into prison. Li Jing as Wang Ying pleading, at the mercy of death. Huang Di finally soft heart, read Wang Ying had saved Li Jing's life, promised him to wear meritorious service to the southern border town of the army, for the country effectiveness. Zheng Ji two princes extraordinary heroic, provoke queen and Da WangZi's suspicion and lead to martyrdom, the quiet princess accidentally saved Zheng Ji, get along so many days so that Ji Ji Ji Ji secret relationship. Xiao Wei defied the law of the demon monsters and rescued the life of the king with his demon Millennium. He was imprisoned in the frigid hell of the extreme north. Xiao Wei is a born mother Qing FuRen, an illegitimate daughter Xiao Wei, was forced to hide her daughter in her alchemy room. As a result, Xiao Wei knocked Dan furnace and burned fur, and she killed her skin and gave it to her daughter. Xiao Wei, let her grew up in the unmanned love. One hundred days before the lunar month of the month of the lunar month, the cold fire of the cold hell drops. To make up for his affection for his daughter, Qing FuRen recruited Cai Que, who had rescued him, and awoke Xiao Wei. She told Xiao Wei that she would fall asleep if she did not seek homology before the blood moon in a hundred days. As long as devour the heart of this person, Xiao Wei will be able to reborn as an adult, escaped the blood and eclipse of the month robbing, and then practice long life. Her demon spirit has been scattered for thousands of years. She has to temporarily take in the blood of the Yang (male blood) and keep her body in order to suppress the ice-cold chill in the lake for hundreds of years. However, once the water vapor hits her, she will still stimulate the ice in her body to become white-haired ice Rong Because can not forget a hundred years ago that love upside down crazy taste, Xiao Wei determined to go to the town that year to find Wang's descendants. Relying on the scars left by Wang that year, Xiao Wei learned that Wang Ying was a descendant of Wang Sheng, recognizing Wang Ying as a descendant of Wang and Xiao Wei pretending to be injured in order to stay with Wang Ying.Wang Ying's meticulous care led Xiao Wei to leave. At the time of the deepening of the two feelings, Wang Wei met Wang Ying's quiet princess, and Xiao Wei was aware of Li Jing's sense of crisis. Li Jing see Wang Ying and Xiao Wei intimate, sadly hurt. Li Jing childhood sweetheart cousin see this situation, holding Wang Ying wine conversation, asked Wang Ying whether LiMing Li, Wang Ying frankly Li Jing only siblings, no it wants to. Cai Que, who was on the way to follow Xiao Wei, met Pang Lang, a young devil, on the way. Cai Que, who had never met anyone before, was impressed by the kind-hearted fool. In order to save practice devastated, self-destructive Da WangZi, Sirius Grandfather divination under the golden emperor know the word, choose the people of the Queen, that is, the princess, just dig her heart to Da WangZi continued on Can make the prince resurrection. After the wolf sent the elders of the eldest brother Si Tu alien forces to suppress the conditions agreed to peace is to marry Princess Jin Huang Jin Empire, and sent a special envoy to test jinhuang jade bottle. Huang Di was furious, but he also had to temporarily agree to send people to South Xinjiang to recall the princess. Li Jing Ning do not want to be close to relatives, Wang Ying also hope Yi Yi happiness, want to help their escaped marriage. However, Li Jing realizes that his responsibility is in jeopardy with his father and finally decided to return to Beijing. When farewell, Xiao Wei accidentally discovered that Li Jing is a homosexual person. The original static princess, not only Xiao Wei homosexual people, but also the world's only people who have the Golden Phoenix, Golden Phoenix is ​​the wonders of the world, not only can cure the poison, but also help the fairy immortal miraculous. Therefore, in addition to Xiao Wei, many ambitious Millennium Elves are secretly staring at the quiet princess's heart. This includes Zheng Ji, a demon-lover who loved the princess.

Chase after (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Pursuit" tells of the case of Zhong TieHan and Xu XiaoYue, captains of Guangdong Communist Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Intelligence in 1945, who were ordered to go to Hong Kong to rescue Huai Te, a British agent captured by Japanese troops. At that moment, Wu RenFu, KMT's UNIFIL special team and Jin KouZhengSan, the Japanese spy chief, were also tracing the whereabouts of Huai Te because Huai Te held important intelligence about the British arsenal. Zhong TieHan, Wu RenFu, Jin KouZhengSan As a teenager, they studied military affairs together in China. Huai Te used to be their teacher. However, when they were adults, they took different paths and their friends and classmates fell apart in different beliefs. Zhong TieHan and others secretly sneaked into Hong Kong, and Jin KouZhengSan launched a desperate struggle, undercover camp, the Japanese intelligence organization successfully crackdown. Zhong TieHan harvested the love of Xu XiaoYue and successfully obtained important information. After Japan surrendered, Jin KouZhengSan absconded, Zhong TieHan pursued, and finally let Jin KouZhengSan fall into the net & nbsp ;.

MySassyHubby (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ten years ago, high school YOYO (Charlene Choi) married Zhang ShiSan (Ekin Cheng), who married the pulp in the UK at the request of their parents, but during this period, the two married and had a true feelings and walked After ten years of marriage. After ten years of sharpening, now YOYO and thirteen marriage life is like? The gap in age has made thirteen, the thirteenth year of the new year, the thirst for a stable life. The friction between him and YOYO has been escalating. At every argument, YOYO threatened to divorce, and thirteen pairs of "divorce" became accustomed to. In a thirteen and YOYO quarrel, the two separated, thirteen female student Dong Yi (Zhang Xinyi ornaments), YOYO met childhood sweetheart Lin ShuHao (Xu Zhengxi ornaments) ...... Their love of the last decade Will it continue?

Summer home three thousand gold (TV)[2011]

Feature: Xia ZhengSong and Yu Jing married for thirty years, having two stills, family harmony. But as daughters step into marriage age, parenting troubles ensue. The eldest daughter, Yu He, met his favorite object, Chingtien, but his girlfriend, who was already a childhood sweetheart, was really innocent and was firmly opposed to her daughter's involvement in the emotional relationship of others. Rainie hoped to have the freedom to pursue true love and conflicts between her father and daughter. Little daughter summer love also encountered difficulties. As a father, shengzong soothe the wounded summer, while earnestly persuading the rain to return to the brink of closure, and her marriage is gradually falling into crisis. Heavy wave hit, with the help of his father is loose, the daughters finally put aside all resentment and estrangement, lovers get married, the family reunited.

The love is waking up (TV)[2011]

Feature: Liu XiaoBei (Tiffany Tang) is the musician's dream of round peach Lee children's school. She enrolled in "My Princess" organized by Heriot-Watt Group and woke up the drama with the aim of winning only one prize. Piano, music teacher in Tao Li Primary School. Liu XiaoBei's performance was endorsed by judges and audience. Only objection Mu ZhiQing (Qi Wei), wife of Xiang TianQi (Roy Chiu), general manager of Hermes Group. Xiang TianQi was plotted for memory by Chou Yan (James Wen), thanks to Liu XiaoBei's rescue, and named him Liu Fish. Their romantic time did not last long, and Xiang TianQi, who recovered his memory, quickly forgot the previous What happened. Returning to reality, Xiang TianQi and Mu ZhiQing are about to marry, leaving Sadly Rui Wen (Jones Xu), Mu Hsing song singer. Xiang TianQi To demolish peach Lee Village, would like to build a resort, Beckham advised him not to do this short-sighted action, a moment, once the memory of the influx of Xiang TianQi mind & nbsp ;.

Being a man (TV)[2010]


Introduction to the TV series the true colors of men: it tells the story that in 1920, a "letter communication trend" swept up Shanghai beach, and Zhou JingZhi, chairman of yongrentang pharmaceutical company, lost his fortune and even his life to prevent the financial storm. Ten years later, Zhou JingZhi's eldest son, Zhou ChuanXiong, lost the direction of life. At the call of his adoptive mother zhong jiaxin and his girlfriend, chuanxiong finally found himself and rose to prominence in Shanghai's financial industry. Shi XiangQing, the mad cow who killed Zhou JingZhi, returned to Shanghai and imprisoned chuanxiong in order to force him to make up with his former lover jiaxin. To save chuanxiong, jiaxin fell to the roof and died. Chuanxiong returned to Shanghai with a vengeful heart, only to see that the city was experiencing another financial storm. He decided resolutely to devote himself to the ideal of economic service. Chuanxiong finally shattered Shi XiaoRen's dream of becoming Shanghai's new financial emperor, and saved Shanghai's financial crisis, completing a career that his father never completed. .


BasicLove (Movie)[2009]

Feature: This is a pure romantic love story. Accompanied by a song by Ling (play), (Janice Man plays), Rex (play) the relationship between the three. Ah Ling, who had leukemia from an early age, was optimistic about her personality and did not keep her heart in her heart. She had always kept her love in her heart and did not tell her friends Rex and Xiao Zun. Xiao Zun Xiao Zun, an introverted personality, is not good at expressing himself since he was with his mother when he came to Hong Kong from the Mainland to come to Hong Kong for selling fish. Since Ling was a hot and cold personality, he became a good friend of mutual concern. Xiao Zun had a crush on Rex, Rex did not say it, and Xiao Zun did not find another guy A Xi (play) is silently admire her. . Rex had a music contest for the very talented music of Rex, the music he made for his beloved girl, but he never revealed her name; graduating soon, the three went their separate ways No further relations have been developed until the disease Ling Ling has been hospitalized before it breaks the silence of such feelings ...

Ishqiya (Movie)[2009]

Feature: This is a pure romantic love story. Accompanied by a song by Ling (play), (Janice Man plays), Rex (play) the relationship between the three. Ah Ling, who had leukemia from an early age, was optimistic about her personality and did not keep her heart in her heart. She had always kept her love in her heart and did not tell her friends Rex and Xiao Zun. Xiao Zun Xiao Zun, an introverted personality, is not good at expressing himself since he was with his mother when he came to Hong Kong from the Mainland to come to Hong Kong for selling fish. Since Ling was a hot and cold personality, he became a good friend of mutual concern. Xiao Zun had a crush on Rex, Rex did not say it, and Xiao Zun did not find another guy A Xi (play) is silently admire her. . Rex had a music contest for the very talented music of Rex, the music he made for his beloved girl, but he never revealed her name; graduating soon, the three went their separate ways No further relations have been developed until the disease Ling Ling has been hospitalized before it breaks the silence of such feelings ...

Naraka 19 (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Someone in a college girl's bedroom received one after another a message, "Do you know what the hell is on the 19th floor?", And several girls entered into a mysterious SMS game. In the past, we only heard about 18 layers of hell and never heard of the 19th layer of hell, so we were all curious. However, girls who played games unexpectedly died abnormally during different stages of the game, and one girl also suffered a mental breakdown. Although schools and police stations are constantly investigating and protecting students at school, some people still receive the same message continuously or are on the verge of death. Student Chun Yu, who once suffered serious mental illness after escaping from the deserted village, Girls accidentally recovered, in order to explore what exactly to find the same room close friend's death into the mysterious SMS games. However, she found herself unable to extricate themselves into a terrible hell game. With the help of Gao Xuan, an art teacher in the school, Chun Yu found many secrets and loves handsome and talented teachers in the process. However, as he approached the secret of hell, Chun Yu increasingly felt panic. Ji Fu, who has long since died, is always around and keeps hearing messages from the deceased roommate, whether Gao Xuan is real or not, but when she finally reaches the 19th floor of hell, she hears hell Ultimately turned out to be.

FourLover (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Love new breath" stills Hui from a well-off family in the country, the father is a civil servant, the mother is a primary school teacher, childhood though there is no lack of material and spiritual care, but the kind of closed and traditional parenting, develop her depression Very strict self-discipline character. As an eldest daughter, she did not leave home until she was at college, taking aloof and polite attitudes toward people and things. All around her feel she is good, but she is so ordinary and unobtrusive that it is as good as the air. For the first time, the appearance of Huang MingZheng is curious for her introduction of the novel love story of the movie, but her demeanor is a bit reserved for her. , So abruptly with this seemingly perfect feeling missed. "Love new breath" stills As time goes by, her law of life has remained unchanged, built the walls more solid, answering machine is her loyal guard, for her from any intention of invading men, parents Forced marriage, endless blind date, those vulgar men, Jing Hui coldly watching them fall into the moat outside her castle. However, unlike Xu Kai, he failed to make a name for himself and succeeded in disturbing the order of her life. Her enthusiasm, her vitality and all the crazy factors hidden in her life were all awoken by Xu Kai, Xu Kai's betrayal as fiercely gave a fierce punch in her chest, do not really have the so-called innocent love in the world as the air on the Virgin's Peak ... Love defeat, work again In the face of an unprecedented setback, she has always been like a brother-like orphans Akina suffering from liver cancer ... Noisy street noise by love New Breeds Download Old Xu, sitting with MBA and a professional work of Jing Hui and the game world Xu Kai Is the relationship between each other? Perseverance Strange love of static benefits, the final compromise?

Flying knife See also Flying knife (TV)[2003]

Feature: Li Huai is an orphan. His smile on his face never seems to disappear. No one ever knew that he was from a generation of stills and his grandfather was the famous Li XunHuan. With a treasure map hidden in her mother's kit, Li Huai spent seven years alone and practiced as a flying sword in the world to find the treasure of the rich and the enemy. For the sake of love and immortality in the mind, Li Huai returns to the mountain fortress when she was young and looks for sweetheart Fang KeKe. Unfortunately, all she brings to Li Huai is a boundless nightmare. Li Huai was suspected to have been linked to the theft of gold in the palace and for a moment became a thief who was to be punished and soon afterwards. However, it is unpredictable that the death of Li Huai by the imperial family, "Xue CaiYue," actually fell in love with Li Huai. They ruled out all difficulties and had a warm home. Until one day Li Huai woke up to find that he was flirting with his flesh and blood, leaving only a note that says and Li Huai love has done. The original Luna to Li bad father Li ManQing challenge, she wanted to destroy the "Flying Swordsman" myth of rivers and lakes, the deceased father Xue QingBi revenge. However, blood flowing through Li Blood belongs to the blood of "Li Li Dao Dao", and he must not tarnish his family honor. Li Huai and Luna finally stood opposite each other. On the verge of life and death, in the crying of babies, Li Huai and Luna coincide with each other in that distant and beautiful place where there was once a Family.

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