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BoBo Jiang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included BoBo Jiang Works 28 ,And Romance 8 ,Feature 8 ,Comedy 6 ,Family drama 4 ,Urban drama 3 ,Campus drama 2 ,Ancient legend 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,War 2 ,Biopic 2 ,Motivational film 1 ,Year 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,动漫1 ,幽默1 ,成长1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Love 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Suspense 1 ,友情1 ,Historical play 1 ,生活1 ,Ancient 1 ,legend 1 ,Palace 1 ,Child 1 。

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BoBo Jiang Filmography(28)


筑梦情缘 (TV)[2019]


二十世纪二十年代初,军阀割据民生凋敝,乱世中 Shao NianShenQiNan 一家忽遭飞来横祸。父亲因无意间卷入走私阴谋而被杀害,母亲在逃亡中蒙难,兄妹四人历经艰险逃到上海却不幸离散。多年后,长 Da Cheng 人的兄妹四人在经过一番遭际之后重逢。时逢乱世,内忧外患,在绝望中经历层层考验的 Shen QiNan 逐渐成长起来,在爱和信仰的影响下,成长为上海滩有名的建造师。在短暂的上海大开发时期,在寸土寸金的黄浦江边, Shen QiNan 以匠心为本,怀揣理想以民为先。他为改造棚户区的居住环境而不懈努力,为建造廉租房而鞠躬尽瘁。经过火与血的洗礼, Shen QiNan 立志为备受战乱之苦的平民百姓建造牢固而温暖的家。侵华战争开始,国难当头, Shen QiNan 心怀家国大义,及时揭发了军事防御工事中偷工减料的问题,阻止了战争中更大的伤亡,同时也终于查清了父亲当年走私案的真相,还父亲一个清白 。


Happiness is coming (Movie)[2018]


The film “Happy Comes Right” introduces the story: Ma ShangLai is known locally as “Media Superman,” but at the ceremony of his mediation studio, he encountered the “Music of the media” Mao Xuewang, and they played in the game. Value, intelligence, eloquence, match popularity, two people leading their own mediation days in the process of solving several disputes tricks, the PK battle in the scene of intense feeling staged intensely... Facing Mao XueWang's fancy In the dark strokes, Lama leads apprentices to start hilarious fights, using their unique art of mediation to solve the problems one by one, and tit-for-tat and laughter-inflected people are greeted with laughter. At the same time, the old man who really serves the people also uses his wisdom. And sincerely warm everyone.

Go Brother! (Movie)[2018]


Have a everyday play humble sister, no family sense of the elder brother is a kind of what feeling, fry or boiler. Shi Miao only hopes brother Shi Fen disappears completely. Even precious birthday wishes are "take my brother away". When the wish comes true, my brother becomes my best friend. Shi Miao sympathizes with Miao Miao while getting rid of the big devil. Shi Miao, an only child, felt that life was infinite and beautiful. However, Shi Fen found that in addition to Zhen KaiXin, Wan Sui and his sister Miao Miao, Shi Fen kept secret.



Feature: After the end of the Warring States Period, the three Pap sisters fell into exile by the nobles in their hometown. Ba Qing was accidentally caught up in the political whirlpool of Xianyang Palace and was taken step by step by the weak woman Into the upper Qin, the story of the ultimate success of the legendary life. The TV series "Win the World" is based on the heavy epic direction. The film is also based on the calm atmosphere. The beauty of the ancient winds impressed viewers and fans alike. The exposure of the stills with a handful of scenes for the audience and fans outlines Baqing and Qin Shi Huang lingering emotional disputes. In the midst of the snow, Ying Zheng (Yunxiang Gao), dressed in a white cloak, looked intently at Ba Qing (Bingbing Fan), wearing a pink cape to wear his upper body himself. Ba Qing changed the previous poster

Phoenix Warriors (TV)[2017]

Feature: Phoenix Star, due to over-armed destruction of ecology, into a glacier. Virgo Ji RouSang (MIYA ornaments) with energy stone "tears of the day" to escape, the country division ghost Jiao (Guan Xuan ornaments) and half man and half machine Jiao Tong (Royi ornaments) chase, fled to another blue planet. This is exactly the chaotic after-North-South split that broke out in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. When the phoenix appeared and the five-light gem fell from the sky, it was the "Supreme Treasure". Nan Liang Emperor Siu Yu (Yongteng Zhu ornaments) hunting, case Ji RouSang, scared to Heaven, and gave birth to five Xiao XiaoQing (Joe Zheng). Ji RouSang to escape the ghost Jiao follow, suspended animation suspended, the "tears of the day" to a girl of five years old drowning Miao 芊 芊 (Likun Wang ornaments). Two decades later, Miao 芊 芊 was extinguished, after the fall of the river by the Southern Liang Rui Xiao FengQing rescued, "tears" and then

Wudang sword (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Ming Dynasty, the court corruption, customs outside Nurhachu eyeing. Wudang disciple Geng JingShi and his wife elope to Liaodong, Nurhaci do not want to be under the hands of Jinding and others framed as Wudang traitor. Geng JingShi and He Jia to be one to be killed, leaving only one son Geng YuJing Ge ZhenJun handed over to Tujia people. Eighteen years later Geng YuJing grew up in the Wudang Mountains suffered a century-long robbery, the Wudang homeless investigation under the direction of all corners of the country's grudges. During this period, Geng YuJing's life was continually changed, his parents were killed, their brothers were betrayed and their loved ones were missing. Geng YuJing continued to grow, understand and perceive in this series of events and eventually became a "martial arts sword" from an unnamed citizen. And reached the highest state of Taoism natural & nbsp ;.

Ba Qing Biography (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Ba Qing Biography" tells the story of the Qing Dynasty widow Qing legend, known as "Ba widow Qing". She is the earliest female entrepreneur in China, widowed early widowhood widowhood, sealed her as "virgin." Ba Qing has plenty of wealth to accumulate. Historical experts have speculated that there may be thousands of private armed forces under her command who have not been punished by the Qin Shi Huang instead. The heavy epic direction of the structure of the whole story in the film is also calm atmosphere of the main style, the ultimate beauty of the antiquity amazed viewers and fans amazed. The exposure of the stills with a handful of scenes for the audience and fans outlines Baqing and Qin Shi Huang lingering emotional disputes. In the midst of the snow, Ying Zheng (Yunxiang Gao), dressed in a white cloak, looked intently at Ba Qing (Bingbing Fan), wearing a pink cape to wear his upper body himself. And Ba Qing changed the image of grace and domineering in her earlier posters, showed her a pastel-pink dresses, looked calm and gentle, and looked Ying Ying's eyes full of tenderness. Two people in the heavy snow embraced, dependent, kiss, whole body filled with the sweet feeling of love. Living in a harsh environment, the mutual support between Ba Qing and Ying Zheng is even more impressive, making the relationship between the two even more meaningful. The dramatic images in the stills are very beautiful , The story of the romantic temperament to the extreme. One is intelligent, intelligent, dare to love and dare to hate the hero; one is a young, quality, after humiliation, the world's legendary monarchy. Such two figures from the intelligence value to match the enemy, but also write what kind of legend, are worth the highlight of the audience look forward to. The two main characters, Ba Qing and Ying Zheng, are not only set off by the stereotypes of former tyrannical president Mariusu, nor are they the "single" person who created the mystery, but through the accumulation of history and mysterious historical anecdotes Multi-angle, multi-level deepen the character.

Life is a bit sweet (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tang Xi, deputy chief of the state-owned Guanghua Textile Factory, is a man of integrity, strong sense of responsibility and humorous. Zhang Xi's wife Zhang Yun works in the sugar factory, sugar often replace sugar wages, let Tang Xi developed a habit of drinking syrup. Tang Xi was appointed chief engineer because of his outstanding work in the Booth Committee. In the complicated game of personnel, Tang Xi was dismissed to take care of the idle family bathhouse, and Zhang Yun was laid off after the collapse of the sugar factory. In the face of the dual challenges of life and career, Tang Xi is still full of enthusiasm, and Buddy Black together to almost abandoned the bath re-opened up. Guanghua Textile Mill experienced a painful pain in the tide of reform. Tang Xi was laid off with a lot of workers. He and Max Black jointly fought their own way to start a thematic photography. No matter where, Tang Xi has always maintained the heroic and optimistic working class, to create himself stronger in the market tide; he also maintained the habit of drinking water, he always felt: life is a bit sweet.

Oriental battlefield (TV)[2016]

Feature: September 18, 1931, the first battlefield in the East China northeast kicked off. Under the plot plan of Soochow Harajuku and Chuan DaoFangZi et al., The Japanese impelled the restoration of the puppet Manchukuo in China, the events in Shanghai and the North China Incident until the Lugouqiao Incident, and the full outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in China. The Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Ze Dong persevered in the war of resistance against Japan and gradually formed the anti-Japanese national united front with the Kuomintang and other Chinese people. During the war of resistance against Japan, the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance and the South China Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China penetrated into the enemy's rear. The extensive rear enemy battlefield in Northeast China, North China, Central China and South China played a key role in the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. As the East's battlefield successively involved all the countries of the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, China eventually formed an anti-fascist alliance with the Soviet Union, the United States and other countries and held a desperate contest with the Japanese fascists. Historical figures such as Jiang Jie Shi, Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, Hideki Tojo, Wang Zewei, Mao ZeDong, Si DaLin and Pu Yi also made their debut. They also staged the Songhu Battle in the East Battlefield, Taierzhuang Campaign, Defending Great Wuhan, Hundred Regiments of War, Pacific War, Burma, Burma, Cairo, Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference, the Atomic Bomb and the Soviet Red Army sent troops to the Northeast and other scenes of soul-stirring history.

Super Junior password (TV)[2016]

Feature: Senior high school students Karry Wang, Sui Yu Roy, Roy Hao Chen, and Jackson Chen, trying to find AI that surpassed Turing Test on campus because of different motives, Closer to the layers of the puzzle, staged a friendship between brothers, two generations of family ties, true and false interests disputes.

Hey, kid (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fang Yun, a mother who lost her life, constantly tries to have another child with her husband Qin ShuanZhu. Jia YuanYuan, the anchor of the radio station, is the daughter-in-law of Fang's family. Her husband Fang Le, in spite of her crisis in her career, demanded that she be a successor to her family. When Jia YuanYuan decided to develop her career first, she learned that her father, JJG, had cancer and she intended to become pregnant. Fang Le found herself divorced because of her physiological problems and forced Jia YuanYuan to keep her marriage. In fact, both do not recognize married. In fact, when Fang Xiang discovered that her husband had left her property to the daughter of her ex-wife, she decided to launch a wealth defense battle. However, When she learned that her husband's daughter had hairy leukemia, Fang Xiang decided to save the fur scheme pregnant. Fang Yun would like to borrow eggs and children. The whole family strongly opposed and the marriage ruptured. The wandering Dou Ya made Fang Yun couple reunited with him. Just as the two were sweet and happy, Qin unexpectedly saved his family. Finally, the third youngest child gave birth to a matching plush model, the second child also successfully gave birth to her eldest son and set up a children's home to help stray children. The whole family get together and enjoy themselves.

Love Me Do not Go (TV)[2016]

Feature: Three years ago, when the special forces Qi DaSheng (Tianye Ren) and his comrades performed their tasks, they sacrificed their friends because of the temporary fault in his stills. At that time, his good friend's fiancee was pregnant. In order to give her a child identity, Qi DaSheng and her comrades fiancee got a marriage certificate and became an honorary couple. After their daughters were born, although they handled the divorce formalities, Qi DaSheng dutifully played the role of father. Three years later, the original case was again turned up. In order to find out the truth about the sacrifice of comrades-in-arms, Qi DaSheng laid the foundations of selling mutton chopsticks in the neighborhoods frequented by important suspects in order to enhance justice. By chance, Song XiaoLin (Si Si Wang), the boss of a bustling bar, is working hard for a downturn. Song XiaoLin has a background in studying in France and has always dreamed of encountering a tall handsome boyfriend to take her off the sea of ​​misery. How would she choose between the elegant god Gao WeiQi (Tu Songyan) and Qi DaSheng, a poor man?

WewillMakeitRight (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The film tells the story of Gu GuiHua, a woman who struck cities working in a car accident with Tong YueYue and Ma JianCheng, the couple chose to deny it because of the fear of legal sanctions, Gu GuiHua sent to the hospital for treatment, Ma JianCheng accidentally became a courageous hero. Although both husband and wife have borne Gu GuiHua's medical expenses, after personally seeing Gu GuiHua stay in the fishing village, longing for her mother's child and her husband who lost her husband and son, Tong YueYue finally could not stand the moral torture and chose to surrender to the police station .

ADOPT (Movie)[2015]

Feature: A shocked literary woman writer Ye Yuxing book news like a gust of wind rolled the entire media. Recently she held a new book media meeting, the reporter referred to her own book involved in the legendary experience, she generously for the presence of those who tell their own personal experience. Ye Yuxing was born in an ordinary worker's family. His father was a factory worker. His mother was an ordinary housewife and had a strong patriarchal ideology. Before her birth, there were already two sisters in the family because of the thirst for the boy and the burden on the family, after being told that she was a baby girl again. Originally given to a married couple who have been identified for many years without fertility. Unfortunately, not long after adoption, the couple was pregnant with their own children, so she sent her to the orphanage. Soon she was adopted by a single woman, Ye Xin. Ye Xin had a style of work in her youth. It became a well-known affair in a small town so she was never married. She and Ustar dependent for many years, eventually leaving due to liver cancer. Before dying, entrust Yusin to own sister adoption. Because her aunt has a limited cultural level, he treats diaries left by his sister as a treasure, but has never thought of seeing what is written in his sister diary. In Ye Yuxing's so-called aunt's house, she did not get any real love, but she suffered many years of neglect from her aunt. Only the aunt's second daughter sympathetic to her, do not crowd out her, her sister. Because the second sister with her in the eyes of parents is an extra girl. Aunt is a snobbish and narrow-minded woman, not only lukewarm on the planet, but also indecisive to Unstarling mother shameless things to say to her. Despite this, Xiaoyu Xing is full of gratitude for her aunt's ability to adopt her, and she tries to change that relationship. Uncle due to being injured in work and laid off from the machine factory, the family life is more impoverished, cosmic scholarship has become an extra income at home, aunt's attitude towards her better than before, as Yuxing academic performance has been among the best, Always get a scholarship, so my aunt with his own selfish ideas decided to let the stars go down to increase the family's income. In the aunt's house, thanks to the second sister's companionship, but the second sister read the sophomore, aunt gave her to find a husband's family, and did the two boys's bridesmaids. Aunt picked up a lot of money. When the second sister got married, she asked the man for a little money to make a new set of clothes for the star, and quietly gave her a little private money, asking her to study hard and make a comeback in the future. In this way, the only person in the house can rely on the planet will just go away. Blink of an eye has reached the third year of high school, and on that day, a handsome boy was transferred from his class. He was Wang Chun, the principal's son, who came back from Beijing to study painting and reportedly passed the Central Academy of Fine Arts professionally. In order to improve the cultural achievement of Wang Chun, arranged to sit with the cosmic star on the same table. Wang Chun likes to use painting to express his feelings, so he secretly painted a few portraits of the planets sent to the planet. And Wang Chun did not know the situation in the house of U-stars, when he appeared late at night in the Star House. All this, soon to be Auntie know.Aunt does not ask indiscriminate Wang Chun accounted for the cheap star, to seek justice with the principal. And do not let the planet go to school, saying that she would seduce a man like a mother. In fact, Auntie just want to ask for one of their own son to send a quota. However, Wang Chun did not give up the love of the planet, quietly reported to her the college entrance examination, the secret similar to the planet together to Beijing University, took her away from that family. However, just as U-Star felt everything was going to be fine, she found that Aunt had already burned U-Star's letter of acceptance in private ... In the face of a weak love and aunt's selfishness, Where to go from here. What happened between them and how inextricably linked? This is a movie moving everyone's heart.

Mi Yue Biography (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Yue Biography, posters During the Warring States Period, Mi Yue was the most beloved princess of the King of Chu Wei. However, his position as a king of Chu Wei had plummeted. His mother Xiang Shi was expelled from the palace by Chu WeiHou and returned to the palace after many years Life revenge, as a disaster and crisis. Mi Yue and Huang Gong childhood lover, sincerely in love, in order to run smoothly with Huang Xie, so volunteered as a princess Mi Shu's dowry married marry Qin State, on the way to the Qin Mi Mi, Mi Shu support each other, In the middle Chu State limousine was robbed by the armies led by Yi Di Wang Di Li on the way to Qin State. Huang Xie, who had to save Mi Yue, fell into disgrace and was discouraged by Mi Yue's death, Mi Shu into Qin Palace, Mi Shu became the queen of Qin, Mi Yue due to the fratriculation of Wei, his beleaguered brother Wei Ran kidnapped, had to help the Qin Wang become a pet concubine. The original sisterhood gradually split after Mi Yue gave birth to Ying Ji. Fight for the philosophers, Qin Ying Si Si regret died. Mi Yue and his son were sent to distant Yan country. Unexpectedly, Qin Wu Wang Ying Dang Ding Ding died, Qin chaos. Mi Yue went back to Qin State by virtue of his righteousness and drained the Qin civil strife. Mi Yue son Ying Ji as the king, known as the king of Qin Zhao Xiang. Mi Yue became the first Queen Mother in history, known as Qin Xuantai Hou & nbsp ;.

Taierzhuang past (TV)[2015]

Feature: Xiao HuanYa When he and Master were robbed by bandits, the surviving survivor returned to Taierzhuang due to a phlogistic fire from his grave. After the plague broke out in Taiwan, he was superstitiously sentenced to death as a source of disasters. During his execution, he was rescued by his elder brother and others and escaped from the city of Taiwan. In the spring of 1938, he happened to see the news that the richest man Yan Yat-sen would have to sell 100,000 yards and intend to return to Taierzhuang, buy the wharf and start an industry. After returning to the city, he ended his grudge against the marriage of Lu YongShan and his first love, Wan XiaoZao. He went to Tengxian and urged Yan to supervise the shipment to Japan, and established love with Yan XiangYun, an elder sister of Yan. Tengxian collapse, Taierzhuang began to withdraw from the city, Xiao HuanYa justification sparse money, to benefit the people. The outbreak of the war, in the face of national crisis, Xiao HuanYa resolutely give up the industry, the formation of civilians death squads. Exusperous team members use folk wisdom and unique skills to compete with the Japanese special agents. Among them, Lu YongShan and Wan XiaoZao, CCP members, fought for the opportunity of fighting for Chinese troops and threatened their lives with flames. Chinese civil war and civil war jointly defeated the Japanese army. On April 7, 1938, the Chinese army and civil counterattack won the war in Taierzhuang.

NatureLaw (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The appearance of a feminine man, the heart around the mean urban woman - Mi Lan (), operating a "break up" as the main business company. Companies use various means to break up all kinds of relations that can not be dealt with and to save those who are bound by various relations. The purpose of the company is that people must be freed from the complicated social relations, so break up, disband, break through. Staged scenes of life emotions symphony. Liu ZhengNan (), an urban mature man who was demolished and relocated to Mi Lan before returning to life. Liu ZhengNan's wedding, it is also one of the classic case of "breaking up the company." Qian Dongxu, one of the most influential clients of "Break Up Company" in the play, is also a highlight of the movie with Mi Lan. Tai and Bei Ta are the two "breaking up" weapons for Mi Lan. Mi Lan is actually a girl who is extremely lack of trust in interpersonal relationships. Due to the alienation of emotional relationships of her childhood parents, her father's failure to do something, and her betrayal by her friends and lovers in her own growth, Mi Lan gradually closed her heart. Only believe in the interests and desires, and found a business opportunity after taking society, so start a company to break up. She thought it unsuitable fate should end it, so they go to break apart until Mi consecutively break up all the relations have all had unexpected negative consequences, Mi Lan began to re-examine their own lives. When Mi Lan finally realized that all the relations should go its natural way, she regained friendship, affection and love.

My doctor husband (TV)[2014]

Feature: Liang HongMing and Zou Qin were a couple who found her job after graduation. Even after she led her wife to a miscarriage, her life dropped into a downturn, defeating Beijing in the playwright's capital, and her wife returned to her hometown in the provincial capital A normal university. However, the gap between Liang HongMing, a natural born gentleman, and his wife, Zou Qin, has become increasingly different. With the addition of "small" Tian Heng, he has to face the inner struggle at home. Liang HongMing was crowded out of school by her department director. She often quarreled with her at home and was confronted by Li Le, a young and pretty schoolgirl. She insisted on compromise, love or hate, and many contradictions and confusions In front of him But often at a crucial time, Liang HongMing has held his moral bottom line. Zou Qin, who has experienced twists and turns in her life and emotions, has understood her husband's actions and Tian Heng, a friend sent to prison by Liang Hongming, has finally regretted it. After various transformations such as teachers, deputy editors of publishing houses and civil servants of Education Bureau, Liang HongMing also found his own spiritual destination, harvesting love and happiness full of autumn.

AllForLove (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Metropolitan white-collar workers Ye XiaoMeng, upstart MeiLing mistress, female entrepreneur Arvin, the three originally unknown woman, because a baby came together. The relationship between Ye XiaoMeng and her boyfriend, Mei Ling and her husband, Arvin and her mother-in-law has changed as a result of the baby's appearance. Under the action of kindness and love, the ironclad misunderstanding is resolved one by one, and the mystery of this baby's life is also revealed a little bit ...

GuoMingYi (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Thirty-three years of work, dedication 33 years. From the army to the place, from the driver of the car to the party committee officer, the highway administrator who translates from the work of a foreign expert to the wind and goes to the wind to treat each work conscientiously and conscientiously, did her utmost, asked him why, and his reply Is: "What do organizations do?" He used a high degree of responsibility and dedication to find out the quality problems of imported electric wheel cars, allowing foreign companies enjoying international reputation to recognize shortcomings and recover 10 The loss of 10,000 U.S. dollars won the highly praise of foreign experts and said he is the most "axis" person in China. In order to ensure the smooth flow of the highway, he insisted on getting out of work for two hours early each day and two hours late in construction for a period of fourteen years, and completed the work of fifteen years in ten years. No matter when and where, Guo MingYi always give the warmth to those who need help most. In order to help leukemia-bearing Miao Miao to find the right match, he splashed his staffs in the staff's pool to promote the significance of donating stem cells. In order to find a special stem cell match for a boy, he spent three years persistently, With a sincere and dedicated to save a young life. Guo MingYi made room three times, fifty-six times, and donated a total of 120,000 yuan for the Hope Project all the year round. He sent his family's television to others several times. In Guo MingYi's eyes, always see more difficult than their own people. However, the holiday gift he gave to his wife, who lives more than twenty years, is a ring worth twenty-eight yuan. A business owner asked him why he did this: "Is not the party constitution unchanged? Communists are the first to suffer and enjoy the following demands?" Guo MingYi is great because he always puts others at heart , The party's purpose in mind; Guo MingYi is very common, because everything he does seems ordinary people can do ordinary trifles. He used the spirit of sand into a tower, erected a monument of the spirit of contemporary Lei Feng. Guo MingYi touched everybody with the spring rain realm of "moisten things silently". Guo MingYi Love team has grown, active in Anshan, active in the country, his spirit like a ray of strong spring breeze, with the devotion to sow the truth of the world.

MawensBattle (Movie)[2010]

Feature: : After the wedding, with the wedding sweet ashamed. Even more unbearable to him is that the middle of the night is often awakened by a wall of bed Zi Zi. Under intense jealousy and repression, Ma Wen tried his best to ruin the lives of two people. In desperation, Li Yi began to introduce the object to Ma Wen, trying to get Ma Wen out of her new relationship. After failing to meet him again and again, Li Yi introduced her sister to Ma Wen. I did not expect Li Qin fake real action on Ma Wen moved the truth, and Ma Wen Li Qin who gradually recovered the man's self-confidence. Seeing Ma Wen finally found a new love, Yang Xin found himself feeling reluctant to Ma Wen ... one was his ex-wife who once betrayed him and one was an infatuated rich woman at first sight. After all, Ma Wen should be at Yang Xin and Li Qin Between the choice? One is frustrated ex-husband, one is a strong husband laughter remarried husband, unwilling Yang Xin can hold their own happiness? A war triggered by the "dwelling" was triggered by four people. The story revolves around a smoke-free "war." In a peculiar and embarrassing situation, the numerous relationships between husband and wife, ex-husbands and ex-wives, parents and children combined the emotions of several families to deduce a tragedy and comedy of urban families. Zheng Zheng

LookingForJackie (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Zhang YiShan grew up in Indonesia but did not have the slightest interest in Chinese. The exams failed repeatedly and became the laughing stock of students. Zhang YiShan saw Cheng Long filming in Beijing and Zhang YiShan, who always admired Cheng Long, wanted to go to Beijing See Cheng Long. In order to improve Zhang YiShan's Chinese proficiency, my grandmother (Zhu XiJuan) decided to send him to Lao Lao, Beijing, where she learned Chinese. Zhang YiShan very happy, he assured that, as soon as China can find his heart hero Cheng Long worship, as a teacher, learn martial arts, will not be bullied by students, so Zhang YiShan secretly made a Make his own excitement decision - looking for Cheng Long. Arriving in Beijing, Zhang YiShan did not report back to the Lao Lao home but took a taxi directly to Tan Du Temple, where Cheng Long was filming. However, in a taxi, because of his poor Chinese proficiency, he read Chu Zu CheSiJi as a stone temple and was delivered to Chingseok View by Chu Zu CheSiJi. Shi Tai was kind enough to keep him for a few days. When Zhang YiShan set out again, he was stolen by a thief at the station. Out of the station, he met a glamorous Nv ZeiWang, Nv ZeiWang want to leave Zhang YiShan, the results of the gang of thieves head back. Zhang YiShan, the leader who had money, abducted it. At night time to pay, boss with a supper in the noodle shop found the police, the result after some catch to escape successfully. In their home, Nv ZeiWang actually put Zhang YiShan in the air because she noticed Zhang YiShan remembered that her younger brother was kind. Zhang YiShan met Nv JingCha, a beautiful and kind-hearted man on the way to flight warning. Female gang gang boss came back and found the hostages gone, then beat up with the female thief. Eventually, the boss was stunned, the female thief with all his hands surrendered. With the help and supervision of Nv JingCha, Zhang YiShan finally returned to Lao Lao, my grandfather's side. Returning to Beijing, Zhang YiShan learned that Cheng Long was cutting the ribbon at the China Film Group's film and television base and resolutely refused to guard Lao Lao and Grandpa to the China Film Base. Gatekeeper Zhang YiShan was out of breath with Lao Lao. However, Zhang YiShan, who was unwilling to give up this opinion, firmly believes that Cheng Long can be seen by simply entering the China Film Base, so he successfully "mixed" into the cast of Cheng Long and everything is as real as Zhang YiShan opened his eyes at the crucial moment, undermined the shooting plan of Dao Yan, and he only saw the "Back of Cheng Long." And because of this, Zhang YiShan was sent out by Dao Yan, and no matter how he pleaded, it would not help ... At this point, Zhang YiShan's Lao Lao disguised himself as an actor into the stars' quarters. No more meeting, Lao Lao met Cheng Long. Cheng Long listened to Zhang YiShan while listening to all the passage by Zhang YiShan Lao Lao. Zhang YiShan has finally become an apprentice Cheng Long, Cheng Long also placed him as a true successor of the dragon.

Call for Love (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Happy marriages are the same, unhappy marriages each have their own differences. Having failed to withstand the seven-year itch test, Xu Lang finally said goodbye to her esthetic-tired wife. One night, Xu Lang, who originally planned to repair the phone, came across a mysterious man calling himself Tian Shi, who gave Xu Lang a cell phone and claimed that the cell phone could satisfy the owner's wishes just like Aladdin's lamp, Xu Lang dream of the ideal woman to bring him around, the option of the hands of Xu Lang, only ten chances. Tian Shi did not lie, from the moment she got her cell phone, one after another 10 different types of women broke into the life of Xu Lang. They were either glamorous, capable, or budget-conscious, or elven or intellectual , Or innocent, or worth millions, or mysterious and flirtatious ... ... These have made Xu Lang into a non-non-non-woman, eventually brought him what is inexhaustible happiness, or inexhaustible sense of loss, a series of The absurd absurdity is about to be staged.

Open your eyes (TV)[2007]

Feature: Open your eyes Cast styling pictures Luo JianPing's life in addition to shooting training outside is almost a blank. Luo JianPing accidentally met Xiao Xuan after being shot hard by a coaching instructor. Xiao Xuan is a happy but simple but tricky girl. She is very interested in gunsmithing, but she lacks sense of life. Two people in the collision had feelings, Luo JianPing in love also realized the painstaking coach Bai Kun, he decided to marry Xiao Xuan, he had to live a normal life, of course, the other focus of this life is Xiao Xuan. Liu Yun is Xiao Xuan's cousin, both grew up together, sisters affectionate, Liu Yun extremely loved his unruly self-willed cousin, and even in his own feelings and feelings are also everywhere from Xiao Xuan's figure, and as a result Broke up with her boyfriend Xu Fan. Liu Yun, who had not had time to recover from her romance, began to devote a great deal of energy to her cousin's engagement with Luo JianPing. The two sisters were always the weird trigonometry. The club faces the danger of a downgrade - if it can not win again. Therefore, the board of directors took the heavy investment to introduce Chu HaiLou, a player returning from abroad. Although head coach Bai Kun tried to defend Luo JianPing, Chu HaiLou's superb gunmanship and good psychological qualifications made him obliged to resign Luo JianPing. And at this time Luo JianPing and Xiao Xuan in full swing in preparation for the wedding, in order not to affect the friend Xiaoxuan mood, also like Xiaoxuan Chu HaiLou persuaded the club manager to give Luo JianPing a chance. However, Luo JianPing finally failed to break through himself, he actually blurred the last shot, he failed to beat Chu HaiLou. Luo JianPing no longer attend to Xiaoxuan, he began to practice crazy, however, his eyes more and more blurred, especially at the time of the last shot. Unfortunately, Yi Sheng told Luo Jianping he is in danger of being blind. This blow is indeed too much for Luo JianPing, the importance of eyes for athletes is self-evident, on the other hand, if he is blind, he will face how to marry Xiao Xuan? Luo Jianping made a earthshaking decision - he wants to break up with Xiaoxuan being immersed in the happiness of love and marriage. Luo JianPing's decision before the show to Xiaoxuan Liu Yun stopped it, Liu Yun, in any case can not let a naive cousin bear such pain, she again and again to Luo JianPing to investigate the truth, and finally understand Luo JianPing's good intentions. However, Luo JianPing eventually made a breakup to Xiao Xuan, Xiaoxuan heartbroken, a few suicides but were saved by Chu HaiLou. The kind Liu Yun and Luo JianPing one to hide the truth to Xiaoxuan, on the other hand it helps Luo JianPing practice and adapt to the blind life, what is terrible is that she and Luo JianPing two people in this special relationship actually had feelings, two Individuals have even a feeling of consonance everywhere. Two people were consciously intimacy was found Xiaoxuan, broke out between the two sisters unprecedented. Luo JianPing really blind, Liu Yun accompanied lonely depressing him into the blind life, but the practice of the blind before the action has always been wrong, Luo JianPing mood began to irritability.Xiao-hsuan finally know the truth, she thought that cousin and Luo JianPing is deliberately stimulate their own appearance with two good people, but also forgive cousin Liu Yun. Xiao Xuan still love Luo JianPing, and even love more concentrated, which makes Liu Yun feel at a loss. While both sisters are lovingly paying for Luo JianPing, Luo JianPing's eyes even miraculously well, so he was only a temporary retinal disorder. Xiao Xuan weep, and Liu Yun is more than a layer of sour, she volunteered to withdraw from Xiao Xuan and Luo JianPing life. However, without Liu Yun's day, Luo Jianping was unusually lost and rubbed against Xiaoxuan. Liu Yun was as old as his eyes and was always lingering in his life with Xiao Xuan. On the seaside where Liu Yun lives together, Luo JianPing and Liu Yun meet again. Like Liu Jianping, Liu Yun could not help but fall into the guilty love. The feelings of both were finally discovered by Xiaoxuan. Xiao Xuan was heartbroken again, this time with the complete betrayal of her beloved cousin. Xiao Xuan quietly left, no one can not find her. Originally seemingly playboy Chu HaiLou suddenly beyond everyone's expectations, he actually risked expelling the shooting team and went looking for Xiaoxuan alone, he really fell in love with Xiaoxuan. And Luo JianPing and Liu Yun because Xiao Xuan's departure is full of deep guilt, two people's lives can not do without the shadow of Xiaoxuan, love is full of sadness.

Dad, where are I waiting for you (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Because of fears that Bing Bing could not accept Xiaolei for a time, Zhang Sheng let Xiaolei temporarily move to her cousin for a few days and wait for her daughter to do a pre-emotion paving the way before she told Bing Bing. However, despite the fact that Zhang Sheng made the greatest effort to make up for his father's love while at the same time disguising the fact that he had already married Auntie Xiaoye, Bing Bing still noticed clues in the clues. In order to test Auntie Xiaole and test her father, Bing Bing came up with various ways and ended up messing Zhang Sheng with Xiaolei's otherwise quiet life. Fortunately, with the help of Xiaolei, Zhang Sheng began to slowly gain the trust of Bing Bing. As Dad took her to the mall to buy shoes, Bing Bing tried to re-awaken Papa's commitment to herself. When the feelings of Zhang Sheng, Xiaolei and Bing Bing just started to get better, when Zhang Sheng went to discuss the cooperation between company Li and investor Li Bing, Bing Bing, who was alone at home, accidentally pulls out the lock locked by Zhang Sheng Wedding photo. Looking at the wedding photos of aunt and her aunt, Bing Bing feels she has not only been deceived, but has been treated as an outsider by her father. Angrily, Bing Bing angrily ran away. When Zhang Sheng and Xiaolei arrived at the airport, Xiaolei realized that Bing Bing already knew he was married to Zhang Sheng. In order to prevent Bing Bing from leaving Beijing with misunderstandings and regrets, Xiao Lei brought Bing Bing home and persuaded Bing Bing in his own almost rude way. The results of the sincere sincerely won the Bing Bing Bing Bing's respect, and eventually received a small bud from the heart, but also understand the father in Beijing is not easy. After some twists and turns with investor Li Zong about the cooperation, he finally signed the contract. At this point, Bing Bing passed the preliminaries and was successfully notified of the race to Switzerland. In order to fulfill the promise promised, Zhang Sheng insisted on staying with Bing Bing in Switzerland, and Bing Bing, who did not want to delay her father, quietly came to the airport. After hearing the news, Zhang Sheng and Xiaolei looked anxiously on the street. Finally, on the phone call from Bing Bing, Zhang Sheng arrived at the place where he had promised to find Bing Bing.

Ru 按 Lin GY U (TV)[2004]

Feature: In 1926, Ruan LingYu was 16 years old and young master Zhang DaMin fell in love with her hopelessly. Her mother was therefore expelled by her mistress, Mrs. Zhang. Zhang DaMin took the opportunity to help them to arrange accommodation and expressed her admiration for Ruan LingYu situation. Ruan LingYu, longing for peace, cohabited with Zhang DaMin. Because of the hardships of life Ruan LingYu had to drop out, the introduction of star film company to apply for "named couple" actress. She starred in the movie "wild grass flowers", "gadgets", "goddess", "life" won the majority of the audience's warm praise. When Ruan LingYu's career was in full swing, the release of "The New Woman" caused Ruan LingYu to get into trouble. Zhang DaMin wanted to extort a popular movie star and falsely accused Ruan LingYu and Tang JiShan of being tyrannical and adulteress. Ruan Lingyu received a court summons and was also accused and cold-hearted by Tang JiShan. She went to Cai ChuSheng, a director of "New Women", for help in the hope of leaving Shanghai as the right place, but Cai ChuSheng was not willing to take such a risk . Ruan LingYu left a dreadful last words before his death.

Farewell, Vancouver (TV)[2003]

Feature: The mysterious and beautiful Ren XiaoXue came to Canada from Beijing with a delegation. Lu DaHong, the guide in charge of the reception of the Atlas, had the time to relocate his girlfriend Wang PingPing in Beijing and let Si MaBo, a houseworm, pick him up and Si MaBo met Ren XiaoXue and asked her Very sympathetic, disorganized Ren XiaoXue turned a blind eye, very cold for him. Free time, Lu DaHong with a delegation to gambling to see Ren XiaoXue accidental disappearance. Lu DaHong anxiously angry, distracted, he drove Yang Xi, a Chinese student at the University of Vancouver.

Making a star (TV)[2002]

Feature: The capital and the capital showbiz strange phenomenon after another, Shen Xiaoyan smart, kind hearted, dream came to Beijing, into the actor training class. But was pulled to shoot nude photos; Mai Gao was forgotten, still everywhere. Want to help Xiaoyan, but every case goes its own way; roommate Yu Jie confusion, extreme selfishness and tyranny. Zhao Yi, a boy from a neighboring house, is also a kidnapper who lives in Beijing after he blends with the DJ. When DJs love to fight, they are embarrassed but fall in love with their dedication while sleeping on a bed with Yu Jie. Diligent looking for his father both fame and fortune, but cynical. Refused to recognize; the big star Deng Qian hand sky, love but countless injuries, and face the emerging threat of newcomers. Shen XiaoYan starred in the TV series won the award, becoming a smash hit star, but was photographed in the early years of the threat of nude photos and curse Zhao Yi and Mai Gao. Difficulties with the love of lovers, friends and friends are faced with the test of innocence; Xiaoyan will go from here? Everywhere there are difficulties, but there are also kind-hearted, friendship in. Shen XiaoYan finally found his dream and understood his dream.

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