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Xueqi Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xueqi Wang Works 40 ,And Feature 27 ,Historical play 7 ,Action 5 ,War 5 ,Romance 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Costume Drama 2 ,抗战2 ,Crime 2 ,Biopic 2 ,视效1 ,Disaster 1 ,年代剧1 ,Love 1 ,章回体古装情景喜剧1 ,Urban drama 1 ,复仇1 ,爱国1 ,Documentary 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Music 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Xueqi Wang Filmography(40)


天·火 (Movie)[2019]


天火岛美得如同世外桃源,几乎让人忘记它位于“Ring of Fire”——全球知名的环太平洋火山带。年轻的地质学家 Li XiaoMeng 为了研发首个火山监测系统“朱雀”,带着团队来到了这里。 Li XiaoMeng 的父亲、隐退多年的火山专家 Li WenTao 得知后赶到火山口,力图劝说她离开。与此同时,探险专家 Zheng Nan 在美轮美奂的水下溶洞潜水,准备给女友 Jia Hui 一个浪漫的求婚。火山喷发了,这些人的命运纠结在一起。为了看见明天的太阳,他们必须与过去和解,合力为自己也为众生在绝境中寻找一条生路。 这是一个关于爱与勇气、选择与放弃、自救与他救的中国式英雄的故事。

大明风华 (TV)[2019]


明永乐元年,靖难之役,建文帝削发入山,行踪遂成千古之谜。建文旧臣,尽遭屠杀,御史大夫 Jing Qing ,夫妻罹难,长女若微,被 Fu Jiang Sun Yu 所救,次女蔓茵,为太子 Zhu GaoChi 所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微图谋刺杀 Zhu Di ,妹妹蔓茵嫁入宫中,若微在刺杀中,遭遇皇太孙 Zhu ZhanJi ,目睹了金陵城波云诡谲的政治叛乱,苍茫暮色中,曲折隐微的帝王心事,国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河, Zheng He 下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。最终若微决心放弃个人仇恨,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫,为天下人谋取最大的幸福和安宁,她历经了五帝六朝,以自己的气度和智慧,数度救大明王朝于危难,在历史洪流中,孤身一人,溯流而上,见证了一个伟大时代的诞生 。


创业时代 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《创业时代》剧情介绍:讲述了在一次偶然的机会中,软件工程师 Guo XinNian 找到了新的灵感,他决心开发一款新的手机通讯软件,可以将手机短信以语音的形式在用户之间传送,这个想法让 Guo XinNian 激动不已,他怀着一腔热血,走上了创业之路。在天使投资人和旧日朋友的支持下, Guo XinNian 经过艰苦的研发,终于令手机软件诞生,起名为魔盒,并获得了巨大的成功,同时也与投资分析师 Na Lan ,成为了莫逆之交。然而创业的道路并非一帆风顺,在激烈的市场竞争和技术更迭中,同行的竞争,技术上的难关,种种问题纷至沓来, Guo XinNian 经历了一次又一次磨难,终于令新技术得以推广。在 Guo XinNian 最艰难的时期,他收获了 Na Lan 的爱情,在爱人的鼓励下,他意识到,眼下的困难并不是终结,而是新的开始,最终, Guo XinNian 和 Na Lan 一起携手,继续走上了创业之路。


Sky Hunter (Movie)[2017]

Feature: An air-space battle hunting legend, Decepticons, is a mysterious air force top team, each pilots are gold helmet-level ace pilots, Wu Di, Arie, Ba Tu, Gao Yuan through layers of assessment, Become a tyrant Wolf secret base. However, no one thought of it, Liu Diochen's friend Liu HaoChen was in the task of sinking into a plot of war abroad. A bigger threat ensues. The missile crisis and the hostage crisis that come suddenly to the terrorist forces have challenged the actual combat capability of the Chinese Air Force unprecedentedly. Under the impending emergency, the latest Chinese fighters and the top pilots will have to master the missile password And the enemy of advanced fighters in the sky outside the sky to start a life-or-death showdown.

Hold Your Hands (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Xiangxi Village in Hunan During the implementation of the poverty alleviation policy, Yang YingJun and several cousins ​​of the 18 Hole Village were poorly-identified poor households. In the face of the current situation, although they have different mentality, they have changed their fate Look forward to. With the help of the Poverty Alleviation Task Force, Yang YingJun led the Yang brothers in their determination, independence, and determination to fight an offensive to fight poverty. In the process of seeking a life out of poverty, they completed a spirit of poverty alleviation and ideas of the mountain people And great changes have taken place in lifestyles.

Father (Movie)[2016]

Feature: According to the staff revealed that the film was shot Asakusa shooting, shooting just experienced the cold and low temperature, the shooting was also bothered by the blessing of fortune photographed in the past did not appear beauty. "Gentle Bullets" will staged a chaotic situation, starting in September 2015, is expected to release the 2016 National Day file.

Father (Movie)[2016]

Feature: This is a story about Fatherhood, Revenge, and Redemption. Actor Cao HuaLi is a returning home scientist, to revenge for her daughter, personally manufacturing firearms, refit bombs, in a complex situation with a father's wisdom and courage to maintain the dignity of themselves and their families, and ultimately defend the family

My grandpa 1945 (TV)[2014]

Feature: Grandpa Zhao HuanLi, is a talented person in Japan studying mechanical engineering. The heavy pressure of the Japanese army finally aroused his determination to fight, and together with Communists smashed the Japanese plan to build weapons factories, but also lost his fiancee, daughter, sister and so on. Grandpa frustrated, just wanted this residue. Killed by the Japanese army, Xiao Hong, a street-laughter, was accidentally caught up in the Japanese "West Plan" crisis. In order to struggle for survival and to avenge more than a hundred workers who were killed by Japanese troops, expose the Japanese plot to assassinate democratic patriots and obtain evidence of the Nanjing massacre. Grandpa Zhao HuanLi, with the help of the underground party and the secret support of the military secret service, fought a fierce battle with Japan's extra-high school class places. With his superb wisdom and outstanding mechanical expertise, Grandpa finally rescued the democratic patriots and assisted the Eighth Route Army in the production of mountain artillery, destroying the secret base of the Japanese "Western Plan", obtaining evidence of the Nanjing Massacre and winning the war of resistance against Japan And Tokyo trial set an indelible feats.

CaughtintheWeb (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The "human flesh" technology of the Internet age is usually a weapon to entertain the public, but unfortunately it can also become a killing tool. Ye LanQiu (Gao Yuanyuan), chairman of the board of listed companies, was depressed after learning of her own cancer. She got into a bus and was immersed in astonishment and fear. She refused to give her seat to the grandfather of the car, causing The public meeting, this process by the television intern reporter Yang JiaQi (Luodan Wang ornaments) with a cell phone shot positive. Jia Qi promptly handed the news on the bus to Chen RuoXi (Yao Chen), a prospective sister-in-law. With the keen sense of smell of the chief editor, if Xi scorned this news maliciously, it triggered a mass search and massacre of Ye LanQiu Moral bankruptcy. In the midst of public accusations and illness, Ye LanQiu completely lost its play with the $ 1 million lent to her by owner Shen LiuShu (Wang Xueqi). Unexpectedly, it even made her the title of "little three". If Xi photographer boyfriend accidentally been involved in the world of Ye LanQiu, in order to get a high salary, he was hired to accompany the leaves around. And he never imagined that this was the last time in the lives of this accusated woman. Ye LanQiu's suicide, completely subvert the love and life of Chen RuoXi, ...

Grandpas AntiJapaneseWar (TV)[2012]

Feature: Grandpa is studying in Japan to learn the outstanding talents of mechanical engineering. 9.18 Incident, Grandpa resolutely returned to take over the family business. Regular grandpa incompatible with the world, but it was mistaken for a traitor. When her daughter brought her husband to study abroad from England, he was abused by devils in the train station, and the child was still alive. When his son-in-law was killed by a devil, his grandfather who had swallowed his breath finally broke out and embarked on a road of revenge to the Japanese army to get back blood debt. He made use of superb mechanical technology to make a variety of weapons, hand in hand with Japan to become a mysterious Sha Shou assassinated the Japanese. At the same time, Grandpa also volunteered to help the Eighth Route Army research and modification of artillery shells to support the anti-Japanese. When my underground party organization dispatched him to fight against him, he gradually discovered his secret of revenge. When the KMT and the KMT jointly prepared to help him, grandfather's Japanese "know" island, Du Song has been muzzle at him. After another soul-stirring contest, Grandpa started from an innocent individual avenger and finally became an anti-Japanese heroic warrior with the help and protection of Tan LiPing and Zhao Gang.

The other side 1945 (TV)[2012]

Feature: "The Other Side 1945" tells the story of 19 Taiwanese Han Su TaiYing, who was conscripted into the army. He never imagined that the land he first set foot on the motherland was fighting as a Japanese soldier to fight with his compatriots. He insisted on saving only people The principle of murder, trying to save the lives of others in the fiery war. Brother Su TaiChang thrown his fiancee, snow with his brother Su TaiYing candidates enlisted, fighting bloody battles on the battlefield, only meritorious awards, to complete her mother's exhortations: bring Su TaiYing home. Unexpectedly, artillery fire relentlessly, Taichung to save Taiwan unfortunate shells fell into the sea of ​​fire, and Taiwan and Britain for their own last did not grasp his brother's hand and deeply remorse. After the war ended, Su TaiYing became acquainted with Chiang Kai-shek because he rescued the national army commander Jiang JingXing. Su TaiYing's unique temperament and superb medical skills deeply impressed Jiang Wen, the teacher's daughter, and they both sparked love sparks. Su TaiYing traveled untold hard life back to Taiwan, Su Mu delighted, but learned that the eldest son died in battle, the heart is extremely saddened. As the KMT took control of Taiwan and Jiang was sent to station, Jiang Wen also came to an unfamiliar Taiwan with thoughts of her lover. When Taiwan wanted to introduce her beloved girl to her mother, her mother was asked to marry. One side is the pursuit of love, while hard-to-leave family, Su TaiYing dilemma. At the same time, upright Su TaiYing was swirling in the battle for the Kuomintang faction because of the battlefield experience and the origins of the Chiang family. Su TaiChang came back, his face to destroy, in order to match Taiwan and snow, began to buy crazy selling silly. However, Tobiko Tetsu was tarnished by the villain. This not only brought tremendous trauma to the already fragmented Sukien, but also added a barrier to the love between Jiang Wen and Taiwan. The civil war has started, and these families are again caught in a new panic. These young people totally do not know what a miserable situation they are going to face. & Nbsp ;.

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

ADisappearingVillage (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Yun Cao village early in the morning to report to the city, Lu father was stolen chicken thief killed at night. Lü Father and Lv Shan, two sons of Lu's father, summoned a young man returning to work in the village in the village to return to Shan village. He wanted to give his father a coffin and buried him, but was surprised to find that his father had not died. Lv Shan, with the young man returning to the village, wanted to seize the thieves who scourged the village and found that it was not easy to imagine that everything was related to the weird father.

Sacrifice (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "Orphan" tells the story of Spring and Autumn Period, Jin LingGong disliked Tu AnJia in power, and disgruntled prime minister Zhao Dun arbitrary. Zhao Shuo, a son of Zhao Dun, is not only successful, but also his wife, Zhuang Ji. Tu AnJia as a big trouble, designed to poison in the hall, by Ling Gong mouth, off Zhao nine people. Zhuang Ji saw the death of her husband Zhao Shuo when she was diagnosed with Cheng Ying. In her grief she decided to give birth to a baby. At this point, Tu AnJia's Han Jue came to kill. On the verge of danger, Zhuang Ji entrusted the baby with Cheng Ying and asked him to hand over Gong Sun Chuhu, after which he pulled himself up. Han Jue was stabbed by Tu AnJia, who ordered Feng Cheng to search the house door-to-door. In desperation, Cheng Zhao wife to hand over. Cheng Ying went to claim Zhao and Cheng to see Gong SunChuJiu. Due to the closure of the city, Cheng wife and son were hidden in the shadow wall. Tu AnJia set bitter meat, forced Cheng Ying said the whereabouts of the baby, one after another to kill Gong SunChuJiu and his wife and son. Cheng Ying endured grief and raised Zhao alone. Han Jue learned the truth while seeking medical treatment and formed an all-life Alliance with Cheng Ying. Cheng Ying takes Zhao to the Tu AnJia door and makes Tu AnJia recognize Zhao as a son. Since then, launched a 15-year revenge plan.

Wheat (Movie)[2009]

Feature: This is a story that took place in the Warring States Period, five days and four nights. Three years ago, Santo Ju CongDaRen, just married the beautiful young Li (), led all adult men of the clan and Qin in the Qin-Qin Changping war three years ago. Li and women, children and old children are looking forward to Zhao every day to beat Qin, the men came back sooner. Changping, Zhao defeated, captured by the Qin night massacre Zhao died, the scene is cruel and sad. Qin Bing Xia () in order to return home harvest desire, quietly left the battlefield. On the road to escape, Xia met the young Qin Bing Zhe (), both of whom have very different personalities and set foot on their way home from mutual suspicion. At the same time, one after another Qin army picket also set up a bureau to capture the deserters of Qin and Zhao. Dawn, Lu Yi River appeared fainting Xia and Zhe, the women will save them into the city. Two people woke up in fear that they were trapped in Zhao City, had to lie to say that they are Zhao people. Luyi women saw two Zhao died, excited, they want to hear the wars and men from the two dying mouth news, began to treat them with the best manners. While two Qin people knew that Zhao's men had already died in the massacre. In order to survive, Xia and Zhe fabricated the lies of Zhao defeating Qin Jun in front of the excitement of the women throughout the city. That victory over the Qin Zhao State, cite the city excited. Xia and Zhe are regarded as heroes of Zhao, the glory they never saw. But Santo's wife Li and Ji SiPo remained calm and unsure about the whole incident, but lies may be more acceptable than real, and the danger of the massacre fell to everyone in the city Head up.

TheFoundingofARepublic (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The "Founding of a Republic" tells the story of a series of stories that took place from the end of 1945 to the eve of the founding of 1949. The main theme of the film's preparation reflects the period of time before the founding of new China. The film than the previous theme film has a new breakthrough, some of the little-known stories are mining, performance. Among them there is a deep description of the relationship between father and son.

BodyguardsandAssassins (Movie)[2009]

Feature: 1905, Central, Hong Kong. Revolutionary cults were assassinated. Known that Sun ZhongShan (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) is about to arrive in Hong Kong, the Qing court sent a general Yan XiaoGuo (Hu Jun ornaments) came to exterminate. He bought gambler Shen ChongYang (Donnie Yen) as a secret agent. Coincides with Li ChongGuang (Bo-Chieh Wang), the son of businessman Li YuTang (Wang Xueqi), and his ex-wife Shen Rui (Yuebing Bing) and her young daughter have become other people's families and sadly leave. For the grandson of Sun Yat-Sen, Chen Shao Bai (Tony Leung Ka-fai), director of China Daily, was invited by Simon Yam, the tragedy of the playwright. His daughter Fang Hong (Li Yuchun) survived. Chen ShaoBai captured, met with Yan XiaoGuo, teachers and students break. The death of his only son, parade, and other transgressions led Li YuTang to join the revolution, and led Inspector Shi MiFu (Eric Tsang) to close the newspaper. In the meantime, Li YuTang a driver four (Nicholas Tse ornaments) and her lover A Chun (Zhou Yun ornaments) engagement. Yue Ru Shen ChongYang, want him to abandon the dark speculation. Playing Fang Fang Hong, hawker Wang FuMing (Barthel ornaments), beggar Liu YuBai (Leon Lai ornaments), who also have joined the ranks of protection Sun. A soul-stirring city chase thus start ... ... The film invested 150 million yuan, the history of the first to 1: ...

Heaven (TV)[2009]

Feature: The winter of 1939, entrenched in the Shaanxi-Gansu region bandits, launched a rebellion. According to instructions from the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, Ma ZhuanYuan led the Eighth Route Army Task Force to fight counter-insurgency. Ma ZhuanYuan arrived at the shop village, the village a sea of ​​flames, agricultural association member Wang EE husband Bao was brutally killed, Wang EE was raped by bandits, Ma ZhuanYuan rescued Wang EE children from the fire iron eggs, and immediately organize the transfer of villagers. Yan'an guerrilla commander Zhang ZhiQing was instructed to lead the squad to come to Ma ZhuanYuan, Ma ZhuanYuan led all the folks carried on a difficult and painful transfer. Bandits Han Shaoshan and other catch-up, do not drag on everyone, a car killed a stone car. Kuomintang army Chen ZhanShan sent troops to come in to meet Ma ZhuanYuan, Ma ZhuanYuan sworn to not abandon the people. For the purpose of protecting the masses, Zhao Eighteen Army soldiers were seized by bandits and burnt to death. With the help of support troops, the Eighth Route Army finally annihilated the bandits and killed the bandit chief Wang Laolu and completed the task of transferring the masses. In the course of counter-insurgency, Kuomintang Chen Zhan Shan forces wrongly arrested innocent peasants who were banditryed by bandits. To save these peasants, Ma ZhuanYuan, with the help of the masses, investigated and evidenced. He Shuo, the chief of staff, interfered with Ma ZhuanYuan's handling of the case and sent brutally assaulted Niu Kuan Er et al. And sent them a letter of confession voluntarily joining the bandits. They threatened to lure the villagers into perjury, slaughter disobedient Liu Bao lives, Liu Bao life Zhao Deyun, Zhao Deyun was forced to flee. Ma ZhuanYuan came to Zhao Deyun, rescued Zhao's father who was seriously ill. Wang EE followed Zhao's wife and found Zhao Deyun hiding in the cave. Under the influence of Ma Zhuan-yuan, Zhao Deyun said the truth about the fact that bandits took innocent peasants. Ma Shuuan held heated debates with He Shuo, He Shuo quipped, and Ma Zhuan Yuuan brought out strong evidence that the appearance of the body of Zhao Deming with Zhao Deyun and his bereaved father, and the complete surrender of the deceased, made He Shuo's tricks undefined. The truth, Chen ZhanShan very guilty. The caged peasants were released and Niu Kuan Er and others actively participated in the Eighth Route Army. Zhang ZhiQing led them to the anti-Japanese front. Ma ZhuanYuan Returning to Yan'an to Report Work After Encountering Li ChunXiao, a College Student from the Longan Tribunal in Yan'an, the two became well-known friends. Wang EE joined the revolutionary ranks and became a court staff member. According to Ma ZhuanYuan's request, go to the village to run peasants to learn literacy classes, explain the legal knowledge. Ma Zhuangyuan, Shi DaHong, Zhao Kai and others stepped out of court to handle cases in the villages and change the style of handling cases handled by thousands of years. Zhang ZhiQing initiative and superiors request back to court, he saw abnormal surprises WangEE. Ma ZhuanYuan took over a Kuomintang court - where the old Yamen was still used, Feng SanHou sued the gambling house for being beaten; and Chen Lan Lan sued her husband for failing to file a case. Chen LanLan husband actually used her daughter to sell cigarettes for drug abuse. Ma ZhuanYuan and Wang EE rescued Chen LanLan from desperation. Zhang ZhiQing want to copy the gambling house, was stopped by Wang EE. In depth investigation, many people talked about the scourge of gambling houses and smoking houses. In order to find the culprit, Ma ZhuanYuan and Li ChunXiao disguised themselves into the gambling house to thoroughly understand the inside story of Pan Zhiguo, the chief of materials of the border area government, and Ku Pengfei, the Kuomintang's chief justice, who engaged in drug trafficking and the opening of gambling houses. Ma ZhuanYuan They exposed the crafty gambling house pit on the spot.Gu Pengfei and Pan Zhiguo were arrested and found many tobacco and gold and silver jewelry and other gambling money. In accordance with the laws of the border area, Pan Zhiguo was executed and the corrupt elements in the party punished. The vigorous quit smoking and gambling movement in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces was carried out. Ma ZhuanYuan led villagers burn the torture instruments of the old court, smash kneeling stone, declared rupture with the old justice system, the masses clap cheer. Yang Fa-yun and Wang TongYi were in dispute over the ownership of the land. Ma ZhuanYuan conducted a survey to visit the land of Yang and Wang and check out their original title deeds and boundary stones and learned about the real situation. Ma ZhuanYuan persuaded Wang TongYi to end the grievances of his elders; at the general assembly, the two Yangs finally reconciled. Guo patriarch led the Kuok family to stop Li CuiGu remarry. Zhang ZhiQing, Wang EE Mediation failed. Wang EE was back on the road and was taken by bandits. Zhang ZhiQing and Ma ZhuanYuan rushed to save. Ma ZhuanYuan shot killed Han Shanshan, rescued Wang EE. Wang EE's move touched Guo patriarch and Kuo family, they reversed the concept, agreed Cui Gu remarried. Inspired by the new marriage law, Liu QiaoEr wants to find her own husband and wife. Liu QiaoEr said to Zhao ZhuZi that she has already resigned with Zhao Xizai, who said he is Zhao Xicai. Liu QiaoEr pull Zhao ZhuZi to find her father clearly to remarry. Unexpectedly, she was confronted with Zhu ChangFu giving kindergarten bridegroom ceremony, Zhao ZhuZi misunderstood Liu QiaoEr, Liu QiaoEr cried and walked by the river. Liu Yan expensive bride price money robbery bandits. Liu Yangui desperately drank the brine. Clever mother and daughter rescued him. Qiao children kneel begged Liu QiaoEr married Zhu ChangFu. Liu QiaoEr helplessly agreed. Zhu ChangFu married pro-road, Zhao Zhu grabbed the sedan chair. Liu QiaoEr For the new marriage, find Ma ZhuanYuan. Ma ZhuanYuan saw the case of Liu QiaoEr marriage involving a new marriage ordinance in the border area, which was of great significance and then read the case personally from the county magistrate. After thorough investigation and understanding, many people listened to the opinions of the masses. Ma ZhuanYuan finally re-announced Liu QiaoEr's case and took the opportunity to promote marriage autonomy and oppose the feudal system of buying and selling marriage. Grandma Temple before the verdict will be opened very exciting, the masses enthusiastically spoke, fully demonstrates Ma ZhuanYuan trial method. At the meeting, two relatives announced their marriage: Liu QiaoEr, Zhao Zhu, Cui Gu and Wang Lai Shun and Ma Zhuan Yuanuan personally issued the marriage certificate to the border area. Wang EE and Zhang ZhiQing get married in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Enemy aircraft bombed, Zhang ZhiQing was wounded. Because of Zhang ZhiQing's anemia, Ma ZhuanYuan sold blood to Zhang ZhiQing to buy supplements, which were also found by Wang EE who also sold blood to Zhang ZhiQing's doctor. The aunt ran to the court for innocence and said that all three sons were wronged. Ma ZhuanYuan paid great attention to it and conducted in-depth and detailed investigations. It was found out that the chief mastermind of this case was that of Kongnian, son of Kongnian County. Just as Kongda was ready to murder Sun Xiulian, Zhang ZhiQing and Wang EE arrived. When the liberation of the country was imminent, Minister Liu found Ma ZhuanYuan and asked him to fight for the peaceful uprising of Chen ZhanShan troops. Wang EE sent Chen ZhanShan a letter. He Shuo received a telegram from Hu Tsung-nan and prevented Chen Zhan-Shan from defending him. Ma ZhuanYuan visits Chen ZhanShan to persuade him to give up. He Shuo To murder Chen ZhanShan, things are exposed, Chen ZhanShan announced the uprising.Li ChunXiao Back to the High Court, Ma ZhuanYuan Let her convince her teacher Chu HanTang and a group of Northwest University law professor and professor to stay, Chu HanTang and all professors accepted Ma ZhuanYuan's suggestion, decided to stay for the new China's judicial construction contribution. The founding of the People's Republic of China, all court staff volunteered to listen to the salute on the ground. In the magnificent Ansai waist drum, Ma ZhuanYuan celebrated the founding of the Republic with everyone. With the founding of new China, Wang EE gave birth to a child. Li ChunXiao was transferred back to Beijing to attend the Supreme People's Court for the establishment of preparatory work. At the celebration of the High Court of Shaanxi and Gansu, Wang EE read out a letter of congratulation to the Supreme Court. Ma Zhuangyuan made a very touching speech, and all of you worked together for the new China. Zhang ZhiQing seriously ill, I heard two people in the village due to drinking water fights occurred, he worked hard to stop in front of the scene of a sudden attack, was stretcher lift back. When dying, Zhang ZhiQing put on a red cap and listened to Wang EE singing "Orchid Flower" to leave. After the founding of New China, Ma ZhuanYuan was transferred to the work of the Supreme People's Court. On the day he left the Shaanxi-Gansu region, hundreds of ordinary people sent him a farewell. Hanging from the cliff was a banner of Baizhang hanging from the cliff. To his loving folks solemn salute.

restricted area (TV)[2009]

Feature: The poster, the autumn of 1990, is, for some, a memory that can never be erased. At that moment, Yu ZhengLong lost her only relative in a car accident. At that moment, Chen WanLi heard the last words of his lover's dying in the world: From then on, you will be on an equal footing with Yu ZhengLong. At that moment, Xu HangZhou took her son Xu Zheng's hand and looked helplessly at her wife, wearing a custom-made wedding dress by Yu ZhengLong. 2008 autumn, for these people, every moment is full of doubt. Xu HangZhou was suddenly kidnapped and the kidnappers redeemed his son Xu Zheng at the redemption order, a cancer vaccine he researched. Yu ZhengLong told Xu Zheng: I am a kidnapper. You use vaccines to change your father's life. I want to get the vaccine to let Chen WanLi die! Chen WanLi declares to all: The vaccine is in my hand, Welcome to the battlefield! Xu Zheng must enter the world pharmaceutical company within 24 hours and must find the mysterious restricted area of ​​MACA and enter into it. He must steal the trust and love of Shen Jie, a three-year-old woman. Only in this way can his father Security. When Xu Zheng struggled, Shen Jie stood side by side with him. When Xu Zheng firmly believed that this was love, the inscrutable smile of Shen Jie was like a poppy flower. In three months, Geniya's heavily-guarded war, the escalation of the war between Chen Wanli and Yu ZhengLong filled the air, while Xu HangZhou walked out on the shores of his unknown lake. He has not been abducted! In order to get the mystical region rumored to have heard of the mysterious vaccine supposedly concealed in them, all kinds of people are brought together. They live side by side without knowing each other. However, at the same time, they all suddenly realize that they are Is an invisible force to promote the abyss.

Taipan (TV)[2009]

Feature: The "Golden Taipan" tells the story of Shanghai in 1948. Jin Zhao Li is the first dancer of Paramount Hall of Fame. She is silky and dignified, generous and generous. Jin ZhaoLi fell in love with her first love, Sheng YueRu, regardless of the secular grudges. Because of the reality of persecution, the two were forced to separate, leaving the two empty Tianyi one side of the thoughts and regret. Changes in the world, Jin ZhaoLi continued dance career in Taiwan's night hare dance hall. The ups and downs of her life, only the successful businessman Guo ShiHong love Jin ZhaoLi this heroine. Guo ShiHong is more modest man, his wife is infected with lung disease, but never give up. Businessman Chen RongFa admired Jin ZhaoLi, wanted to marry her and took good care of her later in life. However, at the wedding of Chen RongFa and Jin ZhaoLi, Sheng YueRu miraculously appeared.

Forever Enthralled (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Mei LanFang's first competitor in life is Shi SanYan, an old entertainer who has had three generations of love with Mei. The emergence of Mei LanFang shakes Shi SanYan's position. The inevitable battle, but Mei LanFang lost the first game, he has two days to save the defeat. In spite of everyone's opposition, Mei LanFang changed to a new fashion show, the result was a success. Mei LanFang persuaded Shi SanYan to give up the third day of the show but was rejected by Shi SanYan. Mei LanFang into middle age, with his wife Fu ZhiFang () and lovely children, his burgeoning career. In 1929, he received an invitation to go to the United States to perform. Meng XiaoDong, a female actress who plays a special role on the Beijing opera scene, saw Mei LanFang for the first time to see the melancholy in his eyes, while her bright and open personality touched Mei LanFang. They performed on the same stage and had a desire to share themselves with each other and share together. At this moment, Fu ZhiFang, Mei LanFang's wife, told Meng XiaoDong he was neither you nor mine, he was a boy (audience). Mei LanFang decided not to go on stage again because of Japan's aggression against China. When Mei LanFang repeatedly rejected the invitations given by the Japanese army to him, she was surprised to hear that she was about to return and announced the news to the public , It is anonymous Qiu RuBai ().

Fog and fog (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Fog is not fog" is a directed by the island, Zhou Yu screenwriter urban suspense television series, a total of 21 episodes. The drama filmed by Jiangsu TV investment, in November 2006 began to broadcast in major television stations nationwide. The main actors of "Fog and Fog" include Wang Xueqi and Lina Chen et al. Because of the film's former crew involved in the "non-flower" shooting, so "fog" is also known as the "flower non-flower" sister, but in addition, the two are not related. "Fog Fog" takes the incest suspense as the framework of the play. The content is based on the relationship between father and son. It is a man's drama that combines thought, art, literature and business value.

Q IU H AI tang (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills The beginning of the last century, the capital, Yu Zhen classes fall Begonia (Baiqing Xin) fall in love with the Normal University female student Luo XiangQi (Huang Yi (actress) ornaments). Autumn wants to show Luo true, but lack courage. Luo XiangQi home suffered an accident, in order to get out of trouble, helpless warlord Yuan BaoFan (Wang Xueqi ornaments). Qiu HaiTang first Tianjin performance, encounter Luo XiangQi, two people and the forefront, and has the crystallization of love. Yuan BaoFan found two personal feelings, tantrums. Qiu HaiTang was destroyed. Luo XiangQi gave birth to a woman who was stealing the dragon and sent to Qiu HaiTang for support. The name of Lingxin Zhang, the boy beside Luo XiangQi, was named Shao Heng (Wutong). Twelveteen years passed. Mei Bao grew up, actually did Luo XiangQi students. Mei Po steal learning Beijing opera, due to high talent, quickly became a celebrity, and Shao Heng fell in love. Yuan BaoFan, who has never got the true love of Luo XiangQi, discovered the traces of Qiu HaiTang and discovered the love affair between Maibao and Shao Heng. He vowed to put Qiu HaiTang to death. Qiu HaiTang and Yuan BaoFan, new fate and hate, another round of fate of the collision, quietly launched in Shanghai.

The Past Stories in Western Hunan (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Xiangxi past" poster - 31949 summer, the KMT officer Huang YiHu was ordered to Xiangxi banditry. At the moment of execution. Higher ordered to put Xiang YongGuo. Because he had three Japanese bacteria left in his hand on the bomb, once detonated, the consequences could be disastrous. Not only did the Kuomintang not kill Xiang Yong Guo, he also conferred the rank of Major General Xiang YongGuo, and Tuo FeiYun, a battalion of the second-born Xiangxi bandit rushed out to save his eldest brother, was appointed deputy general commander. Tuofi FeiYun rejected the other bandits accepting the letter of appointment. Kuomintang officer Huang YiHu and his agent Zhou ManJiao were ordered to follow Xiang YongGuo and the surface was followed to monitor his every move in an effort to find a bacterial bomb. People's Liberation Army liberated Changsha, decided to enter the western bandits. At the same time also bear the mission of looking for a bacterial bomb. Guan TuanZhang, Liao ZhengWei lead the Yunds Commander Yu DaXi, Quan MuShan, and warriors into Yongshun. Yu DaXi hero nine Commander Yu DaXi was brutally attacked on the day of his marriage, his wife Nini Ni by the bandit third ranked Shi MaoZi shot ... Bandit Tuo FeiYun fancy Tujia woman ----- beautiful and spicy Spring E. Will grab her up the mountain. But found the wrong people, robbed the twin sister of Spring E ----- gentle and quiet autumn E. Qiu'e was the fiancee of Quan MuShan, a member of the People's Liberation Army's Nine Directions. Tuo FeiYun will be wrong, threatening to marry Qiu'e ... ... bandit chief of the daughter of Xiang YongGuo, Xiangxi bandit princess ---- to Qingli. And Ling Hill Shan MaoZi really love each other, vow to life and death dependent. And Shi MaoZi was the only one who knew the whereabouts of the bacterial bombs ... Xiang YongGuo was attracted by the beautiful Kuomintang female officer Zhou Manjiao because she looked a lot like the woman he had loved. And Huang YiHu has been loving Zhou ManJiao for many years ... People's Liberation Army entered Xiangluo Duluozhai, liberated the common people, engaged in land reform, and deliberately attacked the bandits. And bandits conducted more than death battle. People's Liberation Army and bandits are wits and courageous, there are heavy heroic hero in the bandits. Among them, not only touched the affections of children and adolescents, but also have a heinous brotherhood, more simple and honest villain accent. The images of the bandits and the People's Liberation Army are vivid and vivid. The small incidents interspersed in the major events are very interesting. Western Hunan stills

Martial arts outsider (TV)[2006]

Feature: To the shopkeeper Tong XiangYu (Stingray extremely female shopkeeper, style million kinds of kind-hearted, mother and mother are very chicken thieves.) Led by a group of publishers, including the runner Bai ZhanTang (acupoints, martial arts, is a thief, think Change over the new, in fact, timid, such as rats), there are miscellaneous Guo FuRong (she relied on martial arts, chaotic rivers and lakes, like to move his hands and feet, although the heroes daughter, in fact, martial arts is not ye, is a standard sassy girlfriend) Cook Li DaZui (all day long fantasy to learn martial arts when the heroes, is not good to cook.), Lv Xiucai (who often will not leave the mouth, in fact, is a useless scholar, outrageous but crooked playing Mixed with a "Guanzhong heroes," the title), boarding inn Zhu WuShuang (although the sunflower to send martial arts master, in fact, is often bullied by a weak woman, beautiful but no love patronize), naughty girl Mo XiaoBei Upload heard is a devil, is actually a love truant and only want to eat candied fruit little girl film), there are two catch fast, an old Xing, a small Six, every day dreaming of breaking a big case, an upright but no ability, but I do not know the real thief right beside ...

Interpol Zhang YuGui four: loyalty and filial piety (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Yu expensive hospital lying on the stage of emergency surgery, his daughter and his wife Fu MingMing is hurriedly rush to the hospital rush. Looking at the operating table by a group of doctors around the tightening rescue dad, daughter worries about the pain, his wife Fu MingMing is even more grieved, tears flow more than. Under the comfort of the Public Security Bureau subsequently arrived, Fu MingMing excited mood was a little stable. But looking at the busy doctor and the unlucky husband, Fu MingMing's thoughts returned to a few days ago one night. A few days ago, Yu Guigang just came back from the ministry classes. When a walk with a family walk after dinner one night, Yugui met a young man who was besieged and besieged by a group of people. After the bureau interrogated, Yu Gui learned that the bereaved name was Liu Zhigao, because the drug addiction is now a broken home. In the face of drug-ravaged families, jade and arduous sense of responsibility as a police officer. At the same time, reporter Shi Xiaogang met Fu MingMing after reporting a case of accidental encounter with a group of drug traffickers. He volunteered to accompany two armed police fighters and disguised themselves in-depth inside drug dealers Xiao Jiuzhang and Er Gazi gangs. Touch the situation. His wife, Fu MingMing told this situation to Yugui, Shi Xiaogang sunshine ...

Warm Pearl River (TV)[2004]

Feature: The story describes the painterly and transformational process of the traditional farmer entrepreneur Mai ZhiXing in the tide of reform, between love and reason, between new and old conflicts. Lin TianMing This Mai ZhiXing heavyweight young and old in the implementation of reform, internal and external difficulties, future mistress Chen Kun misunderstanding, veterans Liang Youtian strike and revenge, a strong offensive competitors.

TheWorldsofMeiLanfang (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Mei LanFang's first competitor in life is Shi SanYan, an old entertainer who has had three generations of love with Mei. The emergence of Mei LanFang shakes Shi SanYan's position. The inevitable battle, but Mei LanFang lost the first game, he has two days to save the defeat. In spite of everyone's opposition, Mei LanFang changed to a new fashion show, the result was a success. Mei LanFang persuaded Shi SanYan to give up the third day of the show but was rejected by Shi SanYan. Mei LanFang into middle age, with his wife Fu ZhiFang () and lovely children, his burgeoning career. In 1929, he received an invitation to go to the United States to perform. Meng XiaoDong, a female actress who plays a special role on the Beijing opera scene, saw Mei LanFang for the first time to see the melancholy in his eyes, while her bright and open personality touched Mei LanFang. They performed on the same stage and had a desire to share themselves with each other and share together. At this moment, Fu ZhiFang, Mei LanFang's wife, told Meng XiaoDong he was neither you nor mine, he was a boy (audience). Mei LanFang decided not to go on stage again because of Japan's aggression against China. When Mei LanFang repeatedly rejected the invitations given by the Japanese army to him, she was surprised to hear that she was about to return and announced the news to the public , It is anonymous Qiu RuBai ().

Sunflower (Movie)[2000]

Feature: The story happened in the 1940s. In the early summer of 1944, at a lonely railroad station at the foot of Changbai Mountain, Captain Kotaro, a secretive Japanese captain with a quirky character, nurtured a huge sunflower he planted. In the fall, the mountain of sunflower golden, and he died in the tub. The cruel trial began, and Japanese military police Dui Zhang found that all Chinese on the station had a revenge motive. Without proof that they can not escape the suspicion of murdering, the four Chinese people died in tragedy. However, the truth is that Kotaro was reluctant to return to the front because of the war and ended his life.

YangShoujingandLvBeika (Movie)[2000]

Feature: "Yang ShouJing and Lu Bei card" is a Chinese movie released in 2005, directed by Zhang Jing. Xiao Xiong, starring Wang Xueqi. "Yang ShouJing and Lu BeiJia" about Yang ShouJing taught in a historic institution of higher learning, advanced knowledge in Chinese classical literature, making him a recognized academics academics paradigm. Lu Bei card studying abroad for many years, have deep research on European and American literature. After returning to work in this institution of higher learning, speaking romantic poetry, she has a funny English name Rebecca. Coincidentally, the two have not only become neighbors, even teaching classrooms are also door-to-door. The same talented, middle-aged single with the same self-confident and independent character so that the two scholars are curious about each other, will inevitably produce temptation and alert psychology. Soon, Lu Bei card with their fresh, sensual teaching style has attracted the attention of many students. Her teaching of music and poetry aroused strong dissatisfaction with Professor Yang ShouJing. Between the two by the respectable, immediately transformed into face to face war of words. By chance, closer to the distance between the two. Lu Bei card dog suddenly sick, in desperation to the neighbors Yang ShouJing help. Yang dominates the puppy's disease so that Lv has to admire Yang's erudite and experience, and he inadvertently reveals the delicate and broad love, leaving Lv on the other side of the usual too serious, old-fashioned More men a favor. In order to thank Yang good dog disease, Lv invited him to tea tea. Since the two people hold one view on one's own opinions and do not give in to one another, the originally harmonious atmosphere vanishes, instead, it develops into the personal charisma of attacking each other. The face of aggressive Lu, Yang has always been cautious calm Professor Yang also outdone, the two bet to see who can first find a marriage, bet is that the loser must be in front of all students recognize each other is the best teacher ...

Beijing Hong Kong love line (TV)[1997]


The Beijing-Hong Kong Love Line tells Fang Ming, the creative director of the advertising company, that everything was going smoothly and that the marriage was going to happen. The boyfriend left her marriage and fled. Fang Ming pretends to be a strong worker and went to Beijing to work with Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang is a student of the Sports Team of the School of Physical Education. He has a childhood friend Xing JiaNi. Janet had a child with a Hong Kong man to go abroad. Afterwards, this person disappeared. After Janet gave birth to the child, she followed another American who had gone to the United States to borrow Chinese. Cheng Yang has been carrying Jane's children. The name was Xiao Dan and she took care of Jia Ni’s sister Xing JiaHua. Jiahua, a student of the Academy of Fine Arts, knew Fang Ming of Fang Ming’s younger brother because of Fang Ming’s relationship with Cheng Yang. Fang Zheng is a comprador manager of a large department store in Beijing. He is always alive and sings, but Fang Zheng can't think of himself as falling in love with Jiahua. Fang Ming was dismissed because he was dissatisfied with his boss LAKE KU. His position was replaced by his assistant Wu Liting, and his career was frustrated. Li Yang plays the role of starring Li Yapeng in the drama Jingang Love Line. Cheng Yang learns that Jia Ni has rolled from the United States to France and then Hong Kong. She is determined to find Jia Ni in Hong Kong. She asked Fang Ming to find a job in Hong Kong and temporarily stayed in Fang Ming. Family. Jia Ni did not hesitate to hurt Cheng Yang. Fang Ming comforted Cheng Yang. Both sides became rebellious. In addition to several main lines, the play has other sections that make the show more colorful. For example, Cheng Zheng's gymnastic coach Qi Zheng, who had pursued Cheng Yang's mother when he was young, Cheng Yang's older brother Cheng Qiang and his nephew Ma Lai Fang, two small mouths. Operating a small restaurant "Lai Lai Fang", guests who eat at "Lai Lai Fang", each has its own story.


Leave Lei Fengs day (Movie)[1996]

Feature: The film reflects Lei Feng's ex-close comrades in the more than 30 years after Lei Feng's death, with Lei Feng as an example of selfless dedication of the touching story. Qiao AnShan is Lei Feng's closest comrade-in-arms. Both joined the company from Ansteel, together with a class and a car. On August 15, 1962, while Lei Feng and Qiao AnShan were on a mission, Qiao AnShan drove and Lei Feng was on his side. When Qiao AnShan reverses, he inadvertently knocked down an oak rod used for clothes drying in the company and happened to hit Lei Feng's temple. Lei Feng died after rescue was invalid. Accident car accident caused a huge mental blow, Qiao AnShan temporarily mental disorders, their most beloved squad leader Lei Feng, was even killed by his own wheel. In the morgue, he hugged Lei Feng's body and wanted to die with the squad leader. In the confinement room, he remembered that Lei Feng had helped him to learn culture, sent money to his mother for medical treatment, and pitted Lei Feng with sowing affection in his heart, leaving him to regret it. He even thought of committing suicide. A man inadvertently hurt his closest comrade in arms, how painful heart. Since then, Qiao AnShan and Lei Feng Sheng-like battle of arms and arms into more serious than the tears of deep nostalgia. So after Qiao AnShan left behind a string of non-Lei Feng and Lei Feng's footsteps like ... ... For more than 30 years later, Qiao AnShan has never forgot Lei Feng, he insisted on learning Lei Feng, doing good things, tasted. Once, Qiao AnShan driving the coach, up seven or eight owners relatives, do not buy tickets. Qiao AnShan firmly resist the behavior of the owners to abuse their power, put them down the car, for this offended the owners. On the way to the car, a Ya Ba was stopped and his woman was in labor. Qiao AnShan did not follow the rules and timely delivery of the mother to the hospital. Once, Qiao AnShan drove up an old man injured by a car and sent the elderly to the hospital for rescue. Under the pressure of the family, the elderly, the guilty consonance is Qiao AnShan hit him. Qiao AnShan sad, family chilling. Eventually, the driver hit the elderly found, the elderly conscience also been condemned, took Qiao AnShan's hand, recognized the wrong. During the trip, Qiao AnShan and son Qiao Bing broke down. Father and son turned to the passing vehicles for help. Some turned a blind eye and others asked for money. It was not until the night that a car stopped, but because of the small car could not help them. The next morning, the woman who stopped last night led a group of people with little Red Riding Hood to come and help, and the woman was originally a student mentored by Lei Feng. Qiao AnShan touched, he realized that not only he was studying Lei Feng alone. Thirty years, Qiao AnShan as long as the difficulties encountered, always to the squad leader Lei Feng's tomb to sit, talk with the squad leader, what the difficulties.

Riguangxiagu (Movie)[1995]

Feature: In the peaceful Nikko Gorge, the appearance of "Seeking Innocence" disrupts the life of inn innkeeper Hong Liu and her son Jujube, but the lingering laughter in the inn makes the "hunger-off" from strong Separated from the desire for revenge, so that he is constantly struggling in this contradictory situation. The cold winter will bring their distance closer and start to each other.

WarriorLanling (Movie)[1995]

Feature: In ancient times, a tribe in the southwestern border of China. The young and handsome Lan Ling, the son of Yang Liping, a phoenix tribe, is deeply loved by the girls, especially Ying Ying (Ning Jing), who is very intelligent and beautiful. In order to fend the wilderness near the Hei Ying tribe, the Phoenix tribe hopes to have a brave and fierce male leader. A few years later, Lan Ling led the tribe to kill the enemy. Hei Ying chief (Cai Ning) refused to fight him with Lan Ling looking too handsome and unmanly. Hei Ying tribe captured all men, women and children of the Phoenix family, will be sacrificed on the day of selection. The mother of Ling Ling reluctantly proposed to use the virginity of the whole tribe in exchange for the lives of men. Ashamed of Lan Ling Since the end of the lake, Inspired by God, Lan Ling face the human face again and again, temperament has become a bloodthirsty beast. He is brave and fierce, murderous. Lan Qin Mu Qin before his death, will be a burst of enthusiasm to Lan Ling, Lan Ling has since restored the nature of good ... ... The film won the 1995 Los Angeles Angeles Santa Clara International Film Festival Best Foreign Language Film Award and 1995 15th Hawaii International Film Festival Best Cinematography Award.

Sun Bird (Movie)[1995]

Feature: Yang Liping dropped 7 million yuan for his "Sunbird" in 1995. Her film won the 1998 Grand Prix of the Jury at the Monterey Film Festival in Canada. Plot: Living in the remote mountains A natural tribe, they refer to the symbol of love and sex of the peacock called the sun bird. Tribal men and women to marry under the Banyan Tree held a ceremony, the emirates dressed in simulation peacock open clothes dancing, wedding men and women in the sun drum In the middle of the sound and the accompanist to complete the intercourse.Panna Tanna in the banyan tree peep to this ceremony, and for the emblem of Maomao dance psychedelic, she worshiped Mao Tian and his peacock dance, fantasy one day oneself as Mao One day a peacock dancer came to the mountain and he brought something that little Tana had never seen before: small mirrors, candies, etc., and took the little Tana, a lost parent, out of the tribe. Afterwards, Little Tana created a lot of unique dances with her feelings about nature and life ...

Daihaomeizhoubao (Movie)[1989]

Feature: In September 1988, a group of terrorists named "Asian Black Special Operations Group" hijacked a special plane by Qu XiaoZhen, chairman of the Central Overseas Company, and forced the plane to land on the mainland. Terrorists led by Zheng XianPing (Ge You) bombed Taiwan authorities to release their team leader Liu Tingjun. The mainland side held an emergency meeting and decided to immediately notify the Taiwan authorities that the two sides should establish cooperation and jointly rescue the hostages and combat the terrorists and code-named "Jaguar." The PLA anti-hijack commando and the Taiwan anti-terrorist commando team, led by Liang Zhuang (Liu Xiaoning), came to the airport one after another, but the anti-hijacking operation was thwarted in succession and the two sides decided to carry out the final impact through research.

Triumph in the night (TV)[1987]

Feature: The blue blood shed in southern Xinjiang, who sacrificed their lives for the safety of the people of the motherland, youth offer border, what happiness, for thousands of families reunion. Triumph in the Midnight stills TV series to Vietnam self-defense war as the background to start the story. Tong Chuan and Jiang Man fall in love when they jump in line. After being recruited into the military, Tong Chuan was sentenced to two years in prison for recruiting new soldiers and wounding others as a result of a fire. Jiang Man wanted to go back to town after a long absence, but waited until it was filled with "unfeigned letter." Under the enthusiastic introduction of his neighbors and his mother's repeated urging, Jiang Man was forced to get acquainted with Lin DaLin, an army officer who fell in love with Jiang Man. However, Jiang remembered that his old love was unspeakable. At the wedding, Tong Chuan was released to Beijing in advance. Just as Lin DaLin saw the letter addressed to Jiang Man before his departure, Dalin felt greatly insulted and left indignantly. The more defensive war against Vietnam began, Tong Chuan was supplemented by the Beijing Forces to the Kunming Army, coinciding with Lin DaLin as a soldier. In the Jagged life and death, the two men abandon grudges, Lin DaLin FireWire after the war, Jiang Man out of guilt and compensation, resolutely joined the army, came to Dalin's antecedents, served as field ambulance nurse, Tong, Jiang reunion, although old friends as ever , But before the enemy, after the bones of comrades in arms ...... Tong Chuan led his troops to occupy the fourth highland, his eyes were blown blind. Jiang Man guarding day and night, vowed never separated, midnight, quiet city, marched a mighty triumphant army.

YellowEarth (Movie)[1984]

Feature: Cui Qiao, a poor girl from a poor rural northern Shaanxi Province, was appointed by her father as a baby boy since childhood. She could not escape from bad luck and had to express her inner pain with the help of the song of "Letter from Heaven and Earth". Gu Qing, an art and cultural worker from the Eighth Route Army in Yan'an, Shaanxi, came to Cui Qiao for collecting folk songs. After a period of living and working, the Cui Qiao family regards the "public person" as their own. Gu Qing About Yan'an women's marital autonomy, Cui Qiao listened, the longing for the heart. Daddy kind and ignorant, he wanted Cui Qiao married in April, Gu Qing is about to leave, the old man sent to Gu Qing, singing a song telling women's tragic fate, Gu Qing was touched. Han Han, Cui Qiao's younger brother, followed Gu-brother and sent another one-way trip. Turning over a ridge, Gu Qing saw Cui Qiao standing on the peak. She opened her sweet voice and sang her affection for communist public and her desire for freedom and light. She wants to follow her eldest brother to Yenan, and Gu Qing can not take her for a moment and bid farewell to them with dignity. In April, on the day of her marriage, Cui Qiao, of course, escaped from her husband's home and drove her to death on a boat trip to the Yellow River to pursue a new life. Winds and waves on the river, yellow water rolling, must see the traces of the boat. Two months later, Gu Qing went to the countryside again. Han Han ran out of the crowd asking for rain and rushed to him.

Siduchishui (Movie)[1983]

Feature: After the meeting of Zunyi, Mao ZeDong led 30,000 Red Army troops to the Chishui River and met the Sichuan Army intercepting the Red Army. Chairman Mao, Vice Chairman Zhou and Chief of General Staff Liu Bo Cheng seriously analyzed the situation and decided to seize the nearby ferry immediately to get rid of the enemy. The Red Army crossed Chishui into the Tashi area of ​​Yunnan. Wang Daoyuan, director of the Ming Inspection Office of Jiang Jie Shi, intensified the encirclement and suppression of the Red Army. Wang Daoyi rushed to Guiyang and mobilized about 400,000 troops to enclose the Tashi area. We conscientiously studied the enemy situation and prepared to deal with the enemy with mobile warfare. Thus, taking advantage of the enemy's heavy military siege northwest Qidongbei emptiness, the second crossing Chishui, seize the ferry. Gao Xiang led the Ruijin regiment singled out Loushanguan, liberation Zunyi City. Jiang JieShi was furious about the incident, ordered heavy attacks on the Red Army, and destroyed the Red Army north of the Wujiang River. After careful consideration, Chairman Mao decided to go to Chishui Chishui. Red Cross after the Red Cross and suddenly turn around Si Du Chishui, the main enemy left behind. Jiang JieShi afraid of the Red Army captured Guiyang, urgent Yunnan reinforcements. However, the Red Army took the weary Yunnan Army to the east and gave a heavy blow. The main force of the Red Army finally strode into Yunnan and crossed over the Jinsha River to start a new great journey. .........

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