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Leonardo DiCaprio TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Leonardo DiCaprio Works 52 ,And Feature 37 ,Thriller 14 ,Adventure 11 ,Crime 8 ,Action 8 ,Romance 8 ,Family drama 6 ,Comedy 6 ,Biopic 4 ,Historical play 3 ,Documentary 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Animation 2 ,Music 2 ,Westerns 2 ,Short 2 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,Terror 2 ,Reality show 1 ,新闻1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Sports 1 。

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Leonardo DiCaprio Filmography(52)


luo binhan :起源 (Movie)[2019]


Luo BinHan 与 梅德·玛丽安 邂逅进而相恋,然而恋爱中的他却被征招入伍加入十字军东征。之后,罗宾因伤返家,发现家乡陷于贪腐与罪恶的掌控之中, 梅德·玛丽安 也因为被告知 Luo BinHan 已经战死沙场,而与斗士 威尔·史考利 走到一起。深受打击的 Luo BinHan 被在战场上不打不相识的 Xiao YueHan 说服,嫉恶如仇的他决定发挥自己的弓箭与格斗天赋,对抗贪腐的 Nuo DingHanJingZhang ,并进一步对抗他背后更邪恶的阴谋。

理查德·朱维尔 的哀歌 (Movie)[2019]


理查德·朱维尔 是1996年亚特兰大奥运会的一名安保人员,他率先发现奥林匹克公园有炸弹,无数生命被挽救,但却因此被列为头号嫌疑犯。联邦调查局监视跟踪无所不用其极,媒体操纵舆论颠倒黑白,短短三天朱维尔沦为被舆论讨伐的“假英雄”。一次子虚乌有的指控,一篇捕风捉影的文章,就足以毁掉一个普通人的安稳生活。朱维尔被谣言围攻,唯有好友和母亲相信他是受害者。势单力薄的小人物们不得不在绝境中奋力反击,揭露被掩盖的真相。


Akira (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Adapted from the masterpiece of the famous comic masterpiece, in 1988 he personally supervised and directed the comics onto the screen. The hero of the story is the two speeding party juvenile Tetsuo and Kaneta, Tetsuo opened with a surprising mysterious force because of an accident, enough to compete with the army. He began to insanely doing what he wanted to do, and was determined to find the key to all the secrets - but he did not realize that this dreadful uncontrollable force eventually sent him to destruction .

LivebyNight (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Boston, 1926. Jazz is perplexed, the wine is flowing, the bullets are flying, and a man intends to mark the world with his own. Joe Cochin, son of a senior police officer, joins the most powerful gang in the area. However, he always said that he is "not a gangster but an extralegal person" who does not want to live a defined life and wants to create his own rules. His nightlife is slowly spreading from glitzy, jazz-era Boston to Tampa, Florida, to Desire, to the hot streets of Cuba. Although crises, but fortunately there are brothers, girls, there are music and wine. He knew that death would eventually come, but until then he was determined to live happily and happily.

The Revenant (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Is a fur hunter who was beaten to death by a bear while on a hunt and was rescued by accompanying captain Andrew Henry who hired two men, John Fitzgerald and Jim Briger, to take care of him. John Fitzgerald did not care about Grasser at all. He only thought of taking Grasse's property as his own. He brutally murdered Grasse's son and persuaded Jim Briger to abandon Grasse to die in the wilderness. Two people thought that Glass would have passed away in this way. However, Grasse passed through the wild and wild places for months with strong perseverance, and finally returned to the safe area and started the revenge plan.

The Revenant (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Xiu GeLaSi (Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio) is a fur hunter who was rescued by a rowing captain, Andrew Henry (Domhnall Gleeson Domhnall Gleeson), who was beaten seriously after a beaten hunt on a hunt. The captain hired two people John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy Tom Hardy) and Jim Briger (Will Poulter Will Poulter) take care of him. John Fitzgerald did not care about Grasser at all. He only thought of taking Grasse's property as his own. He brutally murdered Grasse's son and persuaded Jim Briger to abandon Grasse to die in the wilderness. Two people thought that Glass would have passed away in this way. However, Grasse passed through the wild and wild places for months with strong perseverance, and finally returned to the safe area and started the revenge plan. The film is adapted from Michael Punk's novel of the same name.

Out of the Furnace (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Luo SaiEr (Christian Bale Christian Bale) and brother Luo DeNi (Casey Affleck Casey Affleck) depend on life in the poor and closed industrial town, one day the simple wish to be able to leave here has become the support of two brothers The only driving force, the two daily hard work, in order to be able to achieve this desire. Because of the accident, Luo SaiEr had to face a four-year jail sentence, and when the long four years finally came to an end and reintegrated into society Luo SaiEr has found Luo DeNi has already become a ray of innocence. Originally, Luo SaiEr jail, the shadow-shaped Luo DeNi tempted by rascal, started playing in the underground black market illegal boxing match, which led directly to his death. Grief and anger together in my mind, he decided to revenge for Luo DeNi.

The Great Gatsby (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Ni Ke, an unnamed writer, came to New York City from his hometown in the Midwest just next to his residence in the exclusive Gai CiBi mansion. There is a grand banquet here every night. Ni Ke met Gai CiBi and was very interested in exploring Gai CiBi. The result of the inquiry is: Ni Ke understands that there is something in the heart of Gai CiBi. Gai CiBi, a young man who was not wealthy, was a major military officer. He fell in love with a girl named Dai Qian, Dai Qian also gave him a bell. Later, World War I broke out and Gai CiBi was transferred to Europe. Incidentally, but inevitably, Dai Qian broke up with him and turned to Tang Mu, a widow who was born into a wealthy family. Dai Qian married life is not happy, because Tang Mu another mistress. Satisfaction of materialism does not fill Daisy's spiritual emptiness. Gai CiBi suffered so much anguish that he firmly believed that it was money that made Dai Qian betray the chastity of his soul and determined to become a rich man. A few years later, Gai CiBi finally succeeded. He built a building across from the Dai Qian mansion. Gai CiBi spends a lot of money, night flute, bent to cause Dai Qian's attention, in order to restore the lost love. Touched by her infatuation, Gai CiBi, Ni Ke paid a visit to Dai Qian, a distant cousin who never contacted, and conveyed her the heart of Gai CiBi. Dai Qian always teases when meeting with Gai CiBi. Gai CiBi drowsily listen to her mercy, and naively think that period of love had the desired outcome. However, the real tragedy was quietly started at this time. Dai Qian is no longer the old Dai Qian. Dai Qian, however, used the warmth of her relationship as an incentive. Ni Ke finally aware of, but it is too late. Once Dai Qian drove in a state of distraughtness, but died of her husband's mistress. Gai CiBi assumed the responsibility of driving Dai Qian, but Dai Qian has decided to abandon Gai CiBi. Under Tang Mu's provocations, her mistress's husband shot and killed Gai CiBi. Gai CiBi eventually became a victim completely. Gai CiBi did not find the mocking smile on Dai Qian until death. The tragedy of Gai CiBi is that he dedicated everything to the beautiful dream he weaves, and Dai Qian, as his ideal incarnation, has only a beautiful body. Although Daisy has long been faithless, although he clearly heard "her voice full of money", but still not change their mind, stubbornly pursue to revisit the old dream. People are funeral for Gai CiBi, while Dai Qian and her husband are already traveling in Europe at this time. No love finally got a knot. Ni Ke has witnessed the illusory and profound feelings of human reality and is deeply distasteful. Therefore, with a tragic mood, he is far away from the noisy, indifferent, empty and fake metropolis to his hometown.

Django Unchained (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Jiang Ge and his former masters had a very brutal, cold history, but it was this experience that made him acquainted with Dr. Schultz, a bounty hunter from Germany. Schultz is currently hunt down the Brett brothers who have committed so many murder cases and only with the help of Jiang Ge can he receive a good bounty, so Schultz promises Jiang Ge, Assist yourself to capture the fugitives, regardless of life and death, he will let him out of slavery, access to real freedom. With Schultz's successful liberation of Jiang Ge, even though both of them came from quite different backgrounds, including their own habits of character, Schultz started with Jiang Ge, and their goal, Is a group of sinful criminals, although along with Schulz learning capture and tracking skills, in fact, Jiang Ge has never forgotten their real purpose, that is, to find and save his wife, Bloomham They were lost in the slave trade many years ago. Even with different goals in mind, Schultz and Jiang Ge eventually focused their search on the same individual - Calvin Candi, the owner of the candy farm, a notorious plantation Park, just for fun and fun, slaves will fight and kill each other. The appearance of Schultz and Jiang Ge inevitably aroused the suspicions of Shi DiFen, the most loyal slave manager around Candi, as he sneaked into the intricacies of the mystery formed by various illusions and deceptions Watch every move of their own, and the most horrible thing here is that a very dangerous organization is surrounded by them indefinitely. If Schulz and Jiang Ge want to escape with Broomexda, they We have to face some choices related to fighting each other or being united. We either have to linger or sacrifice for dignity.

TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles (TV)[2012]

Feature: When Ninjutsu Haruhiro and his four pet turtles are exposed to a mutagen (a chemical from another "world," creatures that last contact with humans can be combined and mutated to mutate ), All of whom accepted the major physical transformation: Hamada became a humanoid rat, and in the name of Splinter (Splinter) and a new species that has hybridized between humans and turtles together. Splinter retreated to the New York City sewer, treating the four human beings who grew rapidly from limbs to the brain as their own children and taught them the highest ninjutic skill, Bin Ninjutsu.

Red Riding Hood (Movie)[2011]

Feature: For decades, villagers in Jianjiao Village have been in a precarious state of peace with a local werewolf. At the end of a full moon, the werewolves foraging for food. At this time, villagers sacrificed their animals for the werewolf in exchange for their own safety. However, on a full moon, the werewolf broke the convention and ate a villager. This villager is Wa LaiLi's sister. Wa LaiLi is a young, pretty girl. She had just found out that her parents had given her a private life and wanted to marry her to Heng Li. Heng Li is a well-known rich second generation in the town, his home is the town's most wealthy and influential families. However, Wa LaiLi has a long history, she loved Bi De. Bi De is a pauper, the job is to cut the tree. Wa LaiLi and Bi De emotional assured, is determined to run away to elope. However, eating werewolves broke the town's peace and everyone's plan. Things are all in a mess. The villagers long for retaliation, so they brought in the famous werewolf hunter Father Suo LuoMen, and begged him to solve this problem for the Jian Kok village. However, the arrival of Suo LuoMen has caused a greater turmoil in the town. He told the villagers that werewolves will only morph at the full moon. Usually they are completely normal people, and most likely they are ordinary villagers. The entire village can not be separated from the "wolf dressed in skin" Suspected. With the approaching full moon night, the townspeople lived in panic and anxiety. The existence of werewolves made this originally happy and tranquil town faded away. However, Wa LaiLi unexpectedly found himself with the werewolf actually have some unspeakable telepathic telepathy. This telepathy made her a curious and suspicious of the werewolf's life and deity on the one hand and made her the bait that lured the werewolf into the trap of villagers on the other hand.

The Ides of March (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The U.S. presidential election has entered a white-hot stage, with the two candidates earning their votes in the past. A week before the primaries in Ohio, both took the state as a decisive battleground and began to infighting. Young candidate Si DiFen (Ryan Gosling Ryan Gosling), the candidate's second candidate, George Clooney George Clooney, was challenged by Tom Duffy, the head of another candidate's campaign team Paul Giamatti Paul Giamatti), but Si DiFen loyal to Morris, unmoved. Si DiFen, on the other hand, was deeply intrigued by the new intern Mo Li (Evan Rachel Wood Evan Rachel Wood) who quickly fought. Unexpectedly, Times Newspaper reporter Marisa Tomei Marisa Tomei learned about the meeting between Si DiFen and Tom in order to threaten Si DiFen to disclose the inside of the election campaign. The bruised Si DiFen again found an amazing secret in his dealings with Mo Li ...

Shutter Island (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The story took place in 1954 when Ted Daniel, the federal magistrate, and Chapman, the new faction sent by his superiors, were ordered to go to the island to investigate the incident and Cowley, the chief medical officer, received them and was responsible for the investigation. And Ted's visit also has a hidden purpose: to find the murderer to let his wife get to the sea of ​​flames. In the course of the investigation, more and more evidence of Ted's deduction was found: in addition to the 66 documented psychiatric offenders, there is also a number 67 who exists regardless of whether he is a prison guard or a doctor or other patients deny. Ted is convinced that the 67th is the murderer of his wife, Lythis, and there must be a big conspiracy here. But his companion, Chuck, reminded him that this may be a secret trial by the government, and that the government sent Ted to it because Ted died of trauma following his wife's death, which was their best test subject and Ted denied it. It is his own application to investigate the case here, and he suspects that the murderer, who caused the tragic death of his wife, was hid from the island and things became complicated and confusing. Ted has been exacerbated by the symptoms of migraine headaches during the investigation, with frequent visual hallucinations and nightmares. The tragedy of Nazi concentration camps during his participation in the military constantly flashed ahead of him. He vowed not to let the Nazi act appear here. In a cave hidden in a cliff, Ted discovered the missing female prisoner Rachel, who Rachel told him that she had been a psychiatrist there and that the government was doing inhuman living experiments here, that she could not accept the fact that she was being attacked by other People design framed, as "mental patient" look at the charge, she designed to escape. Rachel told Ted, trying to unlock the secret, is about to go to the lighthouse, because there is the root of all this. Ted suppressed headaches and hallucinations, diving to the lighthouse, but found only one caretaker, he stunned the guards grab the gun rushed to the top floor, but found that the island's chief doctor Cowley has been waiting for his arrival, and the lighthouse There is no trace of any human test and evidence, only a simple office. Cowley told Ted all the reasons, and his partner Chuck explains that he is actually Ted's chief healer over the past two years, making Ted like a lightning bolt from the startled. It turned out that all this is Ted's dream, that mysterious 67 patients, Ted has been suspicious of Ledesi, is himself. The doctor told Ted his real name was Andrew Laidis. His wife, suffering from mental illness, committed suicide after drowning her three children. He was also greatly traumatized. In the self-protection subconscious, he took himself The three children were obliterated and created a brand new Radis and the memory of the profound fire. The created "Lades" was designed by him to have a scar, Persian cat's eyes, heinous Murderer; he himself is a police from the police, his wife and his beloved model husband "Ted", and only when he was dreaming and hallucinations, are his original memories.And all this is a play Doctor Cowley tried to cure Ted's illness and his awareness and hope he could free himself from it. Doctor Cowley believed that this method can cure most of the patients with mental illness, Ted (want to counterattack Cowley's "framed", but found himself increasingly weak, more and more confused .Colley doctors told him that if he still can not wake up, still identify themselves as good people "Ted", then He will have to be "ethically manipulated" to remove the white matter in the forebrain because he has scarcely injured all the guards, doctors and patients since he came to the island, but he himself knows nothing.

Inception (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Leonardo DiCaprio, Leonardo DiCaprio, and his colleagues Arthur, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Lukas Haas Lukas Haas, at a press conference against Japanese energy mogul Ken Watanabe, Decoration) Pirates of the dream of failure, anti-Saito use. Saito extortion wanted to exile overseas Corbus helped him split his rival company and took extreme steps to plant the family under the subconscious of his only heir, Cillian Murphy Cillian Murphy Company, self-reliant idea. In order to return to the United States, Cobb secretly resorted to his father Mai ErSi (Michael Caine Michael Caine ornaments), absorbed the young dream designer Airy Adney (Ellen Page), dream actor Ames ( Tom Hardy Tom Hardy) and pharmacist Joseph Dileep Rao Dileep Rao. In layers ...

Hubble3D (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Hubble Telescope 3D records the fifth NASA astronaut's restoration of the Hubble Space Telescope. The film was shot using technology to show the birth of the most important scientific instruments since the first Galileo telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope, the great accomplishment of mankind in space since its debut. The audience will visit the Atlantis Space Station with seven astronauts to experience the remote world of space at their own fingertips and witness astronauts roaming in space to complete the work of repairing telescopes and experience vast audiences of different ages The Milky Way, the birth and death of stars, and little-known secrets in the celestial environment. In addition, the film shows the audience for the first time the structure and impact of the Hubble telescope.

HopeforHaitiNow:AGlobalBenefitforEarthquakeRelief (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "Blessing Haiti: Global Relief Evangelism", is January 22, 2010 in the United States released a special program, duration of 2 hours. Content includes: musical performances, artist interviews and press coverage in Haiti. Participating actors include: Madonna, Wyclef King, Bruce 斯布林斯顿, Jennifer Hudson, Mary 布莱莱吉, Shakira, Sting, Alice Case, Christina · Aguilera, Dave Matthews Band, John Regent, Justin Timberlake and so on.

Orphan (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Originally a happy family, considerate husband, gentle and gentle wife, a pair of cute lovely adorable Yuxue, live a life of envy and many people. However, all quiet and comfortable, with an unexpected abortion, and gradually away from them. For a mother, the most painful thing is that children have not yet born, they will die. Kai Te · Coleman experienced the same tragedy, she had just lost her baby, and then her husband, Yue Han's marriage also plunged into the immeasurable gray, which led Kai Te's mentality several times hovering on the brink of collapse , Continue to be entangled and haunted by nightmares. In an effort to reverse this dismal status quest and return to the normal life they had masqueraded as well, Kai Te and Yue Han finally decided to adopt another child after they had already had one child and one daughter. When they both came to the local orphanage, both quickly discovered that they seemed involuntarily enthralled by a little girl named Esther. The only 9-year-old girl not only know the reason, painting skills, but also has a precocious age, just like a little princess. As a result, Esther became a part of this family of four after all the formalities of adoption had been completed. The appearance of Esther undoubtedly changed the life of Kai Te's family. Smile face back to Kai Te, Yue Han also more and more like this caring little girl, Ma KeSi, a five-year-old girl is also wrapped around this little sister all day. Only the eldest son, Daniel, who had the only grudge against the new member, was just jealous of Esther in taking away the attention of the adults. However, everything began to change as Esther was caught up in every corner of the school. Esther pushed a girl named Brenda from the slides to avenge her intimidation of her own. After the incident, Abbé Gaelte, an orphanage, advised Kai Te's family to remind them of Esther's weird behavior. Their conversation was heard by Esther, who was killed by Esther after Abby Gail drove off Kai Te's home. Meanwhile, Esther threatened Ma KeSi and Daniel not to say what they saw. After many things, Kai Te also more and more aware of Esther's strange and dangerous. She got the "Scharney Research Center" from Esther's Bible. After verified, this research center is actually a mental hospital. She tried to contact the center to find out about Esther, but unfortunately could not find it. Later, Daniel decided to give Esther's criminal evidence to his parents to reveal the truth. But Cunning Esther locked him in the tree house and lit the fire. Daniel struggled to escape the cabin, but fell from the tree, unconscious. Later, Daniel was taken to the hospital. In the hospital Esther tried to kill Daniel again, and Kai Te knew Este slapped. However, Kai Te's behavior was considered delirious and hospitalized. That night, Kai Te received a phone call from the Scharney Research Center at the hospital. It turned out that Esther is not a 9-year-old girl. In fact, she is a 33-year-old adult.She has a rare pituitary hormone disorder led to its short stature, her real name is Lena. She was extremely violent and dangerous after she had killed seven people. After getting the truth, Kai Te hurried home. On the other hand, when Lena lured Yue Han unsuccessfully, Yue Han killed Yue Han cruelly. After Kai Te went home to fight Lena, Kai Te finally subdued Lena and saved Ma KeSi in a thrilling contest.

Red Riding Hood (Movie)[2009]

Feature: For decades, villagers in Jianjiao Village have been in a precarious state of peace with a local werewolf. At the end of a full moon, the werewolves foraging for food. At this time, villagers sacrificed their animals for the werewolf in exchange for their own safety. However, on a full moon, the werewolf broke the convention and ate a villager. This villager is Wa LaiLi's sister. Wa LaiLi is a young, pretty girl. She had just found out that her parents had given her a private life and wanted to marry her to Heng Li. Heng Li is a well-known rich second generation in the town, his home is the town's most wealthy and influential families. However, Wa LaiLi has a long history, she loved Bi De. Bi De is a pauper, the job is to cut the tree. Wa LaiLi and Bi De emotional assured, is determined to run away to elope. However, eating werewolves broke the town's peace and everyone's plan. Things are all in a mess. The villagers long for retaliation, so they brought in the famous werewolf hunter Father Suo LuoMen, and begged him to solve this problem for the Jian Kok village. However, the arrival of Suo LuoMen has caused a greater turmoil in the town. He told the villagers that werewolves will only morph at the full moon. Usually they are completely normal people, and most likely they are ordinary villagers. The entire village can not be separated from the "wolf dressed in skin" Suspected. With the approaching full moon night, the townspeople lived in panic and anxiety. The existence of werewolves made this originally happy and tranquil town faded away. However, Wa LaiLi unexpectedly found himself with the werewolf actually have some unspeakable telepathic telepathy. This telepathy made her a curious and suspicious of the werewolf's life and deity on the one hand and made her the bait that lured the werewolf into the trap of villagers on the other hand.

Body of Lies (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Roger Phyllis (Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio) was a war correspondent who was shuttled into the smoke of gunfire and is now employed by the CIA as a U.S. agent lurking in Iraq. Keep track of the notorious terrorist Alon Aboutboul. His boss, Ed Huffman (Russell Crowe Russell Crowe) sits remotely in the United States, relying on his computer for control. Through a confession by a terrorist who is unwilling to be a human-bomber, Roger learns that Al-Sarim is planning a new round of terrorist attacks. In the ensuing clashes, Rogge's aide was killed and many wounded himself. Just before he recovered, he was sent to Oman by Hoffman. On the other hand, rivals continue to spread rumors of cooperation with the U.S. military, putting a great risk to Rogton, who lives in a tiger's hole.

Orphans (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Originally a happy family, considerate husband, gentle and gentle wife, a pair of cute lovely adorable Yuxue, live a life of envy and many people. However, all quiet and comfortable, with an unexpected abortion, and gradually away from them. For a mother, the most painful thing is that children have not yet born, they will die. Kai Te · Coleman experienced the same tragedy, she had just lost her baby, and then her husband, Yue Han's marriage also plunged into the immeasurable gray, which led Kai Te's mentality several times hovering on the brink of collapse , Continue to be entangled and haunted by nightmares. In an effort to reverse this dismal status quest and return to the normal life they had masqueraded as well, Kai Te and Yue Han finally decided to adopt another child after they had already had one child and one daughter. When they both came to the local orphanage, both quickly discovered that they seemed involuntarily enthralled by a little girl named Esther. The only 9-year-old girl not only know the reason, painting skills, but also has a precocious age, just like a little princess. As a result, Esther became a part of this family of four after all the formalities of adoption had been completed. The appearance of Esther undoubtedly changed the life of Kai Te's family. Smile face back to Kai Te, Yue Han also more and more like this caring little girl, Ma KeSi, a five-year-old girl is also wrapped around this little sister all day. Only the eldest son, Daniel, who had the only grudge against the new member, was just jealous of Esther in taking away the attention of the adults. However, everything began to change as Esther was caught up in every corner of the school. Esther pushed a girl named Brenda from the slides to avenge her intimidation of her own. After the incident, Abbé Gaelte, an orphanage, advised Kai Te's family to remind them of Esther's weird behavior. Their conversation was heard by Esther, who was killed by Esther after Abby Gail drove off Kai Te's home. Meanwhile, Esther threatened Ma KeSi and Daniel not to say what they saw. After many things, Kai Te also more and more aware of Esther's strange and dangerous. She got the "Scharney Research Center" from Esther's Bible. After verified, this research center is actually a mental hospital. She tried to contact the center to find out about Esther, but unfortunately could not find it. Later, Daniel decided to give Esther's criminal evidence to his parents to reveal the truth. But Cunning Esther locked him in the tree house and lit the fire. Daniel struggled to escape the cabin, but fell from the tree, unconscious. Later, Daniel was taken to the hospital. In the hospital Esther tried to kill Daniel again, and Kai Te knew Este slapped. However, Kai Te's behavior was considered delirious and hospitalized. That night, Kai Te received a phone call from the Scharney Research Center at the hospital. It turned out that Esther is not a 9-year-old girl. In fact, she is a 33-year-old adult.She has a rare pituitary hormone disorder led to its short stature, her real name is Lena. She was extremely violent and dangerous after she had killed seven people. After getting the truth, Kai Te hurried home. On the other hand, when Lena lured Yue Han unsuccessfully, Yue Han killed Yue Han cruelly. After Kai Te went home to fight Lena, Kai Te finally subdued Lena and saved Ma KeSi in a thrilling contest.

The Departed (Movie)[2006]

Feature: In southern Boston, Frank Castro is in the heyday of the gang leader. Wise, he decided to train Ke Lin, a 14-year-old, to pave the way for his future. At the same time, Bijie, a teenager born in the neighborhood, relies on his own efforts to get out of poverty and crime life. Time flies, Ke Lin and Bi Li are grown up, and are admitted to the police academy, became the police of the state police station. Ke Lin, a smart, ambitious candidate who quickly escalated into a "special investigation team" after he wiped out gang gangs, had his own presence in the police force and still remained on the orders of Castro. Bi Li, who grew up in the streets and was somewhat violent in character, though he was bent on becoming a good police officer, was assigned a task of secretly infiltrating gangsters into the hands of Castro. Castro's gang of criminals is growing stronger and the police decide to start secret preparations to eradicate them. Opposition is becoming more and more aggressive, and the failure of a series of cat-and-mouse operations has also made both the police and sensitive Costello aware of spies inside. Police and gangs washing the next big action is about to start, two undercover suffering from mental and physical have also embarked on the road.

Blood Diamond (Movie)[2006]

Feature: "Blood Diamond" story background is in the nineties of last century during the civil war. The protagonist Danny Archer is a former mercenary from Zimbabwe, and a fisherman with Solomon Vatican. It is such two people with different historical background and living environment should not have any intersection, their fate is closely linked by a rare powder diamond. And in Africa, such a diamond can indeed change one's life ... or end that person's life. Solomon was originally just an ordinary fisherman, but was in troubled times and forced by the rebels to take his family away from mining diamonds. Solomon discovered a rare pink diamond in the process of mining and risked hiding. He knew he would die if something was revealed. But in order to change the fate of his wives and daughters as refugees, he decided to take the risk. Insurgents found Solomon's possession of diamonds, gunning Solomon to hand over the diamonds. While Solomon was about to hand over diamonds, government forces attacked the diamond mines. Guards shot in the fall, Solomon picked up the machete, not far away, dug a small hole, the diamond buried in a small hole. Just buried a good diamond, it was captured by government forces. Danny is a thoroughly warmonger who makes a living by buying and selling diamonds and arms. When he was informed of Solomon's concealment of diamonds by being smuggled into jail for prison, he realized that this might be his only once in a lifetime's chance of escaping from Africa, forever free from this vicious cycle of violence and corruption. Danny bailed out himself and Solomon through friends, but Villefranche was captured by insurgents. After surviving, they began to search for diamonds, but this was not easy. Instead, he could only rely on the one-sided American journalist Mai Di BaoWen it. Tracy McGrady was an idealist and she came to Sierra Leone to uncover the dark curtain of the diamond trade and to find out the warlords who relied on diamonds to turn a blind eye on their lives. She wanted to use Danny as a clue to find the truth, but I do not know Danny need her more. Start trekking hard within rebel forces. Danny needs Solomon to take him to the diamond, but Solomon remembers something more precious than diamonds - his son.

Vennerforlivet (Movie)[2005]

Feature: One summer, Pitt, 12, and a remote farm on the peninsula of his family found that rural areas were not as boring as he imagined. He found an injured dog in the woods and took care of it carefully. The dog owner wanted to take the puppy away, but Pitt rescued the puppy with the help of Indian girl Nina and her bull Samson, and by the way.

The100GreatestMovieStars (Movie)[2003]

Feature: A national survey of the top 100 film actor2s in history, voted on by the British public

Gangs of New York (Movie)[2002]

Feature: More than a century ago in New York, corrupt politicians fought over the city's official leadership with unruly fanciful means. And in the suburbs of Manhattan five, Burberry, Paradise Square, Irish immigrants gangster "Rabbit" and "Local Party" flagrantly contends for possession of territory and everything that can be possessed by force ... Prius Velen (Liam Nissen), a veteran of the New York Gangster poster Rabbit Party, Party "and Daniel Butler, the butcher, and the younger son of the deceased, Leonardo DiCaprio, inherited the position of chieftain. Of course, after he took office, the first "sale" was to kill Bill and take revenge on his father. However, the battles between the gangs that have lasted for many years have caused the tumultuous between the two sides. The "Butcher" Bill is really a cold-blooded, murderous butcher, all of which make the revenge plan in Amsterdam very difficult. Seeing the female thief Jenny Ephédéan (Cameron Diatze) seems to make things appear turning point, her help gave Amsterdam new hope, and the two in the mutual cooperation, the use of gradually falling in love ...

cat mouse game (Movie)[2002]


The Cat and the Mouse game, also known as “Flawless”, tells Frank Abbagno, who is good at falsifying documents. When his parents divorced, he was under the blow when he was under 18 years old. He was alone and sad to start a fake cheque to cheat cash. Business. He succeeded once and for all. He made a total of $6 million worth of bad cheques in 50 US states and 28 countries around the world. He has become the youngest criminal on the list of wanted countries in the calendar year. Soon after, he faked the pilot and used it to take a senior plane and stay in a superior hotel. Later, he used a fake Harvard medical degree certificate to become an emergency doctor at a hospital in Georgia. There, he quickly fell in love with a caregiver named Breda, and then Frank Abbagno followed his girlfriend to her hometown of New Orleans. The father of Breda, the prosecutor, heard that Frank Abbagno had graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. He was very happy that his daughter had found such a boyfriend and arranged him as an assistant to the prosecutor. Frank Abagno was also satisfied with his current career, and just as he wanted to obtain Louisiana's legal qualification exam through his own efforts, the observant FBI investigator Joe Schafer stared. Fortunately, Frank Abbagno always first stepped in to protect himself with Joe Schafer, and teased Joe Schafer again and again with telephones and postcards. Interestingly, even though Frank Abbagno and Joe Schafer didn't admit it, they were strikingly similar: both like to spend a lonely Christmas on the phone and be alienated from their families. , And it seems that they all like this game of chase and being chased. Joe Schafer was sympathetic to Frank Abbagno, who had committed so many sins. He was not yet 20 years old, but Joe Schafer could not bear to be teased by him again and again. In the end, Frank Abagno finally did not escape the French Open.


The Beach (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Richard (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a young American who loves web surfing and adventure. One day, he came to Bangkok, Thailand, to find the paradise beach on the Internet. At a budget hotel, he met French girl Franoise (Virginie Ledoyen) and her boyfriend, and the three became friends, and soon Richard fell in love with Franoise. Richard got some weird secret from the weird bald guy, then bald man left a mysterious map and died unexpectedly, which aroused Richard's curiosity and tracked him as hell, convinced the beach did exist and began convincing Franoise and His boyfriend went with him to find the beach and copied a map of American friends who were otherwise acquainted to explore. Overcoming all these difficulties, the three of Richard's came to the suspected beach paradise, but with only large tracts of cannabis in front of them and Thai farmers with their guns, they finally walked into the dream paradise Of people in Sal (Tilda Swinton) band ...

David Blaine: Frozen in Time (TV) (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Tai Wu Si canal, hunger strike 44 days of the new era of magic king David Blaine. Around the ice gradually melted into water, less and less space and air ... ... all eyes and feet - only wearing shoes, jeans, magicians David · Brandon himself trapped in six tons of ice up to sixty One hour! David

NorthBeach (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Richard Richards, a U.S. journalist, traveled to Thailand for a vacation and accidentally got a mysterious map from the hotel. He then went on to look for the legendary paradise with a French couple who met on the way. There had been a group of pioneers who had formed communities in which they lived. They agreed with the local peasants who planted cannabis on the island to enjoy the pristine life and could not reveal the trail to the outside world. However, the lost map lured four men and women to take risks and peasants used violence to disperse their communities.

Celebrity (Movie)[1998]

Feature: Reporter Li's wife Luo Bin, often on the appearance of inferiority, and confused with the troubled Li, can only break up. Luo Bin think beauty salon consultation cosmetic surgery, but met the beauty salon interview television news director Dong Ni midday. Dong Ni praised Luo Bin for being beautiful, and both were in love at first sight. Dong Ni about her to attend the premiere, to see the United States to come Li, Luo Bin lost control temporarily. Li attended the class reunion, looking old age peers, Li filled with emotion, but also secretly glad that he looks fairly young. Sigh aside, Li also realized that years and months are not forgiven, secretly decided to leave the arena, to complete their desire to write a novel. Famous actor Brando de invited Li to talk about his script, but temporarily catch up with Brando hair mad insult his girlfriend, the hotel downtown dismay. After awake, Brando invited Li to the casino again. After some pornography and gambling were done, the cooperation between the two men was not negotiated yet. Li was even more determined to write the novel. Luo Bin took part in her family reunion with Luo Bin. Luo Bin still has some inferiority and does not believe her luck will be so good. Dong Bin invited Luo Bin to join her own production program. Luo Bin promised it, but at the beginning she still did not adapt to the fast-paced work of the TV station. Luo Bin, who has no confidence in herself, finds a prostitute who has experience in television and wants to learn techniques that make men happy. Girlfriend Bang Ni to move to Li's home to live together, just the night before, Li suddenly catch female actress Nuo La, so he of course rejected Bang Ni. Bang Ni furious, holding Li has finished the novel manuscript ran out of the house, so when Li caught up with her, she had put a page of the manuscript on the ferry into the sea, Li was very sad but helpless. Nuo La, an independent and modern personality, is not too happy with the envy of Li. Luo Bin worked very successfully on the television station and became the star host of the food show. She and Dong Ni's wedding will be held soon. Everything was perfect Luo Bin could not believe it, Luo Bin escaped the wedding scene, came to a divination room. At the premiere of the film Winding-up, Luo Bin became a celebrity, cheering with Dong Ni and meeting Li again. Accompanied by "Destiny," the film started, with a huge "HELP" in the skies on the screen.

The Man in the Iron Mask (Movie)[1998]

Feature: In 1643, following the collapse of King Louis XIII in France, Lu YiShiSi, who succeeded him, was arrogant, cruel and absurd. In order to occupy Cristis, Louis sent Leo, son of A SaSi, a former King's Guard, to the front. Leo's death provoked A SaSi's grief. In the meantime, Father Ai LaMiSi had a secret plan to rescued the mysterious prisoners with iron masks from his jail and managed to replace him with Louis and save the French people in the water and on fire. And this mysterious prisoner is Louis twin brother Philip. Ai LaMiSi's plan was backed by A SaSi and Bossas, both royal guards. However, current Royal Guard captain Da TaNa vowed to loyalist King Lu Yi Sihi. After Ai LaMiSi manages to rescue Philip, she plans to regain the throne for Phillip Philip at the royal masquerade party. However, Ai LaMiSi's actions were spotted by Da TaNa and were hunted down. Ai LaMiSi three due to outnumbered let Philip fall into the hand of Louis once again. Louis decided to re-enter the prison on the same time, Philip also ordered Da TaNa kill Ai LaMiSi. After Da TaNa learned that Philip was himself and her son, she decided to help Ai LaMiSi to rescue Philip. As they were soon out of prison with Philip, Louis arrived with a royal bodyguard. After a bloody rip, Da TaNa fell to Louis's sword for the protection of Philip, and Philip finally took back the throne from Louis with the help of the defending royal guards, bringing to the French people Hope

Marvins Room (Movie)[1996]

Feature: Middle-aged woman, Diane Keaton Diane Keaton, spent most of her life taking care of two elderly relatives: Marvin, the stricken father, and Ruth, her aunty temper. Now, Besi himself has blood cancer, the only hope of survival is that some of the next of kin to provide bone marrow. Helpless Bessie had to contact with sister, Meryl Streep Meryl Streep, who had no contact for 20 years. Lee was a single mother and she did not want to meet with Bessie, but thought she could use her son to return to his hometown in Florida for the time being, leaving aside the havoc caused by his son Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio. My sister just met the mood is not bad, but over time, all the unpleasant past and began to cause trouble. Hank and lived in a mental hospital do not want to do bone marrow tests, hurt Bercy's heart. Later, Hank's relationship with Bessie miraculously improved, and to restore the affection between the two sisters ...

Titanic (Movie)[1996]

Feature: On April 15, 1912, Titanic, the deluxe ship carrying 1316 passengers and 891 crew members, sunk in a collision with an iceberg, considered one of the ten catastrophes of the 20th century. In 1985, the remains of the Titanic's wreck were found half a mile and a half beneath the North Atlantic. American explorer Lovett dived into the sea and saw a picture on the walls of the cabin. The discovery by Los Angeles promptly caused an elderly woman People's attention. The 102-year-old Rose claims she is the girl in the painting, and in the diving cabin Rose begins her story. On April 10, 1912, the Titanic, known as the miracle in the history of the world industry, departed from Southampton, England, to New York, United States. The rich girl Rose joined her mother and her fiancé Ka Er on board. On the other side, Young artist Jie Ke won the ticket by leaning on a gamble on the pier. Rose had long seen that Ka Er was a very snobbish villain, who would not marry him from the bottom of his heart and even planned to surrender. At a crucial moment, Jie Ke hugged girl Rose, the two young people to meet each other. In order to resolve the sorrow in her heart, Jie Ke brings Rose to constantly discover the joy of life. Soon, beautiful and lively Rose loves to be handsome and cheerful Jie Ke. Rose took off her clothes and took Ka Er to send her a necklace to show Jie Ke a portrait of her as a testimony of their love. The Titanic crashed into the iceberg when they were having sex. The tragedy of tragedy took place. The Titanic was in turmoil. In crisis, the goodness and ugliness, the nobleness and the meanness of human nature were all the more clear. Jie Ke gave the opportunity to survive lover Rose, himself was frozen to death in the ice sea. After the old age of the Rose finished this love of mourning heaven and earth, the string of priceless jewelery sink into the sea, let it accompany Jie Ke and this love to sleep in the sea.

The Basketball Diaries (Movie)[1995]

Feature: Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio, a Catholic school high school student, is also one of New York's best high school teams. He and the team the other three players all day long mixed together, truancy, medicine, theft, fighting, their youth wanton squandered in the streets of New York. Jim records his life in the Basketball Diary. Subsequently, Jim's best friend, Bobby, died of leukemia, which dealt a heavy blow to Jim. Because of a "surprise" at New Joan, Jim started to touch psychedelic drugs and soon he was addicted to drugs. Lack of communication with his mother, the school godfather simple and rude education, team coaches sexual harassment, all this Jim let go deeper and deeper. Every time the drug addiction attacks, they will do their utmost to buy drug money, Jim falls into the abyss. ... The film is based on autobiographical novel by author and musician Jim Carlo.

Pilotinnen (Movie)[1995]

Feature: The dream of a different life: two drifters, off to see the world. An older and a younger woman are driving across the country in West Germany for a perfume company. But they have enough of their daily routine. So they decide to take their life in their own hands. They become robbers to realize their dreams: a place in Bali or an apartment in Paris. Christian Petzold's perfect ...

Romeo & Juliet (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Luo MiOu and Zhu LiYe love at a party at first sight, this party is to celebrate Zhu LiYe found a wish Langjun. However, their respective families are adversaries and clashes often occur. Luo MiOu sneaked into the backyard of Zhu LiYe's home. They exchanged their loving emotions. They were secretly married with the help of the priest because they knew they were obstacles. Zhu LiYe's cousin Ti BoErTe is a grumpy guy who wants to duel with Luo MiOu Luo MiOu just want peace, Luo MiOu friend Mo GuXiu want to kill Ti BoErTe, but was killed by Ti BoErTe, Luo MiOu fury Ti BoErTe also killed. Luo MiOu was deported and Zhu LiYe wanted to remarry him. The priest plotted Zhu LiYe's death, but Luo MiOu, who did not receive the letter, took it for granted and drank poison when Zhu LiYe woke up.

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape (Movie)[1993]

Feature: Because she could not face the fact that her husband committed suicide, the mother of Johnny Depp kept eating, causing the weight to skyrocket to 600 pounds and was hard to act. Gilbert's mentally handicapped brother Leoni (Leonardo DiCaprio) was diagnosed as a doctor by the age of 10 but was about to turn 18, but the youngest sister, Ellen, was in rebellious adolescence. The whole family's livelihood and the daily life of Ani became Gilbert's life all, my sister is his only helper. Travel around, lively Betty (Juliette Lewis) passing the town, and Gilbert love at first sight, they soon immersed in sweet love. Beiqi's passion for life also made Gilbert realize gradually that besides his family, he should have his own pursuit in his life. Ani is about to have her eighteenth birthday. This is my mother's last wish. When all this is done, Gilbert can have a different sky.

This Boys Life (Movie)[1993]

Feature: Encounter adversity, as long as willing to take another step, everything will suddenly see the sea of ​​brighter future. Confirming these few words is a pair of mother and child, potter and mother jialun Peng dependencies. Julia lotus was abandoned by her husband, but she is optimistic nature, she see cohabitation boyfriend wrong, they take with the pottery away, to a new life. Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jack in the play. After his parents divorced, he followed his mother. Mother was optimistic, but the society was cruel. Jack lacked care and control, and made poor friendships. But he loves his mother very much, and he does not like to live like a bully. Later, his mother met Dwight, looks polite Dwight deceived Jack's mother, so she thought she found a good man. When they got married, Jack's mother discovered that Dwight was actually a selfish, madman, temper tantrum. Jack in his intimidation and threats began to try cautious and polite life. He went to the newspaper to work, but the money was taken away by his stepfather Dwight. Jack later relies on his own strength, admitted to higher education, and also received a scholarship, is about to start leaving the nightmarish Concord life. And Dwight, who heard the news, was furious, beating Jack and trying to strangle him. Jack's mother heard Jack yell and bravely picked up the weapon to fight the nightmare pigs and dogs. Then with Jack left that sad place.

Critters (Movie)[1986]

Feature: Part one: On the other galactic planet, a jailbreaking operation is underway in the highest security prison. Several death rowers came to the earth. These stooped beasts are bloody animals, especially Like human flesh. Part II: Two years ago, the alien hunter wiped out the magic essence of the earth that fled the earth. The magic eggs that survived two years later were made into Easter eggs by unidentified townspeople. Small magic species have broken the shell out of the sun, mouth and mouth will eat dogs and cats, the town becomes bloody everywhere, like a ghost town. This time, the alien hunters will rescue them again, or the destruction of the human population, disappeared from the map? Part 3: A single-parent family had to stay on the roadside due to a car bombing during the return journey after the holidays. When the siblings and a group of children were playing nearby, strange strangers were given warnings. Back on the road, my sister found that after the town mentioned by weirdo, it is also "magic essence" had ravaged the town. Originally inadvertently, they bring the devil egg back to the city's home, the terrorist "magic essence" again to kill it? Part IV: Bounty Hunter Charlie prepared to destroy the last magic eggs, suddenly told to put the devil eggs collected by the Galaxy parliament collector. Charlie full of grievances was accidentally shut in the collector to fly into space. Half a century later, a spacecraft in space accidentally captured this collector, which will be the hatch of magic eggs? Charlie Hunter Charlie and "magic essence" decisive battle?

TheManintheIronMask (Movie)[1985]

Feature: In 1643, following the collapse of King Louis XIII in France, Lu YiShiSi, who succeeded him, was arrogant, cruel and absurd. In order to occupy Cristis, Louis sent Leo, son of A SaSi, a former King's Guard, to the front. Leo's death provoked A SaSi's grief. In the meantime, Father Ai LaMiSi had a secret plan to rescued the mysterious prisoners with iron masks from his jail and managed to replace him with Louis and save the French people in the water and on fire. And this mysterious prisoner is Louis twin brother Philip. Ai LaMiSi's plan was backed by A SaSi and Bossas, both royal guards. However, current Royal Guard captain Da TaNa vowed to loyalist King Lu Yi Sihi. After Ai LaMiSi manages to rescue Philip, she plans to regain the throne for Phillip Philip at the royal masquerade party. However, Ai LaMiSi's actions were spotted by Da TaNa and were hunted down. Ai LaMiSi three due to outnumbered let Philip fall into the hand of Louis once again. Louis decided to re-enter the prison on the same time, Philip also ordered Da TaNa kill Ai LaMiSi. After Da TaNa learned that Philip was himself and her son, she decided to help Ai LaMiSi to rescue Philip. As they were soon out of prison with Philip, Louis arrived with a royal bodyguard. After a bloody rip, Da TaNa fell to Louis's sword for the protection of Philip, and Philip finally took back the throne from Louis with the help of the defending royal guards, bringing to the French people Hope

GrowingPains (TV)[1985]

Feature: Stills The drama focuses on the everyday life of The Seavers living in Long Island, New York. It was the first overseas sitcom introduced in mainland China and was broadcast in China from 1990 to 1994. In the early 1990's, a television broadcast culminated in its broadcast. The cheerful and naughty image of Mike was loved by the audience. The style of heuristics taught by the West Buddhists to their children also gives the audience an enlightenment. Of course, that does not mean we can find their home at this address. In fact, the show was filmed in California. "Growing troubles" The family portrait "Growing troubles" is the sitcom with the highest ratings in the United States from 1985 to 1992. It is still playing on China's TV screen. West Buddha family open-minded character to the audience left an unforgettable impression. The play's cast has been producer Michael Sullivan as "A-line team." As the representative home-grown sitcom of the 1980s, Growing Trouble successfully showed us the happy life of a multi-child family in the American suburbs. Photograph of Growing Trouble started in 1985 and ended in 1992. The earliest by the United States radio and television company in September 24, 1985 began screening. The real shot version of "Growing Trouble" undoubtedly has some difference from the original script, which is caused by the improvisation of the actor, and as a sitcom, he does not always keep his laughable features, even interspersed with a few episodes Tragedy, however, did not prevent it from becoming one of the most popular television shows of the time. In any case, it is a very successful TV series, not only in the United States set a record of ratings, but also exported several countries, and even around it after the development of television sitcoms. TV drama "troubles growing up" stills (2) Since the domestic version of the Shanghai TV station after the translation, the troubles of growth continue to broadcast in television stations across the country, it is not only welcomed by primary and secondary students, but also greatly affected by college students and young people People's love, it should be said that the growth of the troubles accompanied by a generation of growth. Play history: "growing troubles" produced by Warner Bros., the first show in the American Broadcasting Corporation. It's shooting history is divided into seven sections, a total of 166 sets. Growing Trouble has a large audience, and according to the survey, its ratings peaked in 1987 and 1988, making it fifth in the nation's "Most Popular Television." After the various television stations in the United States broadcast, "Growing Pains" have also been exported to countries all over the world, such as Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, France, China, Japan and other countries. In France it was translated as "what happened, doctor? "Broadcast in the French country two, in Japan it was translated as" a happy family ", Taiwan's" happy family "...... Synopsis:The Troubles of Growth tells the story of a Seaver family living in the suburbs of the United States, perhaps more appropriately with the word "urban suburbs." They live on the outskirts of New York City, where their father, Jason Seaver, is a psychiatrist and mother, Maggie Seaver, a journalist who has three children: Mike, Carol and Ben. At the beginning of the story, Maggie Recyclers started to work, and Jason opened his psychiatric clinic at home. A series of interesting stories took place. However, later, with the development of the plot, there are some changes in the plot and new actors to join.

SaturdayNightLive (TV)[1975]

Feature: The original title of the program was NBC's Saturday Night until NBC changed its name in 1976 (the name of the weekend night scene is synonymous with the short-lived show name of ABC during the same period until the show is stopped Broadcast, NBC only use this name). The first episode was renamed on March 26, 1977. Saturday Night Live referred to as SNL, the Chinese translation of "Saturday Night Live" is a piece of NBC television has broadcast the 40th variety show. Many famous comedians are playing SNL background, such as Chris Rock, Will Ferrel, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers, Adam Sandler these well-known comedians were former SNL card division, the very popular Tina Fey and Amy Poehler also started by SNL, with their own episodes. Tina Fey is even the first female writer in SNL's 30-year history. Her 30 Rock is SNL background. SNL biggest feature is the combination of the most hot topic of the moment, with spoof of sketch to pinpoint current affairs, you can see it as a mirror of pop culture. As the SNL broadcast time later, so the scale will be slightly larger than the average US drama, spoof jokes never lack of topic. Every episode SNL has a performance guest and a music guest. Performing guests will participate in the performance of small pieces, often able to see the guests a different side, and this comedy show is also the touchstone of his acting. The musicians are usually popular singers, will perform live performances.

Masquedefer, Le (Movie)[1962]

Feature: In 1661, the death of Prime Minister Maastricht, the French King Louis XIV began to charge the government. However, he is extremely luxurious and very belligerent. Although his achievements are outstanding, his life is also in trouble. At that time, only Satanant, a loyal swordsman who loyal to his father, was dead for his life. The other three swordsmen, Alami, Atos and Portal, had already retired. Louis XIV took a fancy to the son of Atos Raoul's fiancee Christine. In order to occupy the beauties, the king sent Raoul on the battlefield, soon came the news of the fall of Raoul. Atos swallowed this tone and the other two old partners to discuss the timing of avenge remembered a man, that is, Louis XIV's twin brother Phillip, he was born a few minutes later than his brother, for many years was forced to wear Iron mask live a life of isolation. Now, he is going out of the mountains ... In the mid-17th century AD, the French court was replaced by the younger generation, with the young and handsome Louis XIV (Leonardo DiCaprio) as a desolate, tyrannical monarch. All over the country complained, the riots continued, Louis never had the slightest introspection and convergence. At this very moment, the once-successful Musketeers were settled, but Louis designed and killed Raoul, the son of John Duarte, John Malkovich John Malkovich, occupying Raoul's fiancee, forcing A LaMiSi, Jeremy Irons), Bo ErDuoSi (Gérard Depardieu Gérard Depardieu), A DuoSi picked up the sword that had been on hold for years, plotting to overthrow Louis's tyranny. In the absence of a former friend, the royal guerrilla Da ErDa NiiYang (Gabriel Byrne Gabriel Byrne), the Musketeers found the real identity of Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio, a prisoner with iron mask, from prison Turned out to be Louis's twin brother! They tried to replace Louis with Phillip, a dangerous game of unprecedented hitches, and the fate of tens of millions of people ... The continuation of this story continued after a century and a half ago when the French writer wrote "" (also translated as "") Emerging, including "" the most popular, especially by the film industry's favor. The earliest Chinese audience to see the "Iron Man" is the English version of 1977, starring, the director was later shot "". Of the boss Lindsey. Touraine "brave heart" and other historical themes inspired by the success of the film, from its United Artists company's library out of the earliest "Iron Man", decided to use this as a model to create A costume legendary giant, and invited "" screenwriter as director. Although directed for the first time, Wallace shot extraordinary, he mobilized the stars of the United States, Britain and France, went to the suburbs of Paris Aparon Studios, all shots were conducted in a confidential state. The Man in the Iron Mask is a history and action film made in 1998 by Britain and the United States. The film's producer and screenwriter is.The characters in the movie come from the romantic trilogy of French writers, some of which are very similar. Its storyline is somewhat similar to the 1939 version of the Iron Man movie. Although the film suffered some negative reviews, it received only 33% of the reviews on the site, but made good on the box office. The music for the film was Nick Glennie-Smith, a figure skater who used the film's music at the 2002 Winter Olympics as the music for her performance and won the title. The content of the movie is different from that of the novel. And the content of the movie is completely out of line with historical facts, for example, the movie has been in 1662, but in fact the Versailles was built from 1664 onwards.

The Man in the Iron Mask (Movie)[1961]

Feature: In 1661, the death of Prime Minister Maastricht, the French King Louis XIV began to charge the government. However, he is extremely luxurious and very belligerent. Although his achievements are outstanding, his life is also in trouble. At that time, only Satanant, a loyal swordsman who loyal to his father, was dead for his life. The other three swordsmen, Alami, Atos and Portal, had already retired. Louis XIV took a fancy to the son of Atos Raoul's fiancee Christine. In order to occupy the beauties, the king sent Raoul on the battlefield, soon came the news of the fall of Raoul. Atos swallowed this tone and the other two old partners to discuss the timing of avenge remembered a man, that is, Louis XIV's twin brother Phillip, he was born a few minutes later than his brother, for many years was forced to wear Iron mask live a life of isolation. Now, he is going out of the mountains ... In the mid-17th century AD, the French court was replaced by the younger generation, with the young and handsome Louis XIV (Leonardo DiCaprio) as a desolate, tyrannical monarch. All over the country complained, the riots continued, Louis never had the slightest introspection and convergence. At this very moment, the once-successful Musketeers were settled, but Louis designed and killed Raoul, the son of John Duarte, John Malkovich John Malkovich, occupying Raoul's fiancee, forcing A LaMiSi, Jeremy Irons), Bo ErDuoSi (Gérard Depardieu Gérard Depardieu), A DuoSi picked up the sword that had been on hold for years, plotting to overthrow Louis's tyranny. In the absence of a former friend, the royal guerrilla Da ErDa NiiYang (Gabriel Byrne Gabriel Byrne), the Musketeers found the real identity of Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio, a prisoner with iron mask, from prison Turned out to be Louis's twin brother! They tried to replace Louis with Phillip, a dangerous game of unprecedented hitches, and the fate of tens of millions of people ... The continuation of this story continued after a century and a half ago when the French writer wrote "" (also translated as "") Emerging, including "" the most popular, especially by the film industry's favor. The earliest Chinese audience to see the "Iron Man" is the English version of 1977, starring, the director was later shot "". Of the boss Lindsey. Touraine "brave heart" and other historical themes inspired by the success of the film, from its United Artists company's library out of the earliest "Iron Man", decided to use this as a model to create A costume legendary giant, and invited "" screenwriter as director. Although directed for the first time, Wallace shot extraordinary, he mobilized the stars of the United States, Britain and France, went to the suburbs of Paris Aparon Studios, all shots were conducted in a confidential state. The Man in the Iron Mask is a history and action film made in 1998 by Britain and the United States. The film's producer and screenwriter is.The characters in the movie come from the romantic trilogy of French writers, some of which are very similar. Its storyline is somewhat similar to the 1939 version of the Iron Man movie. Although the film suffered some negative reviews, it received only 33% of the reviews on the site, but made good on the box office. The music for the film was Nick Glennie-Smith, a figure skater who used the film's music at the 2002 Winter Olympics as the music for her performance and won the title. The content of the movie is different from that of the novel. And the content of the movie is completely out of line with historical facts, for example, the movie has been in 1662, but in fact the Versailles was built from 1664 onwards.

Yihuajiemu (Movie)[1957]

Feature: Luo MiOu and Zhu LiYe love at a party at first sight, this party is to celebrate Zhu LiYe found a wish Langjun. However, their respective families are adversaries and clashes often occur. Luo MiOu sneaked into the backyard of Zhu LiYe's home. They exchanged their loving emotions. They were secretly married with the help of the priest because they knew they were obstacles. Zhu LiYe's cousin Ti BoErTe is a grumpy guy who wants to duel with Luo MiOu Luo MiOu just want peace, Luo MiOu friend Mo GuXiu want to kill Ti BoErTe, but was killed by Ti BoErTe, Luo MiOu fury Ti BoErTe also killed. Luo MiOu was deported and Zhu LiYe wanted to remarry him. The priest plotted Zhu LiYe's death, but Luo MiOu, who did not receive the letter, took it for granted and drank poison when Zhu LiYe woke up.

The Great Gatsby (Movie)[1949]

Feature: Ni Ke, an unnamed writer, came to New York City from his hometown in the Midwest just next to his residence in the exclusive Gai CiBi mansion. There is a grand banquet here every night. Ni Ke met Gai CiBi and was very interested in exploring Gai CiBi. The result of the inquiry is: Ni Ke understands that there is something in the heart of Gai CiBi. Gai CiBi, a young man who was not wealthy, was a major military officer. He fell in love with a girl named Dai Qian, Dai Qian also gave him a bell. Later, World War I broke out and Gai CiBi was transferred to Europe. Incidentally, but inevitably, Dai Qian broke up with him and turned to Tang Mu, a widow who was born into a wealthy family. Dai Qian married life is not happy, because Tang Mu another mistress. Satisfaction of materialism does not fill Daisy's spiritual emptiness. Gai CiBi suffered so much anguish that he firmly believed that it was money that made Dai Qian betray the chastity of his soul and determined to become a rich man. A few years later, Gai CiBi finally succeeded. He built a building across from the Dai Qian mansion. Gai CiBi spends a lot of money, night flute, bent to cause Dai Qian's attention, in order to restore the lost love. Touched by her infatuation, Gai CiBi, Ni Ke paid a visit to Dai Qian, a distant cousin who never contacted, and conveyed her the heart of Gai CiBi. Dai Qian always teases when meeting with Gai CiBi. Gai CiBi drowsily listen to her mercy, and naively think that period of love had the desired outcome. However, the real tragedy was quietly started at this time. Dai Qian is no longer the old Dai Qian. Dai Qian, however, used the warmth of her relationship as an incentive. Ni Ke finally aware of, but it is too late. Once Dai Qian drove in a state of distraughtness, but died of her husband's mistress. Gai CiBi assumed the responsibility of driving Dai Qian, but Dai Qian has decided to abandon Gai CiBi. Under Tang Mu's provocations, her mistress's husband shot and killed Gai CiBi. Gai CiBi eventually became a victim completely. Gai CiBi did not find the mocking smile on Dai Qian until death. The tragedy of Gai CiBi is that he dedicated everything to the beautiful dream he weaves, and Dai Qian, as his ideal incarnation, has only a beautiful body. Although Daisy has long been faithless, although he clearly heard "her voice full of money", but still not change their mind, stubbornly pursue to revisit the old dream. People are funeral for Gai CiBi, while Dai Qian and her husband are already traveling in Europe at this time. No love finally got a knot. Ni Ke has witnessed the illusory and profound feelings of human reality and is deeply distasteful. Therefore, with a tragic mood, he is far away from the noisy, indifferent, empty and fake metropolis to his hometown.

The man in the iron mask (Movie)[1939]

Feature: In 1643, following the collapse of King Louis XIII in France, Lu YiShiSi, who succeeded him, was arrogant, cruel and absurd. In order to occupy Cristis, Louis sent Leo, son of A SaSi, a former King's Guard, to the front. Leo's death provoked A SaSi's grief. In the meantime, Father Ai LaMiSi had a secret plan to rescued the mysterious prisoners with iron masks from his jail and managed to replace him with Louis and save the French people in the water and on fire. And this mysterious prisoner is Louis twin brother Philip. Ai LaMiSi's plan was backed by A SaSi and Bossas, both royal guards. However, current Royal Guard captain Da TaNa vowed to loyalist King Lu Yi Sihi. After Ai LaMiSi manages to rescue Philip, she plans to regain the throne for Phillip Philip at the royal masquerade party. However, Ai LaMiSi's actions were spotted by Da TaNa and were hunted down. Ai LaMiSi three due to outnumbered let Philip fall into the hand of Louis once again. Louis decided to re-enter the prison on the same time, Philip also ordered Da TaNa kill Ai LaMiSi. After Da TaNa learned that Philip was himself and her son, she decided to help Ai LaMiSi to rescue Philip. As they were soon out of prison with Philip, Louis arrived with a royal bodyguard. After a bloody rip, Da TaNa fell to Louis's sword for the protection of Philip, and Philip finally took back the throne from Louis with the help of the defending royal guards, bringing to the French people Hope

TheIronMask (Movie)[1929]

Feature: In 1661, the death of Prime Minister Maastricht, the French King Louis XIV began to charge the government. However, he is extremely luxurious and very belligerent. Although his achievements are outstanding, his life is also in trouble. At that time, only Satanant, a loyal swordsman who loyal to his father, was dead for his life. The other three swordsmen, Alami, Atos and Portal, had already retired. Louis XIV took a fancy to the son of Atos Raoul's fiancee Christine. In order to occupy the beauties, the king sent Raoul on the battlefield, soon came the news of the fall of Raoul. Atos swallowed this tone and the other two old partners to discuss the timing of avenge remembered a man, that is, Louis XIV's twin brother Phillip, he was born a few minutes later than his brother, for many years was forced to wear Iron mask live a life of isolation. Now, he is going out of the mountains ... In the mid-17th century AD, the French court was replaced by the younger generation, with the young and handsome Louis XIV (Leonardo DiCaprio) as a desolate, tyrannical monarch. All over the country complained, the riots continued, Louis never had the slightest introspection and convergence. At this very moment, the once-successful Musketeers were settled, but Louis designed and killed Raoul, the son of John Duarte, John Malkovich John Malkovich, occupying Raoul's fiancee, forcing A LaMiSi, Jeremy Irons), Bo ErDuoSi (Gérard Depardieu Gérard Depardieu), A DuoSi picked up the sword that had been on hold for years, plotting to overthrow Louis's tyranny. In the absence of a former friend, the royal guerrilla Da ErDa NiiYang (Gabriel Byrne Gabriel Byrne), the Musketeers found the real identity of Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio, a prisoner with iron mask, from prison Turned out to be Louis's twin brother! They tried to replace Louis with Phillip, a dangerous game of unprecedented hitches, and the fate of tens of millions of people ... The continuation of this story continued after a century and a half ago when the French writer wrote "" (also translated as "") Emerging, including "" the most popular, especially by the film industry's favor. The earliest Chinese audience to see the "Iron Man" is the English version of 1977, starring, the director was later shot "". Of the boss Lindsey. Touraine "brave heart" and other historical themes inspired by the success of the film, from its United Artists company's library out of the earliest "Iron Man", decided to use this as a model to create A costume legendary giant, and invited "" screenwriter as director. Although directed for the first time, Wallace shot extraordinary, he mobilized the stars of the United States, Britain and France, went to the suburbs of Paris Aparon Studios, all shots were conducted in a confidential state. The Man in the Iron Mask is a history and action film made in 1998 by Britain and the United States. The film's producer and screenwriter is.The characters in the movie come from the romantic trilogy of French writers, some of which are very similar. Its storyline is somewhat similar to the 1939 version of the Iron Man movie. Although the film suffered some negative reviews, it received only 33% of the reviews on the site, but made good on the box office. The music for the film was Nick Glennie-Smith, a figure skater who used the film's music at the 2002 Winter Olympics as the music for her performance and won the title. The content of the movie is different from that of the novel. And the content of the movie is completely out of line with historical facts, for example, the movie has been in 1662, but in fact the Versailles was built from 1664 onwards.

TheDevilintheWhiteCity (Movie)[0]

Feature: In 1892, during the World Expo, Dr. Holmes murdered 27 people, including his own pregnant wife, in a self-built hotel near the Expo Site. In fact, there should be not less than 200 people speculation - and even a corollary of this figure is as high as 230 people. Given the then missing population report, there is some truth in forming such a huge figure. First, there were a lot of food or no meals at that time Feeding people to see the World Expo, compared to the Shanghai World Expo sensation, we know what's going on. And for a variety of reasons, these people all disappeared in the end. The only official affirmative is the number 27, although police believe it has failed to help investigate the exact number of deaths from bodies and ashes that were severely damaged in the basement. Holmes victims are mostly single young women, of course, including individual and.

Gangs of New York (Movie)[0]

Feature: The movie was set between 1846 and 1863, a story about how Irish and Italian gangs took root and fought in New York. A MuSiTeLang (a) is the son of Wa Long, head of the "Rabbit Party" gang, a gang of Irish immigrants who, following the murder of his father, launched his revenge on the indigenous helper "Tu FuBiEr". In order to complete the cause of revenge, he chose to have temporary patience and disguise. He joined the gang of "Tu FuBiEr", once again played a mafia life, but this time he embraced his own father-in-law. A MuSiTeLang got the help of the female thief Jenny - Eph Dion () and gradually found her chance of approaching "Tu FuBiEr". However, the closer she was to her, the more contradictory and confused she was. He saw all the crimes of "Tu FuBiEr" and sympathized with those who had been victimized. However, he found that even if the individual was to be killed, immigrants and all those who were persecuted would not be able to live a stable life because "Tu FuBiEr "represents not only he personally and a gang, the rogue politician behind the powerful political assistance. The purpose of a simple revenge for the father led to a collective resistance to freedom and equality.

Nurse (Movie)[0]

Feature: Famous Hollywood movie star in the famous science fiction blockbuster "Alien" as a cute little girl songti, and in the "want to wave" in one, the audience to see Barrymore is no longer a Little girl, she has grown into a mature and sexy big Yannv. Qian Wei is a rebellious wealthy woman, met by chance by a very different from their own Avril, her warm and open manner and unique mystique so that Sivi was shocked by curiosity driven her Become friends with her. Due to the fate of the meeting, Ivy lived in the family, but since then the disaster, his father was tempted to devastation Avril, the mother died of bizarre fall. Lily from his hometown to Los Angeles to study, admitted to the student dormitory to see the death of Avril Diary, because of their lack of confidence for the diary in the bold hypotheses, looking forward to become beautiful and attractive girl, deal with classmate Ge Ding and professor , Resulting in hostility between the two, so that the professor's marriage was destroyed, and later Professor died falling down, Lily finally realized that there is no need to unconventional and Ge Ding rebuilt old good. The film's protagonist is Avril's sister Fan Ou Li (Jimmy Presley's ornaments), misconduct, she went to visit good friend Josie's home, in retaliation 11 years ago, a betrayal, where Ou Li Li began to use the United States Color and means, there is a planned temptation to Joe's father and boyfriend ... ... Shortly after, Joes entire family are caught in panic and scams, where all the revenge program Ou Li, causing fatal consequences. DANIELLE still decides to leave the small town she has been living in for a while after a student mysterious death at the prestigious New England University. This innocent country girl who decided to start a new life out of the shadow of her parents' death passed away and DANIELLE knew that she had to flee the past to find out the ultimate truth of the matter.

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