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Yalin Gao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yalin Gao Works 49 ,And Feature 17 ,Comedy 16 ,Family drama 7 ,Romance 6 ,Urban drama 4 ,Love 4 ,Costume Drama 4 ,情景3 ,Contemporary film 3 ,Sitcom 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Action 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Suspense 2 ,纪实1 ,家庭教育类情景喜剧1 ,Youth drama 1 ,都市情景喜剧1 ,Family ethics 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,当代军事题材1 ,Military 1 ,少儿1 ,Year 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,军旅题材1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,检察1 ,Countryside 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Terror 1 ,Music 1 ,Child 1 。

Works Index

Yalin Gao Filmography(49)


A Little Red Flower (Movie)[2020]

Feature: 一个声称能“看见未来”的患癌男孩韦一航,遇见了一个相信“平行世界”的患癌女孩马小远,在深夜的露台上,两人遥望夜空,展开了对各自所向往的美好世界的描述。 影片围绕两个抗癌家庭的两组生活轨迹展开,讲述了一个温情的现实故事,思考和直面了每一个普通人都会面临的终极问题——想象死亡随时可能到来,我们唯一要做的就是爱和珍惜。

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


First Army Inn (TV)[2018]

Feature: The play combines the present social background of the re-establishment of the veterans and the integration of civilians and civilians, and tells the story of Shi Taotao, a soldier of the Air Force's military class, who founded and ran a pub with his old comrades to open a new chapter in his life. The play has a light comedy style, with a strong atmosphere of the times, reflecting the social outlook, describing the warmth of the world, and at the same time characterizes the exceptional quality of veterans and the lifelike artistic image of the special group. Veteran veterans have implemented militarized management, according to the division of duty at work, after work, according to the original army level management. They showed their courage and workmanship and experienced various difficulties in starting a business. They have gained new gains in their careers and emotions. Veterans finally became veterans style inn "night canteen", become a business card for urban tourism, re-establish their own ventures veterans to break a new road. This drama will be the military style and urban life perfect fusion of character clear character, rich storyline, emotional touching, is a rare earth, can give the audience a sense of bringing into play the comedy.

In the name of people (TV)[2017]

Feature: When a project director of a state ministries and commissions was reported to have received bribes of tens of millions, Hou Liangping, director of the Investigation Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, came to the search to see what he saw as a simple and honest old peasant with a simple, In the rude old house to eat noodles. While the mask of the corrupt elements was finally ripped apart, Ding Yi Zhen, deputy mayor of the capital city of Jingzhou in Hantong, a province of Han Dong province closely tied to the case, was assisted by the secret agent of a mysterious figure Reconnaissance methods to escape the French in exile. The case trail ends up in the fight for equity of a typhoon garment factory in Han Dong Province led by the Guangming Lake project in Beijing. However, the various political forces implicated in it are complicated and confusing. Chen Hai, director of anti-corruption bureau of Han Dong Procuratorate, suffered a bizarre car accident in the investigation. In order to complete the unfinished business of those same year students, capable and capable Hou LiangPing was appointed to take over the unfinished business of Chen Hai. In the political scene in Han Dong Province, "Politics and Law Department" represented by Gao YuLiang, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee of Han Dong Province, "Secretary Gang" phase represented by Li DaKang, member of Standing Committee of Han Dong Province and secretary of Jingzhou Municipal Committee For many years, regardless of Xuan 轾. The arrival of Sha Rui Jin, the new provincial party secretary, is destined to break this balance of politics and bring a new flavor to the reform in Han province. People's name poster

WitchDoctor (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Chen YongLin (Patrick Tam (actor)) is a counselor who lives and works in Thailand. On this day he hosted a Chinese man named Sha Qing (Yulai Lu). Sha Qing is honest and honest, totally different from the boss and colleagues who have fun in their spare time. Not long ago, he met Xing Xiao, a vulgar Thai girl who quickly fell in love and quietly held a wedding without notifying anyone. However, a few things happened that made Sha Qing feel bewildered. Occasionally seeing Xing Xiao's boss and colleagues seemed to mistaken her for a nightclub girl who had ever had a relationship. Xing Xiao denies and does nothing. Sha Qing is in his throat. He even dreamed that the boss was killed in the streets at night. Soon after, the boss was really mysteriously missing, and the spirit of Sha Qing almost collapsed as though he did not seem to understand his wife anymore ...

Number one ex-wife (TV)[2016]

Feature: Lin DuoYu, Ji Qin, Yan Ying are university classmates. They once had happiness separately. However, they were all in their thirties. Marriage was a problem because of their notions of life, children and values. Lin DuoYu and her ex-husband ignored the communication of affection, leaving them unfamiliar with their career. Ji Qin's ex-husband did not understand the relationship between widowed mother and wife, and she had a wife-in-law conflict at home. Yan Ying Child, her husband derailed, divorced, she and her ex-husband's feelings linger. Three "ex-wife" experienced the storm, but also achieved growth. For them, the most sad than the former wife of this identity, but it is this identity who made them. They tenaciously walked out of the predicament of ego denial brought by the failure of marriage and actively started a new life: Lin DuoYu regained her understanding with her elder husband and her elders; Yan Ying and her ex-husband were facing each other's unfulfilled feelings and working together Solve problems; Ji Qin also found the existence value as a career woman. Faced with the heavy blow of life, they recovered the happiness & nbsp ;.

Our best ten years (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jiang YiBo and Ma Ya have been childhood children, but Ma Ya doubts whether this is love or affection. Ma Ya met a young Fan Yang who was six years old. During her stormy and rampaging assault, the passion she had been depressing in Ma Ya's heart was inspired. The two men stole the account to register for marriage and were "low-keyed in the dormitory "Married. Fan Yang grew rapidly, and he started to make progress. However, Fan Yang's longing for a better life turned out to be a stubborn one that eventually brought himself to a prison. In the meantime, Jiang YiBo and Cong XiangXiang got involved and eventually got married, but this reluctant marriage is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The fate of the three horses, Fan and Jiang fluctuated, but fortunately everything is moving in a beautiful direction. Ma Ya and Fan Yang compound, and pregnant with twins. Jiang YiBo, who had lost Cong XiangXiang, finally knew what Cong XiangXiang meant to himself, and both returned to good ones. 2013 New Year's Eve, two children, three generations of people waiting for the New Year's bell sounded & nbsp ;.

Diet men and women (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the first season, Ma LiAo, the proprietress of the verge of collapse, and Gao Tian, ​​the owner of the dating site, took the opportunity to transform the restaurant into a theme restaurant called "Food Men and Women" with a blind date, becoming a designated place for dating and dating , Of course, the restaurant also continue to improve specialties to attract food-loving diners. At this time, the proprietress that was full of small problems Ma Yang suddenly asked to come back and remarried, the owner temporarily promised him to stay, but the repeat of the wedding would not work. Ma Yang shall not be exposed to the relationship with her proprietress under the confidentiality agreement between the two parties, shall not interfere in the operation of the restaurant and shall only temporarily hold her residence as chef. However, Ma LiAo and Gao Tian both coincide with each other and Ma Yang also contemplates all kinds of ways to restore Ma LiAo's heart. Restaurant blind date source, increasingly prosperous. Gao Tian and assistant Tang Miao also moved the marriage site's office to the restaurant. They managed together with Ma LiAo, Ma Yang, Zhuang XiaoYa, Zhu GeNan, Mi Lan and Song JianRen. They often held blind date activities, There are many interesting things that have happened to people who either flirted or fanned fire or random pricks or gags. "Food men and women" staged a sweet love restaurant, who afraid of the workplace, a happy family, life who can not confused chicken fly boiling comedy life. Blind date this ancient and stylish way of love, in the urban light comedy "diet men and women" continue to debut debut. Diet men and women continue to help people matchmaking, food and advance, match a pair of single men and women, and launched a "love clinic", imparting the theme of "sister, tease brother," adapt to the trend of the times to carry out various networks Order meals, room service. They use the optimistic, relaxed, humorous way interpretation of contemporary marriage and relationships and the various stories that have taken place in life. The dream of Ma LiAo and Gao Tian is to make the men and women of the diet the first-class blind date and food chain in China. Mi Lan still dreamed of being a tailor; Zhuang XiaoYa got a good man married. Zhu GeNan is a purchasing agent and a fan of stocks. Her dream is to become China's "stock god." Song JianRen's dream is to save money for a "Mi Lan pizzeria." Tang Miao is disappointed with Gao Tian's doctor. Ma Yang no hope of mixed resurgence of the wedding. Emotional "brick" Shi Lin and beauty dietitian Fang Ting came to the restaurant one after another for ex-ex-wife. Shi Lin's dream was to become a romance writer with several big IPs. Fang Ting dreamed of becoming a nutritionist. However, everyone can not escape the curse of that rotten street - the dream is full, the reality is very skinny. There are different reasons for everyone to stay in the diet for men and women, but they all have dreams. There continue to be various emotional and interest disputes, showing social hot spots and the human world, with love, complaining, contradictory, misunderstood, funny, warm, dreams ...

家有儿女初长成 (TV)[2016]


电视剧《家有儿女初长成》剧情介绍:主要讲述了25岁的姐姐 Jiang Nan 和22岁的弟弟 Jiang Bei 长大成人,他们的父母却离婚了,楼上楼下两套公寓一分为二, Jiang Nan 跟着母亲 Wu Qiong 住到了楼上的公寓, Jiang Bei 跟着父亲 Jiang GuoLi 住在了楼下的公寓。很快,50岁的 Jiang GuoLi 娶了35岁的健身教练 Dai LingLing 为妻,还带来了一个8岁的孩子 Tong Tong  。49岁的 Wu Qiong 则嫁给了年轻时就崇拜的演员 Du Wei , Du Wei 也有一个12岁的女儿 Yang Yang 。四个孩子没少让父母操心。而在孩子眼里,父母也对他们过多管制,给他们增添了很多烦恼 。剧情围绕着这两个重组家庭展开,极具代表性的父母,四个性情迥异的子女,本来完全没有关联的几组人,重新组成了大家庭,家长与孩子,孩子与孩子,烦恼困扰与矛盾层出,而这个四分五裂的家庭也在处理这些烦恼困扰与矛盾的过程中慢慢走向融合,演绎着一段段复杂而有趣的日常生活和情感世界的故事。主演 Gao Yalin 介绍,《家有儿女初长成》并非《家有儿女》的续集,也不是讲述刘星、小雪长大后的故事,除了将保留重组家庭这一基本设置之外,该剧将启用全新的人物关系和故事情节。 Gao Yalin 透露,为了重聚《家有儿女》班底,大家都做了很多努力,“林丛导演本来在加拿大生活,为这部戏带着女儿回国生活,而且没有签约就进入了工作状态。我也推掉了九、十月份的一部电视剧和一部电影,空出档期专心回‘家’专心拍戏。”


Omuras dream of flying (TV)[2015]

Feature: Under the support of secretary San San and others, college student village official Sun HaoRan started his business in Yingjie Village. Within two years, Yingjie Village became a typical representative of Binxian's new socialist countryside. The higher level issued the village document, because of the interests of the people involved Yingjie, arouse people dissatisfaction. Sun HaoRan Yangjiantun inspection, after several twists and turns found hot springs, so a hot spring eco-tourism hotline idea slowly formed. Investment difficult road, Sun HaoRan put forward a bold idea - relocation. However, the villagers are all over their hearts and make relocation more difficult. When the villagers moved to their new home, Yingjie Hot Spring Hotel, a project foundation, the funds suddenly broken chain, the villagers have trouble. Tian SanYou sits in the village, Sun HaoRan continued running around the capital, and finally with the help of the county government to obtain loans, the capital chain to continue. Yingjie Hot Springs Hotel was built, the good news came: Sun HaoRan was elected "the most beautiful village official" to Beijing to receive the award.


Feature: A few years ago, Sun DaLei (Guangjie Li) divorced his wife, Su Yun (Ziqi Zhao), and their children followed Su Yun. Su Yun "Cool Dad Pretty" Stills Suddenly going to work in Hong Kong for a year, decided to take the child to Sun DaLei care. Sun DaLei temporarily unable to adapt to want to escape, and Su Yun's boyfriend Huang XinHua (Gao Yalin ornaments) take the initiative to take on child care tasks. Huang XinHua's move sparked the ambitions of Sun DaLei, the two kept playing "wins the war." Li YiNan (People also ask for ornaments) is an authentic Beijing native girl, and Gao XiaoXing marriage between career and family, noisy, staged a childcare drama. Sun DaLei was so busy with his career that he was repeatedly distrusted in front of his children and that his children were getting closer to Huang XinHua. Sun DaLei's terrifying fears let his confidante Fan Li (Lu Gao) deeply disappointed that Sun DaLei was in a "back and forth hit" situation. Sun DaLei recalled the trust of the children and everyone with practical action after suffering a painstaking experience, but suffered a company bankruptcy. Huang XiaoYing (Liya Tong), daughter of Huang XinHua, found in the brainstorming with Sun DaLei that this is a courageous man, both of whom attract each other and live with time. Sun DaLei, a private entrepreneur who has been divorcing his ex-wife Su Yun, promised to look after two children, the 12-year-old daughter Sun Xiao (Chen Vicky Chen) and the 8-year-old son Sun XiaoHang (Peng Yi). Huang XinHua finds her daughter Huang XiaoYing, who looks like a good girl, with her own plans for the future. Gao XiaoXing (Zhou Dehua) originally intended to have children for a few years, but was caught off guard in the knowledge that his wife Li YiNan pregnancy news. Suddenly more than two children to take care of, to the single habit of Sun DaLei cause great trouble. Huang XinHua also because of her daughter's work-to-emotion choices, not to listen to their own arrangements and very nervous. Gao XiaoXing was completely reduced to family after Li YiNan gave birth to a child. In the end, the three fathers understood their father's responsibility. After the failure, under the influence of Huang XiaoYing and her sons and daughters, Sun DaLei gradually grew into a responsible and responsible father and good man who not only got the approval of Huang XinHua and her children, but also gained the love of Huang XiaoYing (Note: the finale Sun DaLei Huang XiaoYing not together), the final Cool Dad pretty mother have found their own happiness.

Ex-husband begship of love (TV)[2015]

Feature: Yi Ran (Li Shutong), the wife of cosmetic surgeon Gao DaShang (Gao Yalin), has serious suspicion of being suspected of being derailed when Gao DaShang is found with a woman and Yi Ran is assessed as having an online "Man Derailment Assessment Form" , Gao DaShang derailment index actually has been to maintain five stars! Yi Ran found a private detective to investigate the track, and personally seduce. Bao XiaoLei (Yan Ni), a newly appointed legal consultant in the hospital, has been repeatedly misunderstood. Gao DaShang was disgraced, divorced and bigamy, and finally she was finally bachelors and divorced. Unlucky Gao DaShang met again the correct medical treatment, work lost. Night Hui Yang bar owner Chen HuiFang (Fang Qian) Looking for Gao DaShang pad nose, introduced homeless Gao DaShang rental Hao apartment. His roommate, Jin JiGang, is the private investigator of Gao DaShang's ex-wife, who was swept away by ex-wife because of derailment. He is a working-hard worker who does everything but reselling, arms and drugs. Fang Dong Hao XiaoJian is the initiator of the "Men's Derailment Assessment Form". His ex-wife was his elder sister. He worked hard to help his ex-wife become a celebrity. His ex-wife excused himself to buy a second suite and divorced him. It's The door was occupied by Bao XiaoLei, a female lawyer who was suspected by Yi Ran to be affiliated with Gao DaShang, nicknamed "Violent Bride." She has been hurt by her favorite man and has deep stereotypes about men. Night is not the boss of the bar Chen HuiFang Bao XiaoLei girlfriends, her husband died young, leaving her a tea restaurant. Her dream is to find a man who is as good as her husband. Gao DaShang Marriage and work are gone, two roommates afraid he knew the divorce with them, find ways to get him away, the result is to beat downtown has become the best friend. His ex-wife, Yi Ran, often looks for him on a trivial matter with the aim of checking out his hidden property. Both have been entangled in "transferring property" and "visiting rights" and have also been eating each other's new love affair. worry. Has been tossing to the attempted remarriage, the ex-wife engaged, Gao DaShang just feel that they should start a new life. Three second-hand men each have their own pursuit, but their feelings are often intertwined. Gao DaShang and Bao XiaoLei are not enemies do not gather, every time Gao DaShang stall lawsuit, Bao XiaoLei always abuse him side of his head, and Bao XiaoLei drink one more "through" only recognized Gao DaShang. Gao Xiaojun is trying to remarry his ex-wife Gao Gao-jun for the sake of his son; Gao DaShang like Bao XiaoLei, Bao XiaoLei and they have to do with the male girlfriend and the godfather Human emotional entanglements. Jin JiGang also change clothes for work, change girlfriend than work also ground work. Bao XiaoLei treats him abusively but stimulates his desire to conquer Bao XiaoLei, but Bao XiaoLei is not interested in him. Chen HuiFang like Gao DaShang unobtrusively pursue, Gao DaShang has been to avoid, Chen HuiFang in order to get angry on television to get married. Love like Jie Xiao Lian Hao XiaoJian has been crush Chen HuiFang, Chen HuiFang always took him as his brother. Jin JiGang and Hao XiaoJian envy and envy hate Gao DaShang for being surrounded by both women. Three unscrupulous "second-hand man" and two single women's lives and emotions tangled together, ex-wife, parents, relatives and friends followed also blended, a scene of urban emotional comedy.Gao DaShang and Bao XiaoLei made progress in their fight. Hao XiaoJian awakened the man's responsibility for treating single mothers and began to enjoy Chen HuiFang's favor. Jin JiGang After a series of twists and turns of love also want to talk about a marriage for the purpose of love. After a series of emotional twists and turns, everyone has a new understanding of marital love. Someone found love, some lost love, some knew love. Former husband love remember official microblogging with map posters

YouthAssemble (TV)[2015]

Feature: A group of aftermath pakistanmen 95 harboring dreams gathered, trained and evaluated at the military academies. They had more laughter, tears, clashes and confusion than official posters. University for four years, they have experienced reconnaissance and reconnaissance possession of mobile phones, micro-film survival of the field shooting, the next team exercise, to help raise funds for children in the mountains. Finally, everyone finds their place and goal in life. With the help of classmates, heroine Ye DuoDuo also solved the mystery of test pilot Dad's sacrifice through the graduation project research.

Years, such as gold (TV)[2015]

Feature: Beijing educated youth Shi DeBao adopted a young boy who educated youth in the northeast and went to work in the country. After Shi DeBao returned to town with his children, everything started again. From a Beijing city bus Si Ji to the conductor, to the waiters, and later to use his ancestral woodworking expertise to start a walk in the street to repair furniture, Shi DeBao's talent and character are the furniture factory director fancy, He promoted to Assistant Factory Director. Finally, with the help of returning first love girlfriend Luo XiaoMa, Shi DeBao registered trademark started the business. Shi DeBao experienced three sentiments, especially the second marriage of Shi DeBao, and adopted Qi Baofei, daughter of his wife, Bai Ling. Shi DeBao raised two daughters, both of whom are not of their own origin. The two children became courageous heroes and village doctors under Shi DeBao's education. Shi DeBao was also honored as a "hero of the commoner" at the "touching life" award ceremony. Finally, the eldest daughter, Shi FangYuan, built a memorial to his father's generation in the place where his father went to the countryside.

My doctor husband (TV)[2014]

Feature: Liang HongMing and Zou Qin were a couple who found her job after graduation. Even after she led her wife to a miscarriage, her life dropped into a downturn, defeating Beijing in the playwright's capital, and her wife returned to her hometown in the provincial capital A normal university. However, the gap between Liang HongMing, a natural born gentleman, and his wife, Zou Qin, has become increasingly different. With the addition of "small" Tian Heng, he has to face the inner struggle at home. Liang HongMing was crowded out of school by her department director. She often quarreled with her at home and was confronted by Li Le, a young and pretty schoolgirl. She insisted on compromise, love or hate, and many contradictions and confusions In front of him But often at a crucial time, Liang HongMing has held his moral bottom line. Zou Qin, who has experienced twists and turns in her life and emotions, has understood her husband's actions and Tian Heng, a friend sent to prison by Liang Hongming, has finally regretted it. After various transformations such as teachers, deputy editors of publishing houses and civil servants of Education Bureau, Liang HongMing also found his own spiritual destination, harvesting love and happiness full of autumn.

Boiled womans happy life (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Happy Life of Cooking Women tells the story of Meng Jin (a former girl idol) who was once active on the silver screen and has degraded into a 39-year-old housewife 20 years later. Although Cook's life is full of trivial, she still felt very happy life. Daughter Wu Juan skip class to chase stars, Meng Jin in order to force her to go to school, met in the nursing home 20 years ago, lover Marvin, and surprised to find Marvin hidden 8-year-old alias Wang ZiXuan (Haowen Xue ornaments) into a South Korean imports Popular movie star. When Wang ZiXuan saw his dreaming idol first love even married married wife, temporarily unacceptable, choose to evade. & nbsp; "Happy life of the cook woman" stills do not want to think, the marriage has passed two "seven-year itch," Wu DaXin (Song Leitao ornaments) but the marriage was tired, bent on divorce. However, Meng Jin's insistence on concessions was repeatedly tolerated. But Po Po Xiao GuZi (Secretary Guang Min), who favored his own family, actually stood on the side of Wu DaXin. Meng Jin fought a marriage war bravely. Meng Nan (Raquel) is Meng Jin's sister who falls in love with Wang ZiXuan's brother Ma BoHao (Gao Yalin). When Meng Nan and Ma BoHao both married, Ma BoHao always backwards. At this moment, a woman named Rui Xue (Ge Ge Xi ornaments) broke into their lives and set the trap everywhere for the feelings between Ma BoHao and Meng Nan! Wang ZiXuan did not think his help would actually deepen the crisis in Mengjin. He even did not think that in order to obtain Ma BoHao's rights, Ruixue implemented a series of intrigues in an attempt to undermine the relationship between Wang ZiXuan and Meng Jin. Wu DaXin insisted to divorce Meng Jin, persistent Meng Jin is still trying to restore the feelings of all efforts, and Wu DaXin unmoved. Finally, Meng Jin just realized that he ended his marriage and started his new life. Meng Jin nothing to find a variety of jobs in order to survive, and finally turned into a nanny Wang ZiXuan. Ruixue did not expect to make his own calculations but let Meng Jin and Wang ZiXuan closer and closer. For Meng Jin, although Wang ZiXuan is very grateful, her marriage with Wu DaXin has taken too much of her feelings and she is not yet ready to greet a new feeling. However, under the auspices of Ruixue, the two experienced too many ups and downs, but they saw each other's real in difficulties. Ruixue's plans to deal with Wang ZiXuan ended in failure, but the plot to seize power with her and Wu DaXin was successfully completed, and Swift fired Ma BoHao to secure the company's management. She used various means to exterminate the Ma BoHao family. By the last minute, Wu DaXin found out that she had helped Ma BoHao secretly overcome the crisis. Marvin and Meng Jin held a grand wedding, a lover eventually married. This is a female inspirational story, 39-year-old "boiled woman" can usher in their own spring.

PeopleSearchingStoryofColaLee (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Li KeLe (Entai Yu ornaments) and four universities do not rely on buddies to set up a "light search" company, but the performance bleak. He borrowed Tsingtao (LanFei Wang's ornaments) from his host Liu XiongMao (Gao Yalin's) Mercedes Benz stay scene, but was flirted because he did not buy the limited designer bags his girlfriend wanted. When he finally replaced his Benben, but misunderstood the rearview police police car Kang Hong (Zhuo Tan). Li KeLe Li KeLe leads a company employee when he learns from newspaper that Zhuang YiGuiXianSheng (Dong Fu Lin), a billionaire who will soon be in the world, major former national army, and Malaya ship owner Zhuang YiGuiXianSheng (Dong Fu Lin) Joined the "find the relatives" army, after arduous, jokes, when he finally thought that near the goal to find the "grandson", but found himself caught in a huge scam. Forced but he forced to continue to lie. Although the scams were successful, his desire for money left him blind and his desire for money put Qing Qing in the arms of "fake grandson." Kang Ho, the policewoman who has been staring at him for a long time, has personally participated in the investigation of the case. During the process of pursuing "scholarly encounters with soldiers," he and Kang Hong became increasingly fickle friends. Ultimately, Li KeLe found out. .

lets get married (TV)[2013]

Feature: Let's Get Married tells the story of Hai-Bo Huang Gao Yuanyuan Breakthrough Performance Yang Tao, the manager of a four-star hotel lobby, was still single at the age of thirty-two due to a wounded feeling. Guo Ran, a 36-year-old divorced registration clerk at the marriage registry, has made him a typical victim of marriage. Peaches and Guo Ran reluctantly met with friends. Unexpectedly, both of them actually left a good impression on each other. Heart has just been closed for a long time just opened, peaches found Guo Ran is a fear of marriage, she angrily evacuated. Peach face the reality, resolutely devoted to the blind army. Peach blind date move stimulated Guo Ran, he did her best to successfully peach the blind date again and again, but they still can not get married under the determination. Guo Ran's parents know the reason for their son's fear of marriage, began to reflect on their marriage, Guo Ran also a new understanding of marriage. After a few dealings with Guo Ran, the peaches gained a comprehensive understanding of Guo Ran and regained their confidence in the marriage. Finally, a lover eventually married.

Io e Te (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ming XianSheng is a heavily indebted businessman. When her mother died, he wanted him to help fulfill his wish. When she was young, she led a music teacher and spent the most difficult time together with many people who were singing and forgetting Pain, firm confidence. After they were banned from chorus, they still came up with a way to sing without sound. They used to agree that they would sing together again in the future. If they were gone, they hoped future generations could continue their chorus. The mother hoped that Ming XianSheng would help him fulfill his wish. Again revisit the unforgettable years. Ming XianSheng a promise. At this time, Ming XianSheng because of extramarital affairs and his wife Ai LaoShi has a great contradiction and hatred. Ai LaoShi, out of respect for her mother-in-law, promised to help rebuild the choir, but privately purchased a pack of explosives to hand down Ming XianSheng. Helpless Ming XianSheng is on the brink of economic collapse, in order to meet his mother's wish, looking shave Ai LaoShi help raise money to form a choir, but the money was DeCom embezzled home to his aunt for treatment . In order to cope with Ming XianSheng, De Hua brought Lao Wang, a makeup artist in the funeral home, to come to mainland China for a suicide attempt in search of a broken girlfriend. Lao Hei, a taxi driver, and Fei FeiMa, a beloved singer, pretended to be a singer. A group of people waiting together to rehearse chorus for Ming Mu. Conflicts and deception continued to occur between each other, but in the end comfort and encouragement found the chorus charm. In particular, Ya Nv accidentally discovered the secret that old people could sing silently that year, and everyone found Ya Nv's grief life experience. Shocked, each have to find what they need. The old lady died of illness, did not see their singing. Finally, Ai LaoShi finally failed to put down the hatred his husband had betrayed. With his own terminal illness, he started to implement his own plan with Ming XianSheng. However, he did not expect the kit to be drummed by Xiao Tie. After all, the absurd choral experience did not make a formal concert after all, but in life they found hope and wonders. Xiao Tie went to jail. Ming XianSheng ended his extramarital affair and began to reflect on it. Looking for Ai LaoShi. Ai LaoShi at the last minute put down hatred, get a new life.

QiGeLongDongQiangDongQiang (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The story of the hero Han Feng within a day after experiencing joblessness, frustration, romance, the worst of his life, he goes badly into the elite company gathered in the elite, an instant from hell into paradise Han Feng happy committed a Low-level mistakes: Xia Xue, a female personnel manager, and employees throughout the company all consider him mentally unhealthy. Han Feng's fate is to leave the company. Yang Yang, the company's president who has been crushing to Xia Xue, was very much interested in Han Feng's personal behavior at the time of her appointment, leaving him in the company as a probationary employee. Since then, Han Feng and Xia Xue staged a misunderstanding comedy, not for their own sake, for their own destiny, for their own future, but also to prove their innocence, in order to get everyone's trust, Han Feng, in charge of leadership and All my colleagues tremendous pressure and difficulties, miraculously survive in the company. Based on this work environment inspired Han Feng's morale, with his hard work and wisdom in the company repeated Li Gong ... proved his ability at the same time also performed a touching, unexpected love story. Han Feng and Xia Xue are greatly touched by the tremendous changes from enemies to couples. Han Feng and Yang Yang have become embarrassed lovers by their subordinated affiliations. The film tells the story of a young man named Yang Feng Yang Yang bad masters get the appreciation, so as to step into the elite gathered in the big company. Because of a misunderstanding, Xia Xue, the company's female supervisor, identified Han Feng as a gangster and tried his best to get him out of the company. Lin XiaoYu and Han Feng, another company at this time, often became direct competitors in bidding for the business. So in order to survive, Xia Xue, Han Feng and competitor Lin XiaoYu launched a "big and small fortune" between the workplace struggle and a love-hate entanglement of the emotional story.

zhihun (TV)[2012]

Feature: After the 1980s, "urban girl" Gu XiaoYing was "courageous" and married Guan Tong, an officer of the "Fenghuang Male" (a poor but higher social status male). After the marriage, Gu XiaoYing found that both the living habits of rural in-laws and ways of thinking, the hobby of Guan Tong as a government official, the shooting habits, and even the attitude towards career and family relations have all emerged The more differences. Get used to the sweet love of two people, began a difficult run-in period. Guan Tong went to different places to exercise, Gu XiaoYing's ex-boyfriend appeared from time to time, the two married lives are faced with multiple tests. Again and again quarrel and reconciliation, the two gradually understand that guarding a harmonious family life, the need is a lifetime endeavor. This after 80 couples in the "paper marriage" period began to learn to treat happiness, cherish the love.

Blue sky flowers (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Blue Sky Flowers" tells the story of a group of family backgrounds such as Niu Yiu, Bing Yi, Bing Bing, Qian Duo Duo, Bai Xue, Rose and other young children's art troupes. Signature, selection, training and performance of children with different temperaments And parents, teachers, as well as the reflected, including pre-school children's star dream, sense of responsibility, vanity, comparisons, the right to vote, care for the environment, quality education for young children, parents and children, including communication barriers, etc. Kind of social problem Yi Yi parents divorced, mother Liu Si silk in order to pursue their own dance career Yi Yi went to the United States a few years ago, my father Yang Zhen busy. The dissolution of the family led Yi Yi to be withdrawn and withdrawn, casting a shadow over her little heart. Bai Xue, a young and second generation, often plays at various large-scale galas. Bai Xue became a tool that her mother Li ChunTian always used to show off, and various remedial classes made Bai Xue overwhelmed. In today's rapid social development environment, how parents lead by example, to create a "pure land" for their children, parents how to take the correct guidance responsibility at every age of children become Li ChunTian biggest problem facing. Bai Xue and Duoduo are good friends. However, a lot of parents are deaf and mute. Her grandmother is a big man and her life is limited. Many mothers are still working as an hourly worker at Bai Xue. Conflicts between the two families continue. Large children's musical "I want to fly" in the United States formal performance, celebration feast, Liu Sisi accidental presence, Yi Yi pounced on the mother's arms & nbsp ;.

XiaoJianDeHeChangTuan (Movie)[2011]

Feature: "Xiaojian's Choir" is inspired by the Shanghai Children's Choir Group. Ten years ago, Zhang Yi Chao, a graduate student in the philosophy department of Fudan University in Shanghai, just came out of school. He felt there was a situation of education for migrant children around the city. Volunteer agencies were set up to provide art education to these Nong MinGong children and comforted them with music.

Funny family (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Funny family" based on the adaptation of Korean drama of the same name, well-known editors in the story by adding more rich elements, adding emotional, detective, family conflicts and other storyline. Most noteworthy is the play's very light pace, almost every episode has a very funny story. The sports teacher Kai Hou is even more attractive in the play. The young men who are hovering in the family, love and friendship are worth a look at how they choose their own arrangements.

TheStoryofAPiano (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Chen JianYi, an uproaring musician, was a stubborn and paranoid father of art in the eyes of her daughter. Because her family members did not go well, Chen ShanYi, a talented and rebellious daughter when she came to a trough in all aspects of Chen JianYi, Between the generation of estranged, contradictory father and daughter two generations, through the "piano" closely linked, after a series of ups and downs, the two finally return to good.

NimasSummer (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The film "Nima's Summer" tells the story of Nima, a Tibetan student, assisted by the national policy of aid to Tibet and was given a chance to go to the seaside city for good education. With his exhortations and dreams, he embarked on a journey of study. In the process of getting along with new classmates, they began to gradually conflict with each other, and eventually became good friends who got along well with their school football team. According to reports, in addition to Gao Yalin and Qin Zijiang is a professional actor in the film, all other small performers are performing after 90 ordinary students.

AnUrgentLetter (Movie)[2010]

Feature: During the Ming dynasty, the monarch fainted, the state officials mistook the country, southeastern coastal invasions, the war in the north constantly, the rampant banditry in the vast land of China, and the rebel attacks. The court disposed of bandits in Xiang Wai An and set up "Feiyuying" to handle the emergencies of political and security crises on a full-time basis. The three sires and sisters became the first batch of elite finalists in "Flying Fish Camp". Prior to the election of "Flying Fish Camp," thousands of adults handed over an emergency military intelligence to three brothers and sisters of Liu Zhen-Dong, sent the Jiuxu Zhai defensive map of the "Flying Fish Camp" to Ji'nan Prefecture, and provided intelligence for the court to exterminate the banditry Huzhu Zhai . Brother and sister got the "Flying Fish Camp" desperately reclaimed Zhuangzhai Zhai Fangfu map, in order to ensure the urgency of the four hundred miles lying tiger Walled defense map on time delivery Jinan House, Wang ZhaoXing decided to go by their own path lead Bai Yanhu, To the brothers, Shimei served defensive plans to create opportunities. Wang ZhaoXing points out the two-way plan did not deceive white Yan Hu, Jinan, by the path went straight to the brothers, Shimei was "Crouching tiger walled" two headed chase. At a critical juncture, Wang ZhaoXing turned to Ma Tau to rescue. Although he recaptured defensive plans from the second-class home of "Crouching Tiger, Walled Tiger," he fell into harm's way and dropped a cliff. Wang ZhaoXing woke up, already in a broken temple. It turned out to save Wang ZhaoXing, is the bodyguard escort here the general leader of the security guards Gu PingAn Miss. Gu PingAn used ancestral reincarnation to heal Wang ZhaoXing's wounds. That Wang ZhaoXing want to rushed to Jinan Prefecture "doing business," Gu PingAn chief defender kept a windward escort, escorted Wang ZhaoXing to Jinan. Wang ZhaoXing not good to refuse, with Gu PingAn departure, half-way was "lying Tiger Walled" a group of the pursuit of the pursuit. Gu PingAn charge bouncer for many years, experienced, repel chase after the decision to stay what Kee old shop. Ho Kee into the shop, Gu PingAn found abnormalities, the original He Kee is a black shop. That night, Ho remember the old shop is not peaceful, Lao BanNiang bent on making a fortune, "Crouching Tiger" two when the wind came, the injured, siblings also settled here. The fight is inevitable, Wang ZhaoXing come up with a plan to make the pursuit of "lying tiger wallet" and the murderous Lao BanNiang in the dark night, herself and then inform the siblings, who led the security escort steal away. "Crouching Tiger" Zhabei off, Zhaizhu Bai Yan Hu out, chasing from Jinan direction. Wang ZhaoXing sent the defensive plan to the territory of Jinan with his sister, and turned Ma Tau back to rescue Gu PingAn and his elder brother. Wang ZhaoXing Climbing wall walked into "Crouching tiger walled" alone, with the help of the government officials of Jinan government who came to pick him up, together with Gu PingAn to eliminate Bai Yanhu, rescue Ping An Escort and his entourage, Flying Fish Camp "waist card, accept the new task.

Road to heaven (TV)[2010]

Feature: "The Path to the Sky" tells the story of Lin KeNan (Shi Liang) was originally a tank division chief of staff, suddenly transferred from a promising professional soldier to a local commander of the Jingjin Gang military sub-district, so he was greatly surprised because his ideal was As a general, new appointments mean that the general's dream is farther and farther away from him. In the work of Golden Harbor and let him involved in more complex relationships, he began to step by step into the whirlpool of serious contradictions between emotion and justice. The highly individual soldier, who upholds justice, pursues his ideal, and possesses wit in his work, always holds ordinary people in his heart. Ren BenShan (Cao Li ornaments) sentence: "You have the ability to take off your uniform to try to place" accelerated his conversion. Lin KeNan, the deputy director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission after he switched to employment, first faced the problem of pollution of the chemical industry by his biological father and sister Liang Li and later the conflict between the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and the interests of their own families. Facing the ideal and the reality, And the resulting conflict between family, friends, superiors and subordinates, Lin KeNan painful decision. Ren BenShan, acting mayor of Jinang City, suffered resistance from all sides during a series of reform measures implemented in Jinang City. At the same time, when the state-owned Hongxing Chemical Plant faced a reorganization of assets, Nan Ni (Wang Jing), a former classmate and first love lover who had almost forgotten him, appeared not only to use Ren BenShan to participate in the Red Star Chemical plant restructuring, but also greater ambition ... Private entrepreneurs Xiao FuYe (Shenyang Aerospace University ornaments) has been trying to get Red Star Chemical Plant that one hundred and fifty acres of land, when he learned Zhiqiang Group in trouble, With a keen sense of wolf's generalization, he arranged a winning move between Ren BenShan and Nan Ni. He was quiet and retreat, just as he waited for the opportunity to arrive. A young man forced to pass on the experience of wealth, he was surprised to find Tu Tuo Village is still a beautiful paradise, and the village's primary school teacher Tu Guhua pure pure natural character, so he suddenly felt the passion has long been the passion of things to re-agitate The first time he began to doubt his own behavior and behavior, for the first time felt himself insignificant and first started Depending on the relationship between beauty and ugliness. In fact, he has been struggling to pursue his true spiritual destination. When he found that he was left with only poor money, the beauty of pastoral landscapes in Tujia village, the kindness of fellow villagers and the pursuit of truth by Lin KeNan finally made him realize that Found myself. So a new plan sprout. Lin KeNan, Ren BenShan and Xiao FuYe The different paths of life experienced by these three men of different genres reflect the progress and harmony of our great era. As long as the heart has an ideal, the road is always overturning & nbsp ;.

Bosss happiness (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Boss' s Happiness" tells Fu JiXiang. Because his parents died young, his eldest son was the father, bringing three younger brothers and sisters to send them all to Beijing University. When younger brothers and sisters grew up, successful career, he himself missed the glory of life, and later became a foot therapist. But he still cherishes his own career and life ideal - to become a masseur and father. The eldest brother in the morning exercises in the park is very different from Le Le, an autistic child, who sees it as it stands. At this moment, Mei Le, Le Le's mother, was abandoned by her husband and raised Le Le alone. After going through a series of events, she recognized Le Le as her son and received Mei Hao as a disciple, teaching her to do pedicure. Later, the second brother Ji'an brought the eldest brother to enjoy a good life in Beijing, but because of the different living habits and concepts, big and small collisions took place. A series of discomforts made the boss think that he should return to his city as soon as possible and was preparing to leave Mei Hao suddenly came to Beijing with Le Le. It turned out that Le Le was seriously ill and that the pedicure center manager had brought her child to Beijing to find her boss. After a series of events took place, witnessed the siblings seemingly happy, but in fact the unfortunate life, to help siblings overcome difficulties, find what they want, to find the real happiness.

Falcon Falcon (TV)[2009]

Feature: The Falconry Brigade took place in a modern airbase. A combat unit that assembled the elite Air Force pilots, codenamed "Falconry Brigade," was stationed here. Test pilot Ma He (Yi Sha) was very upset about Xiao Bang (Lin Yongjian), who had been assigned to the "Falconry Brigade". The two men bite and bite in air exercises. Xiao Bang finally unable to parachute escape parry escape, Ma He reluctantly shot down the runaway fighter. Ma He in the exercise demonstrated excellent driving skills and excellent combat capability, was superior value, directly into the "Falcons brigade." In the meantime, a CAAC service team led by four scientific workers (Gao Tao, Yin Tao, Min Liu and Yufeng Gu) has also stationed in the base and they will provide technology support services for the "Falcon Falcon" to make them soar in the sky The "Falcons" save in the strategic and tactical, weapons and equipment on the worries. Surprisingly, however, the AVIC team of scientists are not old-fashioned scholars, but a new generation of researchers with high-tech knowledge and outstanding looks. The arrival of Ma He gave birth to dissatisfaction with another pilot of the brigade, Chenmu Ji, who was also a test pilot but allowed Ma He to become his long-range aircraft while he was only allowed to retreat to the wingman Location, the two dissatisfied with each other and each unconvincing, again and again air exercise fighting hard and bitter, biting, so that the ground view of the people clapping all be surprised. With the cooperation between AVIC scientists and pilots in their work, their feelings are getting closer. Jiang Taochao (Yin Tao), a daring female scientist, has attracted Wu Wentao with his superb professional skills and vigorous and resolute style. Jiang Jingchao himself deliberately avoided the feelings of Wu and quietly turned his heart to the grim appearance. Intense and passionate Ma He. Ma He and Wu Wentao, the "eagles" and "falcons" in the sky, keep touching each other and they are making difficult progress together with bright competition, growing up and worrying together, and they also encounter love budding together, and , Actress or the same person. Perhaps they are "personality" envoys, that is, a strong opponent, but also have to admire each other, to become a friend of sympathy. As a result, they repeated the contest, refining into steel. Suddenly, the base was closed. They were told - the local war broke out! A combat readiness! Feel free to fight! Pilots and service teams emergency consultations, the development of strategic and tactical moment can not be delayed. Those pilgrims who used to hate hating themselves when they did not catch up with the war years have killed red eyes in the battle with enemy planes and won a decisive victory for our army. However, Ma He solved the suspicion constantly troubling himself in an unexpected forced landing that the Air Force was a well-planned exercise to hone the pilot's technology, tactics and fighting will & nbsp ;.

Police stations story (TV)[2009]

Feature: "The story of the police station" tells the story of a newly arrived Hong Shugang who has just taken office and has to turn the police station into an advanced police station. Police station Canglongwohu, all with great skill. Always want to be director of the "negotiators" Fan police officers; always want to be the police's father, "anti-Pao" anti-Paopai Mao police officer; watched the wombats but superior memory, the legendary sixth sense ginger Police officer; police officer graduated from the excellent sand police officer; there are director of his girlfriend Liu instructor. Governor Hung mobilized these people, each in charge, through unremitting efforts, we finally put the police station into a municipal excellent police station.

Invincible three-legged cat (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Invincible three-legged cat" tells the story of the small tail alley of the capital, Zhao ZhaoWu family. Innocent and kind Zhao XiaoWu is a typical fashion 80 after 70 after her husband Guan Jian is a never-ending toy designer, two are "dink" family, during the summer vacation, a well-behaved 10-year-old boy Dong Xing came to their home , And the two live together, starting from a funny story & nbsp ;.

Health teams story (TV)[2008]

Feature: One of the two male doctors of the Air Force health team at a station went to graduate school and went to a further study. The Story of the Health Team The media met two new people at the session level, both of whom are lesbians. Gao DuiZhang feels that there are too many lesbian women in the health team and has himself become a "party representative." He feels that the women's army is troublesome in management and that the task of managing the female soldiers is handed over to Yan HuShiZhang. As the saying goes three women a scene, not to mention a group of women. So, one by one or easy humor, or hilarious, or sincere touching story.

Ma Wens War (TV)[2008]

Feature: "Ma Wen's War" tells the story of two divorced couples, the drama of the drama Ma Wen Four middle-aged men and women engaged in a smoke-free "war" for the pursuit of happiness and a good marriage of dreams, staged a metropolis Family tragedy comedy. Song Dandan plays a middle - aged woman who persistently looks for happiness in two stages of marriage and emotion. "This is a character who is close to myself. I was fortunate to have encountered such a good script for many years when I had a lot of experiences in life when I was almost at sunset." For this reason Song Dandan resolutely gave up the choice of some other scripts. Song Dandan plays a very fashion designer, and although she and Yongjian Lin both have strong comedic talent, she hopes the show will get rid of the skits. Yongjian Lin, who started out in comedy sketches, plays a software engineer in the play. The story revolves around a smoke-free "war." A few years ago, Yang Xin fell in love with her colleague Li Yi and divorced Ma Wen quickly. They still lived in the same two-bedroom house without a house. A few years later, Li Yi has never divorced, Yang Xin still lives with Ma Wen, and the two have built an intriguing ex-husband's ex-wife relationship. Yang Xin has been waiting for Li Yi to divorce. Ma Wen hopes Yang Xin will change her mind and will unconsciously talk to Yang Xin for the idea of ​​remarrying. Just as Ma Wen felt she had hope, Li Yi suddenly divorced. Yang Xin happily married Li Yi, who lost all her property for her divorce, and Yang Xin and Li Yi had to temporarily stay in her house and Ma Wen's house. In this peculiar and awkward situation, the numerous relationships between husband and wife, ex-husband and ex-wife, parents and children interweave the emotions of several families, undergo a process of sudden change, rifting and bridging, and deduce An urban family tragicomedy & nbsp;

The Seven Days Shook the World (TV)[2008]

Feature: On the 12th of May 2008, at 14:28 on May 12, 2008, an earthquake of magnitude eight occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. All people in the country united and faced in the face of disaster, bravely saved themselves and even wounded to help others. People, as well as airborne soldiers, doctors, nurses, police officers and volunteers who appeared in a number of touching stories. On AD 12 May 2008, at 14:28 on the 12th of 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China. The strong earthquake even affected over a dozen provinces in the country. The surrounding towns in the epicenter suffered a tremendous disaster. In the landslide and earth-shattering, towns and villages with long history and beautiful scenery are turned into ruins, traffic, communications and water and electricity are all interrupted, losing contact with the outside world. After the abolition of the land of abundance, all over the country was shocked. The Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission have quickly instructed the whole country to provide earthquake relief and rescue people's lives at all costs! Tens of thousands of People's Liberation Army and armed police officers and men, from a large barracks north and south, the Mainland frontier military training ground quickly assembled. In the air, broken cloud rain lightning; land, marching trembling earth, toward the stricken area into. Fire rescue team, medical care group, news reports group, private volunteers have flocked to the front line of the disaster area. A success, a vigorous life and death big rescue started. Sent Suo Zhang Liu DaLin to lead the school teachers and parents to organize school self-help. After his efforts, many children buried in the rubble were found out. However, his own son, who was too short for rescue in time, Leave Liu DaLin resisted the sadness and continued to direct self-help. He gave his father's love to all the children who were trapped in the darkness. Small boss Zhuang XiWei, heart wide fat he has a beautiful longing for life is to send her daughter to college. When his daughter took Chengdu's school, he happily went to the bank and put forward the tuition fees he had saved for her daughter. However, the earthquake, so that he lost in an instant not only money, but also took away her daughter's life, as well as his thoughts on life. Rescue captain Xiao Zhen led Yue Peng et al. On a piece of complex rubble with special techniques and specialized equipment to search and rescue the trapped masses in a spirit of never giving up. With one percent hope, one hundred percent effort should be made to carry out their own duties and commitments to the people. Xu Ning, a television reporter, came to the disaster area full of enthusiasm and hoped that people would know more about the disaster situation and the progress of the rescue through his own reports. But because of anxious to make repeated mistakes, after being promptly reminded by An WeiMin's goodwill critic Gao YiQiang; After a time of soul-shaking events, she finally understood how to do it to be completed as a Journalist's mission. In front of her camera she was full of passion, sincere feelings, touching the audience in front of the television. After the earthquake, radio host Su Yuan insisted on using his own voice on the anchor stage to relay the disaster area to the outside world. Her voice was transmitted by radio waves to those who were out of touch with the outside world and were buried under the rubble HopeSu Yuan, in her steadfast voice that never disappeared, passed them the courage to persevere in his death, but she eventually fell to the stage of the anchor. The commander Wang YuanZheng led the troops to eliminate the difficulties and dangers and risked his life and forcibly opened the way to life in the quake-hit areas. The airborne units of the Army Aviation Corps conducted a huge flight hazard and transported food sources to the affected areas and transported the wounded. They used their blood and life to compose the magnificent movement of the people's army of the Republic. The next part of the quiet, comfortable life, at 14:28 on May 12, 2008 arrived instantly destroyed. Ding HaiPing, general manager of the pharmaceutical company, distributed all the in-car medicines to the injured people. He decided to bear the consequences of hefty propositions. However, the headquarters of the pharmaceutical factory fully supported his actions and believed that he did the aim of "doing medicine and saving people". Ding HaiPing also rescued the wounded with troops led by company commander Wang Gang and organized a team of 80 volunteers to participate in earthquake relief. Ding HaiPing's approach drew the concern of branch manager Tang Jiahui. However, Ding HaiPing firmly believed that after the disaster, the spoiled 80s would mature and it was time for them to shoulder their share of responsibility. Female police officer Jiang MeiMei went all out to appease the people and maintain order after the earthquake. But her own young daughter and her family are in the hardest hit of Beichuan, where life and death are still uncertain. When she learned from her husband that her daughter was killed, she suppressed the pain of her heart and remained in her position and spare no effort until the fatigue ruined her body. She can only use this way to ease the pain in her heart. Zhou BeiChuan, a doctor with a family traveling in Sichuan, survived the earthquake and died of the exception of him. Almost numb, he participated in the rescue team, playing the role of his doctor. He met Du LiJuan, head nurse, in the front line of the disaster area. Both of them learned from the conflict. Zhou BeiChuan finally realized that this seemingly strong female head nurse actually had the pain of losing her husband. Similar experiences, similar occupations, the same sense of responsibility, finally let the two trust each other. Coach Driver Jiang Hui, with a happy little family, May 12, 2008 is the anniversary of his wedding with his wife Tang YaoYao. He was full of goods, hoping to finish this trip earn money to buy a gift for his wife. However, sudden earthquakes buried him under heavy prefabricated panels and could not move. In an effort to encourage co-opted restaurant proprietress and her daughter, Jiang Hui struggled to sing for both, just to keep the two on hold. Tang YaoYao lost her husband Jiang Hui's news, she was not willing to wait, this weekday did not go out the little daughter-in-law, one person on the path to the pathfinder. And finally came to Beichuan to find her husband Jiang Hui after being removed. However, Jiang Hui, who had been crushed under the rubble for more than 100 hours, was letting go by the rescue team at the moment. Liu Rui, host of the television station, could not stop the excitement and tears in the live broadcast. The move aroused strong resonance of the audience, have called the television station, I hope the leaders do not deal with her this "accident."Gao YiQiang pointedly pointed out Liu Rui's mistakes, but also understands her truth as an ordinary person in the face of so many touching stories. Although a group of 80 volunteers after their 80s have their own respective shortcomings, Guan XiaoXi, Zhao XiaoAi, Feng Ni and Bai XiaoJun, among others, have experienced their own responsibility and experience in this rescue process. Almost overnight The half-children who had been misunderstood by all these people grew up. They know that they should use their own love and their strength to accomplish their mission. At 14:28 on May 19, 2008, the land of China was solemn. At this moment, the people of the country mourn for three minutes in silence for compatriots killed in the devastating 512 earthquake. Cars, trains, ships whistle at the same time, sounded air defense warnings, the Chinese government and government offices across the world half-mast flag. The Chinese people will never be crushed in the face of disaster and will certainly work together to rebuild their homeland.

TiBuZhiYuan (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Synopsis of the story: Young advertiser Qi GuoLiang is innovative and creative with a passion for advertising. However, because graduated from an ordinary higher vocational schools, did not ring the graduation diploma, only a small advertising company as a substitute staff. Not only the salary is pitiful, but also the degree of respect is less than others. But the effort pays off, Qi GuoLiang's opportunity is coming. Ocean International Limited's boss just fancy Qi GuoLiang full of humanistic ideas, named him to design the brand advertising. This means not only Qi GuoLiang in advertising career can flex its muscles, but also means he will get a lot of creative reward. Qi GuoLiang can not wait to tell his wife Yang Yue, who has been living in a rented house for a happy home purchase plan. Who knows, advertising company boss money is very stingy, is a stout iron rooster, how willing he let Qi GuoLiang take such a big creative reward yet. As a result, the money boss started a series of coercion and restraint measures against Qi GuoLiang, trying to cut down on the remuneration paid to him. Qi GuoLiang honest, unwilling to be bullied, actually missed the money boss. Not only creative payoffs, even the work lost. Yang Yue knows this ...

Dart line world of Escort (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Wang ZhaoXing (David Chiang), the father of Wang ZhenWei (Duncan Chow), used to be a bodyguard who was a famous resident. Now that he has returned to the pastoral world, he only wants a peaceful life. However, Wang ZhenWei did not agree with his father's idea, arrogant, he only thought of a great career to be accomplished, so repeated quarrel with his father. Wang ZhenWei came to the capital alone and set up the world Escort, but because of her first arrival, she was haunted by all walks of life peers, more inadvertently offended daughter Miss Fei Fei (Wu Xiaomin). To convince Wang ZhenWei, Shen FeiYan handed him an insignificant sachet and ordered him to Baoding, so Wang ZhenWei embarked on a journey. Do you know that this little sachet actually let Wang ZhenWei and Shen FeiYan get killed in the accident, which is what hidden secret? One day, with the help of friends and family servants Xiao Lai, the bureau set Wang ZhaoXing in a hurry to drive his only son out of the house. Wang ZhenWei was blasted out of the house can be described as a person provoked the banner of "the world Escort", excitedly went to the capital only battles. However, not everyone in the capital can give full play to their fists. In the street where the escorts are located, Wang ZhenWei just started to solicit business, which has caused difficulties in the major escort of the capital city and mistakenly knocked off Shen Daoren Shen FeiYan. To cheat Wang ZhenWei, Fei Yan deliberately sent an insignificant sachet to Baoding for his support of Wang ZhenWei. At the same time ordered Ding Xue Zhi secretly obstructed, be sure to get back before he arrived Sachet, so let Wang ZhenWei embarrassed. Wang ZhenWei took this dart pleased to get on the road, but encountered en masse on the way to chase after killing, dangerous, and Swallow is totally unaware of this, thinking that these are only Xue Zhi set a small trap. Results and Wang ZhenWei fall into the thief trap together. It turned out that the swallows sachet has a wax pills, which hides a black list of buy sell MG, the list involves the lives of hundreds of officials in the capital. Feiyan knew nothing about it. Xue Zhi, who was on the list, was eager to get wax pills and destroyed evidence. He was struggling to get started. A bamboo war, all the way in secret protection Wang ZhenWei's Wang ZhaoXing seriously wounded, but unfortunately had admitted to a radius of Barry the only one inn. Sure enough, the crisis in the inn, the boss Liu XiangYun led a group of brothers, specifically by robbery and stolen goods for a living. Xue Zhi buys Liu XiangYun, and at the same time dispatches a group of masters to help. Liu XiangYun, who went to assassinate Wang ZhaoXing and his son, and steal wax pills, unexpectedly found Wang ZhaoXing a great benefactor who had saved her life many years ago and told them the mystery of their sachets. At this moment, Xue Zhi's brigade troops have arrived and wiped out some innocent people like Wang ZhaoXing, Fei Yan and others in the inn. Life and death moment, Wang ZhenWei protect the flying Yanjai blaze the siege, and the corrupt officials handed over to the court, "World Escort" hereby became famous, and Wang ZhenWei and Shen FeiYan since also formed a pair of lovers.

Da Tang Fu Rong Yuan (TV)[2007]

Feature: Yang YuHuan and Li Wang Li Mao (Ji Ning) Yang YuHuan and Peng Bo each other's feelings, Xie AMan as Yang YuHuan dance playmates, from the needle, to promote two. After being informed that she was elected to Princess Shou, Yang YuHuan was fiercely anti-marriage, and Xie AMan was a messenger for both. Yang YuHuan impulsively to take shape, Peng Bo retreated intellectually. Yang YuHuan helplessly marry Shou Wang. Early in her marriage, Yang YuHuan lived a lifelong dream of living with her, and often talked to Peng Bo about divorce through Xie AMan. The longevity and kindness of Shouwang caressed Yang YuHuan with the passage of time, giving her a sense of belonging and relocating her feelings to Shou Wang. The same love of life and death, sincere and warm.

Confused little angel (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Confused Little Angels" stills story takes place in a city in a villa. The basic story is a lovely and confused beautiful angel came to earth, and lived in an apartment with three different personality men live together, her role in a muddlehearted fairy, their lives have a laugh, There are realities, there are tears ... ... IT industry engineer David originated urban civilians, people are handsome, very good face life, and his ex-wife Ai Ma lot of broken links; clerk Fu Min has been doing career dreams, a chief position Let him tea is not fragrant, and the villagers Tsui Tsui girl's perseverance stalker let him both proud and distressed; wealthy stuff is a nothing to do with "eating the old tribe," because nothing is missing so I feel myself The days of boring empty no content, the pursuit of love repeatedly failed, the only hobby is shouting to be a pop icon pop class singer. Bland and troubled life, due to the emergence of fairy has been completely changed ......

There are children 4 (TV)[2007]

Feature: The story of "Family with Children 4" takes place in a reintegrated family. Both Xia DongHai, my father, and Liu Mei, my mother, are very concerned about their children's education. Three children have children 4 TV series stills, the eldest daughter Xia Xue suffered a college entrance examination defeat, after a fruitless fight after the start, back to school, become a college student. The rascal son Liu Xing is now "always ready for the college entrance examination," a high school student, Xia Yu, is the fifth grade primary school children. The fourth part of "Family with Children" focuses on college students' love, adolescent rebellion, children's psychological problems & nbsp ;.

Have children 3 (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Having Children 3" tells the story of three children who have grown up one after another. Xia Xue wanted to test Tsinghua University. She did not pass the third test and did not find a job. She chose to repeat the test, which triggered a series of contradictions. The original good girl, after experiencing the entrance exam, became a "problem" juvenile, competing cosmetic surgery, busy interview, and the human family with water and fire.

Have children 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Having Children 2" uses a reorganized family as a platform for the story. The protagonist Xia DongHai, who accompanied her ex-wife to work in the United States, returned home after her divorce with her 7-year-old son Xia Yu and reunited with her growing daughter, Xia Xue, before marrying Liu Mei, head nurse of a major hospital. Liu Mei also divorced with a son named Liu Xing. The main story of the play takes place in this special family. Liu Mei, the mom and sister, is an emotionally adorable but ridiculously lame mother who is an emotional bond that maintains her family. She is impatient and in high spirits. She has troubled her children because she often does not understand her. Dad Xia DongHai open-minded, enthusiastic, dependent on western enlightenment-style education methods. The eldest daughter, Xia Xue, is sly and sensitive, often doing whimsical, shocking behavior. Xia Yu, the youngest son, lively and energetic, has a strong sense of personal responsibility and is a pistachio at home. Based on the original characters, the second part of "Family with Children" added two more family stories, adding more social elements to the drama. The performance of the drama is still all the problems of children's growth in family life, such as learning, friends, honesty, love, interest, conflict of ideas and other issues of general concern. The famous comedian Song Dandan in the play continues with the 3 big children and adulterated law, endless conflicts and the resulting variety of interesting stories for the audience to laugh.

Grow up is not easy (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Growing up is not easy," aka "Happiness on the road," tells of many problems that the single mother, Ding Hua, overcrowd the only child, Ding JiaJie, and failed to grow healthy. Ding Hua realized harsh reality in harsh reality, forced to take special measures to force the child away from home, to promote its survival after the tribulation, the challenge of conscience, character forging. Jia Jie repeatedly frustrated in battles deeply felt the warmth of the world, what experience the shame, dignity and despicable, noble. Ding Hua and his ex-husband, Cheng Qiang, and his wife, Ran are also co-teaching children, eliminating grudges and moving toward a new life of harmony.

Eighteen Arhats (TV)[2005]

Feature: At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court was on the verge of neglect, and the eight princes, such as Li Rubi, were forced to flee. Luo Hai Temple disciple Hui Hai Road see injustice, led him to hide in the temple. Luohan Temple Lao FangZhang recognize uninvited guests is the moment toward the prince, advised him to temporarily empty the door, cut hair as a monk, "Wu Chen". That night, the Western Paradise eighteen under the "Eighteen Arhats" stills of Vanity Fair, to reshape the golden body, so that Luohan Temple a new look, overnight sensational, lead to incense. Folk more rumors Eighteen Arhats left Buddha, who can get the world, the state Jiedushi make coveted. Lao FangZhang To protect the temple, together with the Lohan Temple ashes! Hui Hai furious, alone down the hill to avenge his revenge, was against Jidu, North Jiao Li JiuChong into jail; Wu Chen to find Hui Hai, unfortunately, was arrested as a young man, suffering from abuse. Envoys Zui SanNian, fast Wu, Xi Shi dumplings, etc., under the leadership of the Yiyi Red Clover, Hui Hai will be rescued. Red Clover crush Hui Hai, Hui Hai has always regarded her as a brother. He deeply loved Jin Er, a village druggist, but Jin Er unconditionally fell in love with his elder brother Wu Chen. For the sake of Jin Er, Hui Hai risked his life to save Wu Chen. Qing Qing, daughter of Li JiuChong, does not know whether he really likes Hui Hai or Wu Chen. His feelings are in doubt between the two of them. Li JiuChong use Qing Qing's simple recklessness, once again Hui Hai won. Wu Chen takes pains to realize the truth: there is no paradise in the world and there is no peace except the military governorship. He and the Hung Hom, Zui SanNian composed of "Lohan team", under the name of eighteen arhats Hui Hai rescued. Since then, "Eighteen Arhats" each show their ability to go chivalrous, saving the people in the fire, even Qing Qing also joined. "Lohan team" righteousness is the meaning of Buddhism Purdue sentient beings, get Xidan Eighteen Han secretly help. States Jidu degree to make the authenticity of the argument, mutual suspicion, turns Rush, take its own death. When Wu Chen sealed the crown prince, she asked her elder king to add "Lohan team" and to marry Jin Er. The emperor refused to send troops to encircle the "Lohan team," Jin Er shot dead in the break. Hui Hai, Wu Chen see the red dust, four are empty, really converted to Buddhism. Deep in the mountains, again came the Luohan Temple bell.

WaitingAlone (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Chen Wen, who was withdrawn from the university just two years ago, and his elder brother and high school classmate Li Liang are doing business with few young people engaged in trading and antique businesses in the capital city of Beijing, a unique architectural style with red walls and green tiles. Chen Wen and Li Liang, the antique shops named "Yin Renju", were jointly opened by Chen Wen and Chen Wen. The greatest pleasure of Chen Wen is to share the dreams of those high school students in the bustling metropolis, All day hovering in the horizon waiting and looking, never tired. Perhaps his own girlfriend's sake, Chen Wen found that I do not know from the beginning, as long as there is a chance to get together, buddy began to worry about helping find their own girlfriend thing. Especially after the film and television's introduction of Zhao XiaoSan by Liu Xiao to Chen Wen, Chen Wen's point of view became a key topic when a group of buddies came together. Knowing Liu Rong is purely accidental. But what Chen Wen did not realize was that at the moment Zhao XiaoSan introduced himself to Liu Rong, the first impression of Chen Wen was that of a dream lover who had been waiting and looking for years. Because in Chen Wen's opinion, Liu Rong is in line with his list of future dream lovers at the age of 17: humor, generosity, big eyes, white skin, and most importantly, Liu Rong is unlike any other city Like a girl, always put on a holding pinch look, when two people together, despite talking about something special boring, I feel so interesting. After two simple encounters, buddies started to help explain the moment when Chen Wen's passion for craving love was ignited. However, when Chen Wen sent a ring of sugar to Liu Rong's crew and was rejected by Liu Rong, Chen Wen found herself still not understanding Liu Rong's mind. Nevertheless, Chen Wen had a twelve-in-one faith in Liu Rong's love of the same. For this reason, Chen Wen stubbornly waited for Liu Rong to call her during the filming days of Liu Rong's outing. Finally, Liu Rong's number was displayed on the phone, and Liu Rong was heard on the microphone. However, Chen Wen has just started the passion, in the place agreed by two people, and soon with the advent of a Mercedes-Benz men fell to freezing point. With the second blow, Chen Wen came up with a stereotyped "pick-up" approach. In cooperation with Li Liang's sister, Chen Wen found it so unlikely that Liu Rong would have blossomed because, with Li Jing's genius, Chen Wen noticed that Liu Rong read Li Jing's eyes more. Things do not go beyond Chen Wen's expectations. Just as Chen Wen struggled waiting for Liu Rong to make a phone call, Liu Rong really asked Chen Wen to go home for a treat. But this time, Chen Wen experienced the most awkward thing in his life, and he could not find a place even after trying to find a crevice. After Chen Chen was surprised by the birthday surprise of Chen Liang by Li Liang to Chen Wen's birthday surprise, Chen Wen thought it was a complete no chance at this time. In Liu Rong's eyes, he was certainly a full-fledged Selangor. However, after a short while, Liu Rong took the initiative to appear in a Chen Wen family, a passionate kiss, and regained the thrill of Chen Wen. Perhaps their own life goals vary, perhaps Chen Wen cares too much about Liu Rong.When Chen Wen was about to hand her well-prepared courtesy ring to Liu Rong, he was in the shopping mall where the ring was bought, and Chen Wen once again saw Liu Rong and his Mercedes-Benz men together, and still very affectionate. This blow completely destroyed Chen Wen's confidence. Just as an accidental chance when Chen Wen forced himself to forget Liu Rong, Chen Wen found out that Li Jing had crushed himself for several years. Suddenly than finding out that Li Jing crush himself more than anything else, Zhao XiaoSan first married his bride in a bunch of buddies and went to Inner Mongolia for a TV series of hundreds of episodes; Sun Zi was taken away by the police on a CD-ROM; Li Liang left the antique shop to Chen Wen, who also left Beijing for the development of Guangzhou at the recommendation of Chen Wen. Before leaving, Chen Wen rushed to the station for Li Jing. Two people look at each other, silent silent. Once a gang of buddies are going their separate ways, the rest of Chen Wen alone guarding the not so eye-catching antique shop. Although Liu Rong came to Chen Wen during this period, he said he was willing to reconcile himself. However, Chen Wen's youthful youth had been perplexed by the confusion and the face of the editor-in-chief of a horror novel that had been completed trash can. In the days of waiting and searching, a real novel about his own experience, "Waiting Alone," spread out over Chen Wen's desk.

The first child has a home (TV)[2004]

Feature: Xia DongHai, who had accompanied her ex-wife to work in the United States, returned home after her divorce with a 7-year-old son, Xia Yu, and reunited with Xia Xue, a daughter who grew up in China. Later, Liu Mei, head nurse of a large hospital, got married and Liu Mei also divorced with a son named Liu Xing. The main story of the play takes place in this special family. The common features of Xia DongHai and Liu Mei are caring and caring about children's growth. They hope to "integrate" their love and wisdom and cultivate the next generation of happy life. The siblings who live under the same roof, though of different origins and different age groups, can get along as if they were their own. However, due to the different living environment of the three people, so they have a very different personality and hobbies, so the dispute is inevitable. Sometimes the three are united and join hands to tackle difficult parents, sometimes fighting each other for their own rights.

Cooking class story (TV)[2002]

Feature: Taking the air force grassroots company as a cooking class as a typical environment, it tells the story of several young cooks and gives them a lively and colorful life experience. The plot involves all aspects of the grassroots units of the army today. It is both a passionate song of the contemporary spirit of advancing with the times in the military barracks, and a witty irony of personal growth and weaknesses and problems in grassroots work. It is an "entertaining encyclopedia" for the healthy growth of ordinary soldiers. .

Romance of The Three Kingdoms (TV)[1994]

Feature: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" stills The Eastern Han Dynasty, mountain and river turmoil, Liu Han dynasty will do its best. There are ten regular paternity upside down black and white, calamity toward the Gang; outside Zhang brothers shouted "Heaven should die, when the sky stands" slogan, setting off a vast peasant uprising. For a time, everywhere, the war was raging, Liu's court would like the building will be tilted, precarious. Is called the hero of the world, Cao Cao, Gong SunZan, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Lv Bu, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhu GeLiang and other highways continue to emerge from the warlords to Red Cliff battle, from Wei Shu Wu Sanguo unanimously to the one-third unified, the grand curtain of the Three Kingdoms era slowly opened ... ... (part of the source of the stills)

God catch Tie ZhongYing (Movie)[1991]

Feature: Nei GeDaXueShi remove the imperial edict of Emperor Xian Qin, the prince of the imperial government, ready announced in the civil and military minister in public, announced the five uncle who was appointed as regent. Suddenly, a masked stranger to step, stabbed to death scholar, took the left Chao. Tie ZhongJie, the captive of Capitals of the Beijing capital, shot the poisoned arrow and chased Tie ZhongYing before his death. Tie ZhongYing was ordered to crack the case. Both civil and military, promising to become regent King of Jeju in the hunting, I do not know from where the poison arrows shot dead, the poison is Dan red top. Ru NanWang lustrous flowers in a Qiu Liu, also poisoned by poison arrows, the poison is still red top red. Duan ZhouWang thought it was the Han's three sisters who had the father's revenge with the princes, and then sent troops to destroy their cottage Baima Villa and captured the eldest sister Feiyun. Evian, Choi Wan go to jail, was ambush, when critical, lucky to be masked burglar saved. Evian Sisters learned that Fei was killed and determined to take revenge. Assassinate Duan ZhouWang. When the assassination arrived, Tie ZhongYing arrived and found that the assassin was actually his childhood childhood sweetheart. The dead prince was not Duan ZhouWang, but it was Luo YangWang. Five princes only Chang ShaWang and Duan ZhouWang, the main culprit who? Confusion and confusion. Tie ZhongYing initially speculated that the next one to be killed would be Chang ShaWang, so she decided to check it out. Sure enough, one night, masked guest led by Evian, Choi Wan sneaked into the Chang ShaWang House, Tie ZhongYing stepped forward to swipe the sword straight face masked strangers, and stab the right arm masked strangers, so that the wasteland away. The Han sisters were ambushed, Evian died in chaos under the arrows, Tie ZhongYing rescued Choi Wan. When Luo Yang Wang was shot dead, Tieying Ying found a crown-shaped red porcelain jar with the words "Chang ShaWang Prefecture" printed on the bottom. Tie ZhongYing to explore Chang ShaWang House, missed but captured, but eventually escaped. In collaboration with Choi Wan, Tie ZhongYing has been wrestling with a group of people such as Chang ShaWang, Duan ZhouWang and masked strangers and finally found that masked stranger Zhou Feng, head of Duan ZhouWang. Tie ZhongYing furiously kills Chang ShaWang, the murderer of the three princes. However, Duan ZhouWang, regent of the Regent, is again conducting a new conspiracy. Tie ZhongYing resolutely resign, carrying the clouds wander the horizon, but Duan ZhouWang still can not accommodate them ...

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