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Shan Jiang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Shan Jiang Works 39 ,And Feature 18 ,Family drama 8 ,Urban drama 7 ,Romance 7 ,Love 7 ,Comedy 5 ,Crime 4 ,Action 2 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Biopic 1 ,电视连续剧1 ,年代剧1 ,Modern 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,亲情1 ,悲情1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Suspense 1 ,医疗1 ,Child 1 ,War 1 ,Westerns 1 ,Historical play 1 。

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Shan Jiang Filmography(40)


你是我的答案 (TV)[2019]



东港市公安局重案组组长 Zhou Yuan ( Xiaodong Guo 饰演),因为一次抓捕毒贩的卧底行动,意外认识了女编剧 Bai XiaoLu ( Jingyan Wu 饰演),她的冒失差点导致行动失败。 Lu Hao ( Shunran Zhao 饰演)从一个高校的毕业生主动调入重案组,渴望成为一个优秀的警察,却在过程中和 Zhou Yuan 的“家长式”管理进行了一次次碰撞。

Zhou Yuan 与前女友 Lin Yao ( Yuxi Zhao 饰演)的感情破裂而阴差阳错地搬入了 Bai XiaoLu 的家中,开始了这对欢喜冤家浪漫满屋式的同居生活。与此同时, Bai XiaoLu 的好友,御姐 Yuan MingQing ( Sookie 饰演)在相处中,渐渐被 Lu Hao 这个单纯真挚的男孩打动。

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。


long time no see (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Long time no see" about the summer of 2003 Beijing, SARS period. Current graduate Hua DuoDuo and his son He He want to prove their ability to clash, coincidentally, blossoming into He Jia. Impressed on the children of the returnees blossoming, with the long-term find the surface of He He fun, but in fact want to open the entrepreneurial dream in the field of gaming. Due to family conflicts, He He accidentally fell from the building, losing normal walking ability. Such a blow He He once depressed, but in the most difficult days, blossoming never mind, take care of the left and right, and encourage He He to complete the original dream career game, and ultimately business success. Former two people, can not help each other on the road to becoming entrepreneurs. He He's mother, Ye LinNa, fell ill with He He's gaming company getting on the right track. This time He He took the initiative to take responsibility for the management of the family real estate business. He He, Hua DuoDuo, these 80 young people who entered the real estate industry ten years afterward are the ten years of ups and downs in real estate in China. With the tide of economic growth in China, they have created the proud young people in this field Grade & nbsp ;.

I just care about you, Deng LiJun (TV)[2018]


I just care about you from Deng LiJun story from the 2008 Shanghai Concert Speaking of the situation. The third brother, Deng Changfu, who was lying on a stretcher, recalled the illness. In the early winter of 1953, Deng Jun, the fourth child of Deng, was born in Dengcun, Taiwan. Shantou has already appeared when he was talented in singing, but his father Deng Shu resolutely opposed it. Deng Shu retired and started a market stall career. Shantou could not understand the depression and homesickness in her father's heart, but she became a small helper of his father's buns. Shantou failed to enter junior high school after graduating from elementary school. However, it has won a fixed singer program through radio singing competitions. Deng Shu collided with the rogue in the market and was beaten and wounded. He also ran into a lawsuit. Late at night, the couple felt that all this was due to the lack of a fixed storefront. The girl listened to her ears, distressed her parents, became a signing singer and paid a salary in advance, and used the money to make a store for his father. Deng Shu was moved after knowing. Shantou finally made it to the stage and won numerous praises.


Emergency Medicine Specialist (TV)[2017]

Feature: Emergency medical doctoral supervisor Jiang XiaoQi returned to the United States, shopping robbery encountered, did not expect to rob her juvenile robbers suddenly collapsed to the ground. Jiang XiaoQi immediately sent him to XX hospital emergency room. At the triage center, she meets He JianYi, the chief academic authority of the emergency department that is directing amputees for injured migrant workers. Both of them dispute over the different concepts of emergency treatment between China and the United States. Also on this day, a schizophrenic knife-wielding knife outside the emergency room led to a tragic death of a doctor. Jiang XiaoQi came to work in the emergency room and soon won the admiration of many young colleagues in the hospital with superb medical skills and care for the patient's humanity. Liu HuiMin, who has always been the deputy director of emergency department director, originally thought that the biggest rival was He JianYi,

PAPA (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Huang BoLun (Xia Yu decorated) came to Los Angeles in the United States to find a missing artist (Zi Yang) unfortunately stranded in the United States, but unexpectedly became the five different color of the United States Meng baby father. While continuing to search for the missing artist, Huang BoLun also takes care of five adolescent children. After a series of twists and turns, this irresponsible "temporary Daddy" has gradually grown into a real good father, got his second growth in life.

Through the mystery (TV)[2016]

Feature: Rong Rong, who was immersed in the happiness of being engaged with her boyfriend Hao Hao, suddenly learned that she had grown up with her and Si Ning, a brother and sister, died. Sad, she found Si Ning's phone even in the hands of a strange man Ma Dong. In order to protect Si Ning's mother Zong Feng from being harmed, Rong Rong decided to investigate Ma Dong. After unremitting exploration, Rong Rong found a hidden years of truth: the original Ma Dong is Zong Feng's own son. Ma Dong and Zong Feng experienced tangled and suffering, the mother finally agreed. As Rong Rong and Ma Dong explored the truth, two young people unwittingly had feelings. Rong Rong apologized to Hao Hao and made a breakup; Hao Hao was deeply humiliated and repeatedly targeted at Ma Dong. Ya Ling also opposed two people because she could not face Ma Dong. Zong Feng finally fell ill, Hao Hao at the last minute chose to admit mistakes, and successful treatment of Zong Feng. The truth is clear, people who rebuild trust continue their new life, and Rong Dong and Ma Dong, determined by the trials and tribulations, are also determined to join hands to face future life & nbsp ;.

Mr.Six (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Ye, an old artillery gun that once used to show the city in 1949, was hard to adapt to social changes, dormant in the depths of the alley, and lived a boring life with sloppy birds and negligence. One day, a huge emotional clash between Liu Ye and Xiao Bo, son of "Squadron", led the Squad to run away from home without being subject to any illegality and was illegally detained by newly rising generation Xiao Xiao. In order to save his son, and to repay their guilt of the son of the year, Liu Ye came back. With his own rules, Liu Ye tried to settle down the incident but found it frustratingly that this era, or his own body, has long gone. A parent-child hatred, old and new forces showdown can not be avoided. In the process of resolving the mess, the old gun found itself in problems, really powerless. But at the same time, they also grasped the handle of "Tricyclic Xijiro" in the process of inquiring about the cliches, and they both decided to come forward with a single challenge in the war.

Marriage time difference (TV)[2015]

Feature: Li Hai and Wu Ting, an enviable middle-aged couple, moved their families to Canada for the education of their daughter Ying Zi. However, Li Hai can not let down its domestic business and remain in Chengdu alone. Years of separation, so that they gradually have a strange feeling. Talented Zhao XiaoFei broke into Li Hai's life. Wenchuan earthquake, the test of life and death, let Li Hai and Xiaofei fell in love. After Wu Ting learns about it, she tries to protect her marriage and separates Li Hai from Xiaofei. Financial crisis, Li Hai's cause is about to collapse, in order to protect his wife and daughter, he chose to divorce. With the help of Xiaofei, Wu Ting turned the tide and paid off her debts with Li Hai to hand out the company to Li Hai. Xiaofei also found their true love & nbsp ;.

MyDecemberLove (TV)[2014]

Feature: Gu XiaoJun (Li Xiaoran) brought back her boyfriend Ou YangJian (Wang Zhiwen) with her daughter, Tongsheng Han. Dad husband Gu Dad does not accept Ou YangJian the son-in-law, coupled with the eldest daughter Gu XiaoYan (Faye Yu ornaments) troubled marriage change, feast troubled a chicken fly to Gu Dad overturned the table ended. Gu XiaoJun actually do not figure OuyangJian what, simply fancy the "big man" can be down to life. Ou YangJian tolerate modest, bent on repairing and Gu Dad's relationship. Seeing the son-in-law as father-in-law, OuyangJian feels breezed and married with Xiao Jun. However, at this time, her daughter, Ou Yang Miao Miao, kills her home with her mother, Yu MoLi (Jiang Shan), and the militancy between the three women makes Ou YangJian miserable. Gu XiaoYan back to work after the divorce struggle, but also the pursuit of the landlord Zhao Kang. Zhao Kang's mother happens to be the boss of Xiaoyan, she obstructed this romance everywhere. Xiao Yan reluctantly cut off the love wire, then the son's matchmaking, and wash the groom's husband remarried. After twists and turns, Gu Sisters flowers finally harvested a happy marriage.

ZhengFu (Movie)[2013]

Feature: After investigating a group of black gang members who crossed Hengzhou, investigators learned that Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaWen's younger brother, who was the gang of gangs of black forces in the north of Qiaobei District, was recently seriously wounded. A police force investigating Liu HuaWen, a group of underworld forces, said Liu HuaWen remained silent and did not say why she was injured. At this time, Liu HuaQiang had been absconded for hurting others two years ago and Feng Biao was also on Wu Tian After being killed and fleeing the city, Xu GuoQing will be the focus, start chasing. At this moment, in the suburban song and dance hall in front of Song YunLai commonly known as the Song Tiger was shot in the same way. Song YunLai is a famous local underworld figure, one of the only remaining members of the dark forces who started his own career in the seventies of the city. He just released his sentence to concentrate on playing in the dance halls and never stopped talking about things in rivers and lakes. Wu Tian and Song YunLai heard each other, but without any contact. And the two have the meaning of retirement in the past two years, many of them are a few years ago. According to the investigation, Wu Tian and Song YunLai fought with Liu HuaQiang and Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaQiang's younger brother, had been wounded and had sneaked back to the city. Xu GuoQing is keenly aware that Liu HuaQiang is gradually implementing his plan of revenge while he continues to investigate and control the other side. As Xu GuoQing expected, Liu HuaQiang and his mistress Li Mei, two young killers rented in a district, peeped the police action and continued the long-awaited revenge plan. The pursuit of police and anti-chase between the police, revenge and prevent revenge from the contest.

Little dad (TV)[2013]

Feature: A greedy and unfriendly auto mechanic, Yu Guo, suddenly received a phone call from a machine builder Li SanMei informing him that a U.S. passenger named Xia XiaoBai needed to travel to pick up the aircraft many years ago as a student during his trip to the United States Aventure so reproduce my mind. Excited Yu Guo rushed to the plane, unexpectedly appeared in front of actually was a boy of eighty-nine years old. The child claimed to be the son of Xia XiaoBai, named Xia Tian, ​​who decided to go alone for "superhero" because of her unfortunate death in a car accident ---- Yu Guo. Yu Guo disappointment on the occasion, directed at Li SanMei after a pass soared, Yu Guo actually walked away. Because her detention was kidnapped by Xia Tian, ​​she was on the verge of being crazy. She suddenly received an overseas phone call from her uncle Tai Le and learned that they were on their way to China and was temporarily taken care of by Xia Tian. As a lawyer, Tai Le is full of charm, so that "Unmarried" sister at first sight, secretly take care of Xia Tian's bounden duty. Although Sammi's simplicity makes her own impressions and specials, Tai Le understands that this trip is not about any Aventure, but the custody of Xia Tian. However, Xia Tian's determination to follow Yu Guo's life made both Tai Le and Yu Guo a big surprise. Tai Le respect Xia Tian's choice of surface, but in the back and Yu Guo copy into a "transaction." The falling son of "Son" caused a great earthquake in Yu Guo's life. His girlfriend Shan Shan's crying, his father's reprimand, his frustration, and Xia Tian's getting along with him made him feel overwhelmed. Xia Tian could not stand the various kings of Yu Guo and demanded early return to the United States with Tai Le. The proud Tai Le took the opportunity to refuse the relevant expenses, is the lack of money for his sister to pay high medical expenses Yu Guo and the buddy Qi DaSheng hero to perform the task of a good show, successfully cheated Xia Tian's trust. Angry Tai Le decided to snatch Xia Tian by law. As a result, a fight about child custody fought between the two men. Li SanMei therefore entangled with two men. Tai Le's "conspiracy" was unfolded layer by layer, Yu Guo all kinds of do not depend on the arrival of Xia Tian began a wonderful change, Sanmei's emotional balance gradually tilt. Finally, Yu Guo, a hard-to-break love for her, boarded a flight to the United States & nbsp ;.

第一次 (Movie)[2012]


Song ShiQiao (Angelababy/杨颖 饰)经常独自对着录音机说出自己心中的秘密。因为她患有的先天性疾病,让她无法从事任何剧烈运动,甚至还有失忆的征兆。所以,诗乔习惯了用录音机记录下自己生活的点点滴滴。同时,她也习惯了经常服用药物带来的诸多不便。看在眼里,痛在心头的母亲 Zheng Qing ( Jiang Shan 饰)对诗乔的关怀无微不至,母女俩相依为命,但是母亲最大的心愿就是让女儿能够体会爱情的美好。正是青春年少的诗乔,也突然发觉身边缺少一个可以分享感受的伴侣。一次偶然的机会,她在游乐场扮演卡通玩偶的时候,巧遇了引吭高歌的摇滚青年——高中同学 Gong Ning ( Mark Chao 饰),后者便对她展开了爱情攻势。两人堕入爱河,这也是诗乔第一次感受爱情的美好。而 Gong Ning 也开始鼓励诗乔实现跳舞的梦想。然而,爱情从来都不会一帆风顺……

FirstTime (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Song ShiQiao (Angelababy / Yang Ying ornaments) often alone in front of the recorder to say the secret of their hearts. Because of her congenital diseases, she was unable to engage in any strenuous exercise and even had symptoms of memory loss. Therefore, Poetry Joe accustomed to using the recorder to record his life bit by bit. At the same time, she is used to the inconveniences of regular medication. Look in the eyes of the painful mother Zheng Qing (Jiang Shan) Poetry and care in every possible way, the mother and daughter are dependent on each other, but the mother's greatest wish is to allow her daughter to experience the beauty of love. It is young and poetic Joe, suddenly found around the lack of a partner can share feelings. By coincidence, when she played a cartoon doll at the playground, she met Gong Ning (Mark Chao), a rock and roll young man who sang and sang. The latter started a love offensive against her. The two fall in love, this is the first time poetry Joe feel the beauty of love. Gong Ning also started to encourage poetry Qiao to achieve the dream of dancing. However, love will never be easy ...

AnInaccurateMemoir (Movie)[2012]

Feature: During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of desperadoes gathered in the northern plains. Led by the leader Fang YouWang (Xiaoming Huang), they established an underground kingdom for a living on a daily basis. On the 1st they kidnapped Gao DongLiang (Yi Zhang), a bridegroom who is going to meet his relatives. Surprisingly, Gao DongLiang is a tough guy who quickly conquered the entire bandit with his own bloodyness and wisdom and became "two masters" Who had feelings with Fang ZiZhen (Zhang Xinyi), the sister of the leader's sister, and convinced Fang YouWang to go against the Japanese invaders starting with the "Emperor Brother" who kidnapped front-line inspections. After some careful planning, these gangs of undercooked villains took up the responsibility of "everybody" and, with the arms and flesh in their hands, sneaked into the Japanese camp and tried to make a big deal as ...

Angry Kid (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Sun XiaoAo is a weird naughty bag. Dad Sun JianYe and mother working in Russia, proud little has been taken care of by the deaf grandfather. The holiday is approaching, grandfather sick into the hospital. Little proud birthday party, who had long been eager for parental love, was rebuffed by his father on the grounds of his work again. Little proud to find the little girl Lan Lan in the moving car accidentally. Little proud to Lan Lan from the tracing her stupid rescued with a slingshot that Lan Lan turned out to be a small beggar used by criminal gangs. Lan Lan wants to flee the criminal gangs and return home to find treasure and go global. Xiaomin suddenly nowhere to go interest, determined to walk with her. Lan Lan reluctantly promised two angry children embarked on a journey away from home and go home.

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

Man to forty (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Man to Forty" tells of a 40-year-old psychiatrist Liang GuoHui was initially diagnosed with lung cancer, life, leaving only half a year. Zheng Jie, the wife of Liang GuoHui, is the director of ICU's intensive care unit. Is busy implementing Liang GuoHui's job mobility issues. As a husband, as a child's father, Zheng Jie Liang GuoHui's evaluation of three words: unqualified! She thinks that if Liang GuoHui continues to work in a psychiatric hospital, the day can not be done. Liang GuoHui without telling his family to let iron buddy Li ChangJiang Li testament. Li ChangJiang cried, saying that since God gave a deadline, do what you want most to do. Liang GuoHui astonishing, saying I want to divorce! The fear of death and the annoyance of survival simultaneously afflict. At this time, the same sun Hua Shuo walk until forty arrived Liang GuoHui side. Hua Shuo was originally looking for Liang GuoHui to resign, Liang GuoHui smiled and told Hua Shuo that he had a terminal illness in a few days. Moment, Hua Shuo made a decision, she tear the resignation report, told Liang GuoHui, she likes him, she decided to spend the final moments with Liang GuoHui. From this day, her daily task is to make Liang GuoHui happy, see Liang GuoHui laugh. Hua Shuo did, Liang GuoHui really relaxed and happy with her, but after this happy, Liang GuoHui always have a sense of guilt. When he confronted his wife Zheng Jie, he was no longer calm, and Zheng Jie detected Liang GuoHui's anomaly. At this time, Hua Shuo came to the door to tell Zheng Jie Liang GuoHui got cancer. Zheng Jie first instinct is to do everything possible to Liang GuoHui live. Let him live a happy life! To make Liang GuoHui happy on the last days, Zheng Jie acquiesced to the existence of Hua Shuo. Dying Liang GuoHui decided to live naked, Zheng Jie as a pastor, even with Zheng Jie admitted that he loves Hua Shuo ... But Zheng Jie is not a priest, Zheng Jie instinctive reflection is shock and anger, she felt Liang GuoHui betrayed himself. Can there be any reason to condemn a person who faces death? As a wife, Zheng Jie would like to leave some of the best memories of Liang GuoHui's last days. In the face of death, there was a great friendship between two women. In the face of his imminent disappearance, the two women at the same time love together with interest advance advance. Liang GuoHui Experience unprecedented happiness, realize the ideal of men in the world. He said I really hope this moment of pause, no concept of time, no life, no death, I stood between two lovely women, is the happiest man in the world. Zheng Jie and Hua Shuo decided to let Liang GuoHui surgically remove the lesion. Liang GuoHui promised because he realized that giving up his life would mean leaving "the guilty conscience" to all who love him. The surgery ended smoothly, the doctor told Zheng Jie surprise, the tumor is benign and has been successfully resected, Liang GuoHui will soon recover. Into the ward to wake up Liang GuoHui moment, the two women slowly pulled the hand pulled. Liang GuoHui Living, you have to face the embarrassment of life, two women, there must be a fade out of his life. If one survives, there will be future fortunes. Liang GuoHui was promoted to vice president Yuan Su of Sunshine Hospital. Liang GuoHui Rong Sheng, Zheng Jie heart more tangled.Liang GuoHui to work, to face the Hua Hua Hua Hua youth pressing, one pair is one day. Zheng Jie at the thought of this knife. Liang GuoHui reborn in work with passion, he talked and lavished. If Hua Shuo showed her love of alms when "on the occasion of danger", Hua Shuo was truly fascinated by the mature charm of Liang GuoHui. Zheng Jie rush to go Hua Shuo, anxious with Liang GuoHui. Liang GuoHui All the words that have been said in the past when he was in serious aggravate circumstances have become Zheng Jie's weapon against him in his later life. Nearly death, he thoroughly unmasked the "truth" of their marriage, and there was no real naked stitching between Zheng Jie and him. However, he was "alive", and maybe thirty or forty years later he had to face Zheng Jie. Liang GuoHui really feel scalp tingling ... Hua Shuo realize that three of them must stand up to break this embarrassing situation. Hua Shuo brought the Italian Tuo Di to the hospital, grandly telling everyone that she and Tuo Di are getting married next month. Loss of confidante, my heart has complained about life, the evil fire all set to Zheng Jie body. Zheng Jie got into trouble with her old hatred and regained her identity immediately. She even treated Liang GuoHui even harder. Hua Shuo still focuses on Liang GuoHui, even close to their son Liang SiYu. Zheng Jie a forbearance, tolerance, tolerance, to endure, proposed a divorce. Zheng Jie and Liang GuoHui left. The two divorced like a rebirth. Zheng Jie has never had a good mood, Liang GuoHui also felt unprecedented freedom. Liang GuoHui delightedly told Hua Shuo about her divorce, Hua Shuo was away from home, and her 80-something Hua Shuo was still testing Liang GuoHui's feelings. Zheng Jie, who had been freed from marriage, met Shen Hang, a street-side heat stroke, where Zheng Jie's second spring came. Like a soldier Zheng Jie too need a man's favorite, and she identified Shen Hang is able to give himself a storm, and soon accepted Shen Hang's proposal. I learned that my ex-wife should get married, Liang GuoHui ups and downs in mind. Liang GuoHui questioned Shen Hang's character and hoped that Zheng Jie's remarriage could be cautious. Liang GuoHui 's concern for his ex - wife also envied young Hua Shuo for more than a decade. In terms of Hua Shuo, Zheng Jie is deeply rooted in Liang GuoHui' s heart. Hua Shuo scratched her eyes during a treatment accident. Liang GuoHui was deeply blamed and decided to marry Hua Shuo. Zheng Jie asked Father and son not to object. Hua Shuo, with the help of Zheng Jie, saw the light again but refused to marry Liang GuoHui because she did not accept the sympathy. Hua Shuo decided to leave Sunshine Hospital. Liang GuoHui burst into tears on the day Hua Shuo was sent, Liang GuoHui did feel that life suddenly dimmed. Shen Hang was detained and examined by the discipline inspection department. Although Zheng Jie wanted to share with him, Shen Hang was disheartened and took the initiative to break up Zheng Zheng. Zheng Jie's remarriage ran aground. Yang Liang, my father suddenly collapsed. Father dying nothing else, they find Zheng Jie, Zheng Jie admitted to the ICU. Liang GuoHui collapsed when he lost his father's mountain. He prescribes himself medicine, antidepressant ...... Zheng Jie quietly accompanied by Liang GuoHui those days.Experienced the storm, Liang GuoHui and Zheng Jie and well. Continue the middle-aged days, shoulders carrying the middle-aged carry everything ... This does not mean that they will never live in future waves ... no one can guarantee that one day no one because of a Suddenly the reasons come to an impulse ...

Eternal Oath (TV)[2009]

Feature: Stills A summer of 1960, after the success of the atomic bombing, the development of China's nuclear missiles has also entered its final phase. The hostile forces are extremely concerned about this. The two secret agencies, 101 and 102 belonging to the Taiwan Security Committee, are actively conducting aerial reconnaissance and infiltration and sabotage activities respectively. Anti-espionage headquarters was ordered during this period be sure to take effective measures to combat spy activities to ensure the safety of nuclear missile research and development. To this end, Director General Wei Zhihua and anti-espionage expert Xu ZiFeng jointly formulated a top-secret plan. While strictly preventing sticking, they took advantage of the long-standing contradictions between the two organs of Taiwan's 101 and 102 institutions and disrupted enemies internally with fake intelligence to completely paralyze this. Spy activities of the two agencies to ensure the safety of nuclear missile research and development work.

For truly great men (TV)[2007]

Feature: Number of romantic figures stills Xia Qing, Xia Yu sisters parents are Communist underground workers. When the war of resistance against Japan was victorious, the Kuomintang intelligence authorities kidnapped Xia Yu and the sisters were separated from them. In the late 1950s, Xia Qing was appointed by the organization to work in Hong Kong. His husband, Song Xiaotao, was targeted by the spies during his dealings with the Taiwan spy agents. To be on the safe side, the organization decided to allow Xia Qing to return to the mainland with Song Xiaotao. However, after passing the customs, the frenzied Taiwan spies created confusion and shot Song Xiaotao. Xia Qing looked at her husband died in his arms, powerless. Back to Guangzhou, Xia Qing volunteered to work at the Public Security Bureau. She was sent to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Public Security Bureau to meet Wang WeiMing, a comrade in command of Song Xiaotao while also working at the Criminal Investigation Department. Wang WeiMing learned that Song Xiaotao sacrificed and vowed to take good care of Xia Qing and her daughter Allison. Song Xiaotao's father, is the second director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, responsible for anti-special work. Because in a case adhere to the principle of being transferred from the post, go to the defense factory 326 factory defending director. In the early 1960s, Xia Qing transferred to the Public Security Bureau two work. Kindergarten in her daughter to school, she met the teacher has just transferred any plum. He Mei's voice and smile, so Xia Qing think she may be his sister Xia Yu for many years separated. But Song Tao rejected Xia Qing's conjecture that Xia Yu had already been killed by Kuomintang agents and that He Mei could not be Xia Qing's sister. Years of working together, Wang WeiMing had feelings for Xia Qing. Since he was a good friend of Song Xiaotao, he could not express his feelings toward Xia Qing. Xia Qing also has a good opinion of Wang WeiMing, but also for various reasons, can not be said. 326 factory was responsible for the development of the DH missile was secretly obtained by the Taiwan spy, Public Security Bureau leaders require immediate detection of the case. Under the leadership of two chiefs, Zhou DaNian, Xia Qing participated in the struggle against the enemy. After careful investigation and analysis, comrades Xia Qing and his own group locked the latent agent Xie QiYong and his secret strongholds and seized the spies while the Taiwan spies came to pick them up and persuaded Xie QiYong to surrender with his meter. After the surrender, Xie QiYong confessed the details of his agent's activities, but the filming of the secret document of DH's missile was taken away by another potential agent, Jiang XiaoRong. Wang WeiMing got acquainted with Ho Mei in kindergarten and became in love with her. Xia Qing still vaguely felt that He Mei might have been her sister who had been separated for many years. At the same time, she was also unhappy about the emotional development between Wang WeiMing and He Mei, but she could not stop Wang WeiMing and He Mei. News came from Hong Kong that there was a latent agent in Taiwan inside the public security organs of the Republic. According to various signs, Xia Qing and Director Zhou DaNian think Wang WeiMing is most likely the lurking agent. However emotionally, Xia Qing can not believe that Wang WeiMing is the enemy. Xia Qing struggles to find a balance in the violent contradiction of feeling and reason, and his heart is extremely painful. Later, Xia Qing discovered that Ho Mei also dealt with a naval officer and informed Wang WeiMing about the incident. Wang WeiMing decisively and He Mei cut off the relationship. Taiwan in order to obtain film, commissioned an experienced agent Wang Boshi went to Guangzhou to pick up, ready to take away the film.Through careful investigation and analysis, Xia Qing set out an extraordinary arresting plan. When Wang went to his wife's burial ground eventually, he captured Wang Baishi and got film concealed by Wang Boshi. At the same time, Jiang Qing Qing, who was preparing to flee to Hong Kong, . Xia Qing and other comrades follow the example and arrested the police lurking in the police station, Xiao Wei, a police officer with the help of Wang WeiMing. Ruled out doubts about Wang WeiMing, Xia Qing finally confession of his heart for many years of his comrades in arms, the two formally established a relationship of love. A special envoy of the Pacific island countries traveled to Guangzhou to secretly negotiate the establishment of diplomatic relations with our government and to conclude diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities. Taiwan dogged the wall, decided to undermine the negotiations. Feng YouHeng, a senior intelligence officer in Taiwan, went to Guangzhou personally and "awakened" He Mei, a potential spy agent trained and placed by him, for assistance. Appointed by the organization, Wang WeiMing posed as Xiao Hou, a hostile enemy lurking in the police station, dealing with the agents. In the process, Xia Qing learned about the real identity of He Mei by querying Liang HuaQuan, a spy who was captured by Song Tao many years ago, and worried about the meeting between Wang WeiMing and He Mei. Wang WeiMing finally met with He Mei, He Mei did not doubt Wang WeiMing, but Wang WeiMing said he was passionate about him. With the help of Wang WeiMing, Xia Qing et al. Foiled the enemy's attempt to eavesdrop on the secret talks at a crucial moment and further mastered the plan of action of spies such as Feng YouHeng. He Mei is actually Xia Qing, a longtime sister Xia Yu. After being taken by KMT intelligence agencies, she was taken to Taiwan and trained by Feng YouHeng as a potential agent. Feng YouHeng claimed that her adoptive father Liang HuaQuan was shot by a communist public security authority and He Meihuai, who had been completely poisoned by her thoughts and feelings, was lurking in Guangzhou for the purpose of avenge her adoptive father. When He Mei learned that the person who arrested Liang HuaQuan was Song Tao, she decided to start with Song Tao's granddaughter, Jia Jia. At this juncture, Song Tao rushed to kindergarten to stop He Mei. Wang WeiMing also immediately came, but was crazy Ho Mei kill with poison needle. Desperate He Mei intends to commit suicide, Song Tao timely stop. Xia Qing took someone to capture He Mei, but farewell sacrifice in the hospital fiance Wang WeiMing. Xia Qing tells He Mei she is the younger sister Xia Yu who has been looking for her for years, but she has become her enemy. He Mei can not believe this is true, Xia Qing let He Mei's adoptive father, many years ago was captured by Song Tao spy Liang HuaQuan and He Mei met, He Mei found that he has been a huge lie to deceive, remorse. Feng YouHeng is ready to flee after sabotaging a planned abortion. Xia Qing mobilized He Mei to take the crime meritorious service and cheated Feng YouHeng on fake intelligence. Xia Qing Forced to Lose the Pain and Hatred of Wang WeiMing, With the Concurrence of the Leading Organ and to Forgo Feng YouHeng, who has used Feng YouHeng's Mother in Mainland China, Feng YouHeng's Filial Piety to Mother, and Fulfilled the Strategy of Feng YouHeng Sexual counter-argument. Taiwan's intelligence agencies failed to get intelligence and destroyed the talks plan. Xia Qing and his comrades in arms made unremitting efforts for the security of the Republic and endured enormous sacrifices. In an arduous struggle, they demonstrated the conviction, sense of reason and professionalism of the public security forces in the Republic, who are true romantic figures in the Republic.

Who is lying? (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Who is lying" tells the story of young women Yi Chu Chu and chef Qiao An really love each other. Vice Mayor Wang XiaoGang also took a fancy to her, chasing after. Wang Yi Xiong Hao XiuZhi heart disease recurrence, the need to move the occasion of major surgery, made unreasonable demands, was rejected by Yi ChuChu. Under the wrath of Wang XiaoGang, Yi ChuChu immediately called the police. Wang Ai lover eager, around the activities of "fishing", and taking the opportunity to travel Vice Mayor Wang, accepted the real estate developers Jin LaoBan "donated" 200,000, looking for Yi JianRong "private". After painful introspection, Yi Chu Chu and her boyfriend Qiao An decided to defend their dignity by law and to bring Wang XiaoGang to court. The mayor of Hong Kong has checked his wife's son and child and has advised his wife to turn himself in and assisted the police in detaining Wang XiaoGang for wanting to flee abroad. Wang XiaoGang got the law. Wang JingSong to resign to the people of the city, but got the understanding and support of the masses. After a hard time Yi ChuChu and Qiao An can finally be together happily & nbsp; & nbsp ;.

Middle-aged plan (TV)[2006]

Feature: After a series of events, Jian HePing, a civil affairs bureau cadre, has realized that many people and things around him are changing until middle age, but his work and life have not had any improvement. He began to reflect on it and set a "middle age plan" for himself: it included all aspects of life, including the promotion of a house and the publication of a book. The ambitious middle-aged plan drew the family's ridicule, but mother and eldest daughter Jian Jie expressed their support. Day by day, the promotion and purchase problems are not worth the show, the book's plan has been Su sister sister and China's help, which gave Jian HePing great consolation and confidence. With Su Zhen's constant encouragement, his plan to exercise did not stop and the accordion was as wonderful as it used to be. He was immersed in a fulfilling life, but his wife was gradually suspicious of him, and his mother and sister were wary of them. All of a sudden they were at him. Finally, Jian HePing, who can not endure this torture, has finally added one item to his "middle age plan: divorce. This amazing decision from the honest and honest eldest son of the mouth, one family can not believe that his wife is even more unacceptable, the feelings of the two daughters have not yet solved the problem, the old man and mother raged divorce, a man in the age of perplexity, In the face of these problems that have to be solved and the "middle age plan" that he did not want to give up.

Crescent Moon and Sunshine (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills 1 Zhang XiaoYue and Luo CanYang are also locked up in a reformatory yard. Luo CanYang was convicted because she was convicted of prison jail and put her in the same cell as Zhang XiaoYue. The story began in the two very boring memories. When the drama entered the story, it was Zhang XiaoYue's bereaved father. This not only deprived Xiao YueEr of its source of income, but also made it difficult to repay its debts. However, Luo CanYang's father promoted the banquet guests because of the new promotion. Xiao YueEr's mother and daughter were invited to help the domestic helpers. So a series of "master servant" "mother and daughter" "wives and concubines" "neighborhood" "children" "classmates" "officialdom." Between a series of complex contradictions thus started. It seems that some parents are short inside, but all the contradictions revolve around the fate of Xiao YueEr and Xiao YueEr Ma and Luo CanYang. So very exciting. Xiao YueEr mother after several twists and turns, or not enough food, and finally had to remarry. After Xiao YueMa remarried, the life of the Xiaoyue family stabilized. The new father can not give birth, but also placed high hopes on her, they make every effort to their school. By chance, Zhang XiaoYue heard a Cao Kun ballot in the House of Cannang in Luo actually as high as eight thousand yuan. Her new father, however, taught her that she could feel good at eating. When she heard that the teacher van did not need money and was in uniform, she regarded her teacher as his ideal. Their whole family paid a great deal of effort. Zhang XiaoYue is very strong, academic performance has been among the best. However, all kinds of darkness in society are also reflected in schools through various ways and means, especially through the Luo family. So all the efforts and sacrifices made by her and her father and mother, especially Xiao YueMa, all failed. Satsuki new dad died, his mother for the Satsuki school, had betrayed himself. However, this made their mother and daughter have sharp contradictions and broke up. Her dream of going to school was shattered by Luo's destruction. However, when she left school, she said to the headdress who had always given her sympathy and care that she would live honestly regardless of her future. Zhang XiaoYue did exactly what she said. However, only when she entered the cannibalistic society did she realize that it is not easy for a woman, even if some culture, to find serious cause. She wanted to learn her mother to do some rough work to support themselves, but also failed to achieve. Later, hungry and unable to find a place to be cheated by a person claiming to be the principal's relatives, and finally co-lived with him. Then, went to a restaurant. There she would rather be mixed, not a waitress. She thought of marrying, but also anonymity dry. Strive hard to keep their own faith and promise, but the result is still difficult to solve the food and clothing. Once she had heard about the unfortunate personal experience of the wife who had cheated him away from her, she suddenly realized that morality was what rich people said to others and was thus no longer burdened with morality and embarked on the same path as her mother path of. Satsuki understood the mother at this time. When she learned that the mother has become a beggar feel very happy. She did not want to let her know her own situation, but she could only secretly send her money to the broken temple where her mother lived. She is crazy about trying to earn money to repay her debt to her mother. Finally, she finally fell ill. When she died in the apartment, my mother came. It was a snowy day. Mother and daughter meet, the two crying and hugging together.Mother and daughter in order to survive, had to work together to help each other played a life-saving. Luo CanYang Zhang XiaoYue in the development and evolution of the entire fate of the family has always been a puppet. In order to her father's promotion, always consciously or unintentionally hurt Zhang XiaoYue, Zhang XiaoYue and she again and again fell into the abyss of pain. And she himself was "sought" by her so-called happiness, always destroyed by his father's promotion. In order to keep her eldest or younger grandmother status, she eventually succumbed to the house. But her fight has never stopped. But in the end, her protest was finally caused by divorce. Made her in-laws, a hypocritical moralist, notorious for revealing divorce scandals. His father was also implicated and defeated by his political opponents. As a result, abandoned by the family, like the same month was captured into the reformatory hospital. So as to complete the tragedy fate of the two individuals.

Sad mother and child (TV)[2006]

Feature: A visit to the supervision of the day. Dr Wu YongNan drove again to a women's prison to visit his son, Han SuMei, who was jailed for serving a premeditated murder and is serving his sentence here. He is coming on almost every visit day, but Han SuMei always refuses to see him. But this was the birthday of Han SuMei, who was met by repeated requests by Wu YongNan, but Han Mohin did not say anything from beginning to end. That indifferent eyes, closed lips again clearly shows: she did not want to see, do not want to see, but can not forgive her this eldest son. Because he personally destroyed the well-being families he painstakingly built, took himself to court and sent him to prison. Han SuMei is a very unlucky woman. During that turmoil, her family was killed and driven by starvation, wandering alone into a foreign land - a rural northwestern China. Kind Wu Mu kept her at home and could not think of her son Wu JinWang, an unscrupulous old bachelor who had stormed her up. Shortly afterwards, Han SuMei found herself pregnant and was home with Jin Wang. Diligent and quick she became a good daughter-in-law applause for everyone. The family also had a chance to live under her control. Her son Wu YongNan was born and a third boy was brave. As Wang Jin is still eating and drinking regardless of family, the couple often trouble, three days quarrel fighting. With the changes in rural areas, people in the village are trying to get rich. Wu JinWang still practices bad habits and even cheats on his son's tuition to drink and gamble. Han SuMei can not stand this useless husband, a few times wanted to leave, and finally for the children, with the mother's cry to make do and go. Wu YongNan At the age of 12, Zhao DaLong, a blacksmith from the county of Shuonong, came to the village. This passionate young man happens to be fellow Han SuMei. His hometown folks, particularly affectionate. Han SuMei moved to want to introduce him to his daughter Wu YueE's idea, often ask the dragon to eat at home, the dragon also often help her work. Yue love dragon. But the true sympathy and compassion of the dragon is Han SuMei. Han SuMei can not accept, intends to alienate him. Zhao DaLong painfully intends to leave here. Han SuMei went to stay, the two talked about each other, and finally understand each other's intentions. In a village firefighting day, they hugged together. They did not know that this scene was hit by his son Wu YongNan accidentally. My mom even with other men affectionate. This gives the young Wu YongNan great spiritual shock. At this time, the village talked a little about the relations between Han SuMei and Zhao DaLong. Wu JinWang heard Han SuMei and went to Zhao DaLong to take charge of the book. However, she was deterred by Zhao DaLong and her bed fell ill. Zhao DaLong left the village under the persuasion of Han SuMei. Instead, Wu JinWang tortured Han SuMei. Han SuMei swallowed and gave him good food every day. Jin Wang's disease is more and more serious, and finally in a stormy night attack, Han SuMei rain went to the town to seek medical treatment, dropped into the ditch halfway, Wu JinWang eventually died of death. Wu YueE woke up with her sister-in-law, suspected she killed his brother. Based on the daily knowledge of Han SuMei and Wu JinWang, Li Jian, director of the police station, found Wu YueE vexatious and issued a normal death certificate to Wu JinWang.More than a month later, Zhao DaLong, who heard the news, proposed to Han SuMei that Han SuMei promised him to bring her children to move to town with Zhao DaLong. Wu YongNan did not go with her, begged her mother not to go, but Han SuMei still followed Zhao DaLong away. This made Wu YongNan's relationship with his mother suddenly alienated and indifferent. Han SuMei was very sad about this and tried her best to compensate her son. In her son admitted to college, no money to pay school fees, she took out all the savings at home, afraid of this stubborn child refused to accept, then Yong men's teacher Song Jiaping lent him in his own name to help his son to achieve The wish to go to school. Another 10 years later, Wu YongNan, who has graduated from university, has become an outstanding pathologist and has worked in provincial hospital. Here he meets his elementary school at the same table Li MinNa - the daughter of Li Jian, the director of the police station and primary school teacher Song Jiaping, who is now a lawyer. They soon love and are ready to get married. Wu YongNan and Minna Hui went to see her parents. Here, Wu Yongan saw Han SuMei and her family again: his brother Yongqiang, his half-sister Mei Xia and Zhao DaLong. Wu YongNan gradually dispelled his mother's misunderstanding under the persuasion of Li MinNa and her parents, but she was so nervous when she went home to see her grandmother. Since then, a single aunt Wu YueE reminds him: his father died in vain He should take revenge for his father. Wu YongNan is determined to find out the truth. By chance, he found that his father's death anomaly is a chemical poisoning. Exactly, the village to road, graveyard relocation. After the autopsy, Wu JinWang proved to be poisoned to death. At the urging of Wu YongNan, Han Yu-mei finally confessed everything to her son: how she had to become Wu JinWang's wife and how to poison him in order to get out of this tragic marriage. She surrendered at the request of her son. Li MinNa appeared as a lawyer to defend Han SuMei. Finally, the court ruled that the premeditated homicide was established, but given the specific reasons and circumstances surrendered themselves, according to the law sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. The case caused great sensation in his hometown and provincial capital. Many people expressed a great deal of frustration with Wu YongNan's behavior. Grandma was so agitated that her courage also escaped into a vacancy due to temporary desperation. Han SuMei learned of these situations, both hate themselves, but also hate his son ruined his family, from no longer ignore him. In the face of mother's hatred and speculation in the community, Wu YongNan is under pressure and can hardly afford the name of "adverse child." Li Jian, who is terminally ill, supports him and encourages him to face it bravely and uphold his right position of choice. Wu YongNan insisted on taking care of Zhao DaLong's family one time and went to see her mother time and time again. When he learned that Han SuMei was suffering from severe liver disease and needed liver transplantation and lack of liver-derived resources, Wu Yongnian persevered in "cutting the liver and saving the mother" My actual actions have eliminated people's misunderstanding of him and dissolved the hostility of their loved ones. Wu YueE reunited with sister-in-law and Zhao DaLong, and the courage came back to her family. Han SuMei finally understood his son's painstaking efforts, and the iceberg in her heart suddenly began to melt.

HeiSeMoFang (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Zhang Tong, peace leader of the police force, died on the arrest of a criminal suspect who manufactured and sold counterfeit money. In order to crack down on the arrogance of gangs selling counterfeit money and safeguarding the security and stability of the financial markets, the commissioner of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Chu Tianhong, immediately ordered to go to the Peace Corps Interpol to take over his post and take over Zhang Tong's unfinished mission. Zhang Tong is a student of Chutianhong Public Security University. Out of school years, Zhang Tong and Chu Tianhong have made outstanding contributions in their respective posts and have also formed profound friendship. With Zhang Tong's death on his own, the clues that were traced to the gangs of selling and selling of counterfeit money before were also clues and the criminal suspects went through such a blow. The previously arrogant arrogance has also been diverted to the ground, adding to the scarcity of reconnaissance work . Chutianhong inauguration peace branch Criminal Police Corps, set about the issue of reconnaissance, is located in the Songshan jungle mountain road accidental traffic accident occurred. After receiving the notification of traffic police, Chu Tianhong scout with a long tiger, intern Wang Lixue appeared at the scene of the accident. Judging from the knife on the neck of an accidental death crew, Chutianhong ruled out the possibility of an accident and found a woman's high-heeled shoes near the scene. Autopsy report verified Chutianhong ...

When divorce is in progress (TV)[2005]

Feature: Like most ordinary families, Qian DaJin's home is calm and harmonious. He has a career. His wife, Meng ShuiQing, is a surgeon. They have a lovely and clever daughter, Qian XianXian. But one day Meng ShuiQing left home on the grounds that Unhappy ... Meng ShuiQing came back in anxious waiting and searching, telling

in principle (TV)[2004]

Feature: Late at night, a red emergency phone, wake up already sleeping Changhai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Xue Baoshan, the police told, found the body of Liu Ming, director of United Textile Mill. Xue Shuji felt a serious situation, Liu Ming's death will mean that thousands of textile manufacturers at any time may be paralyzed, even more frightening is. Hundreds of millions of yuan of funds do not know where to go, but also owed hundreds of thousands of workers wages. The meeting on the issue of uniting the textile mills was conducted in a tense atmosphere and pressure was exerted on Xue Baoshan, the top leader of the municipal party committee. Luo ZiDan, now captain of the Changhai criminal investigation team, was once again secretary of the Communist Youth League of Textile Mill, Back to unity textile mill. A group of high-spirited children led by Xue Zhang Gui, who had already drowned the richest Unity Textile Factory in Changhai City, paid close attention to the development of the situation and saw that the piece of fat gradually fell into their mouths. However, the appointment of the municipal team Mess up their plans. With the gradual implementation of Xue ZhangGui's thorough planning, flaws have become increasingly apparent, which has aroused the vigilance of Luo ZiDan. He seems to smell an invisible black hand reaching the United Textile Mill. He decided to investigate in secret. Luo ZiDan found in the investigation Xue ZhangGui misappropriation of 60 million yuan of huge sums, but strengthened the conviction to investigate the matter. With the escalation of the contest between the two parties, Xue ZhangGui et al's criminal evidence gradually surfaced, which made him feel unprecedented fear, he caught all evil, began to fight back. At the seaside, Luo Dan and secretly protect their Kangsun met, unfortunately, Kang Suyun was Xuejiugui sent killer tracking, gunshots, guilty of bullets played in the protection of Luo ZiDan Kang Suyun, Kang Suyun handed Lin ZiDan hidden before the death Xue ZhangGui deadly CD, she left the beloved forever ... ... distraught Luo ZiDan want to CD-ROM at the police, but found sinister Xue ZhangGui has stood in front of him ...

conquer (TV)[2003]

Feature: After investigating a group of black gang members who crossed Heng Hsiang, police learned that conquering the stills took the head of the gang of black forces in the vicinity of North Qilu. Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaWen's younger brother, was recently seriously wounded, For another triad, Feng Biao, Liu HuaWen remained silent while investigating Liu HuaWen. At this time, Liu HuaQiang had been absconded for hurting others two years ago. Feng Biao was also After Wu Tian was killed and fled the city, Xu GuoQing made Liu HuaQiang a priority and started hunt down. At this moment, in the suburban song and dance hall in front of Song YunLai commonly known as the Song Tiger was shot in the same way. Song YunLai is a famous local underworld figure, one of the only remaining members of the dark forces who started his own career in the seventies of the city. He just released his sentence to concentrate on playing in the dance halls and never stopped talking about things in rivers and lakes. Wu Tian and Song YunLai heard each other, but without any contact. And the two have the meaning of retirement in the past two years, many of them are a few years ago. According to the investigation, Wu Tian and Song YunLai fought with Liu HuaQiang and Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaQiang's younger brother, had been wounded and had sneaked back to the city. Xu GuoQing is keenly aware that Liu HuaQiang is gradually implementing his plan of revenge while he continues to investigate and control the other side. As Xu GuoQing expected, Liu HuaQiang and his mistress Li Mei, two young killers rented in a district, peeped the police action and continued the long-awaited revenge plan. The pursuit of police and anti-chase between the police, revenge and prevent revenge from the contest.

Saving (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Save" Jiang Shan stills Lin QiuHong, deputy director of the Cats Institute, suddenly received a transatlantic call from her husband, Summer Yang, saying he had a Ph.D. and would soon be returning. The family did not wait to rejoice in joy, but so bad news - in the summer Yang was killed in a car accident on the way home, accompanied by the foreign woman Jenny was seriously coma into the hospital. Foreign children Andrew hair lossless, claiming that summer Yang is his father, a family dumbfounded, Feng Xiangshan forest was shocked. Whether to bring the child home, the family is divided into two groups. Lin QiuHong is emotionally unacceptable. Grandpa Songtao, an old man, considered the child a disgrace to the Xia family. However, after some ideological struggles, his father, Xia ChangYuan, decided to claim a foreign child. Children into the mountains like a stone aroused Melaleuca waves, breaking the peace of one's family life, the fate of Lin QiuHong also had a significant impact. Foreign children continue to make trouble, even running away two tigers, alerted the entire forest area and even the provincial government, resulting in Lin QiuHong back the administrative sanctions, the post of director also replaced by another deputy director Song BeiFeng. Foreign children gradually into the family later, the new problem came again, the hospital asked the summer family to bear Jenny's medical expenses, the family after discussion, took out all the savings. Shortly after the medical expenses were exhausted and the summer family was at a loss, Leng Song, the son of Xia ChangYuan, secretly solved the pressing problem. In the process of accepting foreign children, Lin QiuHong in the career is also difficult. With her goal of "taking the tiger back to the mountains" as her goal, she formulated a "995 Plan" (homophony to save the tiger), put forward her efforts to occupy the base of Yajiling construction wild-type training and make unremitting efforts to this end. However, the interests of forestry workers represented by Zheziling and Xia ChangYuan have fierce conflicts, meanwhile, the guiding ideology of using Tiger to make money represented by Song BeiFeng is incomparable. Lin QiuHong cracked these contradictions one by one, through social donations in the form of a grant of funds to enable the construction of wild training base from ideal to reality. After Lin QiuHong's bereavement, objectively, three men have been dormant for a long time in love with Lin QiuHong. The first was businessman Leng Song, who emotionally turned his old sister-in-law quietly into a lover. He became a lover by loving Lin Qiu-Hong and sold his farm to the "995 Plan." He eventually won Lin QiuHong's heart; the second is the forest Wen Hao Wen, this man nickname Yi ZhiBi, some culture but eccentric thinking, because of love Lin QiuHong and his wife Yi ZhiHua trouble divorce, and later Yi ZhiHua re-made good; the third Is the deputy director of Song BeiFeng, he and Lin QiuHong is a university classmate, because of the pursuit of the result by love and hate, always want to destroy Lin QiuHong, and finally his own fame. Jenny finally woke up, the mystery of foreign children's life experience to be opened. It turned out he and summer Yang did not kinship, summer Yang is only foreign children of Chinese teachers and tenants. Lin QiuHong and the family both happy and sad, because foreign children are not their own children, he will soon leave. Jenny wakes up with the foreign children left, to a cross-border love left to a mountain in northern China. In the process of building a harmonious coexistence between man and animals, man and man, man and society, everyone experiences a complex emotional torture.

Grand House door second (TV)[2003]

Feature: The second part of the Great House Gate brings together the same people and adds new forces. Chen Baoguo, Kesheng Lei, Jiang Wenli and He Saifei continue to interpret the compassion of the previous generation of the stills in the sequel while Jiang Shan, Pei Liu, Faye Yu, Qi Wang, Liu Bin, Ruixin Tong and a number of other actors joined to add more affordability to the play. The White House Great Gate After the struggle of the Lao Bai Tai-yu and the invaders of the Japanese invaders, Wills, holding the faith of sworn death, determined to deal with the Japanese in the end. On the night and Li XiangXiu deliberately transferred the "secret recipe", they were unanimously opposed by Yang JiuHong, Bai JingYe and others. The next day, Qiye and his grandson Bai ZhanYuan were arrested and jailed. By Li XiangXiu et al., They designed to break through the layers of defense of the Japanese invaders and their traitors. Seven God was tortured at stake, under the careful arrangements of the underground party will save the Seven Lord. Seven Yeh again to the identity of Chamber of Commerce, the enemy's internal conflicts to eliminate traitors Wang XiGuang. A large number of embargoed drugs were smuggled into the anti-Japanese front line and the liberated areas. Bai Yi, the granddaughter of Seven Gods, and young people like Tongsuejian insist on resisting Japan. Tong Yue was severely wounded and was saved by Qiye. Japanese traitor surrendered when Chinese traitor Guan JingShan searched the critical juncture of Tong Yue. Happy family, the Kuomintang rule darker. Guan JingShan has become a hero against Japan, and then trapped in prison in the prison. Through Li XiangXiu multi-disciplinary mediation, the final verdict Qiye innocence, the son of the family Qiye Bai JingYe do everything possible to discourage Bai Mei and Tong Yuezhijian matter. Bai Mei nerve disorder caused by running away from home. Qiu Ye concubine Yang JiuHong bent on peace with his daughter Bai JiaLi, seven Yeh earnest persuasion, let the granddaughter He Qi and Jia Li go to Taiwan on the eve of liberation. But Jia Li eventually did not recognize the Jiu Hong, Ji Hong sadness desperate hunger strike. Liberation Army marched into Peiping, Bai ZhanYuan became the leader of the CMC. The whole family was shocked in the anti-revulsion, Guan JingShan finally revealed shy. When assassinating Zhanyuan, they were killed by our army. At this moment, Bai Mei, who had disappeared for more than a year, suddenly returned home. No one can ask her whereabouts. After the campaigns of "Resisting the United States and U.S. aiding the DPRK", "Three Aid, Five Antips," and "Paying Two Guns", both Qiyou and Li Xiangxiu received profound education and felt that it was only possible to follow the path taken by the Communist Party. The two have joined the "CPPCC". Seven Yeh and glorious participated in the "National Day tea party", and in the "public-private partnership" campaign, the first to achieve the "joint venture." The collection of centuries-old "white secret recipe" dedicated to the country. Li XiangXiu for personal future, bought a child Li TianYi for adopted son. Inherit her entire property. At this time the property has been split for the property of the ill-fated, the same value of the younger sister Bai Yu-ting choose property heirs. So father and son, husband and wife, brother and sister, siblings have turned their heads. To die dead, crazy crazy. Bai Mei, after two unfortunate marriages, furiously kills her unhappy mother and sister. My sister is dead and wounded. Bai Mei also died in the hospital. Bai Mei, who knew many years of missing, was pregnant and gave birth to a child. Li TianXi's adoptive son, Li TianYi, was admitted to the university. After being educated by the party for many years, he hated the bourgeois family and refused to inherit the legacy and eventually left with Li Xiangxiu.

Tens of thousands (TV)[2002]

Feature: Tens of thousands of stories took place in Shanghai, China. Tens of thousands of screenshots Founder, is the local famous large family. Because Mr. Fang Lao died prematurely, his wife was always in charge of the affairs of the house by the wise and competent Mrs Fang. The eldest son, Fang ZhenYa, is a manager of a shipping company in Shanghai. He is in his forties and has not yet got married. Because of its sincere, honest, unspeakable, and no place at home. Fang XingYa, the youngest son, has stayed in the ocean and is the vice president of a famous large hospital in Shanghai. He has a high social status and reputation in the area. At home, much of his mother's favor, is a man of words. Han YunQing, his wife, was jailed for six years on suspicion of being involved in a murder case. For the sake of Fang's family and her husband, she was forced to divorce Awake from her parents and left Pan Pan and Du Du two children for the future of her children. Fang family in order to avoid the impact of murderer on the family reputation, and deceive the two children that their mother is dead ... ... Han family, is a small family. Han Fu relies on sugar and clay to make a living. Han Fu, though he did not believe his daughter would murder, always thought that his daughter had lost his face and could not lift his head in the presence of Fang's family and people. His son, Han YunTian, ​​is Han YunQing's younger brother. He always believed that his sister's jail sentence would be another hidden secret, and he vowed to make the truth of the case clear to the world. To this end, he chose to study law and work hard to learn legal knowledge ... Zheng, Zheng Fu and Zheng Mu are small workshop owners. They have two daughters, eldest daughter Ying Jia, a small staff, old girl. Scarlett, a daughter, is studying in a university and is Han YunTian's girlfriend. But she has suffered from epilepsy since childhood, and has been on the privacy. The more she loved the sky, the more reluctant to marry him. At the same time, Zheng Fu looks down on Han and does not want to marry her daughter to Yuntian. Yan family, only father and daughter two. Yan Yan is a famous barrister, he not only proficient in law but also re-emphatic handouts, with particular emphasis on the lawyer's personality. Although he was hired by Fang Fang, he did not want to break his conscience. In Yunqing's case, he upheld his justification and endeavored to defend Yun-Qing and allowed him to get commuted. He also refused to handle the case of divorce Yunfang and Awake Asia. His only daughter Kai Zhen, hurt because of his first love failure, has been quietly healing at home alone. Later, she met Yuntian ... Our story begins when Han YunQing is released ...

Perfect summer (TV)[2002]

Feature: Perfect Summer tells the story of four dependent orphans growing up with their own ideals. An unforgettable life and death love, in the summer of the seaside gentle said. If you are not alone in this world, it is because of the world, there is always a corner of heaven, a person deeply, quietly in love with you, consistent. Unidentified northern floating singer Huang Zheng debut in the first Hongxiang Cup Song Contest, who knows the champion has long been defined as the sponsor of Hung Xiang, chairman of the son of Hong Xiang Huang Zheng highest crown win only second place, just University graduate Yang Guang dissatisfied with Fu Qin for their own arrangements for the title to resolutely resign. The successes of the Song Contest led to the arrival of record labels signed by Huang Zheng, who, under the persuasion of her sister Xin Yu, decided to return to the beach this summer to see A Jie and Yi Fan, who live by the sea. In order to give my friend an exasperation, severely remediation of the "Playboy" Yang Guang, Yang Guang therefore Xin Yu "remember", to accept Xin Yu, Yang Guang chasing "beauty", with Xin Yu came centipede Zhizhou Island. Where did you know that Ning Meng, sister of Yang Guang, also followed up, and Ning Meng fell in love at first sight because of Huang Zheng's first kiss, and Huang Zheng was constantly having "nightmares." Four orphans who grew up on the beach at an early age were reunited many years later this summer. Childhood especially remembered, but everyone's heart is subtle changes, A Jie and Huang Zheng kind of unfamiliar, already assimilated by urban life Xin Yu and freestyle Yi Fan quite a big gap between life. Huang Zheng helps A Jie to take care of the hotel business. Xin Yu works in her favorite ice cream shop. Everyone lives the same with his childhood, but he can no longer find the old feeling. Fortunately, there is a black girl working in the hotel from a large mouth outrigger to ease the atmosphere from the blend, but Yi Fan never know this woman has no way of favor. Yang Guang came to the beach, followed by a tough Ning Meng. Seemingly calm beach suddenly chaos up, Ning Meng saw Huang Zheng crazy show of love, Huang Zheng Ning Meng's feelings disagreeable, A Jie Huang Zheng and Ning Meng saw all day intimate, can not help but mourn. Boogie-up Yang Guang on the beach quite a woman's edge, but only for not looking at him Xin Yu fond of. Xin Yu only loves friends with Yang Guang, but her feelings for the silence of Yi Fan are completely unaware of it. When Yang Guang learns about Yi Fan's good intentions toward Xin Yu, she resolutely exits. Xin Yu was really touched by Yi Fan, and Yi Fan began to engage, but Yang Guang's appeal is so irresistible. Ning Meng clung to the feelings between Huang Zheng and A Jie and deliberately expressed her love in the face of A Jie Huang Zheng's life and death. The beach was typhoon again, Jie did not go out, Ning Meng pretend to delay the water, until everyone found A Jie, A Jie has been lying unconscious on the beach ...... A wave of waves, the wave of real estate development Business by virtue of loopholes in the property book is difficult hotel, the hotel people in order to raise 800,000 acquisition of gold and running around, but to no avail. Suddenly, the younger sister came out with a mere 500,000. The two were more curious about the disappearance of the black girl. Yang Guang and Ning Meng decided to go home and ask for help from Fu Qin. Fu Qin refused to excuse her father-son relationship.Fu Qin was persecuted by Yang Guang and came to the beach with her children, but unexpectedly opened the mystery of the black girl ...

WhoCares (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Laid-off engineer Xie YuTing, who lived a steady housewife for two years, had just found her own marriage certificate lost in order to register for a "model husband and wife" gift one day. Yu-ting checked the mess, thoroughly tossing her husband Gu Ming and daughter Xiao Wen, the more can not find, the more to find her husband's bald child; Gu Ming, a psychiatrist, both want to escape his wife's unreasonable censure, want to get close An understanding of the young female assistant, of course, looking for an excuse for all kinds of night; Year fourteen, extremely curious about the relationship between men and women, the text, the father's mind is clear at a glance, bent on turning the tide for the good family, spend money to do A false marriage certificate to deceive the sea, who knows the marriage certificate in the Cultural Revolution has undergone dozens of amendments, and even the portrait of Chairman Mao also vanished; Yuting wearing a completely different marriage certificate furious, that her husband Deliberately deceived, plotting to abandon his wife and children abandoned, the two apply for a divorce result; but according to Chinese law, divorce have to first have a marriage certificate, Yunting suddenly return to the countryside and the place of marriage, had just found the previous marriage certificate People's communes have ceased to exist. Yuting returned to the beautiful new city, suddenly thinking of good times no longer looking back, replaced by high-speed economic development brought about by the rich material life. In order to save their parents' marriage, Xiaowen released a note of heavy bombs ...

Shuibuzhao (Movie)[2000]

Feature: Wu JiTang is an experienced police officer who, during his mission, inadvertently harmed the hostage and was "banished" to a police station as an ordinary police officer. With amazing and accurate intuition, he has uncovered many cases and maintained the security of the patch. He put all his energy into handling the case and did not take care of the family.

Make love (TV)[2000]

Feature: Let love be the main screen shot of a Health Bureau Deputy Director Geng Lin (Wang Zhiwen ornaments) and doctor Liu Yun (Jiang Shan ornaments) is a couple married a few years ago, just out of the university gate Lou JiaYi (Xu Jinglei ornaments) and Xiao TianHai (Wang Xuebing ornaments) is a pair of lovers about to break up. When Geng Lin and Lou JiaYi met each other, their emotional world underwent dramatic changes in a calm life. Geng Lin and Liu Yun, who are about to enter middle age, both admire and panic in the face of the success of business and the temptation of materialism, both toward and confused. They try to find true love in each other, the result is love and hate, the family also came to a crisis. However, when Geng Lin and Liu Yun were inadvertently involved in a murder case, the two rediscovered the goodwill and kindness of each other, and they unselfishly devoted themselves to the rescue of each other. The young Lou JiaYi and Xiao TianHai after the almost crazy feelings of the twists and turns, but also find their own destination.

GetoutYourSecret (Movie)[1999]

Feature: The film tells of an intriguing story of escapes caused by traffic jams. A pair of loving couples, with their honest work and from the era of educated youth with profound feelings, hand in hand into middle-aged harvest period. Unexpectedly, his wife started driving a car rainy night hit home. Her husband hurriedly escaped out of her lover's affair and her cherished family honor. Starting from the next day, whether it is windy or raining, a little girl always holds the big name of "looking for eyewitnesses," and stands at the scene of the accident. Wife conscience began to bear weight, unwilling to let unknowing husband worry, although her husband feels abnormal but is afraid to ask his wife, innocent son is full of sympathy for the unhappiness of the little girl. The warm and quiet life of the family of three was smashed smash, a series of contradictions one after another, "looking for witnesses," the little girl placards image, as the eyes of conscience, staring at the husband and wife every moment no peace, conscience and Confidently brewed into an unspeakable soul storm ... ... eventually her husband took his wife onto the road to surrender. He Liying's conscience was condemned, and gradually discovered the problem. Naive son was very sympathetic to the misfortune of the little girl. He often made indignant remarks at home, making He Liying even more saddened. He Liying quietly rushed to the hospital to see her bruised person - the little girl's mother, the result of the wounded situation is very serious, still not completely out of danger. Li Guoqiang saw his wife in the hospital, both speechless ... The wounded were getting better and better. Li Guoqiang and He Liying were benefactors without any knowledge. However, both Li Guoqiang and He Liying always suffered the spiritual torture Torture. Finally, He Liying made a decision, Li Guoqiang accompanied her to the Public Security Bureau surrendered.

Ambush (Movie)[1997]

Feature: The more recent cases of beautiful homicides have taken place, resulting in extremely cruel means. After investigation by the public security department, several cases were committed by the same criminal gang whose nickname is "Zhi Zhe". In order to seize the "Zhi Zhe", the city captain reconnaissance high captain decided to lay many ambush points in the city, closely monitored. When the arrangement was completed, Captain Yang inadvertently found a solitary one in Hokatusan. He thought this room might be related to this case. He assigned the task of setting up an ambush to Chief Ye and Chief Ye MinZhu of the Shipyard Security Section. In ordinary trivia, I praised the high degree of responsibility and dedication of my public security warrior and public security personnel. The story took place in a seaside city. In order to detect a criminal gang, detective captain Yang Gao laid out many ambush spots in the city. A red house near the shipyard in the city was a less important suspicion. Yang Gao set up an ambush spot on the abandoned water tower near the dockyard security department chief and field officer Ye MinZhu to monitor the red house. Two people take turns on duty in the solitary water tower, eating instant noodles to drink mineral water. Lao Tian's body is not good, Ye MinZhu reminded Oda to check, who knows the results of the test surprisingly, Laoda turned out to be advanced liver cancer. Oida admitted to the hospital, Ye MinZhu himself bought a lot of bread, mineral water alone to continue the ambush task. Leaves work needs to be kept confidential, many days do not go home leaves the girlfriend misunderstood. Leaves in the water tower insisted on an ambush 36 days. There was an abandoned water tower beside the crane hill, there was a hole in the top of the tower, a telescope and a panoramic view of the red house. Chief Ye MinZhu Wada started an ambush mission on this tower. For a dozen days, the two take turns on duty, there is no movement. Ye MinZhu's girlfriend, Bai Lin, has not seen the leaves of a dozen of people for a few days and thinks he is very sad with another new love. During ambush, Oida admitted to the hospital because of liver cancer late. Ambush the task by Ye MinZhu one person to complete, he prepared a lot of bread and mineral water, on the water tower day after day, night after night, a full thirty-six days. "Zhi Zhe" was finally arrested. If he confessed that there was an ambush on the water tower, he had already returned home - taking a passport in that red house and fleeing. Captain Yang did not understand that ambush was not removed on the seventh day? It turned out that the captain of the defense forgot to inform Field Chief and Ye MinZhu. To be captain Yang rushed to the water tower, Ye MinZhu has been dying. When Oda died, Ye MinZhu beat the head of defense to the detention center, and Captain Young bailed him, and the two became good friends. After Bai Lin learned the truth, she forgave Ye MinZhu.

I love my family. (TV)[1995]

Feature: "I love my family" stills "I love my family" is a set of educational and entertaining, serious and popular, artistic and mass in a new type of television literary and artistic work, is a foreign sitcom with China's national conditions and by our audience Generally welcomed the sketch, the indoor theater organically combined with the art form, for the creation of television drama has the significance of research. The 120-episode sitcom "I Love My Family" shows a cross-section of the social life of a world-wide cantaloupe in today's reform drive through a family of six in Beijing in the 1990s and their neighborhoods, friends and relatives. . Why so much trouble and trivial, but can not stop the laughter, because I love my family.

After addiction (TV)[1994]

Feature: After the addiction - stills This drama depicts Fang Yan and Du Mei from acquaintance, love, repulsion, away from, believe, and finally get together once again the story, which is full of ditches, grace and grudges, stumbling. However, this drama is not too much deliberately sensational, did not cry all day long, did not go around in a few people love triangle, not to marriage as the end of love. It is like a very real story, but it is full of romance. Wang Zhiwen, Jiang Shan After the husband and wife addiction, Zhao Baogang had passed the addiction of love, Wang Shuo over the television addiction, "over the addiction," just look at it is not fun, love never outdated, room temperature often classic, never fade, Often see often new. The multi-verified, by Wang Shuo's "addiction to die," "never miss my love," "no applause" blend of three novels.

Thunderbolt throne (Movie)[1992]

Feature: Vanilla and Wang Nina are half-sisters, their parents just died and left a huge legacy of Hong son and her husband Suzuki met Wang Nina has the mother of the Queen, but the next day, the son of the mother was killed, the company was Wanton destruction, many times being incensed to kill. Asiko is Nina and her husband fight for the sake of his father's legacy, the two are therefore against each other, is the murderer otherwise ...

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