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Jingyan Wu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jingyan Wu Works 24 ,And Romance 8 ,Costume Drama 7 ,War 4 ,Urban drama 3 ,Love 3 ,Feature 3 ,Historical play 3 ,Year 2 ,Action 2 ,Republic of China 2 ,抗战2 ,Palace 2 ,Comedy 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,权谋1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,legend 1 ,Ancient mythology 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Jingyan Wu Filmography(24)


八佰 (Movie)[2020]


《八佰》是由华谊兄弟电影有限公司和北京七印象文化传媒有限公司出品,腾讯影业文化传播有限公司、北京光线影业有限公司和阿里巴巴影业(北京)有限公司联合出品,导演管虎执导, Huang Zhizhong 、 Tony Robbins 、 Oho Ou 、 Cheng Zhang 、 Qianyuan Wang 、 Jiang Wu 、 Yi Zhang 、 Du Chun 、陆思宇、 Youhao Zhang 、 Vision Wei 、 Li Chen 、白恩、 Ailei Yu 、 Haoming Yu 、 Ryan 等主演的战争题材影片。




你是我的答案 (TV)[2019]



东港市公安局重案组组长 Zhou Yuan ( Xiaodong Guo 饰演),因为一次抓捕毒贩的卧底行动,意外认识了女编剧 Bai XiaoLu ( Jingyan Wu 饰演),她的冒失差点导致行动失败。 Lu Hao ( Shunran Zhao 饰演)从一个高校的毕业生主动调入重案组,渴望成为一个优秀的警察,却在过程中和 Zhou Yuan 的“家长式”管理进行了一次次碰撞。

Zhou Yuan 与前女友 Lin Yao ( Yuxi Zhao 饰演)的感情破裂而阴差阳错地搬入了 Bai XiaoLu 的家中,开始了这对欢喜冤家浪漫满屋式的同居生活。与此同时, Bai XiaoLu 的好友,御姐 Yuan MingQing ( Sookie 饰演)在相处中,渐渐被 Lu Hao 这个单纯真挚的男孩打动。

幸福还会来敲门 (TV)[2019]


Huang ZiLi 在经历人生事业、爱情的双重打击后跌入谷底,他走过悲伤迷茫,也曾浑浑噩噩,甚至成为派出所的“常客”。但最终能在艰难逆境中拼搏向上,在人性的抉择中迸发光彩,无怨无悔的带着前妻留下的一老一小走过人生风雨,蜕变为一个敢于担当的成熟男人,并收获了浓浓的亲情和爱情,最终赢得了美好的人生。全剧以充满喜剧和温情的手法表现了历尽苦难痴心不改的人生价值观,传递向上、向善、向美的正能量,对当下的浮躁的社会风气具有参照意义 。


Story of Yanxi Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Story of Yanxi Palace" episodes:Described in the six years of Qianlong, the young girl Wei Yingluo entered into the palace and seeked the truth of her sister'death. After investigation, she confirmed that her sister’s death was related to the wangye of Hongzhou, and he was determined to seek justice. Queen Fucha succumbed to the ritual, worried that she would go astray and try to give her warmth and help. Under the careful guidance of the Queen, Wei Wei gradually grew into a strong and strong palace girl, and put down resentment and serious life. The unfortunate death of the Queen caused the misunderstanding of Qianlong. The two men were mutually hostile and eventually understood and supported each other. With the courage, the astute and flexible mind, and the broad-minded mind, the ambitions of the courts have been resolved, and they have finally become the shackles of the prosperity of the Qianlong. It was not until before her death that she told the Emperor Fuchao that she had accompanied her to Honglong. She hoped that she would accompany her to Hongyi and help him to be a Mingjun, and that Qianlong knew that Fucha had a good heart. In the 60 years of Emperor Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong declared that the son of Wei Wei, the prince of Yongzheng, was the crown prince. At the same time, he was the queen of the prince, and he finally fulfilled his promise to the Queen of Fucha with his own life.

Leave without saying goodbye (Movie)[2018]


Chen Xiao, President of mountaineering, Xiong Bo, Zhang Hao and Li Shuo, two rich generations, are good brothers of mountaineering clubs. After a party at a mountaineering club, the four of them made the mistake of embarking on a daring, spontaneous journey. Along the way, they traveled across several provinces, "Wolf's mouth out" on the grasslands, struggling in the desert, nervous skydiving, hesitating at the foot of snow-capped mountains. All the way in a mess, full of jokes and quarrels; The brotherly affection that looks like plastic flower, but in the moment that faces "life and death test" clench each other's hand.

Ten years of sunshine (TV)[2018]


Introduction to TV series ten years of sunshine and ten years of life: About 30 s Shanghai, orphanages in feng a chance won a journalist's career, because the boss arranged in the film layout, so he and the actress xu lai in the indissoluble bond, he was in the process of development of nominal police station inspector, it is a positive thought the influence of the progress of the youth Li Re righteousness, from a purely entertainment, became to expose the social darkness and ugly, also the public facts of reporters, also found his life mystery, When he knew that his father had been persecuted and killed for challenging the reactionary government for the benefit of the workers, he resolutely made the same choice as his father, secretly cooperated with li ruoyi and completed the action of destroying the Japanese invaders' plan, which won the favor of xu laiyi. The two eventually chose to go to yan 'an with the progressive youth of Shanghai and devote themselves to the liberation battle with perseverance, leaving behind a legendary life story that will be enjoyed by future generations.

外滩钟声 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《外滩钟声》剧情介绍:讲述了 Du XinSheng 和俞佩佩是同学,两个人感情深厚。俞佩佩的外婆何音是音乐学院的教授被红卫兵当成反动学术权威剧照给揪出来,经常被拉去批斗。 Du XinSheng 和弟弟杜心根对俞佩佩十分关爱。为保护俞佩佩家里的那把珍贵的意大利大提琴不被红卫兵抄走。 Du XinSheng 去找在海关钟楼工作的父亲帮忙,杜父将大提琴藏在钟楼里面。梧桐里迎来知青上山下乡的高潮,大妹妹杜心芳决意报名去安徽泾县插队, Lao HuZaoYeYe 收养的孙子阿大是独子不用下乡,但为了心芳,他也准备离开。胖嫂送走了大女儿曼娟,她要远赴云南。杜夫因病去世, Du XinSheng 顶替父亲成了海关大钟的守钟人。这样他就不用下乡了。苗师傅带领着这个徒弟每天维护大钟,讲解海关大钟的来历以及大钟的各个部件的构造和原理。心生每天和大钟为伍,深深地爱上大钟,擦拭大钟,维护大钟,以致到了痴迷的地步。心芳和阿大在农村劳作,相爱,偷尝禁果。心生接到泾县的电报,立即赶去乡下。原来心芳怀孕了,阿大因流氓罪被发配到原始森林去当护林员了。心生把妹妹带回了上海。毛阿大向心生发誓,争取好好表现早日回上海与心芳团圆。回到梧桐里的心芳因为未婚先孕遭到邻里议论。毛阿大在林中遭遇盗林匪徒不幸遇害。全家都瞒着心芳,心芳得知真相后绝食,在家人的安慰下决心平安生下孩子。心芳难产身亡,生下个女儿取名安安。杜家人陷入悲伤。 Du XinSheng 一直为妹妹的命运自责,她是顶替自己才下乡的。心生收养了安安当成亲生女儿来照顾 。


Huang Feng prison (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Phoenix prison phoenix" tells the story of AD 464, Liu ZiYe ascended the throne, brutal brutal violence, with her sister Shan Chu Liu Chu Yu, no relevant sex pictures, innumerable. Rivers and lakes first gang secret building, to overthrow the tyranny of Liu ZiYe. Chu Yu came to the princess house, began to cultivate confidants, and met Rong Rong Zhi face, in the face of Rong Zhi, Chu Yu secret love affair. In the end, the help of Tian Xiu helped Liu Xie win the title, Liu ZiYe was killed, Chu Yu also "died" in the rebellion. Rong Zhi shot his hand, Chu Chu came to neighboring countries. Chu Yu in neighboring China knew that Rong Zhi turned out to be a crony of the Empress Dowager in the Northern Wei Dynasty. In order to seize power in the Southern Dynasties, it lurked the burden at the princess house. Chu Yu expressed his love to Rong Zhi, Rong Zhi chose the country, and Chu Yu was sad to leave. In fact, Chu Yu Chu Yong affection deep, in the face of Chu Yu resolutely left, and ultimately choose Chu Yu, posing as the sea view, two neighborhood.

Anna (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the reign of Shang and Dynasties, Emperor B moved to the dynasty song (now Henan Hebi) and hoped that the city thrived like a brilliant song in the morning. Time flies, the throne passed to Di Xin, he was very happy, four crusade, conquered many countries around, expanding the territory of China, Shang Dynasty reached its heyday. Shang Dynasty expedition parties, confused people not livelihood. Fortunately Xi Ji Ji Chang's son Ji test, the son of Di Xin Yin sub-juvenile hero, hoping to use modest means to save the people in the water and fire. Ji test was framed into the slave camp, Yin suburbs life saved. In the fugitive road Ji Kyu met Jiang Ziya, which 吒, Yang 戬 and other people, and escaped Xiqi with their help. In 1048 BC, Ji Ka changed its name to Ji Fa, collaborating with 800 princes in organizing a mass protest against Di Xin, finally annihilating Shang. Do not want in the process, Yin suburbs mistakenly

Phoenix Warriors (TV)[2017]

Feature: Phoenix Star, due to over-armed destruction of ecology, into a glacier. Virgo Ji RouSang (MIYA ornaments) with energy stone "tears of the day" to escape, the country division ghost Jiao (Guan Xuan ornaments) and half man and half machine Jiao Tong (Royi ornaments) chase, fled to another blue planet. This is exactly the chaotic after-North-South split that broke out in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. When the phoenix appeared and the five-light gem fell from the sky, it was the "Supreme Treasure". Nan Liang Emperor Siu Yu (Yongteng Zhu ornaments) hunting, case Ji RouSang, scared to Heaven, and gave birth to five Xiao XiaoQing (Joe Zheng). Ji RouSang to escape the ghost Jiao follow, suspended animation suspended, the "tears of the day" to a girl of five years old drowning Miao 芊 芊 (Likun Wang ornaments). Two decades later, Miao 芊 芊 was extinguished, after the fall of the river by the Southern Liang Rui Xiao FengQing rescued, "tears" and then

皓镧传 (TV)[2017]


《皓镧传》讲述了战国晚期,秦赵争锋,战事迭起。赵国邯郸,御史李赫的女儿李皓镧因继母的陷害,家破人亡、身败名裂,甚至被卖出。遇不得志的 Lv BuWei 把她买下,用奇货可居的计谋将皓镧献给了当时在赵国皇宫当人质的秦王孙异人。李、吕二人一同入赵宫,凭智慧击退了种种阴谋,化解了公主雅因爱慕异人而对二人的陷害,受到赵王的青睐。皓镧下嫁异人,秦国坑杀赵军四十万,异人的质子身份让他生命受到威胁,公主雅陷害皓镧不成反丧命,让二人之间产生嫌隙。宫中人人自危, Lv BuWei 利用皓镧挑起事端扰乱赵国内廷,借机带秦王孙异人逃离赵国归秦。秦国有奸人散播谣言说皓镧之子嬴政的父亲不是异人而是 Lv BuWei 。而此时异人病重不治,嬴政登基,认为 Lv BuWei 与父亲之死难逃关系,同时忌惮吕的权利过大而把他流放。皓镧请求儿子饶吕一命,最后俩人像相识的最初一样重会洛阳。

Guardian beauty (TV)[2017]

Feature: At an early age, Lin JiaYi was brought home by her father, Lin ShiYuan, because of her family affair. Lin JiaYi grow up especially self-willed, work regardless of the consequences. Stills Lin ShiYuan aware of her daughter's problem, to save her daughter, be driven out of the house, let her start from the grass-roots workers to accept social exercise and transformation. Lin JiaYi, who lost her wealthy life, was left on the street and was rescued by Chen Xi, a native courier in Beijing's Hutong. Lin JiaYi common people's life can not adapt, but also provoke a lot of trouble. The face of hard work together Chen family, Lin JiaYi heart kindness is excited. Chen Xi's sense of love and family taught Lin JiaYi how to reinvent himself and led Lin JiaYi to create value through labor. Chen Xi changed his impression of Lin JiaYi in day and night, and they fell in love with each other. At this time, Lin JiaYi former boyfriend Huang ZaiYuan shot again to pursue the resurgence of Lin JiaYi, Lin JiaYi's natural mother also came home from the United States and tried to make Lin JiaYi back to life without work, Lin JiaYi and Chen Xi The feelings have become precarious. In the end, Lin JiaYi overcome obstacles, and strive to grow to be useful for the community of positive energy girl, but also reaped Chen Xi's love & nbsp ;.

Beautiful country long song (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the new DPRK years, Liu Xiu met Deng Yu, Liu Xuan and Feng Yi, as well as juvenile Yin LiHua when they were too busy with school in Chang'an. A few years later, the reckless tyranny of New Zealand and the turmoil in the world led thousands of other people, such as Liu Yan and Liu Xiu, to formally rise up in Qiongling. Yin LiHua also alias Yin Ji, follow left and right. After Liu Xuan was Green Lin Jun as the emperor, because of fear of Liu brothers brother, designed to kill. Liu Xiu married Yin LiHua wife, keeping a low profile, make Liu Xuan relax vigilance, put it on a holy festival, reviving. There are many crises in Hebei Road. Fortunately, Deng Yu, Feng Yi, Wu Han, Geng Yan and other former newcomers come and go unpunished. Forced by the current situation, Liu Xiu and Wang Liu Yang marriage alliance, married his niece Guo ShanTong wife. At the beginning of the founding of Liu Xiu, Yin LiHua and Guo ShanTong are honored persons. Guo ShanTong is the queen because of the Yin Clan. Liu Xiu fought shoulder to shoulder with all his fellow men who belonged to liver and gallbladder and finally took the test of the world with unremitting efforts for the past few years. China once again fell into unison. The intensification of contradictions between the Queen's Party and the Gui-ren party led to the death of Liu Xi, the nine princes born by Yin LiHua. Liu Xiu eventually became angry and wasted, and Yin Li-hua was later. Crown Prince Liu Jiang resigned on the table, changing Liu Yang to Prince Edward. Liu Xiu's "Worthy as a government official and Yin LiHua as a wife" was rewarded at the same time.

Spire of Flames youth (TV)[2016]

Feature: 1912 4.12 Incident until 1932 1.28 During the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai, Gu Xing, a little man on the beach, pushed Xia Ruoing to press into the French Concession. He attempted to succeed Xia RuoNing while unexpectedly curling his heart. In the case of the Shanghai counter-revolutionary forces and Japan's espionage organizations, he opened a new course to break the pending case and protected Communists from Zhu Ha-ru from persecution, when Xia Ruo-ning unexpectedly disappeared. Gu Xing was also kidnapped on the occasion, the original Kuomintang Investigation Division was mistaken for their reconnaissance training, was inserted into the northeast warlords, senior, with the help of Tang BuYu Zhu Xue Confucianism, he occasionally exposed Japan's plot to split, prompting the northeast Warlord flag to ensure national unity. At this time Xia RuoNing unexpectedly appeared, Gu Xing some hard to find, but found astonishing secrets. Finally, under the influence of Zhu Xueru and Tang BuYu, Gu Xing clearly believed and volunteered to join the Communist Party to give full play to the 1.28 Shanghai Battle.

Beauty Rujian sword rainbow (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Beauty Rujian sword rainbow" about the early Republican era, Wen Jiazhai two young master Wen Yi was sent to his father, Changchun, Sichuan military academy. Young Master Wen Yi 骜 骜 Do not abide by the rules, enraged the principal daughter Luo Fu, the two become happy friends. When Yuan Shikai attempts to restore the monarchy, the Yuan war that led by the Yunnan National Defense Army is about to start. In order to protect him, the important leader of the Navy in Yunnan, codenamed "Lighthouse," brought a masterpiece of gemstones southward from the north. Director Luo Changqing was ordered to do so. Unexpectedly, they were hunted and killed by secret agents Yuan Shikai. Wen Yi's brother, Wen Zheng, was ordered to kill the "Lighthouse" at Jianmenguan. After experiencing the gorge fierce battle and the field assassination, arresting the traitors and anti-battalion commanders, Wen Yi eventually crossed the gate of Jianmen and suddenly led Cao Cao Wen Yi and Luo Fu went straight to Guangzhou to buy weapons and led the cadets, Wen Yi and Mei Ting opened the treasure room after the graceful sacrifice of Wen Yi. Escort weapons toward Yunnan, in the case of Qiu Zi and Cao surrounded, fought a bloody battle, all sacrificed. Five years later, Wen Yi and Luo Fu met again & nbsp ;.

Eight hundred (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The story of the film chose the 1937 Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai. In October 1937, our nation experienced the most traumatic disaster, which is closely related to each of us today. The film adapted from the anti-Japanese classic campaign, is a "born as a man, death is also a ghost" tragic story. In the face of the brutal war and national righteousness, Hunan recruits Erdogan and Xiao Changsha accidentally met with KMT troops left in Suzhou. All of them abandoned the avengers and united themselves to resist the aggression of the foreign enemies.

Mr.Six (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Ye, an old artillery gun that once used to show the city in 1949, was hard to adapt to social changes, dormant in the depths of the alley, and lived a boring life with sloppy birds and negligence. One day, a huge emotional clash between Liu Ye and Xiao Bo, son of "Squadron", led the Squad to run away from home without being subject to any illegality and was illegally detained by newly rising generation Xiao Xiao. In order to save his son, and to repay their guilt of the son of the year, Liu Ye came back. With his own rules, Liu Ye tried to settle down the incident but found it frustratingly that this era, or his own body, has long gone. A parent-child hatred, old and new forces showdown can not be avoided. In the process of resolving the mess, the old gun found itself in problems, really powerless. But at the same time, they also grasped the handle of "Tricyclic Xijiro" in the process of inquiring about the cliches, and they both decided to come forward with a single challenge in the war.

Surfaced (TV)[2015]

Feature: A new type of submersible developed by the Institute of Confidential Unit 301 was tested for launching water in Mishima City. The leaks occurred during the experiment. Mishima City National Security Bureau received the task, detection of the case within 60 days. Hong ShaoQiu, the "bad boy", and Yeh-jen, a woman, started a task force to start a game with the enemy. The process of handling cases has encountered unexpected obstacles. Hong ShaoQiu and Ye Enthalpy also have contradictions due to their different personalities and ways of doing things. The day after the task force was formed, the clues from the "espionage king" in country D came to an end and all the clues were broken. Hong ShaoQiu turned her detective perspective to a 301 Institute where he grew up. After the struggle of emotion and reason, finally caught the ghost, at the same time, but also reap Ye enthalpy trust. Gao YiTian, ​​an "entrant" employing leaf enthalpies, unexpectedly appeared, bringing an unexpected turning point to the entire investigation. As soon as everything went smoothly, he finally found the "eyes" hidden in the deepest depth.

RoyalRomantic (TV)[2015]

Feature: The play tells the story of a beautiful love story by Shun Zhi (Yunxiang Gao) and Han Song singer Dong XiaoWan (Ho Meng-yao). The spicy juvenile Shun Zhi defied the Qing court ban and took Han Xiao Dong XiaoWan into the palace and sealed it as "Emperor Emperors", arousing the uproar of the former court and harem. Dong XiaoWan with intelligent and intelligent nature gradually gradually transform her mother Xiao ZhuangHuangTaiHou, cleverly solved the crisis again and again.

Fierce battle (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1937, the Japanese aggression directed Nanjing. Guan Peng, a patriotic capitalist who is unruly, left behind to take care of her sister and met Shen HanJie, commander of the national army. Although both appreciate each other because of the death of Guan Peng sister misunderstanding. When Guan Peng wanted Shen HanJie to avenge, the city of Nanjing was broken. He witnessed the tragic massacre of Nanjing stills. Shen HanJie rescues Guan Peng, who was seriously injured. After knowing the truth Guan Peng put aside personal hatred and vowed to revenge the villagers. Guan Peng and Shen HanJie were both appreciated because of the successful seizure of intelligence sent to the New Fourth Army base and decided to leave a large contingent to join the Anti-Japanese War. During the long struggle against Japan, Shen HanJie's encouragement, leadership training and his own ingenuity led Guan Peng to gradually grow from son son to qualified New Fourth Army commander. Shen Yan and his revolutionary comrades, Yan Yan, have also gone from love lovers to love. Critical juncture He led the New Fourth Army assault company, Japanese blade commander Nomura. After eight years of bloody fighting, the war of resistance against Japan ushered in the final victory & nbsp ;. Guild Wars

Four juvenile capture (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Four young captives" tells the story of the mid Ming dynasty, god Houhou Explorer Zhu GeZhengWo led by four famous catch Leng Xue, Wu Qing, Zhui Ming, Tie Shou escort the capital. Leng Xue rescued Chu LiMo, a runaway girl, and hid it from the Houhou mansion. Later, Zhu GeZhengWo found her reading mind and leaving her home to train her. Leng Xue and apart from the two initially disloyal personality, misunderstood constantly, and then through numerous hardships gradually know each other, finally come together. The prince An ShiGeng wholeheartedly rule out dissent to create chaos, depending on the four names captured as rivals. Goddess catch Ji YaoHua crush on Leng Xue, jealous of strangers outside, and later by An ShiGeng use, the four famous catch together to deal with An ShiGeng.

Junior Detective Di RenJie (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Di RenJie juvenile detectives" tells the story of the Tang Dynasty, Di RenJie years 20 to Beijing to participate in the test, Empress Wu personally proctor. A disguised as a candidate of the assassin suddenly spit out the examination room chaos, Di RenJie hunt mysterious assassin, accidentally found assassin is a disguised as men, assassins fleeing. Empress Wu Di RenJie continue to trace the origin of the assassin, Di RenJie found each other's assassination is carefully and carefully deployed. Young Di RenJie determined not to pursue in the end do not give up. Di RenJie talented, but also protect the meritorious deeds, soon became a Dan Zhuo Zhuo. In Danzhou, Di RenJie met his first love Chu Yun. Chu Yun Di RenJie was five years older, Chu Yun, like sister, take care of Di RenJie. Later Chu Yun married Zuo Shilang Wang Benli's second son Wang Yan, Wang Yan wedding night accidental death. Di RenJie met again at this time, two already heartbeat, but experienced great changes Chu Yun has been wise to know she and Di RenJie no future, and Di RenJie found Wang Yan's death is not an accident, the tragedy happened one after another, a Few of the royal family died in life, the murder scene beautiful and weird, and Di RenJie and Chu Yun underwhelming emotions for the case even more mysterious.

Flames lady (TV)[2013]

Feature: The Beacon of Fame tells the story of Tong Yu-wan (Shu Chang (actress)), a new female born in a descended royal family in the 1920s. She was sent to Zhou Ting Chen (Qiao Zhenyu) His life was married Du YunTang (Sammul Chan), son of Du RuiDa, an industrialist. Tong YuWan buried the pain of heart, in Du complex family life adversity, to become Shanghai's business tycoon tycoon. Du YunTang husband seems unruly, but in fact the government is very deep, the performance of the world to see are all illusion, but it is Yu-wan business best partner. Zhou TingChen to join the revolution. Li ShaoFeng (Li Zhinan), a little-timed partner with Ting Chen, pretended to be the only child of the Li family with a beggar's body, dedicated his sister Li XueMei to the warlord Shen ZhiPei, and relied on Japan's Foreign Exchange Bank to compete with Du's Industrial for terminal development. A series of emotional disputes between Tong Yuen Wang and his lover Zhou Tingchen, her husband Du YunTang, her friend Li XueMei, their enemy Li ShaoFeng, their twin sisters Qing Ping, and Hong Yu (Jingyan Wu) also went through a series of rights, interests and desires Intertwined plot. After Warlord melee, Huayang war, the Northern Expedition war and other flames. In the end, Tong YuWan became involved in the ups and downs during the turmoil, donated all his family members for the revolution, and secluded with his husband Du YunTang in the northeast town. When he was 100 years old, he returned to Tong House again, but did not see the last face of his first love Zhou Ting Chen.

Phoenix seeking Phoenix (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Feng Qiao Phoenix" tells the story of Lingerie Dong, and welcomes Zhuo Wenjun, daughter of Zhuo WangSun, to the second son of an ill person. Unexpectedly, Dong Erzi did not know the parlor will swallow. Si MaXiangRu Dong LaoTaiYe rescued from home and resurrected on the road, just sent to the door, Dong XiaoXian will be overcast and wrong, the Si MaXiangRu dressed as groom and Wen Jun worship hall. Si MaXiangRu after the truth to know the endless regret, vowed to save Wenjun Dong home. Si MaXiangRu's righteous remarks forced Dong to promise that Si Wen-Jun should be sent back to her family by Lin Si. The Si MaXiangRu drinking accident did not make it. Wenjun had no alternative but to dress up with the maid Yaya Yu Tong alone. Si MaXiangRu chase Linzi and Wenjun dress "Du Gongzi" live in the same guesthouse, together with Cheng YiFei Cheng YiFei involvement of another tycoon rich businessman Zheng Cheng, and Wen Jun master servant two and Si MaXiangRu and There were many stories between several of his servant Sang Pu. "Phoenix phoenix" during this time, Si MaXiangRu and "Du Gongzi" together talk about poetry Fu hearty, sympathetic. By chance coincides with the two ancient music "phoenix phoenix." Five people go out to travel, went to Mengjiazhai, learned that Wang Ji was captured by Tang Meng, all camps rescued. Wenjun raise money for Wang Ji Tang Meng, forced to return to her family Zhuo Fu. Dong XiaoXian In order to please the emperor, lie to Zhuo WangSun painter for daughter Wenjun portrait, the process of portrait, Wenjun in exchange for daughter loaded. Si MaXiangRu and Wenjun mutually confession of love, Wenjun finally resolutely with Si MaXiangRu elope back to Chengdu Sima Prefecture. Dong XiaoXian harmed them to even sell the house, forced to go back to Lin Wenjun opened a wine shop when 垆 sell liquor for their livelihood. When Zhuo WangSun and Dong XiaoXian were forcibly competing for wine establishments, Grand Ouyang brought the intention of Han WuDi to declare Si MaXiangRu to visit Changan. Han WuDi Appreciate Si MaXiangRu literary talent, let it be given in the palace. However, Si MaXiangRu was banished because of petitions and was not allowed to leave Changan. Emperor Chen wanted to borrow Si MaXiangRu Wen re-won the Emperor's favor, but self-defeating to make Emperor Wu furious. Wenjun was dragged away by the Dong family's "Fengqiu Phoenix" stills, Si MaXiangRu got the message to write Emperor Wu Lin's "Shanglin Fu" for the Savior Wenjun, and hurried back to Linli to get the news that Wenjun was dead. Si MaXiangRu to save Mengjiazhai people wrote the queen of Chen's "long door Fu." Si MaXiangRu was recalled to Changan, due to once again clashed with the Emperor Wudi was almost cut in the execution ground, fortunate enough to be saved by Dong FangShuo and Ping YangGongZhu, and lived in the Ping YangGongZhu house, Ping YangGongZhu Si MaXiangRu Siwen Wenjun also touched by the truth . Si MaXiangRu served as a textbook order. Since then, daily poetry wine as a companion, even the stunning Wei ZiFu also failed to impress Si MaXiangRu heart. Although Emperor Wudi loved Wenjun, Wenjun was touched by the truth of Si MaXiangRu. Decided to let Si MaXiangRu and Weiqing expedition, the successor returned personally to Si MaXiangRu get married. Si MaXiangRu, who was married, heard the bridegroom playing the phoenix qing phoenix in the bridal chamber. He braved the courage to unveil the bride's red head.

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