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Juan Du TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Juan Du Works 14 ,And Comedy 5 ,Romance 5 ,Feature 4 ,Suspense 2 ,Action 2 ,Crime 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Treasure hunt 1 ,Shootout 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Terror 1 。

Works Index

Juan Du Filmography(14)


如影随心 (Movie)[2019]


《如影随心》讲述了 Lu Song 是一位小提琴家,对音乐非常热爱; Wen Ying 是一位室内设计师,生活中爱情放佛是维持她生命运转的一日三餐。在浪漫的艺术之都巴黎,二人因一张唱片而结缘,从此,缘分即走进了爱情同样也走进了婚姻。 炙热而浪漫的新生活是规定好的剧情,他们的生活总是有意外闯入而变成插曲,一石总会激起千层浪,但这也是所有情侣都会面临的课题。不论爱情以怎样的方式来到我们身边,都将成为我们生命中重要的一部分。 Lu Song 与 Wen Ying 对爱的承诺和信仰,就是每一个都市男女爱情的真实写照。

qin ming ·生死语者 (Movie)[2019]


影片根据法医 Qin Ming 小说《尸语者》改编。讲述被誉为“鬼手佛心”的“尸语者” Qin Ming ( Yikuan Yan 饰)解剖过 1000 多具尸体,从未出错,因意外发现泡在福尔马林里6年的“无语体师”死于他杀,引发媒体质疑误判,被舆论推至风口浪尖之上。在尸体留下的线索指引下, Qin Ming 在实习助手嘉嘉( Common daisy 饰)和刑警队长 Lin Tao ( Geng Le 饰)的协助调查下发现了尘封 16 年的雪灾杀人案、误判 6 年的“无语体师”他杀案、悬而无果的 IT 男肺炸案背后的秘密。经历了这一系列变故的 Qin Ming 最终成为了一名“为死者言,为生者权”的“生死语者”。


European Raiders (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Rivers and lakes ranked first, second Lin XianSheng (Tony Leung Chiu-wai ornaments) and Wang XiaoJie (Tiffany Tang ornaments) also enemy friends, two and assistant Le Qi (Kris Wu ornaments) were stolen to steal "God's hand Sophie Earthquake Missiles, but did not want to lead European mafia, the United States CIA, EU anti-crime coalition agents full hunt ......

天气预爆 (Movie)[2018]




When the wind is back (Movie)[2017]

Feature: When the Wind Gets Back, "It is not just talking about an event. It is about the four detectives who used to be the police. In Hong Kong's social and materialistic environment, The opening of a new chapter, and hidden historical legend.

Wine War (Movie)[2017]

Feature: An imprudent driver, Zhang Shui, was lured by his boss Fang ZhangFang and promised to go to France to invite Wei Li, a companion, to help bid for a premium wine. Zhang Shui lied to believe the trust of Wei Li for the implementation of the State secret mission, together to wine tasting. At the auction scene, Zhang Shui accidentally discovered that Fang ZhangFang, the owner of the auction, was on the scene, and Fang ZhangFang did not seem to know Zhang Shui at this time. Li Fang, the host of the tasting party, tastes the wine with each buyer. Only qualified personnel can participate in the auction. Li Fang's half-brother, Lk, quietly watched what was happening outside of the crowd. No one could imagine that the real purpose of the auction was not to sell alcohol at all.

摆渡人 (Movie)[2016]


酒吧老板 Chen Mo ( Tony Leung Chiu-wai 饰)和合伙人 Guan Chun ( Takeshi Kaneshiro 饰)就是这座城市的“金牌摆渡人”,他们平时看起来吊儿郎当,却从不对每位需要帮助的人说拒绝,只要你“预约摆渡”,刀山火海都会“使命必达”。邻居女孩 Xiao Yu (杨颖 饰)为了偶像 Ma Li ( Eason Chan 饰),预约了他们的服务,但在帮助 Xiao Yu 挑战整个城市的过程中, Chen Mo 和 Guan Chun 也逐渐发现了自己躲不过的问题。从欢天喜地的生活,到惊天动地的疯狂,摆渡人最辉煌的篇章,从这里开启。

NewYorkNewYork (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Shanghai in the 90s of last century, many people are fanatical going abroad. Lu Tu (Ethan Juan) is the youngest five-star hotel foreman who is well-versed and skilled, whether it's a younger brother like A Kun (Yang Xuwen) or Jin XiaoJie (Cecilia Yip ), All trust Lu Tu. Mi XianSheng (Michael Miu), an elite businessman who returned from the United States, even paid him fancy and invited him to head the new New York hotel. In order to go to New York, many people approach Lu Tu with different ends, including the girl Juan Du (Juan Juan) who is fascinated by Lu Tu. New York dream can get it? Where will Lu Tu and Azalea go? A period of love in the desire of cities on the entanglement of choice, to start ...

I Belonged to You (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Chen Mo (Deng Chao) is known as the cheapest in the city, tit-for-tat and DJ Xiao Rong (Du Juan) every day do not know where their hatred comes from. Chen Mo's two brothers, Zhu Tou (Yunpeng Yue), the city's youngest, and Mao Yang (actor), the purest city in the city, were rushed by the three men each day Face the biggest turning point in life. Chen Mo met the most mysterious Yao Ji (Zhuang Zhang Tianai), Zhu Tou created the worst wedding, and Mao ShiBa went through the saddest parting. The lives of these people collapsed a little bit and the events started a little bit. Dream, love, friendship are all away from Chen Mo. A man who has lost all his life has lost his way until he heard a voice from all over the world ...

Z plan (Movie)[2016]

Feature: "Z Plan" is the first New Year comic action comedy to be co-starred by the dawn and starring Zhang Han Yu, Du Juan and Wang Yaoqing.

LostInHongkong (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Xu Lai (Xu Zheng (actor)) The ideal of college was to be a great painter, and his insistence and indomitable attention attracted the attention of the beautiful girl Yang Yi (Du Juan) over time Fell in love However, this first love of Xu Lai was finally shattered by cruel reality, after which he came together with Zhao Wei, the underwear company owner who stood by her side. After graduating, Xu Lai and Cai Bo married, became Tsai's "home son", he gave up his ideal, started operating underwear company, despite the cause of thriving, but Xu Lai's heart has always kept a touch of regret. One day, Xu Lai accidentally learned that Yang Yi, who has now become a painter, is going to hold her solo exhibition in Hong Kong. He is a mixed-race student with an elder brother who travels to Hong Kong and is actually traveling the same. edge". However, Xu Lai's plan has been repeatedly undermined by his brother-in-law Cai LaLa (Bao Bei'er), who is filing a family documentary. Behind his lens, Xu Lai discovers a stranger himself.

New York New York (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Shanghai in the 90s of last century, many people are fanatical going abroad. Lu Tu is the youngest five-star hotel foreman who is well-versed and committed. Lu Tu is trusted by all his younger brothers, such as A Kun and Jin XiaoJie who intend to play in the entertainment city. Mi XianSheng, an elite businessman who has returned from the United States, even considered him and invited him to head the new hotel in New York. In order to go to New York, many people approach Lu Tu with different ends, including the girl Azar who is fascinated by Lu Tu. New York dreams can get one's wish, Lu Tu and Azolla love will go from here.

中国合伙人 (Movie)[2013]


Cheng DongQing ,农村出身的土鳖,两次高考落败,眼看就要屈服于当农民的命运,他最后一搏,搏命背下整本英文字典,从明眸变成近视眼,第三次试考,考上北大。 Meng XiaoJun ),精英知识分子,强烈自信,内心认定自己永远是最优秀的那个。 Wang Yang ,八十年代的浪漫派,样子俊朗,热爱文学,一生梦想是当个诗人。这样三个各走极端的人,居然就在燕京大学碰上,戏剧性的建立友谊。三子跟八十年代莘莘学子一样,怀抱着一个美国梦。申请签证的结果是:两个成功,一个被拒。土鳖 Cheng DongQing 延续失败的命运,眼看两个好友出国完梦,他失望透顶,他只有留在燕大任教,却又因在外私自授课,被校方发现,央求悔罪仍被除名,毫无余地的成为一个真正“失败者”。美国那边,孟晓峻正要一展抱负,却未料堂堂燕大高材生,在美国根本找不着工作,落得在餐馆当侍应助理的命运; Wang Yang 签证成功,却因一个一见钟情的美国女孩放弃出国,贯彻其浪漫派个性; Cheng DongQing 一无所有,只有偷偷在肯德基办补习班,其独特的自嘲教学法,却渐渐吸引不少学生。这是命运的安排,他从没想过,被拒签这个人生最失败的挫折,亦是成就他人生中最成功的契机。 Cheng DongQing 请 Wang Yang 加入一起办补习班, Cheng DongQing 毋忘 Meng XiaoJun ,让他回国强势加盟,正式开办“新梦想”学校。三人凭借个人魅力,包括 Cheng DongQing 的自嘲式幽默教学法, Meng XiaoJun 的美国经验和签证技巧,以及 Wang Yang 的创新电影教学,让新梦想空前成功。新梦想再扩规模, Cheng DongQing 被媒体和青年塑造成为留学教父,不由自控的散发着一股从土鳖蜕变成领导者的光芒,让 Meng XiaoJun 看不过去,二人渐貌合神离, Wang Yang 左右做人难。 Meng XiaoJun 远走沈阳,三人的友情面临重重考验。然大时代一幕又一幕的挑战,包括1999年南斯拉夫中国大使馆被北约军机轰炸、还有ETS美国普林斯出版社控告新梦想侵犯版权,又把三子再次凝聚起来,共同面对新梦想的困境。


MidnightMicroblog (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Night dead, wilderness Ridge. Several young men and women went to Yongning County, an abandoned factory adventure, and the whole live broadcast microblogging. They paid a huge price for their own ignorance and daring, and eventually died, the other two unconscious, and one whereabouts unknown. The sister of Xiao Wei (Deng Ziyi), a beautiful female reporter, and her friend Yeon-yeon were the victims of the accident. According to the doctor, the sister learned that her sister must have been shocked by ordinary people's unimaginable urgency before she went into an accident. Xiao Kang's companion, A Kang (Danson Tang), found that when she was a mysterious Weibo accountant a few days ago, she then appeared on her Twitter account with a countdown, It is the current dead Ziyan. Xiao Wei, who never believes in ghosts and legends, decided to go through the Yongning factory to find out. With the tracing of Xiao Wei and A Kang, the horror truth slowly surfaced ...

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