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Chen Xiao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chen Xiao Works 43 ,And Romance 18 ,Costume Drama 12 ,Feature 7 ,Historical play 5 ,Comedy 5 ,Urban drama 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Motivational film 4 ,Martial Arts 4 ,Republic of China 2 ,Palace 2 ,Ancient 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,公路1 ,政治1 ,喜剧片1 ,情景剧1 ,Idol Play 1 ,Historical legend 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,宅斗1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,当代军旅1 ,古装偶像剧1 ,古代职场喜剧1 ,近代革命1 ,Campus drama 1 ,War 1 ,legend 1 ,Year 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Action 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Chen Xiao Filmography(44)


The king of land battle (TV)[2019]


《陆战之王》讲述了富家子弟 Zhang NengLiang ( Xiao Chen 饰)考大学失利,被爷爷 Zhang YouLiang 反复动员下参军入伍,选择了陆军里最为艰苦的兵种——坦克兵。 Zhang NengLiang 思维活跃,善于逆向思维,办事往往不按常理出牌。本以为到部队凭他的聪明和身体素质可以暂露头角,不想却遇见了劲敌 Yu DaLei 。 Zhang NengLiang 和 Yu DaLei 开始了两年的对抗。班长 Niu NuLi ( Wang Lei 饰)是个农村兵,他最大的梦想就是考取军校,可因为 Zhang NengLiang ,他两次跟军校失之交臂。终于,在跟 Zhang NengLiang 的较量中,二人从冤家对头,到一辆战车的亲密战友。“假小子” Huang XiaoMeng 选择了自己喜欢的坦克兵,在她的软磨硬泡和不懈努力下,她终于开上了装甲车,成了第一批真正意义上的女装甲兵。 Zhang NengLiang 、 Niu NuLi 、 Yu DaLei 组成的“坦克三剑客”所向披靡,屡次获得优异成绩。终于,他们进入了陆军副司令员 Zhou DeYou 的视野,被派往坦克工厂,圆满完成了新型坦克的测试任务 。

一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。

如影随心 (Movie)[2019]


《如影随心》讲述了 Lu Song 是一位小提琴家,对音乐非常热爱; Wen Ying 是一位室内设计师,生活中爱情放佛是维持她生命运转的一日三餐。在浪漫的艺术之都巴黎,二人因一张唱片而结缘,从此,缘分即走进了爱情同样也走进了婚姻。 炙热而浪漫的新生活是规定好的剧情,他们的生活总是有意外闯入而变成插曲,一石总会激起千层浪,但这也是所有情侣都会面临的课题。不论爱情以怎样的方式来到我们身边,都将成为我们生命中重要的一部分。 Lu Song 与 Wen Ying 对爱的承诺和信仰,就是每一个都市男女爱情的真实写照。


独孤皇后 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《独孤皇后》剧情介绍:讲述了因家族遭到权臣迫害, Du GuGaLuo 自小就以独立坚强要求自己。时其夫君 Yang Jian 已展现不凡气概,他骁勇善战,立下赫赫战功,并在乱世之中登上皇位,建立隋朝,统一中国,而后大力发展文化经济。 Du GuGaLuo 尽心辅佐,与 Yang Jian 一同倡导节俭,协助 Yang Jian 成就“开皇之治”,国泰民安,与 Yang Jian 并尊为“二圣”,在 Yang Jian 开创隋朝盛世中起到了不可或缺的作用。 Du GuGaLuo 和 Yang Jian 携手走过人生风雨,始终夫妻恩爱,伉俪情深,她时刻督促 Yang Jian 勤政爱民,无论处于人生何种际遇,夫妻二人保持着勤俭朴实的家风,创造了中国古代帝王夫妻后宫生活的佳话。


Legend of the moon (Movie)[2017]

Feature: In the Qing Dynasty Royal prince Yun ceremony met a beautiful girl Wang Mingyue, and the two fall in love. But because the prince was framed by evil men, the emperor Yongzheng wanted to kill him. In desperation, Wang Mingyue had to pretend encounter emperor, won the emperor's favor, became concubine concubines. Then take the opportunity to talk to the prince, finally forgive the prince. Finally, Wang Ming-yue decides to flee.

Nothing gold can stay (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1884, Zhou Ying, along with his adoptive father Zhou LaoSi, came to Guanzhong. Zhou Laoshi, who lost his money, sold Zhou Ying to Shen Jiandang. Zhou Ying escaped to hide Wu Jia Dongyuan Grand Master Wu Pin's sedan, quite commercial Zhou Ying has been Wu WeiWen's appreciation, was allowed to stay in Wu. Shen XingYi Suspected Shen young master was assassinated by Wu Pin, shot to be wounded. Wu Pin to save unconscious, Zhou Ying married Wu Chong-hi. Wu Pin was killed, Wu home embarrassed, Zhou Ying decided to revive Wu Jiandong hospital. Zhou Ying shares in Shaanxi weaving layout, but suffered the imperialist opposition to the Westernization Movement forces crackdown, Shaanxi machinery weaving layout is facing reconstruction. In order to save the prisoners Zhou Ying, Wu Jia hand over all the shares of Shaanxi Machine Weaving Board and the exchange contract with the foreign exchange business Zhou Ying a life. Zhou Ying after the release of fighting spirit to build Jingyang cloth factory,

Dandelion love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yao SiHan childhood and grandmother dependent, is a strong, brave, love and hate girl. Zhang YiJie is the cousin of Chen YiFeng, a lovely, naive, kind girl. Chen YiFeng lives in a superior family and is a self-esteem boy. Cold Jing is a very considerate of people thoughtful people. Love is like a teenager, falling in love with dandelions in the autumn mountains. That is a plant full of ideas. Pale, weak, slender, plain. And beautiful. Its beauty is blooming only to those who understand it. At that time, a precocious little girl, once wanted to be a dandelion seed. Without any thoughts and feelings, only the bodies not bound by the soul are blown away. The wind stopped, it fell, where are not tired.

Red rose (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the "Seventy-Five" counter-revolutionary coup of 1927, in order to rescue Ren ZhiYuan from Communists, Xia Henglian died at his death and left her sister, Xia YuZhu, with her girl Frost Jujube. Weak rain bamboo stills to make a living alone, cream crest is in Hengji lover Xiao ChengBi's referral joined the KMT spy organization. A few years later, Yu bamboo accidentally rescued Ren ZhiYuan. After the death of Zhiyuan, Yu Zhu was summoned to become a member of the Chinese Communists under the ground conditions while Frost Juice was reused and promoted within the spy organization. The outbreak of war, rain bamboo and cream Jujube see each other again, but for their respective tasks diametrically opposed. Yu bamboo found Xiao ChengBi's brother Xiao JunHao and their own commitment to a common mission, the two loved each other in battle. After the Kuomintang defeated Taiwan in 1949, Yu Choo decided to go to Taiwan to carry out his duties and was discovered by Frost Chrysanthemum, an officer of the Secrets Bureau. In order to believe, Yu bamboo calmly died in front of creme, creme was shocked. Rain Bamboo in the eve of victory with life compose a song of magnificent faith.

Morning (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Good Morning Paris is a romantic romance comedy featuring couple Chen and Michelle Chen. It is scheduled to be filmed on September 18, 2015 and Valentine's Day 2016 is released.

Themysteriousfamily (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Miao Miao a family had a quiet life, who knows on Christmas Eve, the family's warm dinner has become the last supper. The whole family was destroyed, only one girl Miao Miao survived. When she looked for the truth of the tragedy, she found that everyone in the family was hiding a huge secret. The relationship between father, mother and younger brother was more complicated and confusing, all of which had been mysterious since Miao Miao was mysterious a few months ago That rainy night man sexually assault talking about.

WhoSleepsMyBro (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The story begins with Xiang Tao (Xiao Chen), a conscientious and daring individual who lives alone in 303 dormitory at Shanghai University. Although Li DaPeng (Calvin Tu) , Xie Xun (Li Xian), a strong, tender, gentle man with superb IQ but lack of a woman's edge, Guan Chao (Ruilin Liu), where the four big boys from all over the world meet The roommate from morning till evening, opened the prelude to laughing and tears of college life. A brief four-year dazzling will be in the past, standing in front of a crossroads of life, four will make what kind of choice? Lin XiangYu Whether he can pursue the "Spartan Girl" that he has always been interested in? Xie Chuan and his girlfriend Gao BaoJing (Lyrics ornaments) feelings will usher in what kind of outcome?

TheThreeHeroesAndFiveGallants (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In the Northern Song Dynasty, the emptiness Island lived in five wronged brothers nicknamed the "Five Rats", Jiangnan Nanxia Zhaoyin Huo Bao Gong Gong Gong Song Renzong gave the "Royal Cat" title, the traitor Taishi Pang jealous hate Bao Gongsui deliberately sent to provoke , Said Bao Gong Renzong Zhaoxiu Show "Royal cat", the purpose is to destroy the "five rats" prestige. The five righteous people are so annoyed that they should stand east.

The Founding of An Army (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1927, on the occasion of the Great Achievements of the Northern Expedition, the "Right" of the Kuomintang launched a frenzied "communist" campaign to seize power and revolt revolution. In just a few months, nearly 310,000 advanced compatriots were brutally killed and the whole country was shocked. China, hopeful, is about to fall into the abyss once again of warlord turmoil and dictatorship. Without its own armed forces, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), set up less than seven years ago, has almost suffered a devastating blow under the crazy attack of the Kuomintang "right". The lessons of blood have made Mao Zedong, Zhou En Lai and other party progressive elements realize the absolute principle of "giving power to the gun." On the occasion of their survival, they died in danger and went to places such as Hunan and Nanchang. They joined forces with a number of patriotic generals such as Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting and Liu Bo Cheng to launch an uprising and vow to form an army that truly belonged to the people. Cast Juggernaut soul, self-preservation Paul family.

WhoSleepsMyBro (TV)[2016]

Feature: Huadu University Jingxuan campus fighting "Langya list", 330 hostels different styles of men Sen: Lin XiangYu, Xie Xun, Guan Chao, and the freshman Huang Mao Chasing School Flower beauty Xia Xing Chen and ended up Liang Zi, fighting wisdom fight Lin XiangYu in order to find the goddess of hearts to hold friends party, repeatedly destroyed by the yellow hair, but these destruction but to 330 dormitory more united, but also accepted the kind and harmless Li DaPeng become Brothers ... college life is coming to an end New Year's Eve, when the four brothers returned to the original founder of the big live on the scene, what passionate confession ...

Above the clouds (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jian Xi, who lost her parents and grew up by her grandmother, still became an optimistic young girl with high definition and high drama. After her grandmother's death, Jian Xi left her home alone and went to Beijing to look for her biological mother. After being apatheticly rejected by his mother, Zhan Mei, Jian Xi was determined not to be discouraged but to become an outstanding performance artist. With a passion for the show and outstanding talent, Jian Xi has created a distinctive character that has become a popular actress. Tang Fei's performing career has climbed to the top, personality is overbearing and self-righteous; until Jian Xi, he began to re-examine his own life, already forgotten affections and dreams are gradually recovering, the two from vindictive enemy into a pair of people People envy of lovers. Jian Xi and Tang Fei continue to pursue freedom and dignity while pursuing art. They persist in self-actualization, eventually gain happiness and prove the power of life with their courage.

Five rats downtown Tokyo (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the Northern Song Dynasty, the emptiness island lived with five wronged brothers, nicknamed "Five Rats," and Zhan Zhao (Yikuan Yan) was given the title of "Royal Cat" by Song RenZong (Roy) for the protection of Bao Gong (Guanhua Liang). Pang Ji (Ma Shuliang ornaments) envy hate Baogong, then deliberately send someone to sow discord, said Bao Gong Renzong Zhan Zhao gave the "imperial cat", the purpose is to destroy the "five rats" prestige. The five righteous anger, to set foot in Tokyo and Zhan Zhao a showdown. On the way to Tokyo, "Five Rats" learned that Pang Yu, son of Pang Ji, had done evil in Chenzhou and decided to go to Chenzhou to get rid of Pang Yu. Pang Ji, Pang Yu and Bao Gong gave extra to make Zhan Zhao lose a lot of money because of gambling. Pang Ji took advantage of this to save Zhan Zhao and sent him to Chen Zhou to help Pang Yu. So Zhan Zhao mixed with Shen ZhongYuan into Pang Yu's house, secretly collecting Pang Yu's criminal evidence. "Five Rat" and others should join forces with Zhan Zhao, not only for the acquaintance of Bao Gong, but also for beheading Pang Yu to eradicate this vicious bully for Chenzhou people. To report revenge on the enemy, Pang Ji has also set up a savage conspiracy to injure Baogong and the "five rats" and other heroes & nbsp ;. Five rats make Tokyo

Shu Kes Peach Blossoms (TV)[2016]

Feature: The second-generation actress Tao Hua threatened to boycott his wife by jumping off the building, and Shu Ke, a salesman almost lost his job. After the couple had repeatedly resorted to, take the necessary drama on stage play a fake marriage code. Shu Ke has met the mother-in-law of the Iron Man, the childhood sweetheart who attacked the teacher, the father-in-law of the enemy's friend and the Tao Hua girlfriends who crush on their own, and all the troubles came one after the other. True feelings. The matter of fake marriage was finally revealed. Tao Hua mother Shu Shu various dislike after asking Shu Ke to abandon the designer dream, to enter their own family business to help, Shu Ke helplessly agree. Shu Ke, as the in-law son of the chairman, experienced various ups and downs in the workplace. Tao Hua placed all his life and work on Shu Ke, leading to a gradual imbalance in the relationship between the two. Their ephemeral love ended in breaking up. . As Shu Ke started to follow her dreams, the company of Tao Hua was bankrupted and betrayed. Regardless of Tao Hua's refusal, Shu Ke returned to Tao Hua for the first time, and both worked together to reap the rewards After the success of the cause also entered a real marriage & nbsp ;.

Miss match and Mr. Yummy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ruan Tang is a superb food with great skills. Not only can crack any secret of food; but also within a radius of ten miles with the nose on the food Dingshouzhao, the most powerful should be installed to sell Meng Meng nirvana. She had been living in a well-to-do house that operated a small restaurant. Because she was involved in a food competition, her taste buds beyond the ordinary people were searched by Internet users and became the target of many food groups. But Ruan Tang just wanted to be quiet Eat goods. Chen MoYu is a face of double business arrears, but in fact the belly black god chef, dormant for many years the Avengers. With the bite it can be copied over the magical cooking, there are comparable Oscars actor God acting nirvana. Ruan Tang Encounter Delicious, Imported, Delicious Mr. Chen MoYu, the collision of eastern and western food culture sparked two people, the ultimate PK of mouth skills and cooking skills to make love, but gay grudges and Ruan Tang Bizarre world let them sweet love unusual bitter, thousands of turns, the final taste of the sweet bitter into the palate, the grudge turned into chicken soup, gummy and Mexican squid also looking for food on the road to encounter a sweet romance Food Affair & nbsp ;.

Empire at dusk (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Empire Dusk" shows the life style of Prince Xin Xin who was annihilated and the hard-hearted and painstaking rejuvenation of his family after the late Qing reform. The signing of the "Nanjing Treaty" between China and Britain signed Sijiaggio as a coffin and was unexpectedly taken as Chujun. Later, Emperor Xianfeng was proclaimed the title of "Prince of Qing HD". As a result of the disaster, Xianfeng agreed that Prince Gong would preside over the Military Command. Prince Gong was eventually dismissed as a result of the mistaken imperial edict for the concubine confessed. Prince Kung stay in Beijing, deal with the enemy, began to change. Xianfeng driving collapse, Quan Su and the Royal Concubine Su-sheng conflict, Prince Gong, Yi Concubine jointly launched the coup. Around the constant memorials, Prince Gong feeling: do not change not, or this ship really want to sink. Empire at Twilight is adapted from the original Horner "out of print Prince Gong," by the China International Cultural Communication Center, Prince Gong Mansion Ministry of Culture Management Center, Beijing Sunshine Sisters Amoy Film Co., Ltd., Dongyang Huanxu Film and Television Co., Ltd., is working Room, Beijing Qiankun Starlight Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Matt Cultural Development Co., Ltd. jointly produced, director Hu Mei, in the production of films, Xiao Chen, Lin Yue starring large historical legendary TV series.

BrideWars (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Ma Li (Ni Ni ornaments) and He Jing (Yang Ying ornaments) is a small play to big close friends in the boudoir, feeling very good between each other. Once, in a luxurious hotel, the two girls witnessed a romantic wedding, they took the oath, until the wedding day, we must return to the ceremony. Time flies, Ma Li and He Jing have found a sweetheart, but her boyfriend seems to be not so keen on getting married. After all the twists and turns, the two couples finally got ready to get ready for marriage. The dreams of the two girls are about to be completed. At this juncture, they learned that there will be only one remaining period for the hotel in the next three years This means that if you want to get married on time, the dream of one of them is destined to burst. Under the crisis, Ma Li and He Jing turned against each other and started a war of aggression.

Love & Life & Lie (TV)[2015]

Feature: Liu XinTong (Zhou Dongyu), a girl growing up in a poor home, has never changed the strong nature of sunshine. Her life was originally bland, but in an accident, she entered a very different circle of life, and her mother compelled to move into the rich Ji BaiJun's home. Since then, the life of Liu XinTong has undergone tremendous changes. After entering the discipline, Liu XinTong met unruly and uninhibited Ji Ji Zhen (Qing Ye), Ji Wenyu (Marc Andreoni), a handsome gentleman and her fated lover Li YaoNan (Xiao Chen ). Ji ZhiZhen and Liu XinTong, meanwhile, had feelings for Li YaoNan, and various contradictions occurred. Under the multiple tests of love, friendship and affection, a few people have experienced deception, betrayal and separation, and finally have redemption and gain. Liu XinTong's strong and kind impressed everyone, including Ji ZhiZhen and Ji ZhenYu, her ordinary but precious beauty, exudes a brilliant luster, the final harvest of love, but also with the lost years of biological parents recognize.

Hans love in the song cloud (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the Western Han Dynasty, the 8-year-old Liu FuLing concealed his identity and traveled to the desert with endless despair. Yun Ge, a green-jersey girl riding a Tuscan mountaineering as a snow-covered camel, took it out of the air desert. Liu FuLing, indifferent to ice, was finally moved by Yun Ge's lovely Yun Ge, who met Chang'an about ten years after giving each other gifts. Ten years later, Yun Ge came to Chang'an looking for Liu FuLing with his childhood promise. However, he did not think that Liu had mistakenly thought that he was a childhood elder brother and thought he not only did not remember the promise of childhood in his childhood, A virtuous beautiful woman Xu PingJun. The sad Yun Ge is about to return to the West Desert, but encounters the elegant son Meng Jue. Meng Jue meets again and again to solve the problem of Yun Ge, seems indifferent, but silently waits for Yun Ge in a unique way. It turned out that Yun Ge, eight-year-old inadvertently sent two pearl embroidered shoes, one with Liu FuLing pull her hook, the other is the beggar Meng Jue. Yun Ge painstakingly looking for Liu FuLing, but by coincidence, fell in love with Meng Jue. Pearl embroidered shoes pull out two love affair, seemingly good fortune, but it is God Yun Ge best gift. Yun Ge from a carefree girl to experience the joys and sorrows of life, but she is still the desert riding the Tianshan snow camel willing to help people give hope of good girl, hard and persist in true love, make the most delicious Food, under the blue sky and white clouds, singing the most beautiful song.

TheTakingOfTigerMountain (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the winter of 1947, the 203 Detachment of Northeast Democratic Coalition Forces under the leadership of Shao JianBo, head of the Northeast Democratic Order, took orders to enter the bandits rampant Linhai Snow Field to protect the population and the scout, Yang ZiRong, and the health worker Bai Ru. In order to completely disintegrate the bandits, Yang ZiRong insisted on asking for a disguise to sneak into the bandit "Tiger Mountain." After a lot of tests by Zi ZiRong Xian ZiRong meritorious service, was bandit leader Zuo ShanDiao as "the old tiger Mount Nine." Yang ZiRong side with the eight diamonds dealt with the side of the risk comrades came down the mountain intelligence, and a mysterious woman in the cottage but often caught him in despair. Luan Ping, a bandit liaison adjutant captured by Unit 203, escaped in disorder and appeared confronted with Yang ZiRong in the Tiger House. Zuo ShanDiao birthday "Hundred feast", Yang ZiRong and 203 squad comrades usher in the best time to suppress the bandit network, a fierce battle is inevitable.

The Chin Empire Ⅲ (TV)[2014]

Feature: Shortly after Qin Zhaoxiang took office, the nations started a series of merger wars. Qin spotted the opportunity, first and Qi Lian Heng, Raiders Wei large tracts of land. As a result, the Warring States period to Qin Qi Zhao three strong phase. At this time in Qin China, Hou Wei Ran right, Xuan TaiHou in power, Qin Zhaoxiang king fall. At this point, the situation is very favorable to the Qin State: Aspect and Home Secretary Qin and Yan Wang went to the Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi as the goal of "death" Qi. In the face of domestic political difficulties and favorable opportunities abroad, the governor of Qinzhao Wang started Fan Ju by Wei Ran and respected the power of empress dowager. At the same time, conspiracy with Su Qin, raise troops to break the Qi. Qin Qiu Wang sent Bai Qi, one after another in Iraq Que, Qidu, Huayang, Changping launched the four campaigns, annihilated the efforts of more than a million Han and Wei Zhao, so that the Qin and the growth and decline of other countries a fundamental turning point. Since then, the rise of Qin.

Condor Heroes (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Legend of the Condor Heroes paired Yang Guo's son Yang Guo, who had been in his childhood and was taken over by Guo Jing and sent to Quanzhen for training. Rebellious Yang Guo could not stand the torture, escaped from Quanzhen teaching into the tomb faction, was retained by Xiao LongNv, with martial arts. After Li MoChou scored the tomb of life and death, the two from the mentoring of friendship developed into an unforgettable love. As Mongolian cavalry is about to go south and Guo Jing et al. Are unmatchable, at a crucial moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are inadvertently involved in the fight to defeat Jin LunGuoShi. However, there were many good things and many bad things. As Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nv gathered again and again, after experiencing the perilous conditions such as the Wulin General Assembly, the Xiangyang soldier, the unforgettable valley and so on, they left their lives for more than 16 years. Yang Guo, who possessed the posters of the Condor Heroes for 16 years, finally found Xiao LongNv in the fiery valley and returned to the world. At that moment, Mongolia was mobbing Mengli and attacking Xiangyang. Yang Guo defeated Jin LunFaWang and killed the Mongolian Emperor Meng Ge with a flystone to set the first victory for the victory of Xiangyang Battle. The war ended. Guo Guo et al. People, with God carving, leisurely far away nbsp ;.

Palace Lock City (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Gonggonglianchengcheng" tells the first year of Emperor Qianlong, solitary girl Stoudemire to save the mother Shi deceive rivers and lakes, was arrested head Hengtai seize, the two do not know each other, even the city of Hengtai implied love. Time plague epidemic, brothel woman Jiang Qimai to dance fund-raising, Hengtai won the heart. Hengtai bent to marry married into the house, Citylink sad Hengtai left. Wang coincidentally visited the streets of Hongli calendar, the two go hand in hand. Wuna Taira Shen Taijun found that even Citylink is the royal residence of folk style, immediately ordered to recover. Zhaomei abandon Hengtai in the midst of crisis, Hengtai discouraged, even City sincere treatment, and finally got Hengtai really. To restore the family prestige, Shen Taijun Citylink to send City Palace. In order to guard the lover, Hengtai managed to be bad when entering the palace. Inferiority, Hongli falls in love with the city, Xing Dai fell in love with Hengtai. When he learned that love Hengtai is linked, Xing Dai because of love and hate, killing people. Many years later, Xing Dai, who is Huang Hou, is in danger and rescued by Supreme Court. Confused, Xing Dai see Hengtai and even City boat away.

Kong Z i (TV)[2014]

Feature: The drama "Kong Zi" tells me: Meiyan, a female student studying in the United States, returned to China to complete a doctoral dissertation on Kong Zi and started the two clues of the play's story: A, Kong Zi's life and Its main idea; B, in the study of Kong Zi, Meiyan around all aspects of contemporary life, as well as the spirit of Kong Zi thinking. Kong Zi Story: Spring and Autumn Period, feudal hegemony, frequent fighting. Kong Zi, a man with a declining Song aristocrat origin in Qufu, Shandong Province, is poor and dependent on his mother. He likes to practice sacrificial etiquette. He has a dream of restoring the ethics and courtesy in the Zhou Gong era and realizing a world of peace and harmony for all. In his youth, he was ridiculed by the children for drills and rituals. At the age of seventeen, he was fooled and chased by even vicious dogs because of his coffins, He seems to be an outdated weirdo. For his life, he let go of horses, chauffeured vehicles, managed warehouses, diligently studied and traveled the Quartet, worshiped people of all kinds as masters, and gradually mastered the "Six Arts" that the aristocrat needed at that time. He won with integrity and extensive knowledge Around a group of laborers and nobility appreciate the trust. Contrary to Kong Zi's intentions, the then powerful rulers of the state of Lu made a series of bloody rights disputes between the monarchy and the ruler, who took full power, to bring about a series of wars to Luguo. The quarter housekeeper, Yang Hu, sees Kong Zi's talent and prestige. To win over Kong Zi for his own sake, Kong Zi is reluctant to resign. In the first years, Kong Zi visited Lao Zi, a weak and strong-minded ideology that allowed Kong Zi to understand that teaching and educating people may be the best way to unmanage this jungle world. As a result, he began to give lectures openly, teaching his students thoughts of benevolence, morality, righteousness, righteousness and loyalty to teach them how to behave as a virtuous man with idealistic dignity. Kong Zi's behavior has changed the situation in the government since ancient times, but also made himself the first private educator in Chinese history ... Kong Zi's greatest ideal is to directly participate in politics and put his ideals into practice. At the age of 50, he finally became a leader of the Lu State armed forces. In knowing the ambush of the other ambush and the immovable massacre, in an alliance with the powerful Kuomintang, he was in no danger of danger and was well-placed. He used the peaceful voice of his children , The soldier's hand relative to Qi Jinggong down the only lifted the cup as a signal of killing ... ... However, Kong Zi's fall three plan triggered a quarter-Sun, uncle, Mengsun three nobles of the joint opposition and a Court rebellion, cowardly Lu Jun yield to stress, indulge in wine, see their ideals can not be achieved in Lugu, disappointed Kong Zi with their students left their homes, began a tour of the country for up to fourteen years ... ... Marina in prison , Killed a few were curses; Pucheng was detained, risk sworn to escape; defending the country to see Nan Zi, witnessed the corruption of prostitution politics and can not intervene; Song was chased by Sima Heng slaughter deserted; Zheng was plague Tortured dying near life;Chen, Tsai was trapped between the mountains for grain for several days, helplessly questioned the sky, their non-existent non-tiger, why have been exiled in the wilderness ... Finally, Finally, good governance Chu Zhao Wang willing to hire Kong Zi, but When he arrived, he saw a spiritual king of Chu ... In fourteen years, Kong Zi displaced himself and went back and forth to Wei, Song, Zheng, Chen, Tsai, Yeh and Chu. He experienced numerous hunger , Wind and frost, illness and death test, met a lot of monarch, dry mouth to promote their own ideals, but not reuse, Kong Zi sigh, as long as the king willing to use me, the moon only, three years into a success, why , It can not be achieved? At the age of 68, white-haired Kong Zi finally returned to Lu. He devoted himself to teaching and devoted himself to editing and editing the famous ancient Chinese classical poems, books, essays, etiquette, spring and autumn, and his disciples 3,000, becoming the great communicators of ancient Chinese cultural thoughts. However, he still did not get the re-use of the ruled by the country, the right disciple of Ran Ran begat also succumbed to the quarter due to violate the teachings of Kong Zi, so that Kong Zi angry and helpless ... ... In old age, the only son of the common carp died, most Beloved disciple Yan Hui, Zi Lu's accidental death, caused Kong Zi to fall into grief. His feeling, my path is really gone now? As he dying, he climbed the hillside and looked into the distance, as if to see the world in his own heart. Modern Story: Mei Yan was a female student born in the family of Chinese intellectuals in the 1980s. She was well-to-do and well-educated, yet Some pride The reason she chose Kongzi for her research was simple because her American mentor respected Kong Zi, and she took it for granted that she would be able to do a short essay to satisfy her mentor. As soon as she returned home, she locked himself in the hotel room and immersed himself in the historical materials of Kong Zi. At the airport, she welcomed her reporter Duanmu as one of her rare contacts and contact with the outside world to observe and understand one of the domestic social issues medium. However, she found that eight years after going abroad, the domestic environment is changing with each passing day, and people's attitudes and social trends also change greatly. Said Duanmu, not at all her cultural person. On the one hand, he is an active journalist who has intervened and reported various social news in his days. He has studied Kong Zi and his ancient culture. On the other hand, he is engaged in private discussions with people of all walks of life, Banquet sensual venue, seems to carry out the secret transaction do not want people to know. This makes Meiyan, a one-man read-only sage book, confused and dazed and even contempt ... day by day, with the in-depth information on the information, a progressive understanding of Kong Zi's life, Mei Yan realized that Kong Zi's life and Not as flat as she imagined, but full of rough, joys and sorrows touching story, glow of a magnificent ideal of light; the same time, she also painfully aware that I can not know Kong Zi's life in such a short period of time And his thoughts. After more than two thousand years of God-making movement, the image of Kong Zi has been deified and seriously misunderstood. The truth of history and the real pain and joy, despair and hope in Kong Zi's heart may have been hidden in time. Department. Mei Yan and Duanmu relationship is also changing.From the initial alienation caused by misunderstanding, to gradually understand and close, Mei Yan finally untie the mystery of Duanmu engaged in the mystery of the mysterious trading, the original, there is such a group of young urban youth, they formed a called "Zi Gong Foundation "groups, through fund-raising and self-donation, through year after year running back and quiet efforts, they built a hope primary school for children in impoverished mountainous areas, but looks like a cynical Duanmu, it is such a group of young people Volunteer leader. Mei Yan understands that Kong Zi's spirit is still alive today. Kong Zi's persistent pursuit of faith and Kong Zi's foundation of many people's values, love, virtue and filial piety have laid the foundation for the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and are still worth today hold fast. On the hillside, watching the children raise their hands on the Five-Star Red Flag under the blue sky, Meiyan said to Duanmu that his essay title should be changed to "Kong Zi Spirit and Contemporary China," and he himself may want to Use life to study and study Kong Zi ... ... describe Kong Zi's life with objective, precise and detailed brush strokes, reflect the main ideas of Kong Zi, and discuss the value of Kong Zi's thoughts in contemporary society. In impetuous, empty and lost Confused to re-find the spiritual home of the Chinese nation, the pursuit of a higher level of spiritual transcendence and salvation, is the pursuit of this drama and purpose.

The Palace (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Jia ChenXiang entered the palace and met his same age, Gong Nv Liu Li, and became friends. Liu Li bent on trying to figure out in an attempt to encounter Elder change the Phoenix, at the betrayal of framed incense; and incense is then coincidentally with the Kangxi Xi Kangxi Emperor thirteenth son () Aixinjueluo Yinxiang love, after twists and turns ups and downs, the two finally go away, love each other .

Swordman (TV)[2013]

Feature: Huashan school disciple Ling HuChong open-minded uninhibited, "New Swordsman" Stills into the Huashan martial arts ordinary, in the face of the Supreme awarded "Tokgo nine swords", but also accidentally obtained the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains of various schools of thought, which led to Master Yue BuQun Suspicion, an excuse to excommunicate. In fact, Yue BuQun surface integrity, treacherous inside, as the only secret Kui "Sunflower Collection", actually designed to make martial law faction mutually depict, only the final act of self-death. Ling HuChong Yu LingShan, a young and a non-affiliated girl, cast her mind in anticipation of the emergence of Lin PingZhi, turning Yue LingShan into her arms. After Ling HuChong met Blackwood Cliff boss's only daughter Ren YingYing, the two share the same interests. After several misunderstanding between life and death, each other only understand each other deeply love each other, however, Ying Ying has been extremely toxic in the body, dying. Experienced the world's hegemony disputes, Ling HuChong and Ren YingYing finally compliment, become husband and wife, since the Swordsman.

Dragon Gate Escort (TV)[2013]

Feature: Dragon Gate Escort was the largest Central Plains Baizhang Escort. Later, with the changing times, Dragon Escort is declining. Dragon Gate Escort less dart head Korean received a dart, lucrative, but was attacked by bandits midway, the army annihilated. Escort was huge claims, facing bankruptcy. Lu SanJin, the less-than-owner of the Beijing Ping An Bank Draft, stepped forward to pay off the huge debts for the Escort, and acquired Escort to become the new owner. However, only after the acquisition found that we are all mixed. Sheng QiuYue look at the eyes of the boss, anxious in my heart, because I do not know how to operate, she can not speak of the Escort, and three gold concept and the original business ideas have a serious conflict, escort contradictions have intensified. Just three gold decided to give up, Sheng QiuYue share their shares to everyone, aroused everyone's confidence in the Escort. Subsequently, Lu SanJin personally led the dart bureau, etc., with practical action to revive the glory of Escort & nbsp ;.

The woman of the king (TV)[2013]

Feature: The "King's Woman" overhead history, dreaming of the Warring States Period, with Xue Shu contestation as a historical background, highlighting the theme of troubled times the heroes, heroic beauty, the heroic beauty of the hero. Different from the "harem" theme of "palace" series and "beauty" series mostly based on prosperity, "The Woman of the King" places characters, emotions, fates and battles in the chaos of the times. The character's character is cursed by the chaos of the chaos and the emotional cues Uneasy things and turmoil. The "Queen's Woman" posters Two men's I love each other, the two women's beauty plan, at any time by the ups and downs of the times pulled, plot ups and downs, ups and downs. Two women, the war of life, that an unclear, unknown love and sorrow, the man conquered the world to conquer the woman, the woman conquered the man to conquer the world. Tell everyone what is a woman conquered the world, for the audience a complete interpretation of what is the hero does not love the country, leaving the world only for the beloved woman's story.

Legend of Lu Zhen (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Legend of Lu Zhen" tells the story of the fictional Northern Qi Dynasty toward Lu Zhen. Lu Zhen was born in the family business, in order to avoid stepmother to kill, she participated in the examination of the palace, escaped into court. Court of Lu Zhen hardworking, hard work, by virtue of its clever wit, become the female officer, but also because of her kindness, touched Chu Jun Gao Zhan's heart. However, the status of the differences, destined to this rough and bumpy feelings. The envy of the palace daughter Shen Bi, the hatred of Gao Zhan's first love lover Xiao HuanYun, and all the other conspiracies and love-hate raids of Lu Zhen, including Gao Zhan's aunt who killed him. Finally, with the courage and wisdom of Lu Zhen, Gao succeeded Gao Zhan in defeating the series of conspiracy the Lou Taihou family launched to usurpation. In the end, Lu Zhen could not become the queen of Gao Zhan because of the mistakes and mistakes, but fortunately they were both left behind until Gao Zhan died. In the end, Lu Zhen assisted young emperor Gao Wei and became prime minister. In charge of everything in the palace and the business of the servants in the DPRK, became the most high-ranking women in the large Qi, harem among the highest grade woman, but also has become the real meaning of the harem Lord.

Dongshan School (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Dongshan School" tells the story of Li YuanFu, Dongshan School's president, who drafted Mao ZeDong at the close of enrollment and opened a whole new world for Mao ZeDong. Here, the juvenile Mao ZeDong once questioned the physics teacher He NanGang and compared with the talented Xiao ZiZhang. He also contradicted himself with Jiang XiaoLian, a teacher of self-cultivation, Praised Japan and took the lead to refuse class. In the end, all these series of incidents were satisfactorily solved by the careful and careful education of the teachers in the school and also promoted the continuous innovation of teaching contents and education methods in Dongshan School. The young Mao ZeDong even benefited greatly. He named himself " "Determined to save the country as its own responsibility to death, from here to Changsha, to the country, to a broader world! At the same time the play for the first time decrypt the Mao family, Wen's family humanities style, made a positive contribution to the study of modern history .

My best is the predecessor (TV)[2013]

Feature: "My Need is the predecessor" is a fragment of the film based on the emotional entanglement of urban men and women, style, easy to comedy. Each episode takes about 15 minutes, with a total of six episodes in the first season and one episode each Thursday. The first season Ke Chuan stars: Deng Chao, Chen Bolin, Tong Dawei, Wang Xuebing, Hu Qiaohua, Yi Yi, Huang Ying, Huang Yixin and so on. Actress Yu Shasha will be in each focus on the many excellent predecessors, this time, she and Tong Da-wei, a "best of meets." In the play, Yu Shasha and Tong Dawei "similar" Wanda Studios, with the "Chinese partner" and blind date. In the face of an obsessive Yu Shasha, the return of "Gao Fu Shuai" by Deng Chao was stress-free and the result was later found to be a misunderstanding between the two, but it aroused Yu Shasha's "fighting spirit."

Big Qin Empire of vertical and horizontal (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The Qin and Qing empire of vertical and horizontal" about Shang Yang change, Qin entered a new era. At this moment, Qin State, on the stage of the Warring States, has stood tall and can not pose for a small state of mind. Qin HuiWenWang came to power to kill Shang Yang, while resolutely extending Shang Yang's law, giving the political situation in Qin Province to provide a change in the imagination. The internal and external enemies can not wait to wait and see. The story begins, a bloody battle is brewing. Qi, Wei Xiang Wang invited Qin Hui Wenjun ceremony, Qin HuiWenWang the king of the two countries into the king of the Three Kingdoms, on the spot proposed to personally attend the Xuzhou King of the Three Kingdoms instrument. This extraordinary move has brought crises. First Wei Wang sent dead halfway robbery Wei Wei later forced Wei Shu assassination of husband Qin HuiWenWang, while Gan Long Du Zhi old clan group and conspiracy, and instigated Yiqun Bingxian Xianyang, intended to separate the new king , Abolished Shang Yang new law. However, Qin HuiWenWang seek determined move, not disturbed chaos, both inside and outside the bow, cut the Gordian knot, both paralyzed the Qi Wei Union, dismantled the calamity of justice and drainage, and once again eradicate the restoration of Gan Long old clan conspiracy. The growing power of the Qin State kept the nations in extreme panic. Warring States into the great challenges of the great opportunity. A large number of elite celebrities have boarded the Warring States Stage, the constant renewed shuffling of relations between countries. Rhinoceros from the Qin into the Wei lobbying the alliance of an alliance of the six countries, constitute the encirclement of the Qin trend. Qin into an unprecedented crisis. Young Qin Guo decisive appointment. This is after Qin Xiaogong's appointment Shang Yang, Qin once again hand in hand with the monarchy, became popular ancient political period. As a result, Zhang Yi frequently shot, maneuvered, time and time again to break the diplomatic difficulties and dangers, wrote the Chinese diplomacy in the history of the movement. Today, thousands of years later, it is still amazing and still shining. The young Qin Huiwen monarch, encouraging inward plowing within the country, making breakthroughs in external affairs and interdependently interacting with each other, although there are risks at any time, the layout of the battlefield is patchy. East out of the valley, the south in the business, west of Sichuan, North Yiyi drainage. Qin HuiWenWang for the history to produce a beautiful report card.

Palace lock bead curtain (TV)[2012]

Feature: Yong Zheng years, alternate four products Code Ling Zhu Lian Lian Lian Fu father made acquaintance with the Seventeen Prince Yun Li HD stills - palace lock bead curtain, the two are two lovers, I want to be married, I did not expect Yun Li to save A LingA, a teacher, was forced to marry Jia Ling, a daughter of A LingA. Lian Er, a heartbroken man, was walking in the palace for a long time and was eager to get out of the ordinary palace. She did not want to be exploited by various forces in the palace. Li Wei wants to form an alliance with her. Tai Jian Su PeiSheng To give her a gift, Yu Shu, a sister-in-law, betrays her. There are all kinds of secrets hidden in the harmonious palace. When Lian Er is breathing out, she accidentally Yong Zheng Fancy, has become a favorite of all kinds of Xi Fei, but at this moment, she suddenly found that all things are complicated at once, stopped to be persecuted, go down may not even myself Know yourself, at the fork in the road, she chose to believe the sun, I believe the storm will always be past, so in her perseverance, finally for their own break a piece of heaven.

Abandoned secret (TV)[2011]

Feature: Abandoned Secrets tells the story of Zhou Yujian female jade piano can not stand her sister An Qiao's unruly waywardness, taking advantage of Lantern Festival will throw her away, a direct result of the mother Ruolan crazy. Ten years later, when Qiuqin propped up the whole family, An Qiao, renamed Liu Liu, came back. She not only won the love of her family but also destroyed Yuqin's eyes. At the same time, Tianyi also love at first sight of this sister. Yu Liu found Liu Liu different, launched a survey and found that the real An Qiao is dead, then Liu Liu who is who. With the extermination they gradually found out that everything was the same with the Zhou family fellow Shih-hsiung a mystery of the year, jade piano for the mother's tolerance of all this, or for the family to expose these conspiracies. At this moment, she found that the whole family did not believe her, and poor Liu Liu always thought she was going to retaliate. Also found himself already dead, suddenly know what to do, then mysterious woman Shen Rou surfaced, revealing the shaking of the secret, Jiangnan family apricot and temple suddenly into crisis & nbsp ;.

National flavor (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Aromatic" describes the beginning of the Republic of China, famous for its scent of Baihuiling every family. Gong ShaoHua, the eldest son of Gongsheli, the eldest son of Baihua Ridge, and Su YuNing, the eldest sister of Miss Su, have made an engagement contract since I was a child. Su YuNing gifted, taste particularly sensitive, is recognized as the first Baihua Ling perfumer. Gong ShaoHua went out to study Lianxiang, Su YuNing met Xiang Xiangda young master Xiang HaoYu, they fall in love at first sight. Su family ruined marriage, the palace grandfather attempting Su compensation for the ancestral perfume recipe, conceal Gong ShaoHua agreed to retire marriage. Su YuNing married the same day, Gong ShaoHua came to stop the wedding, unexpectedly accidentally died in Palace Palace. Two families of the Forbidden City Ming fight for many years, so far it is brought to justice. Xiang HaoYu developed an unparalleled good perfume with the help of Su YuNing. Xiang HaoYu thinks the new perfume is like Su YuNing's beautiful eyes and has the charm of making men drunk and drunk. Love market two disappointments Shaohua made a poison oath, to regain their own women, regain their own family's glory. Haoyu go to Shanghai to participate in million incense, Su YuNing alone to go home. Night Sufu was a fire into the scorched earth. The scene left more than a dozen difficult to defend the defocused body. However, arson is not Shaohua, Hao Ze and Shaw Hua are not guessing who else will be in the background Censor Su. Su YuNing mistakenly believe that Shaohua killed his family, hated China Shaohua. Shaohua Su YuNing locked in the back garden in the greenhouse. Rainy night, drunk Shaohua came to the greenhouse, two violent clashes. At the Wanxiang Fragrant Conference, Haoyu finally won Golden Pedestal "The First Fragrance in the World" and Su YuXin, a young Miss Su Jiaxin who studied new science in Shanghai, Is the bad news that Husseong brought the Su family to be destroyed. Shaohua found an Amnesiac woman who looked exactly like Su YuNing, and spent three years co-cultivating her as another "Suning" full of hatred toward her. Three years later, under the intimidation of her mother Xiang Lin Shi, Haoyu decided to marry Yu Xin on the Tanabata day. And Shaohua think this is the best time to send back to Hong Xiang Ning. Tanabata arrived, Yu Ning Haoyu Ying-Qin embarrassed on his way, Haoyu she was shocked at a glance, the blood spatter on the spot, Ning Ning was also men stabbed into serious injuries. Shaohua and He Kun night search incense house, was found Xiangjiayang gun team. He Kun ran away, shot in Shaohua and rescued by Hao Ze and Wen Yi. Wen Yi, who has always looked down upon the incompetent husband and left out by her husband, has fallen in love with Gong ShaoHua. Haoyu found that the current understanding of rain rather, are forced to instill in her after her memory. Haoyu the whole family are not to tell the truth for the time being rather, he did not want to force amnesia memory and passive acceptance of another person instilling memory, he wanted her to love him again. Xiang Yu Fu Ning Fuming made restless. Shaohua help Haoyu Zhu Shu outlander grab power. Haoyu unprecedented pressure. Haoyu finally touched with their own painful Ning, Ning Yu Ning found it is only a substitute. Haoyu bitter contradiction will account for the plan, the use of a copy of the counterfeit Ningyun to Shaohua, so Gong house bankruptcy. Yu Ning learned that he is just a substitute, in fact, is a woman of unknown origin named ruby, do not want to go back home to see Haoyu Xiang, wandering outside.Red jade seriously injured, ill after suffering from eye disease. Rain heart found ruby, ruby ​​but do not want to fool the heart of rain really love rather rain, refused to go back with rain heart. Haoyu find ruby, posing as a dumb has been with her, until she cured his eyes. Shaohua bankruptcy came to ruby, told him Xiang HaoYu already know she is not really Ning, has been using her facts. Haoyu request red jade forgive yourself. The two decided not to pursue the past, everything from scratch. However, Shaw has really used the remains of the pure Ningyu ruby ​​and was designed by Haoyu fraud cheated. Hao Yu agreed to live for the dead. Ruby endless pain. Shao Huaqiang married red jade, desperate Wen Yi design fans fell all the owner, open the door to help Haoyu into the palace. Haoyu regardless of ruby ​​begging Kennedy, overbearing Red Belly pocket into the brazier: you are not, you can only be my Ning Ning heartbroken, left alone. Shaohua received by the police. He wants to seize the ruby ​​to threaten. Shaohua dying. Wen Yi vowed to live with him, Shaohua moved. Red jade do not count in the hatchet, did not hesitate to return to the fragrant family, in exchange for huge amounts of money to Wen Yi, for the treatment of Shaohua. Shaw shameless. Red want to keep the life of Shaohua, good to know his own life experience, refused to appear in court to prove Shaohua crimes, Haoyu think this is not only red betrayal of his, but also his betrayal of the Ningning. Two intense conflict again, Hongyu left the fragrant home. However, Shaohua also refused to say the truth about her life experience. Red jade after a difficult search, step by step approaching the truth of their own life experience. And her real life is related to the truth that Su was destroyed. Hongyu faces the entrance to life and death, Haoyu save lives, the two finally realized that the most cherished is not not and has been lost, but now can grasp the happiness. Two broken mirror & nbsp;

Happy mother-in-law daughter (TV)[2011]

Feature: In the early years of the Republic of China, the wife of Tie MuEr, a former general of Qing Dynasty, was exquisitely married after her husband ran away from home and took a family life with her three sons. She hoped her sons could choose a daughter-in-law in her direction, but she did not want to. She hoped that good-natured eldest son, Changsheng, would marry a shrewd and capable woman, but he fell in love with Qian ManGuan, who was as fortunate as Cai Rujin. She wanted the brilliant eldest son Chang Huan to marry a dignified and skilled lady, but he was attracted by Tong JinYu, who was simple-minded and often kindhearted to do bad things. She is the eldest son of Chang-chang to study abroad, hoping he Guangzong Yaozu, but he would have to marry his elderly three-year-old traditional woman Zhu BaJie. Three daughters trouble her, she used unique charm affect them, so that big daughter-in-law to get rid of the love of money problems, two daughter-in-law know how to protect the heart, three daughter-in-law come out from inferiority, won the respect of children. The arrival of the New Year, her long-lost husband came back, in the love of invincible love her 20 years of grievances to explain, and ultimately chose to forgive, a gathering of all the people.

DetectiveDeeandtheMysteryofthePhantomFlame (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In 690 AD, after eight years of painstaking efforts, () is about to formally register and become the first female emperor in Chinese history. At that time, China was the largest country with the largest population of the world. Only the Tang Dynasty Luoyang, the population will be nearly one million. The territory of Onion Ling Ling, north of Mongolia, south to Vietnam. With the ascent of Liu Shu-zhang and the symbol of "the highest imperial power" asymptotically completed, the debut ceremony of Wu ZeTian is ready. It is well known that "when the vaults were completed, the empress ascended the throne." Unexpectedly, incredible murder occurred in succession in God Luoyang. Spontaneous combustion of the deceased for no reason, all in the chest and abdomen between the fire, extending to the whole body, just like burning asbestos was burnt ashes, burned part of the coke, such as stranded waste charcoal. Wu ZeTian even more alarmed is that almost all the victims are her crony promoted after pro-government. Obviously, the murderer is challenging her authority. Wu ZeTian knows very well that only by finding the murderer can he or she be able to settle the people's mind and to be able to stabilize his position as soon as he ascended the throne. Wu ZeTian eager to uncovered the murderer, but her enemies are too many, more difficult to distinguish between enemy and me. At this moment, Wu later received the message from Lu Li, a magistrate who has been with great manpower and close ties with her for many years. Speaking of the retrograde crime nowadays, Reminiscent of Di RenJie (), who had the reputation of civil and military possession, she decided to drop the curtain to hear the government because of the young emperor. The first minister to jump out was Di RenJie. Di RenJie was convicted, imprisoned into the burning font prison, flash is eight years. Wu ZeTian ordered that he should enter the palace with her pro-woman and daughter-in-law's personal female officer Shang GuanJingEr () to Di DiJuJie as soon as possible (). Di RenJie is still alive. Not only alive, after eight years of hardship, he turned from a high-spirited and edgy expert to a calm and reserved man. He was in the burning of fonts in the face of blazing fire, incineration outdated memorials. In the face of Shang GuanJingEr, Di RenJie seems to be well prepared. Di RenJie was summoned back to God of Luoyang to meet with Wu ZeTian. The two relatives felt a lot of emotions: one was a man who had the same pride and power that almost shaken his power in the past; and one was a woman who had escalated from eight years of life. Looking at the vicissitudes of Di RenJie, Wu ZeTian he was appointed imperial envoy, in conjunction with the Dali Temple thorough investigation Luoyang burning case. Perhaps at the moment, Di RenJie, with no bureaucratic baggage and wisdom and courage, can penetrate the heart of this treacherous conspiracy. The situation forced, Di RenJie took over this task. Special handling of the Shaolin Temple Siu-Ching Pei DongLai (), overcast mistakes became Di's men. Coupled with the old friend of Di RenJie who was originally in jail, Sha Tuo (now), who is currently in charge of "Floating Chiefs of Float," joined forces to investigate the culprits. In the end, Di RenJie sorted out numerous cases with extraordinary perseverance, courage and wisdom and found Sha Tuo to be the culprit behind the scenes. After a series of fights, she brought the most sinister killers to justice. And he himself paid a huge price for that.

Condor heroes (TV)[2001]


The royal couple matched Yang kang's son Yang Guo From childhood to the lake, by the deceased Guo Jing After receiving and sent to the quanzhen teaching training. Rebellious Yang Guo can't bear the torture, escape from the whole truth into the tomb faction, by Xiao LongNv Take in and teach kung fu. after Li MoChou Entering the tomb and facing life and death, two people from the friendship developed into a deep love. Because the Mongolian steed is about to go south, Guo Jing and others are hard to match. At the critical moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are unwittingly involved in the dispute and defeated Jin LunGuoShi . However, the good things are always going on. Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv have met and separated for many times. After the wulin conference, xiangyang's fierce battle and dangerous situation, he was separated for 16 years. After 16 years, the infatuated Yang Guo finally found the doomed Xiao LongNv at the bottom of the desperate situation, the two returned to the world. At this time, Mongolia is mobilizing troops, xiangyang, Yang Guo defeated the king of the golden wheel, and killed the Mongol emperor with flying rocks Meng Ge Yang Guo Xiao LongNv said goodbye to Guo Jing and so on. With the divine carvings, it is a long way to go & NBSP; .


Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


It is a martial-arts drama produced by Taiwan television, directed by Raymond Lee, lai shuiqing, and starring Richie Jen and Jacklyn Wu.

该剧根据金庸的同名武侠小说改编,主要讲述了南宋末年, Yang Kang 之子 Yang Guo 和其师父 Xiao LongNv 经历了一番江湖恩怨,终成眷属的凄美爱情故事。

The show premiered on August 25, 1998 at 8 p.m.

Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


The condor heroes is an ancient martial arts drama produced by Singapore new media production private limited. It is directed by ma yuhui and zhang longmin, and starred by Christopher Lee (flight actor) and Fann Wong. Based on jin yong's novel of the same name, the play mainly tells the story of Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv experienced a sad and beautiful love and vendetta in the late southern song dynasty. It was broadcast on channel 8 of new media on 2 June 1998.


The smiling pride (TV)[1984]


"The swordsman" is an ancient martial arts drama adapted from cha yong's original novel "the swordsman" by Hong Kong wireless television in 1984. It was produced by li dinglun and starred by Chow yun-fat, Rebecca Chan and Jaime Chik.

Ling HuChong (Chow yun-fat) with a younger sister Yue LingShan (Jaime Chik) childhood, very good feelings.

One day, chong accidentally learned that the qingcheng school wanted to seize the famous Lin family zhenhu's sword, anxious and master Yue BuQun Rushed to the rescue, but the end of a step late, the family has been destroyed, only the young son Lin ping survived, and have been collected under the door.

Heng heng female, Yi Lin And when they were carried away captive by adulterers, they rushed upon one another and fled to the barren mountains. encounter Qu Yang , Liu ZhengFeng When the crisis, music will be two people qin xiao cooperation of the smile of the huhu song wang, to be handed down in the world, wang xianran reply. Original song, liu belong to magic, are two pie, soul mate, become the intimate friend, but was so orthodox forced mutually, two people were hurt happeneth, orthodox people misunderstand and rogue group, to find, yue rushed to, will be washed away, though Lin has a crush on impact, but the body is becoming a monk, only dim, blunt penalty on cliff detention, therefore what made the flat, sandy a evil reason, make three people regret, on the cliff, rushed inadvertently found its sword send tips, and too ShiShu teach nine swords dugu, into the martial arts.

Chong for the rescue master door serious injury, repeated medicine effect.Rushed in the psychosomatic cui, meets the demons taught SAN gu Ren YingYing (Rebecca Chan), surplus hedge heretofore, side to seeking treatment for him, but rushed to bashan still infatuation piece, emotion towards surplus, in fact, yue ji yu Lin jian, he help encourage flat with the lins' search, flat to find sword spectrum, but soon was songshan parents to, comfortable in blunt, blunt desperate killed two people, sword spectrum, back injury faint, I woke up suddenly found sword spectrum has been lost, but be cause of this spectrum to steal. As a result, songshan was sent to ask for help, feeling that the world was too big and had nowhere to live.

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